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arras 发音

英:[??r?s]  美:[??r?s]

英:  美:

arras 中文意思翻译




arras 网络释义

n. 挂毯,花毯n. (Arras)人名;(法、意)阿拉斯

arras 短语词组

1、arras france ─── 法式指甲

2、arras thornton ─── 阿拉斯·桑顿

3、arras io private server ─── 拖动io专用服务器

4、arras wiki ─── 摇滚维基

5、arras definition ─── 阿拉斯定义

6、arras battle ─── 阿拉斯战役

7、arras tapestry ─── 阿拉斯挂毯

8、arras foundation ─── 阿拉斯基金会

arras 相似词语短语

1、arias ─── n.咏叹调,唱腔(aria的复数);n.(Arias)(美、阿根廷、西、墨)阿里亚斯(人名)

2、arbas ─── n.阿尔巴(法国地名)

3、narras ─── 叙述的

4、Barras ─── [林]毛松香;[树脂]软树脂;n.(Barras)人名;(英、法、西、葡)巴拉斯

5、marras ─── 淘气的

6、parras ─── n.帕拉斯(墨西哥地名)

7、arrays ─── n.阵列;数组(array的复数);v.排列;打扮(array的单三形式)

8、areas ─── n.区域,领域;面积(area的复数形式)

9、Arras ─── n.挂毯,花毯;n.(Arras)人名;(法、意)阿拉斯

arras 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Third Battle of Arras ─── 第三次阿拉斯之战(1940)

2、An hour later he had quitted Saint-Pol and was directing his course towards Tinques, which is only five leagues from Arras. ─── 一个钟头过后,他离开了圣波尔,向丹克进发,丹克离阿拉斯还有五法里。

3、Ridire are mounted Arras, the regional kings, tuadh leaders and their kinsfolk from the smaller kingoms as well as the rich land owners and their elite bodyguards. ─── 瑞迪赫部队成员为爱尔兰诸部落首领、地区藩王以及其亲族,甚至包括富裕领主及精锐领主卫队。

4、"A horse to travel to Arras at one stretch?" ─── “一匹一口气走到阿拉斯的马吗?”

5、And to shake the tattered arras woven with a silent motto. ─── 和吹起破旧的织有沉默箴言的挂毯的时间。

6、sleep there,you can reach Arras to-morrow." ─── 在那里过了夜,明天再去阿拉斯。”

7、Cytokinesis was simultaneous and the arra ngement of microspores in the tetrad was tetrahedral. ─── 胞质分裂为同时型,四分体中小孢子排列呈正四面体形。

8、152 Marketing I wonder if it is possible to arra le shopping for us. ─── 我想能否在我们访问结束时为我们安排一点时间购物。

9、Simon, I thought, was asking me to look behind the arras and see what the pieces were really about. ─── 我以为,西蒙是让我看穿表面,去探究这些著作背后的真正含义。

10、The Totenkopf Division paid a heavy price for its success, losing 39 dead, 66 wounded and 2 missing during the battle for Arras. ─── “骷髅”师为胜利付出了巨大的代价,在阿拉斯之战中39人战死,66人负伤,2人失踪。

11、On vocational education in rural arras of Hebei province ─── 河北省农村职业教育的演变与发展

12、It was nearly eight o'clock in the evening when the cart, which we left on the road, entered the porte-cochere of the Hotel de la Poste in Arras ─── 我们在前面曾经谈到一辆车子和乘车人在路上的情形,当这车子走进阿拉斯邮政旅馆时,已快到晚上八点钟了。

13、His 7th Panzer Division was almost a day behind Guderian's spearhead, and on 21 May was only just approaching the town of Arras. ─── 他的第7装甲师只落后古德里安先头部队1天的路程,5月21日,接近了阿拉斯城。

14、we shall reach Arras at eight; ─── 八点钟我们可以到达阿拉斯。

15、// Get names o f all forms into a string arra y. ─── //HttpRequest 类的方法和属性 通过 ASP.NET 的内部 Request 对象公开。

16、In winter, give the abb that a warm color hangs on the head of a bed, wall arras; ─── 在冬季,给床头、墙上挂一幅暖色的羊毛挂毯;

17、his hair, which had still been gray on his arrival in Arras, was now entirely white: it had turned white during the hour he had sat there. ─── 他的头发在刚到阿拉斯时还是斑白的,现在全白了。他在这儿过了一个钟头,头发全变白了。

18、"Is there not a mail-wagon which runs to Arras? ─── “此地没有去阿拉斯的邮车吗?

