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08-16 投稿


polygonal 发音

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英:  美:

polygonal 中文意思翻译

常见释义: 多边形的


polygonal 短语词组

1、polygonal mould ─── 多边形模具

2、polygonal balls ─── 多边形球

3、Kittel polygonal tray ─── [化] 多角形克特尔塔板

4、polygonal nozzle ─── 多边形喷嘴

5、polygonal roof ─── 多边形屋顶

6、polygonal cell ─── 多边形细胞

7、polygonal screen ─── [化] 多边筛

8、polygonal arch ─── 多边形拱

9、polygonal cells ─── [医] 多角 ─── [形]细胞

10、polygonal connection ─── 多角形接线

11、polygonal shape ─── [网络] 多边形;多边形状的

12、polygonal lines ─── [数]折线

13、polygonal column ─── 多角柱

14、polygonal method ─── 多边形计算矿量法

15、polygonal ground ─── 多角地块面;龟裂地面; ─── 多角形地

16、polygonal network ─── [计] 多边形网络

17、polygonal function ─── 折线函数

18、polygonal dislocation ─── 多边形位错

19、equiaxial polygonal grain ─── [化] 等轴多面晶粒

polygonal 相似词语短语

1、polygonum ─── n.蓼属植物

2、polygony ─── 多边形

3、polygonata ─── 多边形

4、polyclonal ─── adj.多克隆的;多元性繁殖系的;多细胞系的

5、polyzonal ─── adj.多区域的;多环的

6、polygonally ─── 关于多边形,像多边形一样

7、polygon ─── n.多边形;多角形物体

8、polygons ─── n.[数]多边形;多边性(polygon的复数形式)

9、polytonal ─── (具有或使用)多调的

polygonal 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Fills the interior of a polygon defined by an array of points specified by Point structures using the specified fill mode. ─── 使用指定的填充模式填充Point结构指定的点数组所定义的多边形的内部。

2、He conceived the first proof that the 17-sided polygon is constructible. ─── 他构思了17边形可以作图的第一个证明。

3、Afterwards, the objects inside the region will be shown in the Criteria "Location inside Polygon" inside the "Search to Select" dialog box. ─── 于前项操作完毕后,系统会自动选取座落在环域范围内的所有学校点位。并于图面上及属性资料表中显亮所选物件。

4、LED stars light has five cape star polygon, bullet form, snowflake form, strawberry a form, diamond form, pine tree form etc. ─── LED 星星灯配装功能控制器,可以感觉到无比非凡的魅力,让其体现真星闪烁的生动效果。

5、Polygon: calculate Full angles and Bi-sect angles. ─── 多边形:计算全角度和必节角度。

6、To achieve the function of calculating the polygon area. ─── 实现计算多边形面积的功能。

7、A polygon with ten angles and ten sides. ─── 十边形有十个角和十条边的多边形

8、A polygon having seven sides. ─── 七边形有七条边的多边形

9、A point equidistant from the vertexes of a regular polygon. ─── 中心点,中枢与一正多边形各角顶点等距的一点

10、Draw the corresponding frequency polygon over the histogram. ─── 于直方图上绘出相应的频数多边形.

11、Figure 19-12: These are vertex handles, so named because there is one handle for each vertex of the polygon. ─── 图19-14 图中所示为定点控制柄,之所以如此命名,是因为多边形的每个定点上都有一个这样的控制柄。

12、apse: a semicircular or polygonal, usually domed projection of a building, especially the altar or east end of a Church. ─── 半圆形或多边形的,通常是建筑物的圆形抛射面,尤指祭坛或教堂末端东部。

13、An end opening bulk material container having a polygonal-shaped sleeve defined by a double sidewall and a plurality of sidewalls. ─── 开幕式结束散装物质的容器有一个多边形形套由双层侧壁和侧壁多元化的定义。

14、Controlled rolling and controlled cooling experments of a HQ steel showed that typical microstructure consists of polygonal ferrite+granular bainite. ─── 实验用HQ钢的控轧控冷实验表明,典型组织为多边形铁素体+粒状贝氏体。

15、If the last vertex is identical to the first vertex, it is a closed form and the polyline forms a polygon. ─── 如果最后的顶点与最初的顶点重合,它就是闭合的,也就形成了一个多边形。

16、Uses a left-handed coordinate system to create a mesh that contains an n-sided polygon. ─── 使用左手坐标系创建包含n边形的网格。

17、Without modification, the primary VC crystals are formed in the shape of ellipse, square, rhombus and polygon. ─── 初生VC在稀土变质处理前呈椭圆形、方形、菱形和多角形等形态,经稀土变质处理后,完全变成了球形。

18、In a graphics system: the notion of figure, with such variants as polygon, circle, ellipse, segment and other basic figure types. ─── 一个图形系统:图形的概念,包含这些变量,如多角形,圆周,椭圆,线段和其它的基本图形类型.

