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Bernard 发音

英:['b?:n?d]  美:['b?rnɑrd]

英:  美:

Bernard 中文意思翻译



Bernard 短语词组

1、Bernard's syndrome ─── [医] 伯纳尔氏综合征, 伯-霍二氏综合征, 霍纳氏综合征(颈交感神经麻痹)

2、Bernard Law Montgomery ─── [网络] 伯纳德·劳·蒙哥马利;蒙哥马力将军;蒙哥马利元帅

3、Bernard Baruch ─── [网络] 巴鲁克;伯纳德巴鲁克;巴路奇

4、Bernard reflex ─── [医] 伯恩哈特氏反射, 施里佛氏反射

5、Bernard-Horner syndrome ─── [医] 伯-霍二氏综合征, 霍纳尔氏综合征(颈交感神经麻痹)

6、Bernard Hinault ─── [网络] 依诺;诺特;伊诺

7、Bernard's glandular layer ─── [医] 伯纳尔氏腺层(胰腺腺泡层)

8、Bernard's puncture ─── [医] 伯纳尔氏穿刺术(穿刺第四脑室)

9、Bernard's canal ─── [医] 伯纳尔氏管(胰副管)

10、Bernard Mannes Baruch ─── [网络] 巴鲁克;华尔街怪杰巴鲁克传

11、Bernard Arthur Owen Williams ─── [网络] 伯纳德·亚瑟·欧文·威廉姆斯

12、Bernard Malamud ─── 伯纳德·马拉默德

13、George Bernard Shaw ─── [网络] 萧伯纳;肖伯纳;英国剧作家肖伯纳

14、Claude Bernard-Horner syndrome ─── [医] 伯-霍二氏综合征, 霍纳氏综合征(颈交感神经麻痹)

15、Bernard's center ─── [医] 伯纳尔氏中枢(第四脑室底的糖尿中枢)

16、Bernard-Sergent syndrome ─── [医] 伯-塞二氏综合征(阿狄森氏病特有的腹泻、呕吐及虚脱)

17、bernard king ─── 伯纳德·金

18、Claude Bernard ─── 贝尔纳

19、Bernard's duct ─── [医] 伯纳尔氏管, 胰副管

Bernard 相似词语短语

1、Bernard ─── n.伯纳德(男子名)

2、gurnard ─── n.鲂鱼

3、ternary ─── adj.[数]三元的,三重的;[数]三进制的;第三的

4、sternward ─── adj.在船尾的;后面的;adv.在船尾

5、Reynard ─── n.列那(中世纪法国讽刺故事中狐狸的名字);狐狸

6、Leonard ─── n.伦纳德(男子名)

7、Barnardo ─── n.巴纳多(人名)

8、Eberhard ─── 埃伯哈德(人名、品牌名)

9、Barnard ─── n.巴纳德(男子名)

Bernard 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Bernard Malamud is a famous American Jewish writer. ─── 伯纳德·马拉默德是当代美国重要的犹太作家之一。

2、Bernard: So you aren't going to purchase an ultrasound machine to use at home? ─── 伯纳德:所以??们不会买超音波机器在家里用罗?

3、"Lack of money is the root of all evil" (George Bernard Shaw). ─── “缺钱是所有罪恶的根源”(乔治·伯纳德·肖)。

4、Bert took his Saint Bernard to the vet. ─── 伯特带着他的圣伯那犬到宠物医院。

5、Pickens /edited by Keith Busby, Bernard Guidot, and Logan E.Whalen. ─── 书名/作者 "De sens rassis"essays in honor of Rupert T.

6、In almost all of Bernard Malamud's works suffering is a major theme. ─── 几乎在所有马拉默所写的小说里,人的受难是他关注的一大主题。

7、Bernard Dunstan's art is created our of visual experience. ─── 伯纳德.邓斯坦的艺术作品给我们创造了栩栩如生的视觉享受。

8、This is Bernard Hunter speaking. ─── 伯:我是伯纳德·亨特。

9、Bernard: You're welcome. So when are you due? ─── 伯纳德:不用客气。??预产期什麽时后?

