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08-16 投稿


outhouse 发音

英:['a?tha?s]  美:['a?tha?s]

英:  美:

outhouse 中文意思翻译



outhouse 网络释义

n. 外屋;屋外厕所;附属建筑物n. (Outhouse)人名;(英)奥特豪斯

outhouse 词性/词形变化,outhouse变形

名词复数形式:outhouses 过去式:outhoused

outhouse 相似词语短语

1、nuthouse ─── n.精神病院

2、oasthouse ─── 烘干窑

3、outhouses ─── n.外屋;屋外厕所;附属建筑物;n.(Outhouse)人名;(英)奥特豪斯

4、nuthouses ─── n.精神病院

5、posthouse ─── n.驿站;驿馆

6、porthouse ─── 舷窗

7、boathouse ─── n.船库,艇库

8、nut house ─── 精神病院,疯人院

9、courthouse ─── n.法院;(美)县政府所在地

outhouse 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、What had started as a walk at night to the outhouse had turned into a life and death adventure! ─── 半夜上厕所竟成了一场生死犹关的历险。

2、An outdoor toilet;an outhouse. ─── 简易厕所;户外厕所

3、She rushed out of the bedroom, intending to go and bang on the outhouse door, but at the head of the stairs she paused ─── 她奔出卧室,想去关上外面的门,但走到楼梯口她停住了。

4、What I want out of each and everyone of you is a hard target search of every gas station, residence, warehouse, farmhouse, henhouse, outhouse, and doghouse in that area. ─── 大家逐屋逐户去搜查,加油站,民宅,仓。

5、In the middle of the night nature's call compelled me to visit the outhouse, a task that involved descending the insecure stairs and going across yak territory. ─── 浑浊的空气充斥着一股烟味,以及人们久未洗澡身上发出的难闻气味。半夜时分,我感到便意,不得不去户外上厕所。

6、There must have been an outhouse, too, but my mind never recorded it. ─── 房子外面肯定也有一个厕所,可我的脑子根本没记下这点来。

7、Then the door of the wooden outhouse standing in one corner of the yard opened and out he came,fastening his linen underdrawers. ─── 突然,院子一角厕所的木门开了,他出来了,正在系亚麻布的内裤。

8、She rushed out of the bedroom, intending to go and bang on the outhouse door, but at the head of the stairs she paused. ─── 她奔出卧室,想去关上外面的门,但走到楼梯口她停住了。

9、There’s an outhouse in the woods. ─── 原来老外也有茅厕这种说法。。。。。。

10、There must have been an outhouse, too, but my mind never recorded it. ─── 那里一定也有户外厕所,但我一点也记不起来了。

11、" Some paintings are abstract, and other subjects featured include an outhouse and a person blowing soap bubbles. ─── 此外,还有一些画表现的是抽象的主题,如一幅画描绘的是一座户外厕所和一个吹肥皂泡的人。

12、The outhouse's most modern descendant, the high-tech Brondell Swash 600 toilet seat. ─── 户外厕所革命性产品:Brondell Swash 600高科技马桶座。

13、This is just temporary.” Years went by, however, and we got used to going to the outhouse, hauling buckets of water, heating with wood, bathing in a metal tub, lighting kerosene lamps. ─── 然而,若干年过去了,我们已经习惯了使用室外厕所,用桶打水,用木材生火,用金属浴盆洗澡,用煤油灯照明。

14、An old man with a long white beard was standing in the outhouse, chopping Yule logs. ─── 一个白胡子老头正站在屋外,砍着一块原木。

15、The sparrow 's nest under the outhouse roof had been washed away and the birds flitted in and out of the eaves, panicking. ─── 外间屋顶上的麻雀窝被大雨冲掉了,麻雀在屋檐下惊恐地飞进飞出。

16、Peel is not sure why the outhouse was shot.It could have been vandalism, assault or perhaps somebody's way of creating holes to let air come in and out more easily. ─── 皮尔不确定这些户外厕所为何遭到枪击,有可能是遭人蓄意破坏、攻击,也可能是有人为了让空气更容易流通而穿凿的洞。

17、A farmer gathered his 6 sons and asked, "Which one of you boys pushed the outhouse into the creek? ─── 一个农夫把6个儿子叫到一起问道:"你们谁把户外厕所推到小溪里去了?"

18、Behind it lay small sheds and tents, a rudimentary shower and outhouse. ─── 其后有一顶小棚子和帐篷,一个简陋的淋浴间和厕所。

19、Just an old run-down shack, with an outhouse in back, ─── 后院有茅厕,我们的房子摇摇欲塌。

20、I had to go to the toilet, but I didn't want to use that awful outhouse. So I went off in the woods. ─── 我不得不上卫生间,但是我不想用那糟糕的户外厕所,所以我到树林里去了。

21、So for the year or so we lived out there, on the hottest summer days and the coldest winter nights, we had to go outside to the wooden outhouse to relieve ourselves. ─── 我们住在那儿的一年多里,无论是炎炎夏日,还是凛凛冬夜,都不得不跑到木头搭建的户外厕所去方便。

