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chamomile 发音

英:['k?m?ma?l]  美:['k?m?ma?l]

英:  美:

chamomile 中文意思翻译



chamomile 网络释义

n. 甘菊;黄春菊(等于canomile)

chamomile 短语词组

1、yellow chamomile ─── [网络] 春黄菊

2、field chamomile ─── [网络] 野甘菊

3、chamomile flower ring ─── 洋甘菊花环

4、chamomile relaxer ─── 洋甘菊松弛剂

5、chamomile oil ─── [化] 春黄菊油 ─── [医] 洋甘菊油

6、false chamomile ─── [网络] 假洋甘菊

7、German chamomile ─── [网络] 德国洋甘菊;德国黄春菊;德国甘菊

8、wild chamomile ─── [网络] 野洋甘菊;摩洛哥洋甘菊;野甘菊

9、chamomile tea chance thrash ─── 洋甘菊茶机会之旅

10、chamomile absolute ─── 绝对甘菊

11、corn chamomile ─── [网络] 玉米甘菊

12、stinking chamomile ─── [网络] 可都多花菊

13、chamomile flower ─── 洋甘菊花

14、rayless chamomile ─── [网络] 无光洋甘菊

15、German chamomile oil ─── [化] 母菊油

16、sweet false chamomile ─── [网络] 甜假洋甘菊

17、dyers' chamomile ─── [网络] 染色洋甘菊

18、chamomile tea benefits ─── 甘菊茶的好处

19、oil of chamomile ─── [化] 春黄菊油

chamomile 词性/词形变化,chamomile变形

异体字: camomile |

chamomile 相似词语短语

1、chamomile tea ─── 甘菊茶

2、chammies ─── n.麂皮(等于chamois);羚羊皮

3、chamomiles ─── n.甘菊;黄春菊(等于camomile)

4、camomile ─── n.甘菊,春黄菊(等于chamomile)

5、camomiles ─── n.甘菊,春黄菊(等于chamomile)

6、chamoised ─── 羚羊

7、chamois ─── n.麂皮,羚羊皮;岩羚羊(等于rupicapra);油鞣革(等于chamoisskin);n.(Chamois)人名;(法)沙穆瓦

8、chamomile teas ─── 甘菊茶

9、chammied ─── n.麂皮(等于chamois);羚羊皮

chamomile 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、You can find: lavender,rosemary,chamomile thyme,sage,dill, coriander, lemon grass,mint,and basil. ─── 你可以发现:薰衣草,迷迭香,甘菊,百里香,鼠尾草,莳萝,芫荽,柠檬草,薄荷和紫苏(罗勒)。

2、Contains Aloe Vera and Chamomile, natural ingredients that calm and soothe acne inflamed skin.For best results follow with our Special Cucumber Lotion or recommended astringent. ─── 另含有芦荟及洋甘菊,天然有效地舒缓暗疮红肿,配合特效控油黄瓜藤液使用效果更理想(亦可配用适合自己的爽肤水)。

3、4.Designed specially for dry hair this Rose shampoo is infused with Rose Hips, Aloe and the herbal complex of Arnica, Horsetail, Coltsfoot, Sage &Chamomile. ─── 专为乾旱头发设计的有机洗头水,采用玫瑰果籽、芦荟和山金车、木贼、蒿属植物和甘菊。

4、For skin problems German Chamomile seems to be the best. ─── 但对于皮肤类问题则德国洋甘菊似乎才是最好的。

5、Contains C&G ,rich vegetal essence, wheat germ oil, mallow essence,chamomile essence, vitamin E &so on. ─── 主要成份:蕴含C&G、丰富的植物精华,小麦胚芽油、锦葵精华、甘菊精华、维他命E等.

6、It contains vitamin E and soothing extracts of aloe vera, calendula, chamomile, evening primrose oil (essential fatty acid) and cooling menthol. ─── 包含维它命E和让人舒缓的芦荟,金盏草,洋甘菊精华,月见草油和清凉的薄荷醇。

7、A wonderful massage blend for babies is 1 drop Roman Chamomile, 1 drop Lavender, 1 drop Geranium diluted in 2 Tablespoons Sweet Almond oil. ─── 对婴孩最好的按摩油是1滴罗马洋甘菊,1滴薰衣草,1滴天竺葵被稀释在2大汤匙中甜杏仁油。