10、Doctor Bernard said if I was on a desert island, then I would have to get used to my own company, just me and the coconuts. ─── 伯纳德医生说如果我在一个孤岛上,那我就要适应一个人生活,只有我和椰子。

11、The Saint Bernard was used as an avalanche and rescue dog in the snowy passes near the Hospice. ─── 人们在雪崩时用它们来当救护狗,可以在旅客住宿处的雪地上看见它们。

12、They tried to cross a beagle with a Saint Bernard. ─── 他们试着使小猎犬和圣伯纳狗交配。

13、I.Moore ;associate editors Mark Greengrass and Bernard Wasserstein]. ─── 书名/作者 Historical atlas of the world /[general editor R.

14、Bernard : Did you get it back? ─── 伯纳:取回来了吗?

15、Like Bernard Shaw, he has tickled his readers'funny bone with a cultural hotfoot. ─── 他和萧伯纳一样,以文化觉醒来撩拨读者的兴趣。

16、Like Bernard Shaw, he has tickled his readers' funny bone with a cultural hotfoot. ─── 他和萧伯纳一样,以文化觉醒来撩拨读者的兴趣。

17、Bernard himself was no more than a ghost. ─── 伯纳德本人不过是一个虚构的鬼而已。

18、For hundreds of years,St Bernard dogs have saved the lives of travellers crossing the dangerous Pass. ─── 几百年来,圣·伯纳德的狗挽救了许多穿越危险隘口的旅游者的生命。

19、But another young worker at General Electric, Bernard Vonnegut, had become interested in the problem. ─── 但通用电气公司的另外一个青年工人伯纳德 - 冯尼格特却对这个问题产生了兴趣。

20、George Bernard Shaw was born on July 26th in Dublin, a noted socialist who took a leading role in the Fabian Society. ─── 乔治·肖伯纳1856年7月26日生于都柏林,是一位著名的社会主义思想家以及费边社的创始人。

21、For sure, there have been a few high-profile dramas. Bernard Madoff is one, obvious, example. ─── 当然,有一些令人瞩目的事件,伯纳德-马多夫(BernardMadoff)就是一个明显的例子。

22、Johns, Bernard J.Winger, Ralph R.Frasca. ─── 书名/作者 Interactive guide /Sharon K.

23、They're flying.Bianca and Bernard are travelling. ─── 他们在飞。碧卡和伯纳在旅行。

24、A few days later Edouard received a call from Profitendieu, Bernard's foster father. ─── 几天以后,爱德华接待了伯纳德的养父普罗菲恩迪先生的来访。

25、They tried to cross a beagle with a Saint Bernard . ─── 他们试图把小猎兔犬与圣伯纳种救护犬杂交。

26、"They ordered him to drop the weapon several times and he eventually complied," Bernard said. ─── 伯纳德说“他们命令了他几次要他放下枪他才听从。

27、Bernard: No offence, but I always thought those pictures were a little creepy. ─── 伯纳德:无意冒犯,但我总是觉得那些照片有点令人毛骨悚然。

28、Bernard then found Rudolf in Mainz and was able to silence him, returning him to his monastery. ─── 之后,伯纳德在美因茨找到鲁道夫设法使他平静下来,并把他送回原来的修道院。

29、Opie ;with the collaboration of Bernard J.Gersh ... [et al.]. ─── 书名与责任者项 Drugs for the heart / edited by Lionel H.

30、A few days later Edouard received a call from Profitendieu, Bernard's foster father. ─── 几天以后,爱德华接待了伯纳德的养父普罗菲恩迪先生的来访。

31、George Bernard Shaw was well-known by his initials GBS. ─── 人们对萧伯纳姓名的首字母GBS非常熟悉。

32、Bernard had discovered that quickly, and started calling him Worm. ─── 伯纳德很快就发现了这些,开始叫沈虫子。

33、Bert took his Saint Bernard to the vet . ─── 伯特带着他那只叫伯纳德的宠物狗来到了兽医站。.

34、St. Bernard of Clairvaux on the Jewish Problem. ─── 克勒福(光明谷)修道院的圣伯纳德对犹太问题的论述。

35、Bernard made no response to Tom's conversational gambits. ─── 伯纳德没有回应汤姆对话的开场白。

36、Rayport, Bernard J.Jaworski. ─── 作者声明: Jeffrey F.

37、The size of the alleged Bernard Madoff scam, if it lives up to its initial $50bn billing, is astounding, yet unsurprising. ─── 如果伯纳德-马多夫(BernardMadoff)涉嫌的欺诈案规模达到最初所称的500亿美元,那将是令人震惊的,但也不足为奇。

38、Mulford story /by Bernard A.Drew. ─── 书名 :Hopalong Cassidy :the Clarence E.

