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08-16 投稿


puck 发音

英:[p?k]  美:[p?k]

英:  美:

puck 中文意思翻译




puck 网络释义

n. 冰球(由硬橡胶制成);顽皮的小妖精;(英)鼠状定位器;欧夜莺;脾脱疽n. (Puck)人名;(德)普克

puck 词性/词形变化,puck变形


puck 短语词组

1、Puck (moon) ─── 帕克(月亮)

2、puck prose ─── 过程圆盘

3、puck lights ─── 冰球灯

4、intercept the puck ─── 拦截冰球

5、puck-handling ─── 冰球动作

6、hockey puck ─── 冰球

7、puck moonen ─── 冰球卫星

8、puck-carrier ─── 冰球载体

9、icing the puck ─── [网络] 死球

10、puck striker ─── 冰球前锋

11、puck shot ─── 冰球射击

12、freezing the puck ─── 冰球冻结

13、puck from glee ─── 欢乐合唱团的冰球

14、rubber puck ─── 橡胶圆盘

15、puck handling ─── 冰球动作

16、ice puck ─── 冰球

17、pocket puck ─── 口袋冰球

18、puck lighting kits ─── 冰球照明套件

19、unglue puck ─── 冰球钉

puck 相似词语短语

1、guck ─── n.粘糊糊的东西;n.(Guck)人名;(德)古克

2、fuck ─── v.与……性交;破坏;n.性交;性交对象;int.(生气的粗话)混账,见鬼

3、pluck ─── v.采摘;扯;拔掉(死禽的毛);弹拨(乐器的弦);解救;抢夺;拔(眉毛)以使整洁;鼓起勇气;(冰川冰)拔削;n.胆识,勇气;(供食用的)内脏;快而猛的拉

4、pucks ─── 园盘,圆;冰球;恶作剧的小妖精(puck的复数)

5、cuck ─── 布谷鸟

6、duck ─── n.鸭子;鸭肉;(英)宝贝儿;零分;vi.闪避;没入水中;vt.躲避;猛按…入水;n.(Duck)人名;(德、葡、匈)杜克

7、pucka ─── adj.真正的,纯正的;高品质的,份量充足的;(适合)上层社会的;(非正式)优秀的,很好的(等于pukka);n.(Pucka)(波、拉脱维亚)普客卡(人名)

8、Buck ─── n.(美)钱,元;雄鹿;纨绔子弟;年轻的印第安人或黑人;v.(马)尥起后蹄跳跃;弓背四蹄跳起;猛然震荡;抵制;反抗;n.(Buck)(美)巴克(人名)

9、Tuck ─── n.(美)塔克(人名);v.(tuck)(把布或纸张的边缘)塞进,折叠;把……藏起来;给……打裥;n.(tuck)(衣服的)褶,裥;减脂手术

puck 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、preceding puck into attacking zone ─── 先于球进入攻区

2、in such a position as to be able to play or receive a ball or puck legally ─── 处于这种位置,以便在不违反规则的条件下踢球或接同伴的传球

3、Fun? Where was the fun? Tell me specifically, which part was the fun part? Where's my puck? ─── 开心?哪里开心?告诉哪一点值得我开心?我的冰球在哪儿?

4、Then, what it was that next came in her eye, Which she must dote on in extremity. (Enter PUCK) Here comes my messenger. ─── 她一醒来,就要热烈地爱上了她第一眼看到的无论什么东西了。这边来的是我的使者。

5、to block or impede(an opposing player with the puck) in ice hockey by using one's body or one's stick ─── 在冰球运动中用身体或球棍阻挡或挤贴(控制着冰球的对手)

6、I like art and movies, and also more pedestrian things such as nachos.In my spare time I play with videogames and cats.My kitty's name is Puck after the spirit of mischief. ─── 如果不能把问题表达得很清楚,就用最简单的句式和词语,通过日常生活的一些简单话题来交流,或是说一说你学习英语的困惑。

7、To transfer a ball or puck to a teammate. ─── 传球把球或冰球传给队友

8、a rebounding or caroming Ball or hockey puck ─── 反弹球球类运动或冰球运动中的反弹球或反撞球

9、For example,cylindrical shapes such as hockey puck can need only two. ─── 例如,冰球等圆柱状物体只需要两视图。

