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08-16 投稿


zoology 发音

[zu?'?l?d??; z??-]

英:  美:

zoology 中文意思翻译



zoology 短语词组

1、invertebrate zoology ─── 无脊椎动物学

2、marine zoology un. ─── 海洋动物学

3、amphibiology definition zoology ─── 两栖动物学定义

4、maxillae definition zoology ─── 上颌骨定义动物学

5、medical zoology ─── [医] 医学动物学

6、vertebrate zoology rorman ─── 脊椎动物学rorman

7、Cannibalism (zoology) ─── 食人(动物学)

8、vertebrate zoology ─── 脊椎动物学

9、learning english with zoology ─── 用动物学学习英语

10、Pedicle (zoology) ─── 梗(动物学)

11、zoology history ─── 动物史

12、ancient history of zoology ─── 古代动物学史

13、tracheae zoology ─── 气管动物学

14、contributions to zoology ─── 对动物学的贡献

15、forest zoology ─── 森林动物学

16、zoology programs ─── 动物学课程

17、school of zoology ─── 动物学院

18、biramous zoology ─── 双性动物学

19、soil zoology ─── 土壤生态

zoology 词性/词形变化,zoology变形

名词复数: zoologies |名词: zoologist |

zoology 相似词语短语

1、homology ─── n.同源;相同;异体同形;同族关系

2、monology ─── n.自言自语;独白(等于monologue)

3、nomology ─── n.法理学;法则论

4、noology ─── n.精神学

5、oology ─── n.鸟卵学

6、horology ─── n.钟表学;测时法;钟表制造术

7、codology ─── n.诡计;戏法

8、nosology ─── n.疾病分类学,疾病分类

9、doxology ─── n.颂歌;上帝赞美诗

zoology 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Group of trade of ZhongGuanCun division trade and division of office of Haidian green zoology (EOD) is very absorbing. ─── 中关村科贸商圈和海淀绿色生态办公区(EOD)都很吸引人。

2、The book focuses on six sections including zoology, the human body and botanics. ─── 该书的主要内容包括生态、人体和植物等六大部分。

3、Agricultural history is long, but expand blindly farming cause zoology to destroy n cultivated land, minatory zoology safety and can develop continuously. ─── 农业历史悠久,但盲目扩大农耕造成生态破坏,威胁生态安全与可持续发展。

4、Industrial system and zoology system are the two big targets that forestry builds, was short of any is misshapen not complete forestry, be " small forestry " . ─── 产业体系和生态体系是林业建设的两大目标,缺了任何一个都是残缺不全的林业,是“小林业”。

5、Tellurian zoology " overdraw " the phenomenon is very serious already, zoology environment arrived quite flimsy degree. ─── 地球上的生态“透支”现象已十分严重,生态环境到了相当脆弱的程度。

6、Ethology is the study of animal behavior, based in zoology. ─── 动物行为学是基于动物学之上的研究动物行为的学科。

7、For example, benefit of shelter-forest, zoology forest the work that operator and Maecenas give. ─── 但是,从实践来看,林业的地位和作用,停留在“口号”上的多,落在实处的少,非凡是林业的一些经济政策不到位,限制了林业的应有发展。

8、He got a comfortable pass in zoology, but barely scraped through in botany. ─── 他毫不费力地通过了动物学考试,可是植物学却差一点不及格。

9、The humanity moves excessively is causing the crisis which the zoology and botany species exterminate. ─── 人类过度活动正在导致动植物物种灭绝的危机。

10、Piaget was launched on a path that would lead to his doctorate in zoology and a lifelong conviction that the way to understand anything is to understand how it evolves. ─── 从此皮雅杰走上了一条引导他获得动物学博士学位以及一个终生信念的道路,那就是:了解任何事物的方法就是要了解它是如何发展的。

11、Amend a standard to reasonable silvan zoology benefit, and voice benefit executed opposite to undertake discussing by the problem such as qualitative compensation. ─── 对合理的森林生态效益补偿标准 ,以及对生态效益实行按质补偿等问题进行了探讨。