8、Wheat Protein, Aloe, Chamomile, Citrus, Lemon, Cocoamide DEA, Lauryl-Betaine, Natural Plants Surfactant. ─── 小麦蛋白、芦荟、洋甘菊、柑橘、柠檬、椰子油酸、月桂基甜菜碱、天然植物性洗净成份。

9、Place 1 or 2 drops of sleep enhancing oils such as Chamomile, Lavender or Neroli on your pillow before retiring for restful sleep. ─── 在休息前放一两滴能促进睡眠的精油如洋甘菊、薰衣草或耐奥利在枕头上能得到宁静的睡眠。

10、Ingredient: Licorice Extract, Allantoin, Immune Polysaccharides, Chamomile. ─── 主要成份:甘草精、尿囊素、免疫多糖、洋甘菊等。

11、Relax Allergy &Repair Cleanser(115ml) Ingredients: Dextrose indican surfactants, Green algae extract, HA, amino acid, Natural plant essence(chamomile), etc. ─── 主要成份:葡萄糖苷表面活性剂、天然海藻精华、透明质酸、氨基酸、天然植物洋甘菊精华等。

12、Main Ingredients: hamamelis, cypress, chamomile, liquorice, aloe, acne removing active agent etc. ─── 主要成份:金缕梅、黄柏菊花、甘草、芦荟、抗痘活性剂等。

13、Extracts of Ginseng, Pineapple, Chamomile, Yarrow Flower, St. John's Wort. ─── 人蔘萃取、凤梨萃取、洋甘菊萃取、蓍花草萃取、圣约翰草萃取。

14、John's wort, Chamomile and pure essential oils entrapped in pesticide-free untreated cotton. ─── 十一种耳烛/脐烛利用纯正蜂蜡、蜜糖精华、药草如鼠尾草、金丝桃、甘菊及纯天然香薰油,注入没经漂染的纯棉内制造而成。

15、It is further enhanced with soothing extracts of chamomile, calendula and aloe to calm the skin and maintain a radiant complexion. ─── 另外,面膜中所含的甘菊、金盏草和芦荟提取物加强了它对皮肤的镇静能力,使人保持焕发的肤色。

16、Drink chamomile tea with ginger before going to bed to aid and settle your digestive system. Warm milk can be a sleep aid as well. ─── 睡前喝点甘菊茶,加一点生姜,可以帮助平复消化系统。温牛奶也可以帮助睡眠。

17、Common essential oils used for aromatherapy include chamomile, geranium, lavender, tea tree, lemon, cedarwood and bergamot. ─── 常见的精油芳香疗法包括使用洋甘菊,天竺葵,薰衣草,茶树,柠檬,雪松木及佛手柑。

18、A light-textured moisturiser, rich in the living energy of calendula, daisy and chamomile to hydrate the skin and help rebalance oiliness. ─── 平衡油性肌肤,蕴含金盏花、雏菊、洋甘菊等天然力量,质感清爽,能有效提升肌肤水份同时平衡肌肤的油脂分泌。

19、Veins arteries row poison Oil Rose Chamomile Lavende The help body resists the disease, and expel the endotoxin. ─── 协助身体抵御疾病,排除体内积累的各种毒素,拥有健康的肌肤环境。

20、Contains C&G ,rich vegetal essence, wheat germ oil, mallow essence,chamomile essence, vitamin E &so on。 ─── 主要成份:蕴含C&G、丰富的植物精华,小麦胚芽油、锦葵精华、甘菊精华、维他命E等。

21、Efficacy: Fresh and pure Chamomile essence oil matching with the nourishing and moisturizing efficacy formed by nourishing honey makes you fragrant and free as if you were back to the nature. ─── 功效:清新的洋甘菊精油,搭配滋润的蜂蜜所交织出滋润、保湿的功效,让你散发出甜蜜诱惑的自然芬芳气息,犹如回归到自然的怀抱中。

22、Ingredients: Alga essence, alkyl indican, chamomile essence, etc. ─── 主要成分:海藻精华、烷基糖苷、洋甘菊精华等。

23、Wheat Protein, Aloe, Chamomile, Grape Seed Extract, Lemon Extract, Cucumber Extract, Phyto-Collagen, Grape Seed Oil, Lanolin, NMF. ─── 小麦蛋白、芦荟、洋甘菊、葡萄籽萃取、柠檬萃取、小黄瓜萃取、植物性胶原蛋白、葡萄籽油、羊毛脂、天然保湿因子。