19、The control points of the rational spline to be constructed were computed simply by the vertices of the given polygon. ─── 在算法中,所有的有理样条曲线的控制点可以通过对多边形的顶点简单计算产生。

20、The DrawPolygon method automatically closes the polygon by drawing a line from (30, 60) back to the starting point (0, 0). ─── DrawPolygon方法通过绘制一条从(30,60)回到起点(0,0)的直线来自动闭合多边形。

21、Select the Polygonal Lasso Tool (L), and then make a triangular selection around the bottom corner of the rectangle. ─── 使用多边形套索工具(L),然后在矩形上面做一个三角形的选区。

22、Using Polygonal Lasso Tool , mark it out along its contour. ─── 使用多边形套索工具将MM抠出来。

23、For one, there's more polygonal detail in, well, everything. ─── 例如细节方面的多边形更多,嗯,几乎任何东西(的多变形很足)。

24、Cylinder style shepe,the round light adopts 9688A diamond polygon round light. ─── 圆柱型设计,圆灯套用9688A钻石多棱形圆灯,构思新颖。

25、Advocate lie: Quadrate advocate lying metope is modena, below the premise that withholds polygonal cant housetop, brush it white. ─── 主卧:方形主卧的墙面是深紫色的,在保留多边形斜面屋顶的前提下,将它刷成白色。

26、Use the necessary instrument Polygonal Lasso Tool to outline the mask contour. ─── 使用多边形套索工具将面膜部分选中。

27、The user can click and drag any handle to reshape the polygon, one segment at a time. This idiom is primarily useful for drawing programs. ─── 使用者可以单击并拖动任何控制柄调整多边形的形状,每次一段,这个习惯用法在绘图程序中很有用。

28、The key to deploying wells is to breakthrough the traditional normal polygonal well network and to establish a deformed well network. ─── 为了避免井网破坏,注采井排必须与最大渗透率方向(裂缝方向)平行或垂直;

29、increase at runtime the number of visible polygons from a low detail polygonal model. ─── 在运行时,在底层细节的多边形模型的基础上,提升直观的多边形数量。

30、Forming the viaduct's eastern end, a 240 m long polygonal arch bridge spans Humboldt Harbor, affording a 60 m wide clearance for ships. ─── 一个240米长横跨洪德堡港口具有60米行船净宽的多边行拱桥构成了这座高架桥的东部端点。

31、Figure 7. Ray-casting calculation requires to split each polygon into a set of triangles. ─── 图七投影计算需要将网面分离成一组组的三角面组成。

32、The perisperm cells are elongated rectangularity, squareshaped or polygon full of starch grains. ─── 外胚乳细胞长条形、方形或多边形,细胞内充满淀粉;

33、In addition, if the last point and the first point of the array do not coincide, they specify the last side of the polygon. ─── 另外,如果数组的最后一个点和第一个点不重合,则这两个点指定多边形的最后一条边。

34、The former is bunchy in the lengthways direction, and its transverse shape is irregular ellipse, circular, polygon with cavum. ─── 前者的单纤维横截面呈不规则的椭圆形、腰圆形和多边形,且纤维内有中腔,而竹浆纤维呈锯齿形,截面内分布有很多大小不等的空洞;

35、Now create a shape using Polygonal Lasso tool as shown and fill with #936018 color on a new layer. ─── 使用多边形套锁工具如下绘制一个形状,使用#936018填充.