12、"Had not formed for Internet video unripe zoology to encircle at present. ─── “目前还没有形成为互联网视频而生的生态圈。”

13、One versed in natural history, especially in zoology or botany. ─── 博物学家精通自然历史,尤其是动物学和植物学的人

14、Chinese have been aware of the importance to protect the zoology circumtance.The action of starting constructing water conservancy is in the ascendant in countryside. ─── 中国人民已逐渐认识到保护生态环境的重要性,在广大农村地区,兴修水利的活动正方兴未艾。

15、Subject_Class: Bioscience; Bionomics ; Botany; Zoology; Physiology; Biology Pharmacy; Biochemistry; Molecule Biology. ─── 生物科学;生态学;植物学;动物学;生理学;生物制药;生物化学;分子生物学。

16、She is very much interested in zoology. ─── 她对动物学非常感兴趣。

17、Dharma Research expends into new areas such as meteorology, psychology, parapsychology, zoology and electromagnetism. ─── 72年开始把研究领域扩展到气象,心理,超心理,生态和电磁学领域。

18、But as a result of before some year hackle denudation, wadi disrepair, natural zoology is destroyed serious.. ─── 但由于前些年的乱砍滥伐 ,河道失修 ,自然生态破坏严重 .

19、Zoology A commensal organism, especially an insect that lives in the nest or burrow of another species. ─── 寄生体,客虫:一种同栖生物体,尤指生活在另一昆虫巢穴中的昆虫

20、Therefore, this paper pointed out the basic thinks and detail ways as well, as relevant policy suggestions for building circular economy and green zoology environment in Jiangxi. ─── 为此,本文提出了打造“循环江西”和“生态江西”的基本思路和具体做法,以及相应的政策建议。

21、She devoted her lifetime to the study of zoology. ─── 她以毕生精力从事动物学研究。

22、Nowadays, vegetation of this one area is exiguous, zoology is exasperate, agricultural fertility is low, the person's vivosphere is browbeaten badly. ─── 如今,这一地区植被稀少,生态恶化,农业生产力低下,人的生存空间受到严重威胁。

23、Zoology is also a very important subject to the students. ─── 对学生来说,动物学也是很重要的。

24、On the base that has limitting to silvan zoology benefit, analysed basis of the academic basis that builds silvan zoology benefit to compensate a system and policy, law. ─── 在对森林生态效益进行界定的基础上,分析了建立森林生态效益补偿制度的理论依据和政策、法律依据。

25、The aquatic resources that laky place forms 530 thousand mus of fresh water mixes churchyard favorable zoology environment, it is Hong Hu two the largest dominant positions. ─── 境内53万亩淡水湖泊所形成的水产资源和良好的生态环境,是洪湖两个最大的优势。

26、Strengthen the mensurable measure that can develop a standard continuously to area, to promoting zoology environment construction is rising to urge action apparently. ─── 加强对区域可持续发展水平的定量测度,对促进生态环境建设起着明显的推动作 用。

27、The branch of zoology that deals with mammals. ─── 哺乳动物学动物学中研究哺乳动物的一个分支

28、These were some of the questions Charles Darwin asked himself over years of research in botany, zoology and geology. ─── 多年来,查尔斯.达尔文在研究植物学、动物学和地质学时,一直在思考着这些问题。

29、As a cross-sectional architect in Japan, Kijo Rokkaku's design work brought us significative edification of the relationship of nature, zoology, human and architecture. ─── 六角先生作为一位具代表性的日本建筑家,他的作品在自然与建筑、生态与建筑、人与建筑、艺术与建筑等方面带给我们启迪。

30、Visible, of land degrade the desert region harm that should compare extreme drought is more serious, frangibility is stronger, zoology environment is weak.. ─── 可见,土地的退化要比极端干旱的沙漠地带危害更为严重,脆弱性更强,生态环境脆弱...