24、Main Ingredients: hamamelis, cypress, chamomile, liquorice, aloe, lavender and alga extract etc. ─── 主要成份:金缕梅、黄柏菊花、甘草、芦荟、熏衣草、海藻提取物等。

25、Ingredients: Natural spring water, chamomile, hamamelis extract, VC, VE, HA. ─── 主要成份:天然活泉水、洋甘菊、金缕梅精华、维他命C、E、透明质酸。

26、The product is specially developed for sensitive skin, can clean pore dirt, sebum and sweat mildly, the chamomile and lavender essence the product contains can repair the sensitivity of skin efficiently. ─── 专为敏感肌肤研制,温和清洁毛孔内污垢及油脂汗腻,含有洋苷菊精华和薰衣草精华,有效修护皮肤的敏感度。

27、Main Ingredients:Hamamelis, chamomile, licorice extract, sea creature essence, biological essence, bio-enzyme, etc. ─── 主要成份:含金缕酶、洋甘菊、甘草提取液、海洋生物精华、生物酶等。

28、It contains natural olive essence, chamomile essence and vitamin B5, and can quickly dissolve and remove hyhilic liquid eye liner and mascara without extra burden and stimulation to skin. ─── 内含天然橄榄精华、甘菊精华及维生素B5,可迅速溶解并去除水性眼线液、睫毛膏,不增加肌肤负担,温和不刺激。

29、A specially gentle shampoo, suitable for sensitive scalps. It contains chamomile, ─── 性质特别温和,适合敏感头皮。它包含洋甘菊,

30、Ingredient:Microcystis sugar source, chamomile extract, soft malt extract, seaweed polysaccharides, epidermal growth factor. ─── 成份:微囊糖源,甘菊萃取液,软麦芽提取物,海藻多糖,表皮生长因子。

31、Ingredients: pure olive essential oil, fruit acid, saffron, chamomile, rose hip, snow lotus etc. ─── 成份:清纯橄榄精油、果酸、藏红花、洋甘菊、玫瑰果、雪莲等纯植物萃取精华。

32、Chamomile will attach to such substances and assist them in being removed through the waste management systems in ascension. ─── 在提升中,洋甘菊将连接到这类毒素物质中,协助将它们籍由排泄系统而排除。

33、Main compositions: Chamomile extract, natural moisture factor, polylol. ─── 主要成份:洋甘菊精华,天然保湿因子、多元醇。

34、A rich moisturiser infused with the living energy of calendula and chamomile and precious plant oils of rosehip and avocado to protect the skin from dryness. ─── 平衡乾性肌肤,蕴含金盏花、洋金菊等天然力量,配合珍贵的玫瑰果油及牛油果油,具高效保湿成份的面霜,能全面滋润及保护肌肤。

35、chamomile, valerian, kava, passionflower, skullcap, catnip, or hops. ─── 甘菊,缬草,卡瓦胡椒,,西番莲,美黄芩,猫薄荷(我靠!) ,啤酒花被证明是有效的。

36、Chamomile is good for soothing skin and irritated scalps; this herb is often recommended for people with sensitive skin. ─── 洋甘菊有利于润滑肌肤和治疗头皮发炎。这种草药经常推荐给有敏感肌肤的人。

37、Wheat Protein, Aloe, Chamomile, Hyaluronic Acid, Grape Seed Oil, Corn Powder, Allantoin, NMF. ─── 小麦蛋白、芦荟、洋甘菊、玻尿酸、葡萄籽油、玉米淀粉、尿囊素、天然保湿因子。

38、Spread Bathina's luxurious chamomile cream onto skin and let the pleasure begin. ─── 一大把的乳霜在身上,用它内附的专用泡芙,轻轻推匀,再用刮毛刀刮除毛发即可。

39、Try a herbal remedy. Herbs recommended for relaxation and to combat sleeplessness include chamomile, passionflower, valerian and St. John's wort. ─── 尝试草本疗法。您或许想试试一些具纾缓作用的草本植物如黄金菊、西番莲、缬草或金丝桃,以减轻间歇性失眠。

40、For instance, rose hips contain vitamin C; chamomile helps many people relax; and peppermint has a noticeable soothing effect on the stomach. ─── 例如,野玫瑰果含维生素C,甘菊有助于人们进行放松,薄荷对胃的好外是显而易见的。

