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08-16 投稿


esophageal 发音

英:[[?i:s?'f?d???l]]  美:[[?i:s?'f?d??rl]]

英:  美:

esophageal 中文意思翻译



esophageal 短语词组

1、esophageal antiperistalsis ─── [医] 食管逆蠕动

2、esophageal smear ─── [网络] 食管涂片

3、esophageal hiatus ─── [医] 食管裂孔

4、esophageal plexus ─── [医] 食管丛

5、esophageal sound ─── [医] 食管探子

6、esophageal speech ─── [医] 食管言语(喉管切除后)

7、esophageal forceps ─── [医] 食管钳

8、esophageal reflux ─── 食管返流

9、esophageal glands ─── [医] 食管腺

10、esophageal cardiogram ─── [医] 食管心动图

11、esophageal ulcer ─── [医] 食管溃疡

12、esophageal foramina ─── [医] 食管裂孔

13、esophageal veins ─── 食管静脉

14、esophageal cast ─── [医] 食管管型

15、esophageal tube ─── [医] 食管 ─── [导]管

16、esophageal fistula ─── [医] 食管瘘

17、esophageal leads ─── [医] 食管导程

18、esophageal bougie ─── [医] 食管探条

19、esophageal pile ─── [医] 食管静脉曲张

esophageal 相似词语短语

1、esophagi ─── 食管

2、aerophagia ─── 吞气;吞气症

3、nasopharyngeal ─── adj.鼻咽的

4、oropharyngeal ─── adj.口咽的

5、esophagus ─── n.[解剖]食管;[解剖]食道

6、-sophical ─── 真 的。

7、esophaguses ─── n.[解剖]食管;[解剖]食道

8、esophagitis ─── n.[内科]食管炎,食道炎

9、oesophageal ─── adj.食管的

esophageal 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The results showed that the attenuation of esophageal movement was the important cause of acid regurgitation syndrom... ─── 提示吞酸证的病理机制与食管动力改变有关。

2、Combined modality therapy for esophageal cancer is the one of... ─── 全文介绍食管癌综合治疗的现状及最新进展。

3、Esophageal perforation can be a catastrophic event for a patient regardless of the etiology of the perforation. ─── 食道穿孔是一个灾难性事件的病人,不论其病因的穿孔。

4、CpG may be the optimal adjuvant of human esophageal tumor vaccine and the HLA gene locus may affect T cells function. ─── CpG基序是人食管癌疫苗的有效佐剂,HLA对T细胞功能有影响。

5、In China, the mobility is fairly high, especially esophageal squamous cell carcinoma (ESCC). ─── 我国的食管癌病例中90%以上是食管鳞状细胞癌(esophageal squamous cell carcinoma,ESCC)。

6、Early detection of esophageal cancer blood micrometastasis is useful for clinical application of prognostic factor. ─── 早期发现食管癌的外周血微转移病灶是临床有价值的预后检测指标。

7、Methods 21 case advanced stages esophageal cancer confimed by pathology were implanted with metallic stent. ─── 方法病理证实的晚期食管癌21病例,行放置食管金属内支架治疗。

8、Goyal RK.Neurohumoral,hormanal and dru g receptors for the lower esophageal sph incter.Grastrocnlerology 1978;74:598. ─── 储俊杰,吴国流,李光武,等:5-羟色胺能神经在扬子鳄食管的配布.安微医科大学学报1996;31(6):476.

9、Methods: To review and study the clinical thin of 20 patients of esophageal carcinosarcoma. ─── 方法:对20例食管癌肉瘤病人的临的床资料进行回顾性研究。

10、COX-2 was selectively expressed in some BE epithelium, but not in SRE and nomal esophageal epithelium. ─── COX- 2特异地表达于部分 BE上皮 ,在 SRE及正常食管上皮中不表达。

11、Conclusions Liver,esophageal, lung and gastric cancer are the focal cancer for prevention and control in Tongan district,Fujian. ─── [结论 ]肝癌、食管癌、肺癌、胃癌是同安肿瘤研究与防治的重点。

12、Patients were followed until their stent was remoed and their esophageal leak had resoled. ─── 当取出支架管后对病人进行随访,其食管瘘已经愈合。

13、CONCLUSION Octreotide is an effective drug in the treatment of esophageal varices bleeding. ─── 摘 要目的 为探讨奥曲肽治疗食管胃底静脉曲张破裂出血的疗效.