19、Hang a photograph with family in harmony or it is small-sized arras, what can experience excellent front courtyard is sweet; ─── 挂一幅与家人合拍的照片或是小型挂毯,可以感受到家庭的温馨;

20、The messenger himself was a very clever member of the police, who, in two words, informed Javert of what had taken place at Arras. ─── 这专差也是个精干的警吏,一两句话便把在阿拉斯发生的事向沙威交代明白了。

21、"Well, by taking post-horses, Monsieur cannot reach arras before to-morrow ─── “那么,用邮局的马的话,先生也不能在明天以前到达阿拉斯。

22、Gate of the Lord of the ARRA and the AGGA, Open! ─── 阿拉与阿格迦王者之门,开启!

23、Why was he going to Arras? ─── 他为什么去阿拉斯?

24、All this was true, but this trap, this ramshackle old vehicle, this thing, whatever it was, ran on its two wheels and could go to Arras. ─── 那些话全是事实,但是那辆破车,那辆朽车,那东西,无论如何,总能在它的两只轮子上面滚动,并且能滚到阿拉斯。

25、All this was true,but this trap, this ramshackle old vehicle, this thing, whatever it was, ran on its two wheels and could go to Arras ─── 那些话全是事实,但是那辆破车,那辆朽车,那东西,无论如何,总能在它的两只轮子上面滚动,并且能滚到阿拉斯。

26、She was in high favor at the episcopal palace of Arras ─── 她在阿拉斯主教教区里很受人尊敬。

27、That speech was like cloth of Arras, opened and putabroad; whereby the imagery doth appear infigure; ─── 他说:"言语有如张挂展览的花毡,其中的图形都是显明的;

28、"The jail being in a bad condition, the examining magistrate finds it convenient to transfer Champmathieu to Arras, where the departmental prison is situated. ─── 那里的监牢,太不成,地方裁判官先生想得对,他把商马第押送到阿拉斯,因为阿拉斯有省级监狱。

29、Rommel's panzers and the Totenkopf Division were swung north from Arras to confront the retreating British. ─── 隆美尔的装甲部队和“骷髅”师转向阿拉斯的北部对抗英军。

30、"I don't know how to harness my horse now,this road is very bad at night,if you wish to return and sleep at Tinques, we could be in Arras early to-morrow morning."he replied. ─── 我不知怎样套我的马,这条路在晚上太难走了,假使您愿回到丹克去睡,明天清早我们可以到阿拉斯,”他回答说:

31、She was in high favor at the episcopal palace of Arras. ─── 她在阿拉斯主教教区里很受人尊敬。

32、Is there not a mail-wagon which runs to Arras? ─── “此地没有去阿拉斯的邮车吗?

33、The data, call control signals, and possibly error control information, are arra nged in a specific format. ─── 其中数据、叫控制信号以及可能有的差错控制信息按照规定的格式进行安排。

34、The Recovery After an Initial Schizophrenia Episode (RAISE) project is being funded by NIMH with additional support from the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA). ─── 早期精神分裂症恢复项目(RAISE)是由NIMH资助的,美国的恢复和再投资基金(ARRA)对其也有资助。

35、" Li Lei ever wanted to hang a huge arras on the wall with him snow-white bedroom, but gave up finally this thought, because " feel very strange " . ─── 李雷曾想在自己卧室雪白的墙上挂一幅硕大的挂毯,但最终打消了这个念头,因为“觉得很希奇”。

36、A village of northern France west - northwest of Arras. ─── 阿金库尔法国北部阿哈西北偏西的一个村庄。

37、He was not acquainted with arras,the streets were dark, and he walked on at random ─── 他从前没有到过阿拉斯,街上一片漆黑,他信步走去。

38、A tempest, more furious than the one which had formerly driven him to Arras, broke loose within him. ─── 一阵汹涌的波涛比过去把他推向阿拉斯时还更强烈,象脱了锁链似的在他心里爆发出来。

39、That speech was like cloth of arras, opened and putabroad; whereby the imagery doth appear infigure ─── 他说:"言语有如张挂展览的花毡,其中的图形都是显明的

40、join]: Argument to implode must be an arra. ─── 南山区南油大道金晖大厦, Warning: join() [function.