36、The plane figure formed by connecting three points not in a straight line by straight line segments; a three-sided polygon. ─── 三角形一种由直线线段连接不在一条直线上的三点形成的平面图形;三边图形

37、Polygon reflector makes the light even concentrate and smooth. ─── 多棱镜反光杯,使光线更集中,均匀。

38、Use the same colour to fill a range of diagonal strips, drawn with the Polygonal Lasso Tool. ─── 使用相同的颜色来填补一系列斜条,结合使用多边形套索工具画。

39、A polygon with eight sides and eight angles. ─── 八边形,八角形有八条边和八个角的多边形

40、Each particle represented as a binary vector corresponds to a candidate solution to the polygonal approximation problem. ─── 每个粒子作为一个二进制向量,一个备选项,以对应多边形逼近。

41、If the first point in the array is not the same as the last point, those two points are connected to close the polygon. ─── 如果数组中的第一个点与最后一个点不是同一点,则将连接这两个点以闭合多边形。

42、In computer graphics, the simple function for drawingon the screen. Typical primitives are rectangle, line, polygon, etc. ─── 在计算机图形学中,在荧光屏上绘图的简单程序。典型的图元是长方块、线段、多边形等。

43、The polygonal segments of the surface react to ultra-violet light, mapping the position and intensity of solar rays. ─── 其表面的多角形组成部分对紫外光产生反应,映射太阳光线的方位和强度。

44、Polygon Course: A flight around a course with three or more turn or control points and with return to the departure point. ─── 多边形航线:三个或更多转向点或控制点的环绕航线,再返回至出发点的飞行。

45、Therefore, the rendering of low polygonal surface can reach the same quality as a more complex model of much higher polygon count. ─── 在电脑图学中,通常使用存有高度场表面的深度资讯的贴图,对几何模型上的每一点做位置上的改变。

46、Use them in 3D scenes for star fields, or dotted lines on the surface of a polygon. ─── 它们在3D场景中绘制星形物或者多边形表面的点划线。

47、In addition, if the last point and the first point do not coincide, they specify the closing side of the polygon. ─── 另外,如果最后一个点和第一个点不重合,则这两个点指定多边形的闭合边。

48、Thus it can be concluded that the polygonal section missile body with a submerged inlet has a bright future in application. ─── 可以推断 ,多边形截面弹体与埋入式进气道的组合具有光明的应用前景

49、This can obviously reduce your polygon counts quite a lot. ─── 它显然能减少你庞大的多边形数量。

50、Comprehension and mastery over animation techniques to manipulate Polygonal Mesh, NURBS and Subdivide Surface models. ─── 全面理解并掌握各种动画技术制作多边形网格,NURBS和细分表面模型。

51、Draws six red straight lines between the seven points to form an incomplete polygon. ─── 在七个点之间绘制六条红色直线以形成一个不完整的多边形。

52、Typical primitives are rectangle,line,polygon,etc. ─── 典型的单元是长方块、线段、多边形等。

53、Second Floor: the south walls of the bedroom suites consist of polygon glass windows to let in sunlight and bring in wonderful views. ─── 二层:主卧套房南立面为多边形玻璃窗,清透明亮,不但迎入宏阔优美的窗景,更迎一室明媚充沛的日光。

54、Mark out the mask along its contour with Polygonal Lasso Tool. ─── 使用多边形套索工具将面膜部分抠出来吧。

55、Anisotropic filters compensate for distortion caused by the difference in angle between the texture polygon and the plane of the screen. ─── 各向异性筛选弥补由于纹理多边形与屏幕平面之间的角度差异所造成的失真。

56、At the same time convert the angle of the polygon at that vertex into a straight angle. ─── 同时把该顶点处多角形的角转换成平角。

57、Boundaries of the polygon may extend to infinity. ─── 多角形的边界可以延伸到无穷远处。

58、The lesions are often described as purple, polygonal, flat-topped papules. They have a light amount of scale and the lesions itch intensely. ─── 在急性期搔抓后可在抓破部位出现线状或串珠状排列的扁平苔藓损害,即同形现象。

59、Several types of cells including polygonal, round granular, deltaic fan-shaped and flagellated cells were found, of which polygonal cells were dominant. ─── 在透射电镜下日本血吸虫成虫培养细胞呈多角形、圆颗粒形、三角扇形和鞭毛形等多种形状,其中以多角形为主。

60、Use the Polygonal Lasso Tool to select and delete it. ─── 使用多边形套索工具选择并删除旧脑袋。

61、But a lot of times its just easer to start from a plane or a polygon or even just creating a vert. ─── 但是很多时候从平面或者多边形甚至只是一个点做起都会使工作容易很多。

62、It is also create a rule in the GIMP or irregular polygon of the most simple way. ─── 它也是在 GIMP 中创建规则或不规则多边形的最简单的方法。

63、Draws seven red straight lines between the seven points to form a closed polygon. ─── 在七个点之间绘制七条红色直线以形成一个闭合的多边形。