14、Methods 16 esophageal speakers after total laryngectomy took part in the voice acoustic assessment and MPT measurement. ─── 方法对16例喉全切除食管发音患者进行语音声学分析及最大发声时程的测定,并以健康男性作对照。

15、Esophageal atresia without tracheoesophageal fistula is a rare esophageal anomaly in children. ─── 摘要食道闭锁无合并气管食道瘘管是一种罕见的先天性婴儿食道畸形。

16、The results indicated that nm23 H 1 might play an important role in the carcinogenesis and development of human esophageal squamous cell carcinoma. ─── 提示:nm23?H1在人食管鳞癌发生发展过程中起重要的抑制作用。

17、The study of Eating Cold Nutrltion on Relleving Dysphagia of the Patients with Advanced Esophageal Cancer. ─── 晚期食管癌服冷疗素缓解吞咽困难的探讨。

18、Methods WGW anastomotic stapler was applied in 414 patients with esophageal and gastric cardial carcinoma. ─── 方法对414例食管癌和贲门癌患者使用WGW弯管形吻合器行机械吻合。

19、Methods LHT was performed in 30 patients who had esophageal achalasia with severe dysphagia. ─── 方法 30例伴严重吞咽困难的贲门失弛缓症的患者实行了LHT。

20、By swallowing corrosive esophageal burns, foreign body injuries, chronic ulcers caused due to the scar. ─── 可由误吞腐蚀剂、食管灼伤、异物损伤、慢性溃疡等引起的瘢痕所致。

21、Total regurgitation of swallowed material without any nausea whatsoever suggests esophageal obstruction. ─── 将所进食物全部反出而不伴任何恶心,即说明有食管梗阻。

22、Diluted autoblood transfusion during esophageal and gastric ca-diac cancer operation was performed in 11 eases. ─── 本文报告11例食管、贲门癌手术切除患者血液稀释自体输血的应用。

23、This paper reviewed the progress of esophageal cancer micrometastasis by peripheral blood. ─── 本文拟就食管癌外周血微转移研究的进展予以综述。

24、The heterogeneity of VEGF protein expression in esophageal squamous carcinoma was observed. ─── VEGF在食管鳞癌中的表达存在有异质性。

25、It is well known that human esophageal carcinogenesis is a multifac torial, multistep process. ─── 临床上所见的食管癌患者大部分已有晚期转移,这些患者的预后往往很差。

26、Photodynamic therapy is mainly used to treat esophageal cancer, lung cancer or gastric cancer, and bladder cancer. ─── 光动力疗法这个主要是用来治疗食管癌、肺癌或者是胃癌或者是膀胱肿瘤等等脏器的肿瘤

27、Purpose To investigate if improved treatment of the esophageal stump could decrease the occurrence of anastomotic leak. ─── 摘要目的研究通过改进对食管残端的处理降低吻合口瘘的发生。

28、A chest computed tomography showed esophageal cancer with pneumopericardium. ─── 其胸部电脑断层片也指出食道癌及心包膜腔积气。

29、Esophageal cancer is a common disease in Taiwan. ─── 摘要食道癌是台湾地区常见的疾病。

30、Helps fight: colon, esophageal, oral, and skin cancers. ─── 辅助治疗:结肠、食道、口腔、皮肤癌。

31、Among them the most fundamental ones are esophageal cancer and lung cancer. ─── 其中主要的是食管癌和肺癌。

