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08-16 投稿


assignor 发音

英:[??sa?n?r]  美:[??s??n??(r)]

英:  美:

assignor 中文意思翻译



assignor 短语词组

1、assignor defined ─── 转让人定义

2、assignor v assignee ─── 转让人与受让人

3、assignor job ─── 转让人工作

4、assignor ucc ─── 转让人ucc

5、assignor fees ─── 转让人费用

6、case assignor ─── 案件转让人

7、assignor define ─── 转让人定义

8、assignor versus assignee ─── 转让人与受让人

assignor 词性/词形变化,assignor变形


assignor 相似词语短语

1、assigner ─── n.指定人;分配人

2、assignee ─── n.代理人;受托人;分配到任务的人

3、assigns ─── v.分配,分派(assign的单三形式);n.受让人,接受财产等转让的人(常用复数)

4、signor ─── n.先生(意大利用语);绅士;已婚男性;n.(Signor)人名;(瑞典)西格诺尔

5、assistor ─── n.帮助者;加力器;助推器

6、assigned ─── adj.指定的;已分配的;v.分配(assign的过去分词);指定;委派

7、assign ─── vt.分配;指派;[计][数]赋值;vi.将财产过户(尤指过户给债权人)

8、assignat ─── (流通于1789至1796年法国大革命期间的)纸券

9、assignors ─── n.让与人

assignor 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、As is required by Adjacency Condition principle, a Case assignor and a Case recipient should stay adjacent to each other. ─── 毗邻条件决定格分派,该条件要求格分派者和格接受者要相互毗邻。

2、Receiving the documents for assignment, the authorized agent would replace the original information of assignor as the new information about assignee in 2 to 5 workdays. ─── 北京注册商总部收到过户资料后,在2-5个工作日内将把原注册内容替换成新注册人的信息;

3、Article 25 Where a registered trademark is assigned,both the assignor and assignee shall jointly file an application with the Trademark Office. ─── 第二十五条 转让注册商标的,转让人和受让人应当共同向商标局提出申请。

4、As is required by Adjacency Condition principle, a Case assignor and a Case recipient should stay adjacent to each other. ─── 毗邻条件决定格分派,该条件要求格分派者和格接受者要相互毗邻。

5、Assignment refers to the act by which an assignor transfer a contract right to an assignee. ─── 转让是指转让人向受转让人转让合同权利的行为。

6、Upon receipt of the notice of assignment of the obligee's right, the obligor may, in respect of the assignee, avail itself of any defense it has against the assignor. ─── 债务人接到债权转让通知后,债务人对让与人的抗辩,可以向受让人主张。

7、Thee assignor may not continue to use the assigned enterprise name after the assignment. ─── 企业名称转让后,转让方不得继续使用已转让的企业名称。

8、After receiving the notice of the assignment of the claim, the debtor may initiate against the assignee the defense which he had against the assignor. ─── 债务人接到债权转让通知时,债务人对让与人享有债权,并且债务人的债权先于转让的债权到期或者同时到期的,债务人可以向受让人主张抵消。

9、After receiving notification, the assignor shall assist the assignee in removing any obstacles. ─── 让与人接到通知后,应当协助受让人排除妨碍。

10、Article 24: The assignment of a registered website name shall require the assignor and the assignee to jointly submit a written application. ─── 第二十四条转让注册网站名称应由转让人和受让人共同向注册机关提出书面申请。

11、This Condition states that aCase assignor and aCase recipient should stay adjacent to each other. ─── 这个条件是说格的指定者和格的受体应该相互毗邻(它可以解释为什么在动词和其直接宾语之间不能插入其他词组类)。

12、The reinsurance assignor shall not decline or delay fulfilling its own original obligations by reason of the non-performance of the obligations of reinsurance assignee. ─── 再保险分出人不得以再保险接受人未履行再保险责任为由,拒绝履行或者迟延履行其原保险责任。

13、3, Batch processing of personal housing mortgage changes registered by the individual housing Mortgages assignor and the assignee common applications. ─── 三、批量办理个人住房抵押权变更登记的,由个人住房抵押权转让人和受让人共同申请。

14、Article 39 When a registered trademark is to be assigned, the assignor and the assignee shall sign the agreement of assignment, and shall jointly file an application with the Trademark Office. ─── 第三十九条转让注册商标的,转让人和受让人应当签订转让协议,并共同向商标局提出申请。

15、Automatic Target Evaluator and Weapon Assignor ─── 自动目标鉴别器及武器分配器

16、I/We, the assignor, the owner of the patent application ─── 兹有转让方的专利申请/专利:

17、Article 150 When the right to the use of land for construction lapses, the assignor shall have his registration cancelled in time. ─── 第一百五十条建设用地使用权消灭的,出让人应当及时办理注销登记。

18、Article 32 The assignor must to carry on the development and construction deferring to the contractual stipulation. ─── 满二年未动工开发的,出让 人可以无偿收回土地使用权;

19、Registration of changes in the form of capital transfer shall require an agreement jointly signed by the assignor and the assignee, and notarised by the Public Notary Office of Shenzhen Municipality. ─── 转让资本的变更登记,须有转让人和受让人共同签署并经深圳市公证处公证的协议书。

20、The patentee or the assignor of the patent right shall repay the whole or part of the fee for the exploitation of the patent or the price for the assignment of the patent right to the licensee or the assignee of the patent right. ─── 专利权人或者专利权转让人应当向被许可实施专利人或者专利权受让人返还全部或者部分专利使用费或者专利权转让费。