41、Some common herbs that are used as tisanes are peppermint, chamomile, rose hips, verbena, and fennel . ─── 一些用来煎药的普通草药有薄荷,甘菊,野玫瑰果,柠檬,茴香。

42、Chamomile、Clary Sage、Rosemary and so on。 ─── 主要成份:德国洋甘菊、快乐鼠尾草、迷迭香等。

43、It contains extracts of aloe vera, calendula, chamomile, evening primrose oil (essential fatty acid), lavender, echinacea and vitamins A and E. ─── 包括特别的芦荟油,金盏草,洋甘菊,月见草油(精华脂肪酸)熏衣草,紫锥草和维它命A和E。

44、Ingredients: white tuckahoe, aloe, white awn, seawater, alga, evergreen bines, angelica, chamomile, glossy ganoderma, etc. ─── 多种名贵中药,直接针对眼部,增强眼机能的循环动力,使保持眼睛膨胀的增压液气流贯通,气助血行,气血相生,眼睛滋生神采。

45、Wheat Protein, Aloe, Chamomile, Coconut oil, Cotton seed extract, Castor seed extract, Pine extract, Citrus extract, Lemon extract, Lauryl-Betaine, Natural Plants Surfactants. ─── 小麦蛋白、芦荟、洋甘菊、椰子油、棉籽萃取、篦麻籽萃取、松树萃取、柑橘萃取、柠檬萃取物、月桂基甜菜碱、天然植物洗净成份。

46、Main Ingredients: Hamamelis, chamomile, licorice extract, sea creature essence, biological essence, bio-enzyme, PNYE and native protein lecithin, etc. ─── 主要成份:含金缕酶、洋甘菊、甘草提取液、海洋生物精华、生物酶、酵母萃取精华、甘酵酸、天然蛋白卵磷脂等。

47、Function: Remove comedo and scrub dead cell, Oil control, Chamomile anti-sensitive, shrink pore, Lavender disinfect &sterilize. Soften and tighten skin without oily feel. ─── 功效:清除脸部的黑头、角质、控制油脂的分泌、洋甘菊抗过敏,收缩毛孔,熏衣草消毒杀菌。使皮肤柔软紧致不泛油光。

48、Natural Amino Acid, Wheat Protein, Aloe, Chamomile, Lemon, Grape Seed Extract, Lauryl-Betaine, Natural Citrus Acid, NMF. ─── 天然氨基酸、小麦蛋白、芦荟、洋甘菊、柠檬、葡萄籽萃取、月桂基甜菜碱、天然柠檬酸、天然保湿因子。

49、Main Ingredients: tea tree essence, hamamelis, cypress, chamomile and aloe etc. ─── 主要成份:茶树精华、金缕梅、黄柏菊花、芦荟等。

50、You may well drool over this product's ingredient list, as it includes pure Blue Chamomile. ─── 为响应顾客的需求而研发的调理性产品。

51、St Johns Wort Oil, Tocopheryl Acetate (vit E), Chamomile Extract &Lavender Extract. ─── 圣约翰草油,维生素E,洋甘菊及熏衣草萃取精华.

52、Ingredients: pure olive essential oil, red ginseng, saffron, chamomile, vitamin E, levorotatory VC, collagen etc. ─── 成份:清纯橄榄精油、红参、藏红花、洋甘菊、维他命E、左旋VC、胶原蛋白等。

53、Main Ingredients: It rich in Minerals and Trace Elements ,Active Ingerdients ,Seaweed Extract,Burdock Root Extract,Chamomile Extract,Collagen ,VB3,VC. ─── 主要成份:丰富的矿物质及活性成分以及微量无素,海藻萃取菁华泥、牛蒡根萃取液、洋甘菊萃取液、胶原蛋白、VB3、VC等。

54、Our Uniquie Formulaton contains Cucumber, Chamomile, Green Tea Extracts and Caffeine to Soothe, Hydrate and Energize your skin. ─── 其中含有黄瓜,洋柑桔,茶树萃取等成分,补水嫩肤的同时也可以让脸部妆容更显自然!