41、It was well said by Themistocles,to the king of Persia,That speech was like cloth of Arras,opened and putabroad; whereby the imagery doth appear infigure; whereas in thoughts they lie but as in packs. ─── 塞密斯陶克立斯对波斯王的话说得极是。他说:“言语有如张挂展览的花毡,其中的图形都是显明的;而思想则有如卷折起来的花毡。”

42、"How far is it from here to Arras?" ─── “从此地到阿拉斯还有多少路?”

43、Roles and Responsibilities1.Issue Purchase Order (PO) to Vendor2.Handle Sale Order (SO) including invoice billing / arra...... ... ─── 公司名称:联想集团有限公司工作地点:广东省深圳市发布时间:2009-7-18

44、Actually we can see, a pair of mural, arras or curtain, can adjust the color of erect face, as to the floor of horizontal shop front or ceiling, also can use carpet or light will adjust. ─── 其实我们可以看到,一副壁画、挂毯或者窗帘,都可以调整竖立面的颜色,至于横铺面的地板或天花板,也可以用地毯或者灯光来调节。

45、Located a 5-minute drive from the centre of Arras and the Arras golf course, the hotel is surrounded by greenery and offers well-equipped rooms with satellite TV and a desk. ─── 距阿拉斯市中心和阿拉斯高尔夫球场5分钟的车程,这家酒店四周绿茵环绕,酒店内设有装备精良的客房,包括卫星电视和一张书桌。

46、The content of this page is from the ARRAS port or ARRAS customs import and export company directory; ─── 本页面内容主要是来自ARRAS港口或ARRAS海关的进出口公司目录;

47、Arras faience ─── 阿拉斯陶器

48、With their tank attack stalled at Arras, the British began to withdraw north towards Dunkirk. ─── 当坦克在阿拉西战斗时,英军开始向北部的敦刻尔克撤退。

49、"Are you going to Arras?" ─── “您去阿拉斯吗?”

50、"Are you going to Arras?" added the road-mender."Yes.""If you go on at that rate you will not arrive very early. ─── 那个匆忙到那种程度的人,便是我们刚才看见在狠命挣扎、确实值得怜悯的那个人。

51、First Battle of Arras ─── 第一次阿拉斯之战(1654)

52、Also, reference ARRA 's Field Notching and Drilling of Glued Laminated Timber Beams. ─── 此外,也可以参考ARRA的胶合层积木梁材的实地切槽及钻孔规范(FieldNotchingandDrillingofGluedLaminatedTimberBeams)。


54、Arras since is decorated, also be sound-absorbing layer. ─── 挂毯既是装饰,也是吸音层。

55、"I do not know how to harness my horse now,this road is very bad at night,if you wish to return and sleep at Tinques, we could be in arras early to-morrow morning."he replied ─── 我不知怎样套我的马,这条路在晚上太难走了,假使您愿回到丹克去睡,明天清早我们可以到阿拉斯,”他回答说

56、Be like cinnamon floor, woodiness metope, brown the furniture that shows Mu Wen, decorations respect has Min of crockery of cloth act the role ofing, arras, earth to wait. ─── 如黄褐色的地板、木质墙面、棕色显露木纹的家具等,饰物方面有布饰、挂毯、土陶器皿等。

57、" "It is five leagues from here to Hesdin, six from Hesdin to Saint-Pol, eight and a half from Saint-Pol to Arras. ─── “从此地到爱司丹五法里,从爱司丹到圣波尔六法里,从圣波尔到阿拉斯八法里半。

58、Arra Pato! ─── 加油帕托!

59、Here, be about to mention the action that mentions arras. ─── 说到这里,就要提提挂毯的作用了。

60、A tempest, more furious than the one which had formerly driven him to Arras, broke loose within him. ─── 一阵汹涌的波涛比过去把他推向阿拉斯时还更强烈,象脱了锁链似的在他心里爆发出来。

61、we could be in Arras early to-morrow morning. ─── " 明天清早我们可以到阿拉斯。”

62、It was well said by Themistocles, to the king of Persia, That speech was like cloth of Arras, opened and putabroad; whereby the imagery doth appear infigure; whereas in thoughts they lie but as in packs. ─── 塞密斯陶克立斯对波斯王的话说得极是。他说:“言语有如张挂展览的花毡,其中的图形都是显明的;而思想则有如卷折起来的花毡”。

63、there is a good inn there; sleep there; you can reach Arras to-morrow." ─── 那里有家好客栈。在那里过了夜,明天再去阿拉斯。”

64、Again, sound-absorbing material must be installed character, normally thick curtain, arras, bookshelf also can rise sound-absorbing action. ─── 再次,吸音材质一定要装,通常厚窗帘、挂毯、书架也可以起到吸音作用。

65、"Are you going to Arras? ─── “您去阿拉斯吗?”

