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08-16 投稿


sectarian 发音

英:[sek'te?r??n]  美:[s?k't?r??n]

英:  美:

sectarian 中文意思翻译



sectarian 网络释义

adj. 宗派的;偏狭的;党派心强的n. 属于宗派的人;宗派心强的人;宗派主义者

sectarian 反义词


sectarian 同义词

bigoted |religious | dogmatic | denominational | sectional | sectary | sectarist | partisan | biased | prejudiced | narrow-minded | rigid | intolerant | factional

sectarian 词性/词形变化,sectarian变形

名词: sectarianism |

sectarian 短语词组

1、sectarian bias ─── 门户之见

2、sectarian defined ─── 宗派定义

3、sectarian god ─── 宗派神

4、sectarian define ─── 宗派定义

5、sectarian law ─── 宗派法

6、non-sectarian adj. ─── 不属于任何宗教派别的

7、sectarian definition ─── 宗派定义

8、sectarian strife ─── 派系斗争

9、sectarian state ─── 宗派国家

sectarian 相似词语短语

1、lactarian ─── 乳糖酶

2、unsectarian ─── 不切实际的

3、sectarians ─── adj.宗派的;偏狭的;党派心强的;n.属于宗派的人;宗派心强的人;宗派主义者

4、nectarial ─── adj.甜液的;花蜜的

5、ecotarian ─── n.环保饮食者

6、sectarial ─── 宗教的;派别的

7、sectarianly ─── 宗派的

8、septarian ─── adj.[地质]龟甲的;龟裂的

9、sectaries ─── n.宗派成员,教派成员;非教会派的新教徒

sectarian 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Just ask the Xinhua News Agency reporter Lian Haidong, he said that the local mainstream media or the analysis of a sectarian, for example, Hinduism and Islam between a conflict. ─── 刚才也问到新华社记者廉海东,他说当地主流媒体分析还是一次教派之间的,比如说伊斯兰教和印度教之间的一种冲突。

2、Thus any action divorcing us from the masses has no justification at all and is simply the mischievous result of the sectarian ideas some of our comrades have themselves concocted. ─── 所以,一切脱离群众的行为,并没有任何的根据,只是我们一部分同志自己造出来的宗派主义思想在那里作怪。

3、We used to think scriptures were a library of a sectarian community, but now I think that they think it was a pottery factory or something. ─── 我们过去曾认为经文应该在一个教派群体的文库中,但是现在我想大家认为它存在于一个类似于陶瓷厂的地方。

4、I urgent and sectarian violence has surged acro Iraq in the past few days as Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki struggles to fill two key cabinet positio . ─── 总理马利基努力填补两个关键内阁职务的同时,伊拉克各地的反叛攻击和教派冲突过去几天来不断增加。

5、Equally significant is the verdict against religion-based parties and sectarian politics. ─── 同样重要的是,该裁决反对以宗教为基础的政党和派系政治。

6、Public sentiment has turned strongly against a war that has dragged on for nearly four years with more than 3,000 American dead and violence unabated by insurgents and sectarian militias. ─── 公众对战争的反感情绪变得比以前更强烈,他们对拖延了将近4年,夺走了3000美国人生命的战争,并且伊拉克的起义军,宗教主义军队丝毫没有减退的现状表示不满。

7、Cadres, new and old, should respect each other, learn from each other and overcome their own shortcomings by learning from each other's strong points, so as to unite as one in the common cause and guard against sectarian tendencies. ─── 新老干部应该是彼此尊重,互相学习,取长补短,以便团结一致,进行共同的事业,而防止宗派主义的倾向。

8、Katzman said sectarian tensions could reach a peak as Iraqis decide whether to hold a referendum on the U.S. military presence. ─── 卡兹曼说,在伊拉克人决定是否针对美国在伊拉克驻军问题上进行全民公投期间,宗派之间的紧张局势有可能达到最严重的地步。

9、Like many recent attacks, the bombings appeared intended to inflame sectarian tensions, to weaken Iraq's security forces and to discredit its government. ─── 同最近发生的数起袭击类似,都是意图造成教派紧张局势,削弱伊拉克安保力量并降低政府公信力。

10、And it was his executioners who turned what could have been a moment of catharsis for Iraqis into something that looked primitively cruel, more likely to deepen than to heal Iraq's lethal sectarian divisions. ─── 对萨达姆执行死刑本来有望排解一下伊拉克人的戾气,但这些执行者们制造的画面相当之残忍,反而有可能加剧(而非缓解)伊拉克已经病入膏肓的宗教分裂。