32、A common cause is bleeding (hemorrhagic shock), typically from trauma, surgical interventions, peptic ulcer, esophageal varices, or aortic aneurysm. ─── 常见原因有出血(出血性休克),主要是有外伤、手术、消化性溃疡、食管静脉曲张或主动脉瘤等引起。

33、Methods Analyze the curative effect of middle thoracic esophageal carcinoma in 62 cases. ─── 方法分析、比较62例胸中段食管癌不同手术入路的治疗效果。

34、Short-term Efficacy of Hemotherapy With Quantum of Light Combined With Radiotherapy on Esophageal Cancer. ─── 光量子血疗配合放射治疗食管癌的近期疗效观察。

35、Radiotherapy is an important contributor to curative treatment of esophageal carcinoma. ─── 放射治疗在食管癌的治疗中占有相当重要的地位。

36、BACKGROUNDTo evaluate the experience of diagnosis, orientation and surgical treatment of esophageal diverticulum. ─── 探讨食管憩室的诊断、定位及手术治疗体会。

37、Methods The esophageal carcinoma cell line CSEC was established by collagenase digestion methods. ─── 方法采用胶原酶消化法建立人食管癌细胞系CSEC。

38、CpG may be the optimal adjuvant of human esophageal cancer vaccine. ─── CpG基序可能是人食管癌疫苗研究中的有效佐剂。

39、Esophagus-Stomach-Abdominal Wall Tube Drainage for Delayed Intrathoracic Esophageal Perforation. ─── 晚期中央型肺癌选择支气管动脉介入治疗。

40、Lugols iodine staining under endoscopy can help the diagnosis of early esophageal cance... ─── 提示:内镜下碘染色对早期食管癌的诊断具有重要意义。

41、The effect of endoscopicvariceal ligation combined with Octreotide or Pituitrin in the treatment of esophageal varices bleeding issatisfactory. ─── 内镜下结扎术联合奥曲肽或垂体后叶素治疗食管静脉曲张破裂出血止血效果确切;

42、Title: Short-term Efficacy of Hemotherapy With Quantum of Light Combined With Radiotherapy on Esophageal Cancer. ─── 关键词:食管肿瘤/放射疗法;食管肿瘤/紫外线疗法;输血;自体;综合疗法;随机对照试验

43、Esophageal varix ligation under endoscope(EVL)is a safe and effective treatment for esophageal varices. ─── 内镜下食管曲张静脉结扎是一种安全有效的新方法。

44、Methods The clinical data of 17 cases for DGE after operation for esophageal carcinoma were analysed retrospectively. ─── 方法 对食管癌术后并发胃排空障碍 17例患者的临床资料进行回顾性分析。

45、Balloon catheter dilation of benign esophageal stenosis in children. ─── 带囊导管扩张术治疗儿童良性食管狭窄。

46、The manometric studies of esophageal motility were performed on 30 normal subjects. ─── 作者对30例正常人进行了食管运动的测压研究,用3头微型换能器进行测压。

47、Pediatric Airway and Esophageal Profiles with Acoustic Reflectometry. ─── 儿科病人气道和食管的档案资料与听觉刺激器。

48、However, the diagnosis of primary esophageal melanoma always should be kept in mind despite of its rarity. ─── 但是原发性食道黑色素瘤总是需要纳入鉴别诊断虽然它是很罕见的。

49、We report a case of esophageal GIST presenting as a mediastinal mass in a 59-year-old male. ─── 在此,我们提出一个59岁男性以纵膈腔肿瘤表现的食道胃肠道间质细胞肿瘤。

50、Esophageal Doppler measured cardiac indices, and an auditory vigilance test measured alertness level after extubation. ─── 以食道都卜勒超音波测量心率,及以听觉警告性测试测量拔除呼吸器后的灵敏度。

51、Methods: The electronic gastroscopy and MAXFORCE TTS water balloon catheter dilator were adopted to dilate esophageal stenosis in86 patients. ─── 方法应用电子胃镜及水囊导管扩张器在直视下治疗食道狭窄86例。