22、Outhouse racing has its own World Championship. ─── 户外赛车有自己的世界锦标赛。

23、An outdoor toilet; an outhouse. ─── 简易厕所;户外厕所

24、His wife went into the outhouse, which in old houses was always right next to the pigpen. ─── 他的妻子去上厕所,厕所就在猪圈旁的旧屋子里。

25、McCourt's memoir describes an entire block of houses sharing a single outhouse, ground floor dwellings flooded by constant rain, a home infested with rats and vermin. ─── 退伍后,他由军方资助进入纽约大学读书。

26、Some paintings are a tract, and other subjects featured include an outhouse and a person blowing soap bu les. ─── 还有一些作品比较抽象,另有一些画题包括一座户外厕所和一个吹着肥皂泡的人。

27、Then the door of the wooden outhouse standing in one corner of the yard opened and out he came, fastening his linen underdrawers. ─── 突然,院子一角厕所的木门开了,他出来了,正在系亚麻布的内裤。

28、Why don't we just patch on an outhouse in the back yard? ─── 我们为什么不在房屋的后院盖一个呢?

29、built like a brick outhouse ─── adj. 身材很好的

30、A farmer gathered his 6 sons and asked,“Which one of you boys pushed the outhouse into the creek?” ─── 一个农夫把6个儿子叫到一起问道:“你们谁把户外厕所推到小溪里去了?”

31、The king gave them a tiny run-down hut that people used as an outhouse. ─── 国王把一间破败的小茅屋给了他们,那是人们常常用来做厕所用的。

32、I was reading in the inner room, and heard my mother suddenly calling me from the outhouse. ─── 我在里屋看书,忽听外屋妈妈叫我。

33、Naturally present in coffee beans, it smells, as you might guess from the name, like Satan's outhouse. ─── 腐胺的味道,相信你从名字就能猜到,奇臭无比。

34、What I want out of each and everyone of you is a hard target search of every gas station,residence,warehouse,farmhouse,henhouse,outhouse,and doghouse in that area. ─── 大家逐屋逐户去搜查,加油站,民宅,仓库,农舍,鸡舍,厕所都要搜,在这个范围内都要搜.

35、On their feet once more, they began exclaiming indignantly against Feng's treachery, expressing the hope, when they learnt what had happened in the outhouse, that the lime had blinded him permanently. ─── 马彦超说了韦小宝使诡计重创冯锡范的情形,众人登时兴高采烈,都说这厮如此奸恶,只盼石灰便此弄瞎了他双眼。

36、One page later, she notes how "refreshing" it was to count five flyers on a Chinese outhouse wall that advertised where to get an abortion. ─── 就在这一页后,她表示当她知道每个厕所的墙上都有差不多5个传单广告上写着哪里能流产时是多么的“提神”。

37、I got him in the outhouse, jumped him on the stairs, come over to his pillow in the night while he was sleepin and pasted him damn good. ─── 在厕所里,从楼梯上,晚上他睡着的时候,我偷袭他,弄得他很惨。

38、Between 20 and 25 tribal notables sat on the council which was held at the mud-plastered and thatched outhouse of a local landlord of the girl's tribe, the Bunglani Mazari. ─── 他说:“我的家人问我,为什么敢反抗行政委员会的决定?我说,封建统制制度在巴基斯坦仍然顽固地存在着,现在是人们该起来反抗的时候了。”

39、Then the girl came up the stairs, helped me to my feet, guided me to the outhouse, and afterwards escorted me back to my bunk. ─── 事后,我才知道,这个女孩半夜常到楼下查看牦牛。

40、We still use an outhouse at our summer place. ─── 我们在夏季别墅仍然使用室外厕所。

41、The most unusual event at the festival is Latrine Running where an outhouse and its occupier are raced around a course. ─── 在此节庆活动中最特别的莫过于活动厕所竞速比赛,参赛者抬著活动厕所绕著场地跑。

42、His wife went into the outhouse, which in old houses was always right next to the pigpen. ─── 他的妻子去上厕所,厕所就在猪圈旁的旧屋子里。

43、This Taipei restaurant might consider it a compliment to be called an outhouse as the Modern Toilet diner is one of the chain themed eateries appealing to largely young clientele with a special toilet humor. ─── 这家台北餐厅可能会因被称为“厕所”而感到“光荣”,因为这家名为“便所”的主题连锁餐厅以其特有的“厕所式”幽默吸引了很多年轻顾客。

44、Guzman is found dead near the outhouse of one of the rafts. ─── 古兹曼被发现死在其中一只木筏的厕所门外。

45、Later, when I got into politics, being able to say I had lived on a farm with an outhouse made a great story, almost as good as being born in a log cabin. ─── 而在这种情况下我们自身就应该加强理论和工业两方面的训练,充分利用学校的资源,达到自身能力的提高。

46、But he came out of the outhouse not upset at all. And so they said, "Well, did you see George Washington in there? " ─── 但是他出了外屋却一点都不生气,他们就问;“您没有在那里看到华盛顿将军吗?”

47、16) "Capturing the Phylactery" (to get the Phylactery, click on the middle outhouse at 59.80 ─── “拿取护符”(拿取护符时,点击野地中部59,80处)

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