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apogee 发音

英:[??p?d?i?]  美:[??p?d?i?]

英:  美:

apogee 中文意思翻译




apogee 网络释义

n. 最高点,极点;远地点vt. 位于远地点;位于最高点

apogee 短语词组

1、apogee symphony desktop ─── 远地点交响乐桌面

2、apogee boost motor ─── 远地点助推电动机

3、apogee passage ─── 远地点通道

4、apogee symphony mk ─── 远地点交响乐mk

5、altitude of the apogee ─── [电] 远地点高度

6、apogee-kcik motor ─── 发动机远地点

7、orbital apogee ─── 轨道远地点

8、apogee mic ─── 低峰值

9、Apogee Motor Firing ─── 远地点电机点火

10、apogee duet ─── 远端二重奏

11、Apogee Motor Igniter ─── 远地点电机点火器

12、apogee u ─── 添加

13、apogee rocket motor ─── 远地点火箭发动机

14、apogee mic plus ─── 小正远地点

15、Apogee Motor Timer ─── 远地点电机计时器

16、apogee motor ─── 远地点控制电动机

17、apogee one ─── 远地点1

18、apogee kick motor ─── 远地点踢进器

19、apogee desktop ─── 添加桌面

apogee 同义词

culmination | altitude |brink

apogee 反义词


apogee 词性/词形变化,apogee变形


apogee 相似词语短语

1、apogean ─── adj.远地点的

2、apode ─── 顶点

3、apogeic ─── 末日

4、apodes ─── n.[动]无足类;无鳍目(等于Anguilliformes)

5、apozem ─── n.煎剂

6、apogees ─── n.最高点,极点;远地点;vt.位于远地点;位于最高点

7、apogeal ─── 末日的

8、apodeme ─── n.[无脊椎]表皮内突;皮下突起

9、apologete ─── n.护教学专家

apogee 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、orbital apogee ─── 轨道远地点

2、Apogee Injection Module ─── 远地点入轨舱

3、"We started using Agfa several years ago when we switched to an Apogee workflow, which we found outperformed the other available solutions. ─── “我们开始使用爱克发几年前当我们切换到一个远地点的工作流程,我们发现超过了其他可用的解决方案。

4、Modern campaign is physiological consider to make clear, the apogee of human body physical strength and nadir suffer airframe " biological clock " control, reach a peak in the dusk commonly. ─── 现代运动生理学研究表明,人体体力的最高点和最低点受机体“生物钟”的控制,一般在傍晚达到高峰。

5、Everything is melded together leaving a need of aging in order to reach its apogee. ─── 整体滋味温润圆融,须稍待时日才会达到颠峰期。

6、At the time of Shakespeare's death, such luminaries as Ben Jonson hailed him as the apogee of Renaissance theatre. ─── 当时莎士比亚的死亡,这种灯具作为本琼森称赞他为远地点文艺复兴剧院举行。

7、apogee distance ─── 最高点距离

8、After these surfaces have been review and agreed upon with the customer ,the internal controlled Apogee prints will note the corresponding surface classification. ─── 等到这些表面已经审查获通过后,并且受到客户赞同,内部控制将会批注相应的表面(素材外观)分类。

9、The orbit of the artificial satellite has an apogee of 200 miles from the earth. ─── 这个人造卫星的轨道, 其最远点在离地球200英里的地方。

10、As the golden age reached its apogee, the motherships were left in place as titanic monuments at the farthest reaches of protoss exploration. ─── 当黄金时代走到极限之后,母舰被当作巨大的纪念碑遗留在了神族所探索到的最遥远的角落。

11、Therefore, in the Kun Opera in art are reaching its apogee in the same time, "Flower Ya battle, " began to rise. ─── 因此,就在昆曲在艺术上臻于极盛的同时,“花雅之争”随之而起。

12、Orbit has an apogee of 200 miles from the earth. ─── 这个轨道最远点在离地球200英里的地方。

13、Chandrayaan-1 reached the third orbit with an apogee of 1,65,000 km. ─── 月球- 1达到了第三次轨道远地点为1,65000公里。

14、The temples at Khajuraho were built during the Chandella dynasty, which reached its apogee between 950 and 1050. ─── 卡杰拉霍庙宇群建于章德拉王朝,其于公元950年至1050年间达到统治的鼎盛时期。