11、They must be completely united and must oppose sectarian tendencies. ─── 两者必须完全团结一致,必须反对宗派主义的倾向。

12、a sectarian mind; the negations of sectarian ideology- Sidney Hook; sectarian squabbles in psychology. ─── 宗派主义想法;拒绝宗派主义的意识-希德尼·胡克;心理学上的宗派主义争论。

13、Oppose an incorrect , sectarian policy on cadres, and uphold the correct policy on cadres. ─── 反对不正确的宗派主义的干部政策,承认正确的干部政策;

14、factional activities; sectarian activities ─── 宗派活动

15、Syrian society is as complex in sectarian make-up as neighbouring Lebanon and Iraq, and harbours similarly volatile groups, including jihadist cells that th government ruthlessly squashes. ─── 叙利亚社会在教派构成上和其邻国黎巴嫩,伊拉克一样复杂,并且盘踞着相类似的激进组织,其中就包括叙政府无情打击的杰哈德。

16、Without a modicum of cohesion at the heart of government, how can Iraq's security forces stick together in the face of sectarian or ethnic tension? ─── 政府内部没有凝聚力,伊拉克安全部队怎能团结一致去面对宗教和种族的紧张形势?

17、Her visit came amid increasing insurgent and sectarian violence in Iraq and growing concern among many experts that Iraq is on the brink of, if not already in, a civil war. ─── 她此次访问是因为伊拉克发生越来越多的叛乱和宗教冲突以及专家们越来越担忧伊拉克即使内战未开始就是已经达到一触即发的边缘了。

18、The over-riding right of working class people, both Protestant and Catholic, not to be dragged into an all-out sectarian conflict on the issue of parades. ─── 压倒一切的权利,工人阶级的人民,包括新教和天主教,而不是被拖入全面教派冲突问题上的游行。

19、"As long as the feeling of identity in Lebanon remains sectarian, it's impossible to talk about history on a patriotic basis, " he said. ─── “只要黎巴嫩的属性仍然感觉有宗派之嫌,那么以爱国的基础谈论历史是根本不可能的。”他说道。

20、Have sectional,sectarian,controversies ─── 党同伐异

21、Some comrades often manifest a sectarian bias in their work, turning the Party into a small circle or faction and forfeiting the Party's leading role. ─── 有些同志在工作中往往存门户之见,使党变成狭小的圈子,变成狭隘的宗派,从而丧失了领导作用。

22、The result was a tragic escalation of sectarian rage and reprisal that continues to this day. ─── 其结果是一直延续到今天的教派怒火和报复的悲剧式升级。

23、In all these relations it is necessary to enhance the spirit of communism and guard against sectarian tendencies, so that the ranks of our Party will be in good order, march in step and therefore fight well. ─── 在这种种方面,都应该提高共产主义精神,防止宗派主义倾向,使我们的党达到队伍整齐,步调一致的目的,以利战斗。

24、Sectarian violence continues to rage across Iraq. At least 14 deaths are reported. Also today the US military announces two more American combat deaths. ─── 教派仇杀依然肆虐伊拉克。据报导至少有14起死亡,同时今天美国军方宣布又有两个驻伊美军死亡。

25、The dark forces of civil conflict and sectarian war will have to be averted, and difficult political and economic concerns addressed. ─── 他们必须避免国内冲突的黑暗面和宗派之间的战争,强调艰难的政治和经济改变。

26、It is that Iraq is sliding into a sectarian war mainly because its fractious politicians have not been willing to make the concessions needed to achieve national reconciliation. ─── 伊拉克正在滑向宗派战争的主要原因是他们那些暴躁的政治家门不愿意做出让步达成全国和解。

27、President Bush's summit with Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki was postponed Wednesday after a White House memo was made public, voicing some doubts about al-Maliki' s capacity to control sectarian violence. ─── 在白宫的一份备忘录被公开后,布什总统与伊拉克总理马利基原定于周三的会议被推迟,这份备忘录对于马里基能否控制宗教冲突的能力表示了怀疑。

28、A "sectarian war," Zarqawi wrote, was the only way Sunni insurgents could win in Iraq, by provoking a Shiite backlash and a rallying of the millions of Sunnis outside the country. ─── 扎卡维在信中写道,逊尼派在伊拉克获胜的唯一途径,只有通过发起与什叶派的对抗并召集国外成千上万的逊尼派重整旗鼓,发动“宗派战争”。