66、" It is just to add that the details of what had taken place at Arras were not yet known. ─── 应当指出,当时大家还不知道在阿拉斯发生的详细的经过。

67、At bottom, to tell the whole truth, he would have preferred not to go to Arras. ─── 实际上,说句真话,他更喜欢能不去阿拉斯。

68、his hair, which had still been gray on his arrival in arras, was now entirely white ─── 他的头发在刚到阿拉斯时还是斑白的,现在全白了。

69、The post-wagon which set out from Arras at one o'clock every night, after the mail from Paris had passed, arrived at M. sur M. a little before five o'clock in the morning. ─── 那种箱车在每天晚上一点,在来自巴黎的邮车到了以后,便从阿拉斯出发,快到早晨五点时,便到了滨海蒙特勒伊。

70、Job responsibilities: 1. Provide administrative support to the head of private bankinga. Make proper travel arra...... ... ─── 公司名称:上海友创人力资源有限公司工作地点:上海市发布时间:2009-3-31

71、He is going to Arras. ─── 他去阿拉斯。”

72、Arras since is decorated, also be sound-absorbing layer. ─── 挂毯既是装饰,也是吸音层。

73、Why was he going to Arras? ─── 他为什么去阿拉斯?

74、"He stopped his horse, and asked the laborer:--"How far is it from here to Arras? ─── 他勒住马,问那路工:“从此地到阿拉斯还有多少路?”“差不多整整还有七法里。”

75、In this prison at Arras there is an ex-convict named Brevet, who is detained for I know not what, and who has been appointed turnkey of the house, because of good behavior. ─── 在阿拉斯的监狱里,有个叫布莱卫的老苦役犯,他为什么坐牢,我不知道,因为他的表现好,便派了他做那间狱室的看守。

76、Carpet and arras and relative products ─── 印度求购地毯及挂毯

77、With their tank attack stalled at Arras, the British began to withdraw north towards Dunkirk . ─── 当坦克在阿拉西战斗时,英军开始向北部的敦刻尔克撤退。

78、To Arras, no doubt,but he might have been going elsewhere as well. ─── 想必是阿拉斯,但是他也许还要到别处去。

79、Arras and Douai envied the happy little town of M. sur M. its mayor. ─── 阿拉斯和杜埃都羡慕滨海蒙特勒伊有这样一位市长,说这是个幸运的小城。

80、The posting service from Arras to M. sur M. was still operated at this period by small mail-wagons of the time of the Empire ─── 当时,从阿拉斯到滨海蒙特勒伊的邮政仍使用着帝国时代的那种小箱车。

81、The messenger himself was a very clever member of the police, who, in two words, informed Javert of what had taken place at Arras. ─── 这专差也是个精干的警吏,一两句话便把在阿拉斯发生的事向沙威交代明白了。

82、He had a vague feeling that he might be obliged to go to Arras; ─── 他又把她好好托付给姆姆们,以防万一。

83、Second Battle of Arras ─── 第二次阿拉斯之战(1917)

84、From shallow green metope, to green sofa, still have the green branch in green vase, but most those who give prize still is that quadrate arras on the wall. ─── 从浅绿的墙面,到绿色沙发,还有绿色花瓶里的绿色枝条,但最出彩的还是墙上那幅方形挂毯。

85、The posting service from Arras to M. sur M. was still operated at this period by small mail- wagons of the time of the Empire. ─── 当时,从阿拉斯到滨海蒙特勒伊的邮政仍使用着帝国时代的那种小箱车。

86、Battle of Arras ─── 阿拉斯之战

87、It was well said by Themistocles, to the king of Persia, That speech was like cloth of Arras, opened and putabroad; ─── 塞密斯陶克立斯对波斯王的话说得极是。

88、Did you not tell me that you were going to Arras on that matter in a week or ten days? ─── 您不是向我说过在八天或十天之内,您将为那件事去阿拉斯一趟吗?

89、var FromF, ToF: file;NumRead, NumWritten: integer;Buf: arra... ─── //可以复制被设置为OPENWRITE属性的文件 procedure FileCopy(const FromFile, ToFile: string);

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