55、Tea Oil、Chamomile、Clary Sage、Rosemary and so on。 ─── 主要成份:茶树油、德国洋甘菊、快乐鼠尾草、迷迭香等。

56、Contains spirea ,chamomile essence ,natural vegetal moisturizing factor ,several vitamin. ─── 主要成份 : 蕴含绣线菊、洋甘菊精华、天然植物保湿因子、多种维生素。

57、Main compositions: Extract of grape pip, Cornflower, Chamomile extract, Capillarie repair factor. ─── 主要成份:葡萄籽精华,甘菊提取液、红血丝修复因子、矢车菊精华。

58、Ingredient: Chamomile and amino acid etc. ─── 主要成份:洋甘菊、氨基酸、水解丝蛋白等。

59、With conditioning ingredients and oils of rosemary, sage, and lavender and panthenol Chamomile accentuates natural highlights of blonde and lighter hair colors N... ─── 商品说明 含浓缩蛋白素植物洗发精,适合中性至干性头皮及头发使用,加入了甘菊精华让淡色发丝更加亮泽.

60、Chamomile was used for highlighting blonde hair nuances. ─── 甘菊曾被用来提亮金色头发。

61、Ingredient: Licorice Extract, Soothing Factor, Chamomile, Hamamelis, Aloe Extract, Permeating Ion Factor. ─── 主要成份:甘草液、舒缓因子、洋甘菊、金缕梅、芦荟提取液、离子渗透因子。

62、1.Ingredients: pure olive essential oil, saffron, resina draconis, liquorice essence, grape seed, chamomile extract etc. ─── 成份:清纯橄榄精油、藏红花、血蝎、甘草精华、葡萄籽、洋甘菊纯露等。

63、Infused with meadowsweet to help purify skin as well as aloe and chamomile to protect against Dryness and reduce the appearance of redness. ─── 沉浸在绣线菊来帮助净化肌肤以及芦荟、洋甘菊,防止干裂和减少出现红肿。

64、Ingredients: pure olive essential oil, red ginseng, patchouly, liquorice extract, chamomile, natural aloe extract etc. ─── 成份:清纯橄榄精油、红参、广霍香、甘草萃取物、洋甘菊、天然芦荟提取液等。

65、Finet chamomile whole flowers from Egypt and Poland natural light and sweet taste, is noted for its calming properties. ─── 产自埃及和波兰的顶级洋甘菊花,自然清淡的甘甜口感,具有镇定安神的功效。

66、Grapefruit pink、Chamomile、Orange Sweet、Wheatgerm、Jojoba and so on。 ─── 主要成份:粉葡萄柚、洋甘菊、甜橙、小麦胚芽、荷荷芭油等。

67、Ingredients:Aloe Barbadensis.Vitamin E Acetate,Comfrey Leaf Extract,Vitamin A Palmitate,Citric Acid,Chamomile Extract,Marigold Flower Extract. ─── 主要成分:有机吉拉索芦荟,维他命E,紫草精华,棕榈酸维他命A素,柠檬酸,甘菊精华,金盏花精华。

68、Located in Trout Lake in southern Washington, there are 699 acres (282 hectares) of farmland where Nutrilite can grow up to 70 botanicals and 3 million pounds of herbs every year, including Echinacea and chamomile. ─── 健尔力置于华盛顿南部鲑鱼湖的699英亩(282公顷)农地,每年能种植70种植物及300万磅草本植物,包括紫椎花及黄金菊。

69、Marshmallow, Spearmint, Chamomile, Lemon Balm, Red Raspberry, Orange Peel, Slippery Elm Bark, Fenugreek, Peppermint, Stevia. ─── 含天然有机草本茶叶: 柠檬香蜂草、洋甘菊、燕麦草杆、橙皮、红桑子。

70、A relaxing massage oil infused with chamomile and lavender to calm and help with restful sleep. ─── 具卓越舒缓及镇静功效,蕴含洋甘菊、薰衣草等天然力量,有助婴儿入睡。

71、The lotion contains chamomile, aloe vera, rose hips, cucumber and sweet almond oil extracts to leave skin feeling soft and smooth. ─── 乳霜状质地,带有清香啤梨味,用后令肌肤感觉柔软润滑。

72、Small Box :Ginger, Oasis,Flora ,Jasmine Black,Eral Grey,Citrus Mint,Chamomile Tisane. ─── 小听包含7种茶:姜茶,绿怡茶,芙蓉茶,茉莉红茶,伯爵茶,薄荷茶,甜菊茶。

73、Most actors are singing to carry the Golden Melody-jets, and Savimbi's security guards Sang Ding Ding is the magic weapon of the four original flavor: honeysuckle, TGP, chamomile, purple butterfly. ─── 大多数歌唱演员都随身携带着金嗓子喉宝,而萨顶顶的护嗓法宝是独创的四味:金银花、白芍、甘菊、紫蝴蝶。