64、The polygonal fault is tensional fault system with small throws, which is of nontectonic origin. ─── 多边形断层是一种非构造成因的断距微小的张性断层。

65、As he is a hard edged surface against a flat background it should be fairly easy to select him using the Polygonal Lasso Tool. ─── 因为相对于单一的背景,他有一个边缘分明的外观,所以,使用多边形套索工具选取他是十分容易的。

66、Point, line, circle, polygon and Interpolation curve programming. ─── 可以编制点、线、圆、圆弧、多边形、多点拟合曲线。

67、It is shown that the leaf epidermal cells are polygonal or irregular in shape.The patterns of anticlinal walls are straight, sinuous or sinuate. ─── 叶表皮细胞形状有不规则形与多边形,表皮细胞垂周壁有平直、浅波状、波状或深波状。

68、I could have, you know, polygonal figures, that are a sequence of segments. ─── 我还可以对它进行延伸,我可以,你知道的,建造一个多边形。

69、Number of sides for the polygon; must be greater than or equal to 3. ─── 多边形的边数;必须大于或等于3。

70、A polygon having five sides and five interior angles. ─── 五边形有五条边和五个内角的多边形

71、Detail is commonly represented by two-dimensional textures, bump mapping, or displacement mapping applied to objects, polygonal meshes or higher-level primitives. ─── 以往模型表面的细节特征都是将二维纹理,凹凸映射和位移映射等技术应用于三角网格模型或细分曲面。

72、Two vertexes in adjacent lines are also adjacent on the polygon. ─── 在毗连的线的二个顶点在多角形上也是毗连的。

73、The Renderer receives the polygon data and starts rasterization. ─── 因此,系统提供同样接口。

74、The formation of polygonal fault is associated with early compaction of sediments and fluid expulsion. ─── 它的形成与沈积物的早期压实作用和流体排出作用有关。

75、A novel algorithm is proposed in the paper for line clipping against a general polygon. ─── 作者单位:中国科学院软件研究所计算机科学国家重点实验室;

76、And the intergranular morphology,the polygonal morphology and the fan-shaped cleavage morphology are the main fracture morphologies. ─── “缝隙”和“孔洞”是其断口最主要的微观缺陷形貌特征。

77、For example, you can select the input (poly*) node of a polygonal object and make its channels visible. ─── 举个例子,你可以从多边形物体上选择输入节点并把它在通道栏中可视化。

78、Cut it out along the eye's line with Polygonal Lasso Tool. ─── 使用多边形套索工具沿着眼角线条将云彩选择并裁剪。

79、In order to represent Archimedes helix with control polygon, we construct Bernstein-like basis. ─── 为了用控制多边形的方法表示阿基米德螺线,本文构造了拟Bernstein基。

80、Delete the polygon of the nose that is at the 0 x axis so that the face still looks hollow from the side view (Fig. 17). ─── 列开在鼻子下,嘴周围的面。选择这些面并向外倾斜。就想图16那样,并对齐坐标。

81、Polygonal lighting: Light intensity is calculated for each surface / polygon. ─── 多边形光照:光照强度是通过计算每个表面/多边形而得的。

82、Using this house example, we understood how to create polygonal geometry from the code. We'll review materials and texturing in next tutorials. ─── 使用这个房子的例子,我们懂得了怎样用代码创建多边形的几何图形,在下一节向导中,我们再检查一下材质和纹理。

83、Fills the interior of a polygon defined by an array of points specified by Point structures. ─── 填充Point结构指定的点数组所定义的多边形的内部。

84、Fills the polygonal area on the screen. ─── 填充屏幕上的多边形区域。

85、A scene graph node that represents a 3D object defined as a polygonal surface. ─── 一个场景节点,代表被定义为多边形表面的3D对象。

86、The Polygon Mesh Object library. ─── 多边形网格库

87、In computer graphics, the simple function for drawing on the screen. Typical primitives are rectangle, line, polygon, etc. ─── 在计算机图形学中,在荧光屏上绘图的简单程序。典型的图元是长方块、线段、多边形等。

88、Theorem 4.4 Any polygonal dissection of a convex n-gon into a square of the same area requires at least [] pieces. ─── 定理4.4 用polygonal cut方法把一个凸n边形分划为等面积的正方形至少需要[n/4]块。

89、The following example draws a three-sided polygon. ─── 下面的示例绘制了一个三条边的多边形。

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