15、Rise tiptoe stand on tiptoe first with counting the speed of 5 slowly, but can stop a bit in apogee, count the speed of 5 again slow next calcaneal slowly put down, till the nadir. ─── 以慢慢数到五的速度先把脚尖踮起来,但在最高点可以稍停一下,然后再慢数到五的速度将脚跟缓缓放下,直到最低点。

16、The orbit followed by a satellite, after the firing of its apogee kick motor, as it drifts towards its allotted operational station. ─── 漂移轨道:当卫星达到远地点时,启动远地点发动机,使卫星进入赤道平面附近的一条圆形、接近同步的轨道。

17、The satellite first makes elliptical orbits around Earth of larger and larger apogee(farthest point from Earth), while the perigee(nearest points from Earth) remains around 300 kms only. ─── 该卫星首次使椭圆轨道围绕地球的远地点(最远点距离地球),而近地点(最近点距离地球)仍然只是约300公里。

18、Because the Moon circles the Earth in an elliptical orbit, its angular size depends on how close the Moon is to closest approach (perigee) or furthest distance (apogee). ─── 由于月球绕地球运行轨道为椭圆形,其视角的大小取决于月球在近地点或远地点如何程度的靠近或远离。

19、bipropellant liquid apogee motor ─── 双组元液体推进剂远地点发动机

20、The eighty-four years, which this man lived, span the interval between the monarchy at its apogee and the Revolution at its dawn. ─── 这位伟人所生活的八十四年,从专制统治的鼎盛时期一直延续到革命的萌芽阶段。

21、apogee kick motor ─── 远地点反冲电动机

22、There is a good team, the team member's wisdom and ability would develop apogee, company the effect of the business enterprise would also attain a higher level. ─── 有了一个好的团队,团队成员的才智才会发挥到最高点,公司企业的效力也才会达到一个更高的层面。

23、It was practiced in the Roman Empire since the first century BC, and reached its apogee around the third through fourth centuries AD, when it was very popular among the Roman soldiers. ─── 自公元前第一世纪起在罗马帝国实践。当它在罗马士兵内十分流行的时候,在公元第三和第四世纪左右延伸到最远点。

24、Salary had been fallen the lowest level for the last ten years ago.the cost of the education and medical treatment had been risen an apogee at the same time . ─── 工资降到了十年来的最低水平,同时医疗和教育成本却涨到了有史以来的最高点。

25、"The golden age of American sail, which began with the fast clipper ships in 1848, reached its apogee in the Gold Rush years" (Los Angeles Times) ─── “美国航海的黄金时代,开始于1848年的快速帆船航行,在淘金热的年代里达到了顶峰”(洛杉矶时报)

26、It's worth remembering that only in Europe were the Middle Ages dark -- they were the apogee of Arab, Muslim, and Chinese glory. ─── 不过要了解,当时欧洲才真正处于黑暗中世纪——而此时的阿拉伯,穆斯林和中国,正处于文明鼎盛时期。

27、relating to or characteristic of an apogee. ─── 远地点的特性或与之相关的。

28、Agfa will also display new bundles of its Apogee software products creating new collaborative and automated workflow options. ─── 爱克发还将展出新捆绑的软件产品,远地点建立新的协作和自动化工作流程的选择。

29、Apogee Motor Timer ─── 远地点发动机定时器

30、The Grand Design reached its rhetorical apogee ─── 宏伟计划达到口头上的高潮。

31、apogee boost motor ─── 远地点助推电动机

32、apogee of his political career ─── 他政治生涯的顶峰

33、The eighty-four ages, which the man lived, span the interval in with the monarchy at its apogee and the Revolution at its dawn. ─── 这位伟人所西方全国全国日常表达的八十四年,从专制统治的鼎盛时期一直延续到革命的萌芽阶段。

34、But the orginal plan was to reach an apogee of nearly 2,00,000 km. ─── 但最初的计划是达成一项远地点近2,00000公里。

35、Positive such as you just say, stock price already arrive apogee. ─── 正如您刚才所说,股价已经到了最高点。