31、It is often considered a branch of biology and sociology, but also draws from ethology, anthropology, evolution, zoology, archaeology, population genetics and other disciplines. ─── 它通常被视为生物学和社会学的一个分支,但是它还从动物行为学、人类学、进化论、动物学、考古学、群体遗传学和其他学科中汲取了知识。

32、Our collagen is porcine collagen comes from Dayi zoology hoggery. ─── 我们的胶原蛋白来自大邑生态养殖区的猪。

33、As a result, "shenren" ideas greatly influenced the spirit zoology of Wei and Jin on the reality life and literature, thereon penetrate into Chinese spiritual kernel. ─── 但“神人”观念却由此从现实生活和文学创作两个层面对魏晋时期的精神生态产生了巨大影响,并深入到中国人的精神内核之中。

34、He's studying zoology at university. ─── 他正在大学念动物学。

35、Its mystery depends on original creation " universe of zoology imitate water " , the water of an autarky distributes circulatory system. ─── 其奥秘就在于独创的“生态模拟水宇宙”,一套自给自足的水分循环系统。

36、A perennial goal in zoology is to infer function from structure, relating the behavior of an organism to its physical form and cellular organization. ─── 动物学的一个长期目的是从结构中推断功能,把一个组织体的行为与其物理结构和细胞组成联系起来。

37、A book or scholarly work on zoology. ─── 动物学书籍或论文

38、TIAN Hua-mei,ZHAO Yun-long,LI Jing-jing,et al.Biochemical changes during embryonic development in the crab Eriocheir sinens[J].Chinese J of Zoology,2002,37(5):18-21. ─── [2]田华梅,赵云龙,李晶晶,等.中华绒螯蟹胚胎发育过程中主要生化成分的变化[J].动物学杂志,2002,37(5):18-21.

39、The basic zoology idea in it is wonderfully resemble with the basic idea in contemporary ecology. ─── 它所蕴含的基本生态理念和现代生态伦理学的基本生态理念惊人地相似。

40、But an American South Carolina Research Institute of Zoology supposes the swimming pool specially, lets tame the teacher “hand in hand” the training young tiger swimming. ─── 但美国南卡罗来纳州一家动物研究所专设游泳池,让驯养师“手把手”训练幼虎游泳。

41、How he did this again and again, like some animal courting rite in an old zoology text. ─── 他一遍又一遍重复这一动作,好像老动物学教科书里写的动物求偶的仪式。

42、Development forestry estate and construction zoology system have coequal and important strategy place. ─── 发展林业产业与建设生态体系具有同等重要的战略地位。

43、"Later we are whole inside zoology catenary, cleaning out treasure greatly was to hold C2B share, this is the core of whole C2B2B2S. ─── “以后我们整个生态链里面,大淘宝是抓住了C2B部分,这是整个C2B2B2S的核心。

44、Zoology was the basic course of biological science. ─── 动物学是生物科学专业重要的专业基础课。

45、Also used in zoology to denote the more fixed attachment of a muscle. ─── 也被用于动物学,在指示肌肉比较固定的附著处。

46、The principal literature comes from zoology. ─── 主要文献都来自动物学。

47、Start decathlon zoology project in the round, improve agricultural environment quality further, increased to fight the calamity, ability that decrease calamity. ─── 全面启动十项生态工程,进一步提高农业环境质量,增强了抗灾、减灾能力。

48、The city is apparently " zoology deficit " area, townsman relies on the ecosystem besides urban border to satisfy basic life requirement. ─── 城市显然是“生态赤字”区 ,城市居民依靠于城市边界之外的生态系统满足基本生活需求。

49、Its spending outlook is lasting on meaning of resource, environment, zoology, lived to produce menace with development to human agelong. ─── 其消费观在资源、环境、生态意义上是不可持续的,对人类永续的生存与发展产生了威胁。

50、It flows to the content of raw material, can inpour travel is mutiple level use, for agricultural zoology benign loop creates advantage. ─── 它对生物质的物流、能流进行多层次利用,为农业生态良性循环创造有利条件。

51、To market of search of electronic business affairs, the zoology state of site of the industry on fractionize market and B2B platform is crucial. ─── 对于未来的电子商务搜索市场而言,细分市场和B2B平台上行业站点的生态状况至关重要。

52、Agricultural zoology and the grain that face when preexistence bound, population, the sources of energy, rich and environment.. ─── 农业生态与当前世界面临的粮食、人口、能源、自然资源和环境...