52、The effects of thoracotomy surgery on the accuracy of esophageal core temperature measurement. ─── 开胸手术对于食道中心体温测量准确性的影响。

53、It is well known that human esophageal carcinogenesis is a multifactorial, multistep process. ─── 临床上所见的食管癌患者大部分已有晚期转移,这些患者的预后往往很差。

54、Operatablity did not completely depend on the invasion of the trachea, bronchus and carina of esophageal carcinoma performed with CT. ─── 术前CT检查对食管癌气管、支气管、隆凸浸润早期的诊断,并不能作为放弃手术治疗的依据。

55、Widened esophageal hiatus,flattened posterior diaphragm,shallow posterior costophrenic angle and cardia above diaphragm could be seen. ─── 并有食管裂孔增宽、膈肌后份变平、后肋膈角变浅、贲门位于膈上而食管不短;

56、Objective: To evaluate the pathological and clinical characteristics, treatment methods of esophageal carcinosarcoma. ─── 摘要目的:探讨食管癌肉瘤的病理特征、临床特点和治疗方法。

57、Methods 19 cases of esophageal leiomyoma were performed tumor resection and anastomosis of esophageal and stomach. ─── 方法总结19例各种食管平滑肌瘤切徐,施食管胃吻合术。

58、Among the many likely diagnoses were hiatal or diaphragmatic hernia, neuroblastoma, neurenteric cyst, esophageal duplications... ─── 可能的鉴别诊断有:裂孔或膈疝,神经母细胞瘤,神经管原肠囊肿,食管重复畸形等。

59、Esophageal duplication cysts are frequently encountered in the mediastinum and rarely in the abdomen. ─── 摘要食道复制囊肿经常发生于纵膈腔而很少发生于腹腔内。

60、Objective: To investigate the treatment of portal hypertension (PH) with esophageal variceal bleeding (EVB). ─── 摘要目的:探讨门静脉高压症并管胃底静脉破裂出血的治疗方法。

61、Conclusion:Sandostain is effective ,safe in treating bleeding of esophageal varicosis rapture. ─── 7%,平均止血时间明显优于垂体后叶素。

62、Xu: Photodynamic therapy is mainly used to treat esophageal cancer, lung cancer or gastric cancer, and bladder cancer. ─── 徐:光动力疗法这个主要是用来治疗食管癌、肺癌或者是胃癌或者是膀胱肿瘤等等脏器的肿瘤,

63、Objective To investigate the accuracy of diagnosis and classification of supraventricular tachycardia (SVT) by esophageal electrophysiology. ─── 摘要目的探讨食管电生理检查对室上性心动过速(SVT)诊断及分型的准确性。

64、Aim: To detect the oncosis and microvessel density (MYD) in tissues of esophageal squamous cell carcinoma. ─── 摘要目的:检测人食管鳞状细胞癌组织中细胞胀亡及微血管密度(MVD)。

65、External irradiation combined with intracavitary radiotherapyand concomitant chemotherapy for local adcanced esophageal carcinoma. ─── 局部晚期食管癌体外放射联合腔内放疗同期化疗的随机研究。

66、Metaplasia of esophageal squamous mucosa has occurred here, with gastric type columnar mucosa at the left. ─── 图示食管粘膜化生,左边的胃型柱状上皮取代了正常的食管鳞状上皮。

67、Method The clinical data of 16 cases of esophageal carcinoma who had non-metastatic phyma in the lungs were analyzed. ─── 方法分析16例食管癌同时伴有肺部肿块,经术中或术后病理检查证实为非肿瘤转移患者的临床资料。

68、That is to prevent esophageal cancer we try to interdict the condition and the course of esophageal cancer. ─── 二级预防的内容主要是设法消除食管癌发生的条件或是阻断癌变过程的某一阶段。

69、The esophageal diameter in achalasia was significantly greater than that in health ( P