74、Wheat Protein, Aloe, Chamomile, Grape Seed Oil, Rosemary, Eucalyptus, Lavender, Bergamot, Peppermint, Citronella, Tea Tree, Lemon, NMF. ─── 小麦蛋白、芦荟、洋甘菊、葡萄籽油,迷迭香、尤加利、薰衣草、佛手柑、薄荷、香茅、茶树、柠檬等精油、天然保湿因子。

75、Ingredients: Deionized water, glycerin, squalane, siloxane, polyacrylic acid copolymer, chamomile, HA, imidazolidinyl urea, VE, essence, etc. ─── 主要成份:去离子水、甘油、角鲨烷、硅氧烷、聚丙烯酸共聚物、洋甘菊、透明质酸、烷基咪唑脲、维他命E、香精等。

76、Efficacy: Chamomile essence can supply hair with moisture and protein, repair the hurt hair, make hair smooth, shiny, healthy and easy to deal with. ─── 功效:洋甘菊精华能够补充秀发的水分及蛋白质,修护受损毛鳞片和发芯,令秀发顺滑亮泽,健康易于梳理。

77、Ingredients : Aqua, Collagen, Cucumber, Chamomile, Hyaluronic acid, Aloe Vera, Glycerin, Squalene. ─── 成份:海底胶原、小黄瓜、甘菊、玻尿酸、芦荟、甘油、鲨烯。

78、Wheat Protein, Aloe, Chamomile, Grape Seed Extract, Lauryl-Betaine, Natural Citrus Acid, Natural Plants Surfactants, NMF. ─── 小麦蛋白、芦荟、洋甘菊、葡萄籽萃取、月桂基甜菜碱、天然柠檬酸、天然植物性洁净成份、天然保湿因子。

79、We blend that tea by mixing chamomile with pekoe. ─── 我们用甘菊和香红茶混合调制成那种茶。

80、Containing rosemary and chamomile,It can alos be used right after facial cleansing to restore pH balance , nourish moisturize or soothe. ─── 含由迷失香和洋甘菊,可以在洁净后使用,以便均衡肌肤酸碱,滋润,滋养和暖和肌肤。

81、Chamomile、Rose、Lavender、Evening Primrose、Jojoba and so on。 ─── 主要成份:洋甘菊、荷荷芭、玫瑰、月见草、薰衣草等。

82、Contains C&G ,mallow essence,chamomile essence,jojoba oil,sunflower oil &so on. ─── 产品说明:主要成份:蕴含C&G、锦葵精华、甘菊精华、荷荷巴油、向日葵花油等。

83、Ingredient: Roman chamomile, green tea multi-hydroxybenzene, potato essence, hibiscus flower, lasting green vine, strong effective tighten skin factor ─── 主要成分:罗马甘菊、绿茶多酚、马铃薯精华、木槿花、长春藤、山金车、强效紧肤因子

84、Rose Otto Oil, Aloe Vera, Chamomile, Lavender, Ginseng and Comfrey extracts ─── 奥图玫瑰精油、芦荟、洋甘菊、薰衣草、人参萃取精华、紫草萃取精华,

85、A specially gentle shampoo, suitable for sensitive scalps. It contains chamomile, calendula and the freshness of mandarin essential oil. Perfect for children and pets. ─── 性质特别温和,适合敏感头皮。它包含洋甘菊,金盏菊和清新的甜柑香薰油。适合孩子和宠物。

86、Chamomile protects the digestive system. The combination of these two herbal partners works together to help you bid farewell to stress. ─── 而黄金菊则可促进消化系统健康,两者相辅相承,助你告别压力,身心都得到纾解。

87、Enriched with potent nutrients such as Chamomile Extract and Tocopheryl Acetate. ─── 内含洋甘菊具消炎与舒缓的功效。

88、Traditional Indian herbs such as pomegranate and Curcuma extract, rosemary, lavender and chamomile provide hydration and relaxation to dry skin. ─── 如石榴、姜黄等传统印度草本萃取物以及迷迭香、薰衣草、洋柑桔等萃取物相结合,为干燥肌肤提供水分,并有舒缓作用。

89、Product ingredients: nail containing molecule 3, chamomile, hollyhock, such as five kinds of medicine essence. ─── 产品成份:含分子钉3、甘菊、药蜀葵等5种精华。

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