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08-16 投稿


jets 发音

英:[d?ets]  美:[d?ets]

英:  美:

jets 中文意思翻译




jets 词性/词形变化,jets变形

名词: jetful |动词第三人称单数: jets |动词过去式: jetted |动词现在分词: jetting |动词过去分词: jetted |

jets 短语词组

1、coaxial jets ─── 同轴射流

2、commercial jets ─── 商用喷气式飞机

3、jets vs patriots ─── 喷气式飞机对爱国者

4、jets football ─── 喷气式足球

5、executive jets ─── 行政勤务喷气式飞机公务机 ─── 行政专机

6、New York Jets ─── 纽约喷气机

7、air-jets (air-jet ─── 的复数) [流] 空气喷射

8、latex extruding jets ─── [化] 胶乳喷丝头

9、aerodynamics of jets ─── 射流空气动力学

10、corporate jets ─── 公司商务机

11、jets schedule ─── 喷气式飞机时刻表

12、convergence of jets ─── 气流碰撞

13、astrophysical jets ─── 天体物理喷流

14、axisymmetric jets ─── 轴对称射流

15、gas-jets (gas-jet ─── 的复数) 气灯火焰; 气焊枪; 气体射流; 气嘴

16、crust like jets ─── 似地壳喷流

17、super jets ─── 超级喷气式飞机

18、cluster jets ─── 集束射流

19、jump-jets (jump-jet ─── 的复数) n. 垂直起降飞机

jets 相似词语短语

1、jess ─── n.鹰的脚带;v.给(猎鹰)系脚带;n.(Jess)(美、英、加)杰斯(人名)

2、jetés ─── 丢弃

3、hets ─── abbr.重型设备运输车(HeavyEquipmentTransporter);高爆曳光弹(High-ExplosiveTracer);n.(Het)人名;(塞)海特

4、jeats ─── 酵母

5、gets ─── v.得到(get的第三人称单数);抓住;说服;受到(惩罚等)

6、jetes ─── n.(法)芭蕾舞小跳(单脚跳起单脚落地)

7、bets ─── abbr.北京英语水平考试(BeijingEnglishTestingSystem);n.(Bets)人名;(俄)贝茨

8、jests ─── n.笑话,俏皮话;玩笑;vi.开玩笑;嘲笑;vt.嘲笑

9、Kets ─── 凯特

jets 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Losing a war is even more demoralising than losing ships or jets. ─── 但是输掉一场战争比损失几艘船,几架飞机更能使士气低落。

2、A jet engine exploits famous physics principles. ─── 喷射引擎的运作是根据著名的物理原理。

3、Something Went Wrong in Jet Crash, Expert Says. ─── 专家称飞机失事是因为有问题。

4、The U.S. pilots have downed several enemy jets in the war. ─── 在战场美国飞行员击落数架敌人的飞机。

5、By monitoring how these jets formed, physicists were able to see how the intensely chaotic turmoil evolved. ─── 通过监测这些喷射的形成,物理学家们得以了解这种激烈的混沌混乱状态的演化。

6、Jet dyeing is good for knitted fabric. ─── 喷染适合于针织布。

7、The effects of jet detachment must be kept in mind. ─── 喷气流分离的影响要牢牢记

8、Jet A/C is training for acrobatics FLT at 6000m. ─── 喷气机在特技飞翔训练,高度6000米。

9、He blamed his poor judgement on Jet Lag. ─── 他把自己的判断失误归咎于时差综合症。

10、A jet flies much faster than a helicopter. ─── 喷气飞机比直升飞机飞得快得多。

11、There were jet planes flying overhead. ─── 头顶上有喷气式飞机在飞。

12、Jet aircraft now can fly the Atlantic in a few hours. ─── 喷气式飞机如今数小时就可飞越大西洋。

13、Has the athleticism to hang with Denver's jets, as well. ─── 他的运动天赋也足以跟得上掘金的速度。

14、Thrust of the resulting hot jets thus drove rotation of the rotor. ─── 主旨战斗机从而导致热点轮换驾驶的转子。

15、Use God Phoenix's anti-grav jets to fry them! ─── 使用上帝凤凰城的反 grav 喷射机油炸他们!"

16、Jet Airways brings you Three Fare Plan periods. ─── Jet Airways为您带来三个票价计划假期。

17、Have you ever had a ride in a jet plane? ─── 你坐过喷气式飞机吗?

