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08-16 投稿


moonstone 发音

英:[?mu?nst??n]  美:[?mu?nsto?n]

英:  美:

moonstone 中文意思翻译



moonstone 短语词组

1、moonstone ring ─── 月光石戒指

2、the moonstone ─── 月亮宝石

3、moonstone gemstone ─── 月亮石宝石

4、moonstone jewelry ─── 月光石珠宝

5、moonstone necklace ─── 月光石项链

6、Moonstone-Orthoclase ─── 月牙石- ─── 月牙石

7、moonstone meaning ─── 月亮石的意思

8、moonstone crystal ─── 月光石晶体

9、moonstone earrings ─── 月光石耳环

10、moonstone marvel ─── 月亮石奇迹

moonstone 词性/词形变化,moonstone变形


moonstone 相似词语短语

1、moonshine ─── 私酒

2、cornstone ─── n.玉米灰岩

3、ironstone ─── n.铁矿石

4、hornstone ─── n.角石

5、woodstone ─── 木化石;[古植]石化木

6、doorstone ─── n.门槛石,门阶石;门口铺石

7、moonstones ─── n.[宝]月长石

8、monotone ─── n.单调;单音调;adj.单调的;vt.单调地读

9、footstone ─── n.基石;墓脚的台石

moonstone 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、i would either remove the moonstone and add a different item , or make it much much much more effective. ─── 我会删除月之石,然后添加一个别的东西,或者把它变得比现在更。。。。。有用。

2、moonstone glass ─── 月长石状玻璃

3、Is it coincidence or is it the Moonstone's bad luck that causes tension and strange things that happen during the rest of the evening? ─── 是一种巧合还是月亮宝石的恶运导致生日晚宴的紧张和奇怪事情发生的呢?

4、Take the Moonstone as revenge for the loss of face ─── 因丢了面子而将宝石拿进行报复

5、This has earned it the renown and sobriquet "The moonstone on the Crown of the Kingdom of Plants". ─── 这已经赚得它名声和绰号 " 在工厂的王国的拱顶上的月长石 " 。

6、Socially, the Moonstone is employed as a touchstone to reflect man's greediness. ─── 从社会方面,月亮石作为一块试金石,用来反应人类的贪婪。

7、Sharp as he is, Cuff is not entirely equipped to deal with the “myth” about the Moonstone. ─── 如他那般内行,Cuff没有完全整装待发去处理关于月亮石的“神话”。

8、When he died he left the Moonstone to his sister's daughter, Rachel, in an act of revenge, passing on his bad fortune to her. ─── 当他去世时,他把月亮宝石留给他姐姐的女儿雷切尔。他是想作为报复,把不幸传给她。

9、What will be the next adventures of the Moonstone? Who can tell? ─── 月亮宝石下回还会有什么奇遇呢?谁说得上!

10、He went to fetch the moonstone, as was privately known to himself and to me. ─── 其实呢,只有我跟他两人知道,他是去取月亮宝石。

11、He was more than surprised when Mr. Godfrey produced the moonstone ─── 等到高孚利先生拿出月亮宝石时,他吓得不得了。

12、black moonstone ─── 黑色月光石

13、Emanating the purity and radiant colour frequencies of iridescent rainbow light, found in mother of pearl, moonstone, diamond, and within our own hearts. ─── 发出呈虹彩彩虹光纯净和光芒四射的颜色频率,发现了在珍珠母里,月长石,金刚石,和在我们自己的心脏之内。

14、The Moonstone looks forth once more over the walls of the sacred city in which its story first began . ─── 月亮宝石再度照耀着这座圣城的城墙了,它的故事就是在这城里开场的。

15、MOONSTONE: Moonstone is the feminine energy stone, a stone of intuition that helps with the total fulfillment of one’s destiny. ─── MOONSTONE: Moonstone 是女性能量宝石,这是敏锐的洞察力宝石,能帮助一履行生命中的目标。

16、The novel The Moonstone is set in England in 1848. ─── 弗兰克林回答说,医生无非是凭猜想来开处方的,这使坎迪医生极为恼火。

17、Moonstone holds the tone of Jurisdiction in the Language of Light. ─── 月亮石持有光之语中权限音调。

18、Should be ok here.It is still too cold for shark to swim beside me.Among the 5 spots near school, moonstone beach seems a good site for me, one of the beginners. ─── 不知道这样会不会让账单下降到正常水平,让室友开心些,实际上这也怪不得我,汽油都翻倍了,那电费能不涨吗。

19、The Moonstone ─── n. 《月亮宝石》,沃尔奇·科林斯(Wilkie Collins)著

20、The moonstone looks forth once more over the walls of the sacred city in which its story first began ─── 月亮宝石再度照耀着这座圣城的城墙了,它的故事就是在这城里开场的。


22、Moonstone: Absorbs pain and illness. Regenerates the tissues and organs. Heals reproductive system. 4th chakra. ─── 月长石:吸收疾病和痛苦。使组织和器官再生,有助于再生系统。用于第四个穴位。

23、Rachel is stubborn in resisting his enquiries about the Moonstone to the degree that she makes it seem as if she does not want the mystery to be solved. ─── Rachel执意不让警官询问有关月亮宝石的事情,她如此固执以致于让人认为她似乎不想解开这个迷团。

24、as for the moonstone , i have heared that it has somehow returned to its home in india , . . . ─── 至于月亮宝石,我听说不知怎么已经返回到它的家乡---印度。