29、The negations of sectarian ideology- Sidney Hook. ─── 拒绝宗派主义的意识-希德尼·胡克。

30、The police said the murder was sectarian. ─── 警方说这是一起派系谋杀。

31、He is exploring the possibility of new ties across sectarian divisions as well as sounding out possible partners for a grand Shia coalition similar to the one that won last time. ─── 他正在寻求可能的新纽带团结宗派分歧人士,试探可能合作伙伴,建立一个大什叶派联合集团,和上次赢得大选一样的。

32、The ministers blamed what they called the sectarian favouritism of the Shia-led government. ─── 五位部长指责什叶派领导的政府具有他们称的宗教偏袒。

33、violence has erupted sporadically throughout a summer of sectarian tension in north Belfast. ─── 整个夏天,贝尔法斯特北部的宗派局势紧张,冲突不时爆发。

34、Despite two decades of doom-and-gloom media coverage of the Province and its sectarian Trouble, he sees unmistakable signs of prosperity. ─── 尽管这20年来,新闻媒介对该省及其教派间冲突的报道都是“死亡黑暗”,他却清楚地看到一派繁荣的景象。

35、They have also staged some spectacular assassinations that have threatened to restart a cycle of sectarian reprisals. ─── 他们也上演了一些惊人的暗杀,威胁重新开始新一轮的宗教报复行动。

36、This does not mean, however, that all our comrades already have a correct sqle in dealing with the masses and are free from sectarian tendencies. ─── 但这并不是说,我们所有的同志对待人民群众都有了正确的作风,都没有了宗派主义的倾向。

37、"As symbols go, few are as national and sectarian as the menorah. It is the symbol of Jewish peoplehood" (Charles Krauthammer) ─── “ 随着信条的转变,少数人像七分枝蜡烛台一样民族化和派系化。它是犹太民族的信条”(查尔斯·克劳萨默)

38、Such sectarian sniping, inflamed by traditional notions of women as the repository of family honour, has not been the only cause of strife. ─── 这些宗派的诽谤,以及传统上妇女是家庭荣誉坚贞者理念的火上加油,不是冲突的唯一原因。

39、The attack bore the markings of sectarian violence that usually flares up every year during the Muslim holy month of Moharram - a mourning period for the seventh century death of Imam Hussein, a grandson of the Prophet Mohammad. ─── 星期四一名疑似逊尼派激进分子在西北部城市白沙瓦的一个什叶派清真寺里开枪,在射杀11人后自爆身亡。

40、Worried Iraqis, notably the Shia, could yet be driven back into the arms of neighbourhood militias, reigniting the sectarian fighting of the past. ─── 忧心忡忡的伊拉克人,特别是什叶派,可能会重新成为武装民兵,再次燃起过去的宗教斗争。)

41、Farish said there is a lack of space or occasion “where our personal private sectarian differences become secondary. ─── 他认为,世俗国的意义在于,每个国民都必须把国民身份“马来西亚人”置放在最高的位置,而不是宗教身份如“穆斯林”。

42、The wind real person, do see qi left so quick to say goodbye to all return to one and sectarian. ─── 清风真人一行看到斯琪这么快就走了也跟众人一一道别回到宗派了。

43、Extremists from all factions could compete to fill that vacuum, causing sectarian killing to multiply on a horrific scale. ─── 各种极端主义将会乘虚而入,宗教残杀事件会以惊人规模增长。

44、However, most of the killing is now part of a sectarian war between Sunnis and the Shias. ─── 不过,现在多数的杀戮源于逊尼与什叶两派的宗派之战。

45、Today this cosmology seems to attract rather the sectarian esoteric kind of people, and not liberals of the more rationalistic kind. ─── 今天,这种宇宙哲学似乎更为具有神秘色彩的教派主义人士欣赏,而不是那些理性得多的自由主义者。

46、His nomination would for the first time place an Arabist with experience in sectarian conflicts, mostly in Lebanon, at the head of the embassy in Baghdad. ─── 他的提名为了第一次会安置一位Arabist以经验在宗教派冲突,主要是黎巴嫩,在巴格达使馆头。

47、At least 13 people died in a sectarian row when Coptic Christians protested against the burning of a church on the outskirts of Cairo. ─── 至少13人死于了一场宗教冲突,当时因开罗郊区一所教堂被烧毁,埃及基督教徒正在进行抗议。

48、The sectarian chasms remain deep, the wounds of strife raw. ─── 各派别的分歧巨大,旧恨新仇交织。

49、The sectarian thinks that he has the sea ladled into his privat pond. ─── 思想狭隘的人认为他已经将海水都舀进了他的私人池塘。