36、Design Methods of Bipropellant Liquid Apogee Rocket Engine Turbulent Flow Annulus ─── 双组元液体远地点火箭发动机扰流环的设计方法研究

37、The farthest point on the lunar orbit is called apogee. ─── 而绕月轨道里地球最远的点则为远地点。

38、Apogean tides occur when the moon is at the apogee of its orbit. ─── 远月潮在月球位于其轨道的最远点时发生。

39、Although Mr Zakaria strives to present the rise of China, India and “the rest” as unthreatening to the US, the inescapable conclusion is that the Bush years marked the apogee of American power. ─── 尽管扎卡里亚竭力指出中国、印度和“其它国家”的崛起不会对美国构成威胁,但不可避免的结论是,布什时代是美国实力的最高峰。

40、In Malaysia, peppery price resides the apogee that 16 months come to already high, every tons of price is 14 2 dollar. ─── 在马来西亚 ,胡椒价格已经高居 16个月来的最高点 ,每吨售价为14 2美元。

41、Recording artists around the world have stamped their approval on Apogee recording gear. ─── 录制艺人世界各地的加盖核准Apogee的录音设备。

42、apogee sweating ─── 汗不止

43、Research on the High Specific Impulse Bipropellant Liquid Apogee Engine ─── 高比冲双组元液体远地点火箭发动机研究

44、The eighty-four years which this man lived span the interval between the Monarchy at its apogee and the revolution at its da ─── 这位人物所生活的八十四个年头,经历了达到极点的专制时期和刚刚露出一线晨曦的革命年代。

45、Xingeerman's couple used the ability between 22 climate to ascend Mei Lufeng's apogee, and wear alar form parachute to take, only 2 minutes are descending with respect to the success terrestrial. ─── 辛格尔曼夫妇用了22天时间才登上梅鲁峰的最高点,而身着翼形跳伞服,仅2分钟就成功降落着陆地。

46、The first two extra flights were deep-space missions, with Centaur boosting the spacecraft into an elliptical orbit with an apogee of some 80,000 kilometers to study navigation and reentry problems. ─── 最先增加的两次飞行属于深层太空任务,利用森托尔将飞船送人远地点为大约8万千米的椭圆型轨道以研究导航和重返大气层等问题。

47、apogee engine ─── 远地点发动机

48、spacecraft apogee ─── 航天器远地点

49、If this is an ellipse around the Earth, this would be perigee and this would be apogee. ─── 如果这是一个围绕地球的椭圆形,那么这是近地点,这是远地点。

50、Baalbek, with its colossal structures, is one of the finest examples of Imperial Roman architecture at its apogee. ─── 巴勒贝克以其庞大复杂的建筑结构成为罗马帝国建筑的典范。

51、Altitude of the apogee or of the Perigee ─── 远地点或近地点的高度

52、payload and apogee performance ─── 有效载重与远地点的关系

53、" argument 2 The following appeared in a memorandum from the business department of the Apogee Company. ─── “保护自然环境的责任完全属于每个个人,而非政府。”

54、apogee passage ─── 通过远地点

55、The markets recovered quickly and the dotcom bubble reached its apogee. ─── 金融市场很快恢复元气,而互联网泡沫则达到其最高点。

56、I believe we have reached the apogee of the big box. ─── 我确信大规模店铺已经走到尽头了。

57、"Though veneering was practiced in Classical antiquity, its use lapsed in the Middle Ages. It was revived in the 17th century, reaching its apogee in France and spreading from there to other European countries." ─── 虽然薄片镶饰技术在古代就有,但在中世纪却失传了,直到17世纪才得到恢复,在法国达到顶点,并传至欧洲其它国家。

58、a religious community that was as its apogee in the twelfth century ─── 十二世纪一个处于鼎盛时期的宗教团体

59、apogee rocket ─── 远地点火箭最远点火箭

60、peak apogee ─── 最大远地点

61、The orbit of the artificial satellite has an apogee of200 miles from the earth. ─── 这个人造卫星的轨道,其最远点在离地球200英里的地方。

62、The orbit followed by a satellite, after the firing of its apogee kick motor, as it drifts towards its allotted operational station. ─── 当卫星达到远地点时,启动远地点发动机,使卫星进入赤道平面附近的一条圆形、接近同步的轨道。

63、Results 54 patients disengaged from ventilator smoothly, passed apogee successfully, and the course of disease have been shortened. ─── 结果34例病人顺利脱机,渡过病危期,缩短了病程。

64、Can the system send force to develop apogee range up in it inside clinch a deal automatically? ─── 是不是系统会在它发力向上冲最高点范围内的自动成交?

