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08-16 投稿


patte 发音

英:[[p?t]]  美:[[p?t]]

英:  美:

patte 中文意思翻译



patte 短语词组

1、patte bird ─── 拍鸟

2、patte mao ─── 彭定茂

3、patte king ─── 拍金

4、patte finley ─── 彭定康·芬利

5、patte lee ─── 李脚

6、patte def %s(%s) ─── 模式定义

7、patte bahl ─── 帕特·巴尔。

8、patte hahn ─── 爪子哈恩

patte 相似词语短语

1、pattée ─── adj.有向外扩宽的三角形手臂的

2、latte ─── n.牛奶;拿铁咖啡(coffeelatte);n.(Latte)(德、意、法)拉特(人名)

3、matte ─── n.冰铜;无光粗糙层;影像形板;adj.无光泽的;不光滑的;n.(Matte)(德、英、法、西、意)马特(人名)

4、pattes ─── 爪子

5、pattee ─── 帕蒂(人名)

6、patten ─── n.一种西洋套鞋,木套鞋;木屐或木凉鞋;木底鞋;n.(Patten)(美、加、澳)帕滕(人名)

7、patted ─── 轻拍

8、pate ─── n.头;脑袋;n.(Pate)人名;(法、德、意)帕特;(英)佩特

9、patter ─── v.发出轻快的拍打声;急速拍打;轻盈地走;唠唠叨叨地说;快速流利地讲话;n.急速的轻拍声;嗒嗒作响;(为娱乐、推销或劝说的)顺口溜;(讲笑话等时的)快板;行话

patte 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、She's partner Bride patt already have 4 children. ─── 同时警方已悬赏25000美金,希望民众为其逮捕提供线索。

2、Patt Perforated Panel is a kind of product which the small holes are on visible side and the big holes are on the rear, their core materials are medium density fiberboard (MDF) ,they can be used for wall and ceiling finish. ─── "帕特"孔木吸声板是一种在中密度纤维板的正面、背面开圆孔的结构吸声材料,常用于墙面和天花装饰。

3、The results showed that the continuous fixed bed reaction vessel could be applied effectively to the synthesis of DA, and the reaction temperature, the catalyst varieties and theirs filling patt... ─── 反应器中的温度、催化剂品种变化、催化剂的使用时间及催化剂的填充方式对反应的单次转化率和总转化率有较大的影响。

4、Stuart Patt, a spokesperson for the State Department, contends that this drop reflects an overall downturn of visa applications since 9/11. ─── 美国国务院发言人帕特声称,这项下降情形反映出在911过后,申请签证的数目整体来说减少了。

5、The varied knowledge expressions,such as the compound belief networks,the automatic identifying faults knowledge and multiple in ference patt ern,are also put forwared. ─── 提出复合嵌套概率推理网络多种知识表达方式、故障知识的自动识别处理及多推理方式并存的推理机制等系统特点。通过诊断实例,验证了系统诊断的可行性。

6、The transitional period is between the middle Jurassic and the early Cretaceous and represents a tectonic transition from proto-Asia tectonic tract (PATT) to circum-Pacific tectonic tract (RPTT). ─── 古亚洲域向环太平洋域的转换时期在中侏罗-早白垩世之间。

7、Yale N. Patt,Sanjay J. Patel,Introduction to Computing Systems: From bits & gates to C & beyond ─── 机械工业出版社,2006(对照中译本:梁阿磊译,计算机系统概论,第


9、What the school for the deaf should do is to train the deaf students to get used to expressing themselves with spoken language, as well as modify their flow according to the patte... ─── 只有这样,聋健之间才能消除隔阂,聋人才能真正融入主流社会。

10、A practical software suitable for simulation of filling using micrcomputer was also developed,which could numerically simulate filling process in evaporative patte... ─── 同时开发了适用于微机的充填过程模拟软件,准确、合理地对气化模充填过程进行计算机模拟。

11、Patt YZ, Hassan MM, Aguayo A, et al. Oral capecitabine for the treatment of hepatocellular carcinoma, cholangiocarcinoma, ─── 唐武兵,杨文,古伟光,等.希罗达治疗中晚期肝癌的临床研究.现代肿瘤医学,2006,14:1421-1423.

12、In patt region casual meeting the adult of Andrias davidianus is brought from reproductive land and growing up. ─── 在部分地区偶见大鲵成体,乃为幼鲵自繁殖地被偶然携带至该地而异地育肥的结果。

13、I. . . I want to hear the pitter -patte of little feet again. ─── 我想再听到小脚滴滴达达的声音。

14、The Theory and Application of Patt ern Recognition ─── 撰写日期:模式识别原理与应用

15、Patt, Dagmar Schrter, Richard J.T. ─── 放大图片 创作者: Anthony G.

16、Patt Crooved Panel is a kind of product which the grooves are on visible side and the round holes are on the rear, their core materials are medium density fiberboard(MDF),they can be used for wall and ceiling finish. ─── "帕特"槽木吸声板是一种在中密度纤维板的正面开槽、背面开圆孔的狭缝共振吸声材料,常用于墙面和天花装饰。

17、Make sure to keep track of where you are on your patte rn to avoid errors. ─── 请务必保留下您对您的模式进行,以避免错误的轨道。

18、If you are choosing a patte rn to give to a man, then you should take a look at what they like. ─── 如果你选择的模式,让一个人,那么你应该在他们喜欢看什么。

19、Retiens les griffes de ta patte, ─── 忍住你脚掌上的爪子,

20、patt erns of decoration ─── 纹饰

21、-design patterns.Design patterns.Design patterns.Design patterns.Design patterns.Design patterns.Design patterns.Design patterns.Design patterns.Design patte... ─── 设计模式. 设计模式. 设计模式. 设计模式. 设计模式.

22、A lot of ways could be used to resolve and reduce concentration polarization and membrane fouling.In this article, the effectiveness of flow patt... ─── 解决和减轻浓差极化和膜污染的方法有很多,本文着重于流体流动状态对浓差极化和膜污染的影响进行了论述。

23、The fifth patt analyses the present situation and problems of our public utility reform,taking telecommunications industry as an example. ─── 第五部分以电信业为例,分析了我国公用企业管制改革的现状和存在的问题。

24、Each route starts with the HTTP method, followed by the URI patte rn. The last element of a route is the Java call definition. ─── 每一个route以一个HTTP方法开始,后面跟着URI模式,最后的是Java调用定义。

25、After observation for certain time, the contraction can disappear or the patte rn of contraction changes. ─── 经过一定时间的观察局部收缩可以消失或形态发生改变。

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