39、For a hundreds of years, St. Bernard dogs have saved the lives of travellers crossing the dangerous Pass. ─── 一(几)百年以来,圣伯纳德训练的狗拯救了许多穿越危险山口的旅行者的生命。

40、"Maladroit," Bernard called him once, and the name stuck. ─── 伯纳德有一次侮辱的叫他“笨拙”,然后这个外号就流传开了。

41、"People are always blaming their circumstances for what they are" (George Bernard Shaw). ─── “人们经常责备使他们成为现在这个样子的周围环境” (乔治·萧伯纳)。

42、As soon as Bernard had gone into her Bedroom, Armand Bolted the door. Bernard spent the night with Sarah. ─── 伯纳德一进莎拉的门,阿门德就把门给反锁上了。那一夜,伯纳德就跟莎拉一块过。

43、If Bernard had come, everything would have been all right. ─── 伯纳德要是了的话,本来是可以万事大吉的。

44、I bet Bernard is really teed off with me! ─── 我想伯纳德可真的生我气了!

45、Bernard Berkman: I made burgers that time you had pneumonia. ─── 伯纳德:你得肺炎的时候我做过汉堡。

46、President Prof. Bernard Lim explains the HKIA statement to a reporter. ─── 会长林云峰教授向记者介绍学会的期许。

47、Second, Bernard Williams on Moral luck. ─── 二、伯纳德·威廉姆斯对道德运气的论述;

48、Bernard's always spoiling for a fight. He'll rise from his death-bed if there's an injustice to attack. ─── 伯纳德在摩拳擦掌。为了打抱不平,他是可以从他临终的病榻上跳起来的。

49、From rage on the part of Bernard's closest friends and barely contained mirth among the rest, all became somber. ─── 从狂怒的伯纳德的朋友到从容欢笑的其他人,都沉默了。

50、"Her highly strung temperament made her uncertain . . . capricious . . . enchanting" (George Bernard Shaw). ─── “她极易激动的个性使得她性情多变. . .反复无常. . .魅力无穷” (乔治·贝尔纳·萧伯纳)。

51、Bernard Higginbotham had married his sister, and he knew him well. ─── 伯纳德·希金波坦娶了他的姐姐。他对这人很了解.

52、"We must never make experiments to confirm our ideas, but simply to control them" (Claude Bernard). ─── “我们不要用实验来验证我们的想法,只需操纵它们就行了” (克劳德·伯纳德)。

53、"The test of a man's or woman's breeding is how they behave in a quarrel" (George Bernard Shaw). ─── “对某一男人或女人教养的考验是他们在争吵中如何表现” (乔治·萧伯纳)。

54、Bernard is on the crest of a wave because he's just won the football pools. ─── 伯纳德真走运,因为他刚刚赢得了每周足球普尔。

55、Bernard escorted Sarah home. Her room was beyond Armand's, and her brother handed Bernard the candle to light the way. ─── 伯纳德护送莎拉回到家里。莎拉的房间在阿门德房间的里头;莎拉的哥哥递给伯纳德一枝蜡烛照路。

56、Bernard Montgomery (1887-1976), British field marshal, who was one of the leading Allied commanders of World War II. ─── 伯纳德 - 蒙哥马利(1887-1976),英国陆军元帅,二战期间盟军领导人之一。

57、"Because he's so small," Bernard said, "and because he wriggles. ─── 伯纳德说:“因为他小小的,而且他还会蠕动。

58、Bernard?" Her voice rose hysterically. ─── 伯纳德?”她的嗓门歇斯底里地升高了。

59、Bernard : Why, what happened? Did you have an accident? ─── 伯纳:为什么?遇上了意外事故吗?

60、Bernard still blustered and sent his cronies on errands. ─── 伯纳德仍然气势汹汹给他的朋友派差事。

61、For hundreds of years,St Bernard dogs have saved the lives of travellers corssing the dangerous pass. ─── 几百年来,圣·伯纳德狗挽救了许多穿越这个危险关隘旅行者的生命。

62、There are two tragedies in life. One is not to get your heart's desire. The other is to get it. -- George Bernard Shaw. ─── 人生悲剧有二:一是不遂心愿,一是得遂心愿。--萧伯纳。

63、Bernard, Bloodhound, Boxer, Bulldog, Basset. ─── c.第三眼帘脱垂:ST.