70、Methods Esophageal mucosa slips into the coat of the stomach and anastomoses it after the carcinomatous tissue excised. ─── 方法常规切除癌肿后全部病例均行食管粘膜胃壁潜入吻合。

71、Unfortunately, he has suffered from esophageal cancer and looks to be in pain. ─── 他不幸得了食管癌,现在看着真是受罪。

72、Methods The images of air-infusion CT scan in 57 ca ses of esophageal carcinoma are retrospectively studied. ─── 方法回顾分析57例应用注气法对食管癌进行CT扫描所获得的图像资料,并与手术所见相比较。

73、Objective To study the effect of curcumin on human esophageal cancer cell lines A549 proliferation and apoptosis. ─── 摘要目的探讨姜黄素对人食管癌A549细胞增殖和细胞凋亡的影响。

74、Cigarette smoking is a major cause of esophageal cancer in the United States. ─── 在美国,吸烟是食管癌的主要元凶。

75、The objective of this paper ws to study esophageal dilatation guided by endoscopy to treat esophageal-cardiac stricture. ─── 摘要为了探讨纤维内镜引导下的食管扩张术治疗食管和贲门处狭窄的临床疗效。

76、Methods: 15 cases of esophageal malignant stricture were treated with radiotherapy for a week followed by metallic stent implantation. ─── 方法:15例食管恶性狭窄病人行镍钛合金记忆支架术,治疗前一周均行放疗。

77、A remarkable epidemiological characteristic for GCA is its very similar geographic distribution with esophageal squamous cell carcinoma (ESCC). ─── GCA的显著流行病学特征是其与食管癌(Esophageal squamous cellcarcinoma,ESCC)地域性分布的一致性。

78、The doctor will do an endoscopic examination and esophageal variceal ligation treatment soon. ─── 中译)医生很快将做个内视镜检查和食道静脉结扎术治疗。

79、Methods Collecting material of young men under 35 with esophageal cancer and cardiac cancer. ─── 方法收集了35岁以下青年人食管贲门癌的病例资料。

80、ABSTRACT Purpose To show the value of the cytological diagnosis in esophageal adenocarcinomas. ─── 摘要 目的:探讨食管中段腺癌的细胞学诊断意义。

81、Esophageal - 35 percent of cases or 5, 800 people. ─── 食管癌- 35%的案例或5 800人。

82、Stent placement is widely used for palliation of dysphagia caused by advanced esophageal carcinoma. ─── 摘要支架成形术目前已广泛用于改善晚期食管癌所致的吞咽困难。

83、Epigenetic mechanism might be associated with reduced expression of FHIT in a part cases of esophageal squamous cell carcinomas. ─── 一部分食管癌FHIT基因表达降调则可能要归因于表遗传机制。

84、Methods: Retrospectively analysed The clinical data of 34 esophageal leiomyoblastoma treated by surgical remedy. ─── 方法:回顾性地分析经外科手术治疗的34例食管平滑肌瘤的临床资料。

85、Death is not an escape for someone who suffers from terminal esophageal cancer. ─── 对一个患晚期食道癌的病人来说,死亡未始不是一种解脱。

86、The early presentation of esophageal malignancy is always negligible, predominately dysphagia or body weight loss. ─── 食道癌初期的症状并不明显,主要是吞嚥困难或体重减轻。

87、Method:Applied natural SS,such as sandostain in treating bleeding of esophageal varicosis rapture and contrasting with pituitrin. ─── 方法:采用天然生长抑素(SS)类似物善得定治疗食道静脉曲张破裂出血并与垂体后叶素作对照。

88、Objective: To study the diagnosis and surgical treatment of esophageal perforation. ─── 摘要目的:探讨食管穿孔的诊断与外科治疗方法。

89、In untreated patients this symptom is usually due to stasis and fermentation of food or esophageal distension. ─── 在未经治疗的患者这种症状通常是由于血瘀和发酵食品或食管扩张。

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