65、Apogee Motor Firing ─── 远地点发动机点火

66、(1) kneads 100 meetings acupuncture point 50 times (this acupuncture point is located in in the middle of the head apogee is in) . ─── (1)揉百会穴50次(该穴位于头部正中最高点处)。

67、trajectory apogee ─── 弹道最高点

68、apogee motor ─── 遥控电动机

69、The Moco Mountain on mid-west which have 2620 meters elevation, is the apogee of Angola. ─── 全国大部是海拔1000米以上高原,地势东高西低,大西洋沿岸为平原区。

70、Tail fins reached their apogee in 1959, the Volkswagen Beetle fought the Renault Dauphine for import-car supremacy, and Honda began stitching new wrinkles into America's cultural fabric. ─── 尾鳍达到其远地点于1959年,大众汽车甲壳虫作战的雷诺多芬进口车优势,和本田开始缝合新皱纹到美国的文化结构.

71、My heart reached the throat when scenic railway got to the apogee. ─── 过山车到达最高点的时候,我的心都提到嗓子眼儿了。

72、The Basel process, viewed until recently as the apogee of international financial co-operation, has been compromised by the inadequacies of the bank-capital agreements it has produced. ─── 很难想象美国国会能同意由监督其国内借贷操作并可能防止次级贷款崩盘,更别提仅仅是将来可能发生的危机。

73、Now we want to know what the situation is with perigee and with apogee. ─── 现在我们要看看,近地点和远地点的情况。

74、Development and key techniques of solid propellant apogee kick motors ─── 固体推进剂远地点发动机的研制和关键技术

75、Then,“coverage apogee” condition is applied to trajectory study under planar polar three bodies model. ─── 接着将“远地点可达”概念应用于平面三体模型下的向月飞行的轨道研究;

76、After the influence of the Yin has reached its apogee, that of the Yang appears at the very bottom of the following hexagram. ─── 阴达到极盛,下一卦的第一天便出现阳。

77、The find could provide an extraordinary window into Aztec civilization at its apogee. ─── 这一发现可能提供了一个不平凡的窗口阿兹台克文明的顶峰。

78、altitude of apogee ─── 远地点高度

79、When the moon in its orbit is furthest away from the earth, it is at its apogee. ─── 置于自身轨道中的月球距离地球最远的时候,月球处于远地点。

80、Altitude of apogee or perigee ─── 远地点或近地点高度

81、The golden age of American sail, which began with the fast clipper ships in 1848, reached its apogee in the Gold Rush years(Los Angeles Times) ─── 美国航海的黄金时代,开始于1848年的快速帆船航行,在淘金热的年代里达到了顶峰(洛杉矶时报)

82、According to preliminary investigations by concerned parties, the cause of the failure was that the satellite's apogee engine was unable to normally operate because of a breakdown in the fuel valve. ─── 据有关方面初步调查,卫星的远地点发动机因燃料阀发生故障不能正常运转是造成失败的原因。

83、The markets recovered quickly and the dotcom bubble reached its apogee. ─── 金融市场很快恢复元气,而互联网泡沫则达到其最高点。

84、, with a design stuck in 1999, the apogee of humanity according to the Matrix. ─── ,使用一个停留在1999年的设计,根据黑客帝国中人类的西岸。

85、The Buddhist grotto art here marks the apogee of the art of stone carving in the region in ancient times beginning from the middle part of the Northern Dynasty and lasting until the Sui and the Tang Dynasties. ─── 须弥山石窟反映了从北朝中晚期到隋、唐各代的佛教石刻艺术,是古代宁夏地区劳动人民文化艺术的结晶。

86、High apogee orbit ─── 高轨

87、Particularly well equipped are the apogee telescopes ─── 装备特别好的是远地点望远镜。

88、Apogee Motor Igniter ─── 远地点发动机点火器

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