18、Language breaks down when trying to describe what it would be like in one of those jets. ─── 当我们试着描述那样的喷射流中的状况,语言变得无法表达。

19、An artificially created jet or stream of water. ─── 人造喷泉,喷泉水一个人造的喷嘴或一股人造水流

20、Jets are a new development in aviation. ─── 喷气式飞机是航空事业上的一个新成就。

21、A flight of jet fighters thundered past. ─── 一队喷气式战斗机轰轰飞过。

22、He comprehended it at a single jet. ─── 他一想就明白了。

23、He later blamed his poor judgement on Jet Lag. ─── 他后来把自己的错误判断归咎于时差反应。

24、Jumbo jets somehow lack the glamour of the transatlantic liner. ─── 大型喷气式飞机不像橫渡大西洋的客轮那么引人注目。

25、That's not to say that bigger jets aren't important to the bottom line, they just aren't the backbone of the industry. ─── 这并不是说大型机型对航空公司的业绩不重要,只是它们难以成为这个行业的生力军。

26、Kevin: Jet lag never really bothers me. ─── 凯文:我从来没什么时差的困扰。

27、And Avery has been everything to Jet, as well. ─── 同时约翰逊对特里来说也太重要了。

28、The jet zoomed low over our heads. ─── 喷气式飞机在我们头顶上空轰的一声低飞而过.

29、The jet aeroplanes are flying over the sky. ─── 一架架喷气式飞机正掠过天空。

30、He left on the jet plane. ─── 他坐飞机离开了。

31、"A jet, I'm impressed," said Petra. ─── “一架喷气机,真给了我深刻的印象。”

32、Corporate jets are easy to pick on. ─── 在公司专机问题上挑刺很容易。

33、A bus jockey; a computer jockey; a jet jockey. ─── 公共汽车司机; 电脑操作员; 喷气式飞机驾驶员

34、B: Cool your jets! The preview will be ten minutes long. ─── 别那么急!会有十分钟的电影预告片。

35、A jet of coffee steam from the burnished caldron. ─── 咖啡的蒸气从打磨得锃亮的大壶里喷出来。

36、Jets bisect the lobes emanating from the central star. ─── 喷流将从中央恒星抛出的气体瓣切成两半。


38、The jet plane is flying at the velocity of sound. ─── 喷射机以声音的速度飞行。

39、He was flying in formation with seven other jets. ─── 他和另外7架喷气式飞机编队飞行。

40、Jet planes screamed through the air. ─── 喷气式飞机在空中呼啸而过

41、Kathy : Really? My friend wants to rent a jet ski. ─── 卡西:真的?我朋友想要租一部水上摩托车。

42、Israeli jets Friday struck several areas in southern Lebanon, near Beirut and the eastern Bekaa Valley. ─── 以色列的喷气式飞机星期五攻击了黎巴嫩南部靠近贝鲁特和贝卡谷地的几个地区。

43、The pipe burst and jets of water shot across the room. ─── 管子爆裂,一股股水从屋子这头喷到那头。

44、Donald trump is one of the most famous in the jet set of america. ─── 在美国喷气机阶层中,唐纳德·杜普是最有名的一个。

45、A nascent star can send out a pair of collimated jets several light-years in length. How it does so is not fully understood. ─── 新生的恒星会射出一对长达数光年的平行喷流,然而科学家目前并不完全清楚为何会如此。

46、An English engineer invented the jet engine. ─── 一位英国工程师发明了这种喷气式发动机。

47、Its secondary flaw is that it doesn't star Jet Li. ─── 它的第二个缺陷是它不用明星李连接。

48、He was flown to the hospital by a military jet. ─── 一架军用喷气飞机把他送往医院。

49、An aircraft powered by two jet engines. ─── 双喷气发动机的飞机

50、Talk poured from him in a jet. ─── 他口若悬河般地谈着。

51、Air force jets bombed the airport. ─── 空军喷气机轰炸了机场。

52、The trouble with "buffer states" in an age of jet aircraft and atomic weapons is that they do not buff. ─── 在这个喷气式飞机和原子武器时代,缓冲国不再起缓冲作用了。

53、Most commercial jets have a service ceiling of about 42,000 feet. ─── 大多数商用喷气式飞机的实用升限在四万两千英尺左右。