64、But a few chafed under Bernard's rule. ─── 但是也有人在伯纳德的制度下受伤害。

65、What's the matter with Bernard today? He started shouting from the moment he stepped into the office. ─── Bernard今天怎么了?他一进入办公室就开始大喊。

66、Bernard's sure to have his spies out looking for me. ─── 伯纳德必定要派他的密探出来找我。

67、Bernard sulked for a few days and then he was fine, and everyone settled into the new pattern. ─── 伯纳德生了几天闷气就好了。每个人都在新的格局中找到了位置。

68、Martin Brown and Bernard Heineman. ─── 作者声明: by F.

69、Bernard Higginbotham was a brute to work her so hard. ─── 伯纳德·希金波坦真是个禽兽,竟叫她这么辛苦。

70、Bernard Matthews has made a lot of wrong moves in its response to the crisis. ─── 伯纳德马修斯已经取得了很大的错误举动在其对危机的反应。

71、Chiappori, Pierre-Andre, Bernard Fortin, and Guy Lacroix. ─── “婚姻市场,离婚立法和家庭劳动力供给。”

72、He replaced Bernard Ebbers who resigned. ─── 他接替被迫辞职的前任CEO伯纳德?埃伯斯成为世界通信的新任领导,

73、For hundreds of years, St Bernard dogs have saved the lives of travellers corssing the dangerous pass. ─── 几百年来,圣?伯纳德的狗挽救了许多穿越这个危险关隘旅行者的生命。

74、George Bernard Shaw once quipped that "the British soldier can stand up to anything except the British War Office. " ─── 萧伯纳曾经戏谑,“英国士兵什么都不怕,就怕陆军部。”

75、Instead, Alphonse brought Bernard's plot to light, and Felis was punished for it's actions. ─── 但结果反而是阿尔丰斯揭穿了他的密谋,费利斯地区为其领主的行为受到了惩处。

76、Bernard Carey is the [prosecutor] at Gacy's trial. ─── 伯纳德.凯里告发了盖西。

77、He fumbled for the knob and entered a lighted room, where sat his sister and Bernard Higginbotham. ─── 他摸索到门把手,进了一间有灯光的屋子,他姐姐和伯纳德·希金波坦坐在屋里。

78、George Bernard Shaw claimed that the best English is spoken in Ireland. ─── George Bernard Shaw认为世界上最好的英语是在爱尔兰。

79、"Somebody's been writing messages using my name." Bernard was sullen. ─── “有人用我的名义发了信息。”伯纳德恼怒的说。

80、"The great advantage of a hotel is that it's a refuge from home life" (George Bernard Shaw). ─── “住旅馆的最大优点是它成为家庭生活的避难所” (乔治·伯纳德·萧)。

81、Bernard would punish him all the more, because he had to rebuild his position. ─── 伯纳德还是会变本加厉的惩治他,因为伯纳德得再次确立自己的地位。

82、Bernard paid much more for his car than it is really worth-there's one born every minute! ─── 伯纳德付的钱远远超过这辆车的价值,世上真是蠢家伙多!

83、The new wonders project was the brainchild of Swiss businessman Bernard Weber. ─── “世界新七大奇迹”由瑞士商人贝尔纳·韦伯先生创立的。

84、The famous monastery of St Bernard, which was founded in the eleventh century, lies about a mile away. ─── 11世纪建造的著名的圣伯纳德修道院位于离山口1英里远的地方。

85、Grasselli and Marcia K.Snavely, Bernard J.Bulkin. ─── 书名 :Chemical applications of Raman spectroscopy /Jeanette G.

86、"Yesterday someone sent a message that was signed GOD," Bernard said. ─── “昨天有人发送的消息署名是‘上帝’。”伯纳德说。

87、"The poor man was shy and hated society" (George Bernard Shaw). ─── “这个穷人畏惧和厌恶与人交往” (乔治·萧伯纳)。

88、George Bernard demonstrated how ridiculous some spelling rules are. ─── 乔治·伯那德曾举例说明某些拼写规则是多么荒谬可笑。

89、Hawk, Bernard L.Oser, and William H. ─── 书刊名 Practical physiological chemistry /Philip B.

Good day to you是什么意思?









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