25、the deity commanded that the moonstone should be watched , . . . by three priests in turn. ─── 这位神嘱咐他们,…月亮宝石必须由三位僧侣轮流看守。

26、When he died he left the Moonstone to his sister's daughter, Rachel, in an act of revenge, passing on his bad fortune to her. ─── 当他去世时,他把月亮宝石留给他姐姐的女儿雷切尔。他是想作为报复,把不幸传给她。

27、Lustrous Azure Moonstone Matches a Blue Socket. ─── 异彩碧月石 对应蓝色插槽。

28、We also recommend the addition of moonstone to hold the jurisdiction tone which is associated with boundaries;as well as Pyrite which is associated with the tones of hope. ─── 我们也建议加入月亮石来持有和界域有关的权限音调,同时加入黄铁矿来持有希望音调。

29、Yes! After the lapse of eight centuries, the Moonstone looks forth once more over the walls of the sacred city. ─── 是呀!经历了八个世纪的岁月,月亮宝石再度照耀着这座圣城的城墙。

30、Godfrey Ablewhite is a typical character employed in The Moonstone to represent Collins' purpose. ─── GodfreyAblewhite是本文中的典型人物,代表了Collins的意图。

31、Iwould either remove the moonstone and add a different item, or make itMUCH MUCH MUCH more effective. ─── 我会删除月之石,然后添加一个别的东西,或者把它变得比现在更.....有用。

32、Franklin Blake, meanwhile, received a letter from Rosanna saying that she knew what he had done on the night the Moonstone disappeared. ─── 与此同时,富兰克林·布莱克收到罗莎娜的一封信,信中说她知道在月亮宝石失踪的那个晚上布莱克干过什么事。


34、As for the Moonstone, I have heard that it was somehow returned to his home in India, where it once again decorates the forehead of the statue of the moon god. ─── 至于月亮宝石,我听说它好象不知怎么地已经回到了印度真正属于自己的家,并再度装饰到了月亮神塑像的前额上了。

35、Moonstone will assist initiates in holding their boundaries so that one may ascend in ease. ─── 月亮石将协助提升者保持界域,以便可在轻松中提升。

36、4. Is it coincidence or is it the Moonstone's bad luck that causes the tension and strange things that happen during the rest of the evening ? ─── 这是一种巧合还是月亮宝石的厄运使得那天晚上发生了紧张而奇异的情况吗?

37、The year is 2050.At a temporary surveying base camp on the Moon, Wen Xiang had just finished the molecule coding of the moonstone. ─── 时间是2050年,这里是月球上一个临时的探测基地,文祥刚完成了一片月长石的分子编码。

38、The Moonstone is a sacred Hindu diamond at the forehead of the Moon-God. ─── 月亮石是月亮神额头上的一颗印度教的神圣宝石。

39、The Moonstone, published in 1868, is the first full-length detective novel ever written. ─── 出版于1868年的《月亮石》是有史以来第一部完整的侦探小说。

40、An ancient and priceless piece of jewelry, the Moonstone, has been stolen, and it`s up to you to track it down! ─── 游戏简介 :一件古代的物价珍宝,月石,被盗走了,你必须要找到它!

41、When he died he left the Moonstone to his sister's daughter, Rachel, in an act of revenge, passing on his bad luck to her. ─── 当他临死的时候,他把月亮宝石留给他的外甥女雷切尔来报复他姐姐,他想把月亮宝石所带给他的厄运传递给他外甥女。

42、Here we were, then, at a dead-lock about Miss Rachel--and at a dead-lock about the Moonstone. ─── 这一来,我们在雷茜儿小姐的身上就探听不出什么名堂来,在月亮宝石的问题上也得不到什么结果。

43、albit moonstone ─── 钠长月光石

44、we talk about the moonstone? ─── 我们来讨论一下那块月光石吧?

45、The sacred Moonstone returns to the hands of the Indians. ─── 神圣的月亮石回到了印度人的手中。

46、Rachel is stubborn in resisting his enquiries about the moonstone to thedegreethat she makes it seem as if she doesn't want the mystery to be solved. ─── 雷切尔执意不让他询问关于月亮宝石的事,固执到如此程度以致让人看起来她好象不想解开这个谜团似的。

47、In particular, the Moonstone becomes the sign of England's imperial depredation and the symbol of national rather than a personal crime. ─── 特别是,月亮石成为了英国帝国主义掠夺的象征,与个人犯罪相比,更是民族犯罪的象征。

48、No, of course not. We just want the moonstone. ─── 不,当然不信,我们只想要月光石。


月光石(Moonstone)原名卡拉·索芬(Karla Sofen),她是著名的心理学博士。她对权力和控制他人深深着迷,达到令人厌恶的程度。有一次偶然机会,卡拉被要求治疗前任月光石拥有者劳埃德·布洛赫(Lloyd Bloch)时,卡拉反而用致幻剂来劝说劳埃德给她月光宝石(Moonstone)。获得了月光宝石的卡拉,获得了超乎常人的能力,随着时间的推移,月光宝石成为了卡拉生命的一部分,如果把宝石从她身体内取走,72小时后卡拉会因为没有供能而死去。



血石榴石Blood Garnet,

火焰榴石Flame Spessarite,

深渊橄榄石Deep Peridot,

金色德莱涅石Golden Draenite,

暗黑德莱涅石Shadow Draenite,

碧空月亮石 Azure Moonstone.

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