50、factional strife; sectarian strife ─── 宗派斗争

51、The unauthorized video showing witne es taunting the former dictator before his execution has worsened sectarian te io in Iraq and has drawn international criticism. ─── 一段用手机录下的非官方的录像显示,有人在萨达姆行刑前对他进行嘲弄。这段录像使得伊拉克教派之间紧张升级,并招致国际间的批评。

52、Sectarian: Of, relating to, or characteristic of a sect. ─── 宗派的:宗派的、与宗派有关的、或具有宗派色彩的。

53、Kurd and Turk, Baghdad Shia and Saudi Arabian Wahhabi have bridged the sectarian rifts that bedevil their homelands. ─── 库尔德人和土耳其人,巴格达的什叶派和沙特阿拉伯的瓦哈比派已经在此消除了困扰他们国家的教派纷争。

54、In Tehran on Monday, Iran's foreign minister said the best way to end the sectarian fighting in Iraq would be an immediate pullout of U.S. forces. ─── 他又说,伊朗已经建议设立在伊拉克、伊朗、美国设立“多边安全机制”。他并未提供建议的细节,表示,会有华盛顿官员研究。

55、In the real world, the prime minister of Iraq orders the removal of American checkpoints in Baghdad and abets the sectarian militias that are slicing and dicing their country. ─── 在真实的世界里,伊拉克总理下令拆除美国在巴格达的检查站,并唆使把整个国家搞得四分五裂的宗派民兵。

56、attempts to break down the sectarian divide in Northern Ireland ─── 旨在消除北爱尔兰的宗教派系分歧的努力

57、Separatist and sectarian conflicts in Aceh, Ambon and Sulawesi have abated. ─── 亚齐(Aceh)、安汶岛(Ambon)和苏拉威西岛(Sulawesi)的分裂和宗教冲突也减少了。

58、Certainly his underlings dislike the sectarian style Mr Wolfowitz seems to share with the man who appointed him. ─── 无疑,他的下属们都不喜欢他要与任命他的人共享利益的宗派主义风格。

59、New Romanticism: Argument about Sectarian Orientation of Anonymity's Fiction ─── 新浪漫派:无名氏小说的流派定位

60、Studies in the Oral- formula of the Hinayana Sectarian Buddhism Vinaya- pitaka ─── 佛教广律套语研究

61、He may get some votes from Sunnis who think he should be rewarded for stabilising the country after the sectarian bloodbath of 2006. ─── 他可能会得到一些逊尼派的投票,这些人认为他在2006年的宗派流血事件之后稳定了这个国家,应该得到奖赏。

62、In all these Puranas the goddess Lakshmi is given a laudable place without any sectarian dispute. ─── 在所有这些宇宙古史中,女神拉克希米没有任何宗派主义者的争论而被赠予一块值得称赞的地方。

63、The Characteristics, Causes and Prospect of Iraqi Sectarian Conflict ─── 伊拉克教派冲突的特点、缘由与前景

64、A stream of deputies spoke about their dead colleague and many expressed determination to resolve the country's political and sectarian problems. ─── 一些代表们谈到了他们已故的同僚,许多表示下定决心解决国家的政治和宗教问题。

65、The Hindu sectarian view of Indian nationalism is based on a historical misinterpretation, and then they distort history by rewriting textbooks. ─── 印度派对印度国家主义的看法,是对历史的误解,因而,他们在重写教科书时,扭曲了历史。

66、And with her trainer, a Sunni, (she's a Shiite), she has also sprinted improbably past three brutal years of sectarian killings. ─── 人身威胁,安检站,还有不到三个建筑物后飞串的子弹。

67、Some Iraqis say they approve of this rush to reapply social controls.They see them as a good way to fight sectarian violence. ─── 一些伊拉克人表示赞成尽快重新掌控社会,这些措施是打击教派冲突的良方。

68、From her home to the training venue, she has to go through a sectarian conflict area, often with gunfighting. ─── 从家里到场地要经过一片教派冲突地区,经常有枪战。

69、There can be no solution by bringing sectarian politicians together at the top, while the same politicians are further polarising society on the ground. ─── 不可能有解决办法,使教派政治家聚集在顶端,而同样的政治家们进一步两极化的社会问题。

70、He held the Confucianism and was not lindted by sectarian bias. ─── 持守儒家学说,又不囿于门户之见。