53、Accordingly, the form of the establish of zoology consciousness and zoology culture is didymous have very important sense at protecting meadow, construction turf. ─── 因此 ,生态意识的确立和生态文化的形成对于保护草地、建设草地具有十分重要的意义。

54、Because this people offerred zoology home,yield (the concept of EDP) . ─── 因此人们提出了生态国内产出(EDP)的概念。

55、Of or relating to the science of zoology. ─── 动物学的动物学的,或与动物学有关的

56、Include science of mechanization of farming, agriculture to change, collectivize of agricultural industrialization, agriculture and agricultural zoology are changed etc. ─── 包括农业机械化、农业科学化、农业产业化、农业集体化和农业生态化等等。

57、Actually, the intangible value of zoology environment absolutely not second at be more than its materiality value far even. ─── 其实,生态环境的无形价值绝不次于甚至远远大于其有形价值。

58、For a few years she would teach zoology at the University of Maryland, continuing her studies in the summer at the Marine Biological Laboratories in Woods Hole, Mass. ─── 之后几年她在马里兰大学教授动物学,并继续在麻州的伍德豪海洋生物实验室学习。

59、For fish to so quickly lose their ability to reproduce is stunning, it's just remarkable," said Michael Blouin, an OSU associate professor of zoology. ─── 俄勒冈州立大学动物学副教授Michael Blouin说:“鱼类以如此快速的速度丧失繁殖能力确实令人震惊,真是非同寻常。

60、Mountain and hill belong to lag district of economic development and weak district of environment,and is abundant district of zoology agriculture in our country too. ─── 丘陵山区属经济发展落后、生态环境脆弱的地区,也是中国生态农业建设内容丰富的地区。

61、The professorship of zoology is vacant and has been advertised. ─── 动物学教授的职位空缺,已登广告征聘。

62、And the prime task of the angel is spreading the concept of health, zoology, environmental protection and popular science. ─── “薰衣草天使”的首要任务,就是把健康、生态、环保、科普的理念在游客中普及。

63、His father is an expert in zoology. ─── 他父亲是动物学专家。

64、Zoology An organ or other structure adapted for sucking nourishment or for clinging to objects by suction. ─── 吸盘,吸嘴:动物的器官和其他结构,智能吸食料或通过吸的动作粘附或抓住一物

65、Nanchang BEST Zoology technology exploitation CO., Ltd. ─── 南昌百世腾生态技术开发有限公司。

66、Zoology and botany are the two main branches of biology. ─── 动物学和植物学是生物学的两大分支。

67、XI Yi-long,TAN Qi-kun.Histological study on the antennal gland of Macrobrachium nipponense[J].Chinese Journal of Zoology,1995,30(5):1-2. ─── [5]席贻龙,谈奇坤.日本沼虾触角腺组织学的初步研究[J].动物学杂志,1995,30(5):1-2.

68、He got a comfortable pass in zoology,but barely scraped through in botany. ─── 他很轻松地通过了动物学考试,但植物学考试只能勉强及格。

69、A perennial goal in zoology is to infer function from structure,relating the behavior of an organism to its physical form and cellular organization. ─── 动物学的唯一长期目的是从框架中推断功能,把唯一组织体的行为与其物理框架和细胞组成联系起来。

70、Siyu worked as a librarian in a zoology institute, and her life had not changed much from that of a college student. ─── 思玉的工作是在动物研究所当图书管理员,她的生活与大学时代相比没有很大变化,她可能在心里仍然认为自己是十八岁的年华。

71、He is an expert in zoology and his fame is worldwide. ─── 他是动物学方面的专家,世界闻名。

72、Wang JQ,Cheng YX,Wu XG,et al. 2005.Morphological Characteristics,Living Habitus and Reproductive Behavior of Onchidium struma[J].Chinese Journal of Zoology,40(1):32-40. ─── [王金庆,成永旭,吴旭干,等. 2005. 瘤背石磺的形态、习性和生殖行为.动物学杂志,40(1):32-40].