21、Normally, obligor can restitute only from the assignor if the creditor's right assigned doesn't exist or obligor revokes the contract. ─── 让与的债权不存在或者债务人解除合同时,债务人通常只能够向债权出让人请求返还。

22、Article 21 In applying for the assignment of a registered trademark, the assignor and the assignee shall file one Application for Assignment of a Registered Trademark with the Trademark Office. ─── 第二十一条申请转让注册商标的,转让人和受让人应当向商标局交送《转让注册商标申请书》一份。

23、(5) personal housing mortgage business licenses assignor and the assignee (copies). ─── (五)个人住房抵押权转让人和受让人的营业执照(复印件)。

24、The employer or task assignor to the person as per the preceding item on the basis of a contract between them; ─── 根据彼此间的契约,前一点所述人士的雇主或任务指派人;

25、Losses caused assignee, the assignor, the payment default payment, should also bear liability. ─── 造成受让人损失的,转让人除支付违约金外,还应当负赔偿责任。

26、In the case of superficial assignment, the notice should be given by the assignor and there should be some restricts on the notice by assignee. ─── 在表见让与中,一般只能由出让人进行通知,由受让人进行通知应该严格加以限制。

27、Assignor for the purchase of the rights and obligations of the assignee. ─── 转让人对购房人的权利和义务由受让人承担。

28、Article 11 The assignor to a property right transaction shall entrust an intermediary institution with the relevant qualification to conduct auditing and asset appraisal. ─── 第二条 在本市产权交易机构从事产权交易活动,应当遵守本规定。法律、法规另有规定的,从其规定。

29、At the same time there are the following issues : First, the assignor bid too high, expectations are high, the result would like to sell more, lower transaction. ─── 同时也存在以下问题:一是转让人出价过高,期望值也高,结果想出售的多、成交的少。

30、At the request of the reinsurance assignee, the insurance assignor shall inform the former of its own liability and all relevant information with respect to the original insurance. ─── 应再保险接受人的要求,再保险分出人应当将其自负责任及原保险的有关情况告知再保险接受人。

31、Conclusion:pass comprehensive measure,can prevent from relapse of tumor and transfer,to later period extensive assignor,chemotherapy can control tumor of development,extension existence period. ─── 结论:通过综合措施,可防止肿瘤的复发和转移,对晚期广泛转移者,化疗可控制肿瘤的发展,延长生存期。

32、Both parties have reached the following agreement in respect of assignment of the domain names from Assignor to Assignee ─── 关于上述转让人向上述受让人转让域名一事,双方达成如下协议

33、(2) assignment of a registered trademark, the assignor of its trademark on the same goods or similar goods registered on the same or similar trademarks, would need to apply for the transfer. ─── (2)转让注册商标的,商标转让人对其在同一种商品或类似商品上注册的相同或近似的商标,必须一并办理转让。

34、10.The assignor and assignee of the enterprise name shall sign a written contract or agreement which shall be reported to the original competent registration authority for approval. ─── 企业名称的转让方与受让方应当签订书面合同或者协议,报原登记主管机关核准。

35、If the time is over two years, the assignor can withdraw land-use rights free; ─── 满二年未动工开发的,出让人可以无偿收回土地使用权;

36、11.Draft and provide the assignor with correct, complete and comprehensive due diligence report; ─── 起草并向委托方提交准确、完整、详实的尽职调查报告;

37、The assignment price of company bonds shall be agreed upon between the assignor and the assignee. ─── 公司债券的转让价格由转让人与受让人约定。

38、Legal rights of the assignor and assignee ─── 分配人与受让人双方的合法权利

39、Ballistic Track Assignor ─── 弹道跟踪分配员

40、Such as "Hardware Pulse Assignor" used by driving stepping motor. ─── 如驱动步进电机用的“硬件脉冲分配器”。

41、Normally, obligor can restitute only from the assignor if the creditor's right assigned doesn't exist or obligor revokes the contract. ─── 让与的债权不存在或者债务人解除合同时,债务人通常只能够向债权出让人请求返还。

42、The assignor may not continue to use the assigned enterprise name after the assignment. ─── 企业名称转让后,转让方不得继续使用已转让的企业名称。

43、WHEREAS, Assignor has contributed certain material to Devco for the multimedia product(Work),and the parties intended that Devco be the owner of all rights in Work. ─── 鉴于:转让人已经将某些物质提供给迪威公司以生产多媒体产品(以下简称“作品”),且双方当事人已就迪威公司作为作品一切权利的所有人一事产生意向。

44、The obligor has a right to be compensated by the assignor or the assignee for any additional costs caused by the assignment. ─── 因权利转让产生的任何额外成本,债务人有权要求让与人或受让人给予补偿。

45、Article 6 The subjects to a property right transaction refers to the assignor that owns the property right according to law and the assignee that obtains the property right onerously. ─── 第五条本市所辖国有产权的交易,应当在北京产权交易中心进行;城镇集体产权以及其他产权的交易,可以在北京产权交易中心进行。

46、1.The assignment price of company bonds shall be agreed upon between the assignor and the assignee. ─── 公司债券的转让价格由转让人与受让人约定。

47、The other party may discharge the assignor. ─── 另一方当事人可解除让与人的债务。

48、As the assignor of the company will receive rental income to total 70 million yuan to Beijing States as a property trust vote, and requested Beijing States vote, took the assignment. ─── 作为转让人该公司将获得的总额7000万元租金收益权作为财产信托给北京国投,并请北京国投代为转让。

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