71、Aides to a radical Shiite Muslim cleric meet with a key Sunni group in Iraq to ease sectarian tensions amid a spree of violence that's killed hundreds. ─── 回教什叶基本教义派与重要逊尼派团体在伊拉克举行会议,目的在于弭平上百人因宗教狂热而牺牲的纷争。

72、They do not set up any sectarian principles of their own, by which to shape and mould the proletarian movement. ─── 他们不提出任何特殊的原则,用以塑造无产阶级的运动。

73、192 The sectarian thinks that he has the sea ladled into his private pond. ─── 宗派主义者以为他已经把海水都汲进了他私有的池塘里了。

74、Mr Crocker's claim to see a spirit of sectarian reconciliation bubbling just beneath the surface of Iraq's stalemated politics was even less convincing. ─── 克罗克关于民族和解的迹象正在伊拉克的政治僵局中渐渐显现的讲话,则更没说服力。

75、No. In fact, sectarian tendencies still exist among a number of comrades, and in some cases to a very serious degree. ─── 不是的。在一部分同志中,确实还有宗派主义的倾向,有些人并且很严重。

76、In countries as different as Lebanon and Iraq, ethnic, confessional or sectarian differences have thwarted programmes of nation-building. ─── 在如黎巴嫩与伊拉克那样风格迥异的国家组合中,种族、宗派、教派之间的诸多分歧已严重阻碍到国家建设方案的实施。

77、In Britain (or at least England), the tradition of sectarian enmity was not so much purged from the body politic as mislaid. ─── 英国人(至少是英格兰人)更多的是把宗教的传统仇视暂时埋藏,而不是彻底的忘却。

78、Cadres from the outside and those from the locality must unite and combat sectarian tendencies. ─── 外来干部和本地干部必须团结,必须反对宗派主义倾向。

79、Cadres should guard against sectarian tendencies. ─── 干部应该防止宗派主义的倾向。

80、Sectarian divisions were created and fostered by the capitalist class, in order to weaken any united action by working and young people, to defend their capitalist system and interests. ─── 教派分歧创造和培育的资产阶级,为了削弱任何联合行动的工作和青年,以保卫自己的资本主义制度和利益。

81、Religious cults and priesthoods are sectarian by nature ─── 宗教崇拜和僧侣界天然就有派性。

82、Though sectarian conflict is increasing, he says, “It would be a mistake to think that this bloodlust represents widespread sentiment among Iraqis as a whole. ─── 他认为,尽管宗教冲突越演越烈,“认为杀戮欲代表了所有伊拉克人的心境的想法是错误的。

83、This comes following a weekend of increased sectarian violence north of Baghdad. ─── 他们这一举动紧接着巴格达北部升温的宗教冲突。

84、Behind the scenes, Mr Bush probably tried to encourage Mr Maliki to detach himself from Muqtada al-Sadr, the radical Shia cleric whose followers are believed to be responsible for a large share of the sectarian killing. ─── 布什可能在幕后提点马利基同激进的什叶派回教教长萨德尔划清界限,萨德尔的追随者被指需对大规模的宗派杀戮负责。

85、Both leaders, with their legacies riding on the outcome of the war in Iraq, are backing the newly elected Iraqi unity government as the solution to ending sectarian violence. ─── 双方领导人,伊拉克战争作为其“杰作”,将解决宗派主义斗争的唯一希望寄托在了新选出的伊拉克联合政府身上。

86、If the insurgents manage to create strife between the Muslim sects, Shias and Sunnis may be provoked into ditching non-sectarian alliances and falling back on sectarian loyalties. ─── 如果反动分子挑起了穆斯林什叶派和逊尼派之间的纷争,可能会分裂无宗派联盟,使联盟成员重新忠于各自的信仰。

87、The problem with country churches, according to country-lifers, was that they were small, sectarian, obsessed with doctrinal disputes, and consumed by fire-and-brimstone theology. ─── 农村问题学家称,农村教会问题在于它们规模小、宗派主义严重、致力于学理争论,把时间都耗费在神学论争上了。

88、All sectarian ideas are subjectivist and are incompatible with the real needs of the revolution; hence the struggle against sectarianism and the struggle against subjectivism should go on simultaneously. ─── 一切宗派主义思想都是主观主义的,都和革命的实际需要不相符合,所以反对宗派主义和反对主观主义的斗争,应当同时并进。

89、We must intensify our efforts to educate such persons and to make them understand that selfish departmentalism is a sectarian tendency which will become very dangerous, if allowed to develop. ─── 对于这样的人,必须加重教育,使他们懂得这就是一种宗派主义的倾向,如果发展下去,是很危险的。







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