73、is often a lingua franca of conferences, for example, and many journal articles in fields as diverse as astronomy, child psychology and zoology have English as a kind of default language. ─── 例如,英语经常是各种会议的通用语,天文学、儿童心理学和动物学等领域的许多期刊文章都将英语作为一种默认语言。

74、Climb the number that raise to mean soil erosion and the austere condition that land changes dene ceaselessly, zoology safety of the country is browbeaten badly. ─── 不断攀升的数字意味着水土流失和土地沙化的严重形势,国家的生态安全受到严重威胁。

75、Of natural history, we had to answer questions on hygiene, botany and zoology. ─── 博物要答着卫生,植物学及动物学的考题。

76、Stone desertion is one of the most serious crises among the environmental problems in the world,and it also becomes the zoology symbol of the environmental depravation. ─── 土地石漠化是环境恶化的生态标志,亦是国土资源开发整治的重要内容。

77、Traveling Items Develop the traveling resources, build up the traveling scenes like zoology, sightsee and old culture sites. ─── 七)旅游项目。开发旅游资源、建设人文资源、生态、观光和古文化遗址等旅游景区。

78、In fact, game theory has scored some of its greatest successes in zoology, most notably by developing the idea of an evolutionarily stable strategy. ─── 实际上,游戏理论在动物学上取得了很大的成功。最著名的就是发展出了进化稳定战略思想。

79、If it worked, however, zoology might end up being the least of the system's uses. ─── 若理想顺利付诸实施的话,动物学家也许反而将成为系统的最低使用者。

80、By examining the economy, politics, social, zoology background, the socialism new agricultural construction stratagem is the lifelikeness annotation to the economic legal system. ─── 审视建设社会主义新农村战略提出的经济、政治、社会、生态等背景特征,建设新农村战略是对经济法理念的生动诠释。

81、But also put in the zoology environment problem with serious move, especially region of farming herd crisscross. ─── 但也存在着严重的生态环境问题,尤其是农牧交错地带。

82、In zoology, the giant panda is Carnivora. ─── 在动物学上,大熊猫属食肉目。

83、The professorshipof zoology is vacant and has been advertised. ─── 动物学教授的职位空缺,已登广告徵聘。

84、The nature of the use benefit of coequal product and zoology environment restores to lead etc. ─── 同等产品的使用效益及生态环境的自然恢复率等。

85、The nurturing-cutting measures should be taken to improve their potential growth and zoology benefit and sufficiently exert theirs zoology domino offect in the future. ─── 今后应对该地区的樟子松人工林和白桦次生林进行抚育间伐,提高该树种的生长潜力和生态效益,充分发挥其绿化荒山、荒地,美化环境的生态效应。

86、To eke out her small income, she contributed feature articles to The Baltimore Sun, most of them related to marine zoology. ─── 为了增加她微薄的收入,她也在巴尔地摩太阳报撰写和海洋动物学相关的专栏文章。

87、Its mystery depends on original creation " universe of zoology imitate water " , the water of an autarky distributes circulatory system. ─── 其奥秘就在于独创的“生态模拟水宇宙”,一套自给自足的水分循环系统。

88、Title: Surpass the Idea of Green Building Materials,Start the New Age of Zoology Building Materials. ─── 关键词:高晶石膏天花板;生态建材;负离子;纳米;抗菌

89、In addition, his book also deals with botany, zoology, mineralogy, physics, astronomy, meteorology, etc.It is really a monumental work in Materia Medica. ─── 另外该书还涉及了植物学、动物学、地质学、药理学、天文学、气象学等学科,是一部真正的药物学不朽著作。


我就是动物科学专业毕业的本科的话 大一都会学一大堆基础课例如 军事理论 高数 大学英语 无机化学 有机化学 思想道德与法律基础 体育 大学信息基础 中国近代史 还有公共基础选修专业课的话 我们是有 专业导论 和 普通动物学大二基础课有 英语 体育 马克思主义基本理论 大学物理 **思想与中国特色社会主义理论体系概论 一样有公共基础选修专业课的话就 解剖学 普通生物学 动物组织胚胎学 生物统计 生物化学 等






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