54、Syria said the uranium could have come from munitions dropped by Israeli jets. ─── 叙方称铀可能来自以色列战斗机的弹药。

55、A jet planed in from the south. ─── 一架喷气机从南面飞来。

56、A jet of water shot up into the air. ─── 一道水柱喷向空中。

57、Jet Engine Test cell work experience is preferred. ─── 具有发动机试车台经验者优先考虑。

58、There was the sound of a jet aircraft overhead. ─── 上空一架喷气机呼啸而过。

59、He constantly jets around the world. ─── 他经常搭喷射机到世界各地。

60、They have been designinga new jet plane. ─── 他们一直在设计一种新型喷气机。

61、Jet airliner is the fastest way to fly to Australia. ─── 到澳大利亚搭乘喷气式客机最快。

62、The jet soared away into the distance. ─── 喷射机不停高飞进入远方。

63、Jet Digital Imaging Technology Co., Ltd. ─── 前瞻影像科技有限公司。

64、His answer was to lift the vessel out of the water by a great number of ring-shaped air jets on the bottom of the craft. ─── 他的解决办法是把船体提离水面,让船在一个气垫上行驶,气垫只有一两英尺厚。船底装上大量环状喷气嘴以实现这一目的。

65、An aircraft takeoff aided by an auxiliary jet or rocket. ─── 助飞用喷气机或火箭帮助航空器起飞

66、The noise of jets taking off is deafening. ─── 喷气式飞机起飞时发出震耳欲聋的轰鸣声。

67、An extremely fast computer controls the air jets. ─── 一台速度极快的计算机负责控制抽干瓶中的空气。

68、Print the postcards on an ink jet desktop printer. ─── 在喷墨桌面打印机上打印明信片。

69、A: Are you still feeling jet lag? ─── 你还有时差问题吗?

70、In comparison with designers of helicopter, designers of jet aircraft have greater freedom in deciding where to place their engines. ─── 与直升飞机的设计者们相比,喷气飞机的设计者们有更大的自由来决定把他们的发动机放在什么地方。

71、Another flight of jets exploded through sound. ─── 又一队喷气机雷鸣般地突破了音障。

72、Snow Hey, you're hit. Is your jet still flyable? ─── 嘿!被击中了。你还能飞吗?

73、What can we do in order to overcome Jet Lag? ─── 为了克服时差反应我们能做些什么呢?

74、For example, Iraq had a program to modifhaerial fuel tanks for Mirage jets. ─── 例如,伊拉克计对其幻影战斗机的油箱进行改造。

75、Jets coursed the area daily. ─── 喷气机每日飞经那地区。

76、A jet plane screamed past overhead . ─── 一架喷气式飞机发着啸声从头顶掠过。

77、Nell did not full for John's story about being a jet pilot. ─── 内尔不相信约翰讲的自称是喷气机飞行员的事。

78、Jet planes have displaced propeller ones. ─── 喷气式飞机取代了螺旋桨飞机。

79、Hey, look, that jet airliner is hopping off. ─── 嗨,看啊,那架喷气式班机起飞了。

80、That old airplane was slow in comparison with today's jets. ─── 和今日之喷射机比较起来那架旧飞机较慢。

81、He cut his wrist so badly that jets of blood spurted out. ─── 他的手腕割伤得很厉害,血阵阵涌出。

82、A self-contained jet fuel engine starter was added. ─── 一个独立工作的喷气燃油发动机的启动机被加了上去。

83、A jet plane sheared the blue sky . ─── 一架喷气式飞机划破蓝空。

84、The dark outline of a jet loomed through the mist. ─── 喷射机的黑色轮廓在雾中隐隐显现。

85、Are Gamma-ray Bursts due to Isotropic Fireballs or Cylindrical Jets? ─── 伽玛射线暴:各向同性火球还是柱形喷流?

86、He hated the deafening noise of a jet plane. ─── 他讨厌喷气式飞机震耳欲聋的噪音。

87、He was flying in formation with eleven other jets. ─── 他跟另外十一架喷射机以队形飞行。

88、The screech of jet planes violated the peace of the afternoon. ─── 喷射机的尖啸声侵犯了下午的平静。

89、The accident happened as the jet was about to take off. ─── 喷气式飞机正要起飞时出了事故。

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