10、a transfer of a ball or puck between teammates ─── 在队员间传递球或冰球

11、In 1855, British soldiers in Nova Scotia decided to try a form of field hockey on the frozen lakes and ponds, using a puck instead of a ball. ─── 1855年,新斯科舍的英国士兵决定用一个橡胶圆盘而不是圆球,在冰冻的湖面和池塘上,以场地曲棍球的形式,进行一项运动。

12、to shoot (the puck) far out of defensive territory in ice hockey ─── 冰球中;在远离防守区时击(球)

13、You score on Tretiak, keep the puck. ─── |你想从Tretiak那里得分, 那还是省省吧.

14、lose control of puck ─── 失去控制球权

15、To shoot(the puck) far out of defensive territory in ice hockey. ─── 冰球中在远离防守区时击(球)

16、At the end, Puck tells the audience that if they did not like the play, they should consider it as just that: a dream. ─── 剧尾,帕克告诉观众,如果他们不喜欢这出戏,就把它当成是一场梦。

17、biplane puck filmchanger ─── 双向“甫克”型(连续)换片器

18、In 1855, British soldiers in Nova Scotia decided to try a form of field hockey on the frozen lakes and ponds, using a puck i lead of a ball. ─── 1855年,新斯科舍的英国士兵决定用一个橡胶圆盘而不是圆球,在冰冻的湖面和池塘上,以场地曲棍球的形式,进行一项运动。

19、A pass of a basketball or an ice hockey puck that enables a teammate to score a goal. ─── 助杀,助攻在篮球赛或冰球比赛中传球以使同队伙伴进球得分

20、Its production techniques include traditional techniques, thick layer ventilation of koji pits, puck machine solid method and liquid deep layer fermentation etc. ─── 其生产工艺有传统工艺、曲池厚层通风法、圆盘机固体法及液体深层发酵法等。

21、A transferof a ball or puck between teammates. ─── 传球在队员间传递球或冰球。

22、The Olympic winter Games have to include skiing, ice-skating, sledging, puck and winter sports. ─── 冬季奥运会必须有:滑雪、滑冰、雪橇、冰球和现代冬季两项。

23、hockey puck ─── 冰球

24、Ross: Fun? Where was the fun? Tell me specifically, which part was the fun part? Where's my puck? ─── 不错?哪里不错了?明确告诉我,哪一部分不错了?我的球在哪里?

25、Finally, as night falls, Oberon and Titania bless the house, its occupants, and the future children of the newlyweds, and Puck delivers an epilogue to the audience asking for applause. ─── 后来也正是按着仙王的旨意,魔力得以解除、情人终成眷属、仙人和好如初,仙界、人间复归太平。

26、The puck is flat and slides on the ice. The hockey players move it around with his hockey stick. ─── 冰球是扁圆的,在冰上能滑动。冰球队员用球杆掌握冰球的运动方向。

27、Puck of Pook's Hill ─── n. 《普克山的帕克》,罗德亚德·吉卜林(Rudyard Kipling)著, 普克山的帕克

28、Niedermayer shoveled the puck to Moen who got enough wood on the bouncing puck to get the puck past Emery for the winner. ─── 奈特梅尔推球给莫恩,莫恩得到后巧妙的使冰球弹起,躲过艾默瑞的阻截,成功传出。

29、"It was like being hit by a hockey puck, " he said of the moment he felt his achilles snap. ─── “就像是被人用冰球杆打了,”他这样说自己的伤病。

30、Ross: The kid...? (To the kid) Excuse me, uh, that's, that's my puck. ─── 孩子...?(对着孩子)对不起,恩,那个,那是我的球。

31、OBERON Fare thee well, nymph; ere he do leave this grove, Thou shalt fly him, and he shall seek thy love. [Re-enter PUCK] Hast thou the flower there? Welcome, wanderer. ─── 奥布朗:再会吧,女郎!当他还没有离开这座树林,你将逃避他,他将追求你的爱情。(迫克重上。)你已经把花采来了吗?欢迎啊,浪游者!

32、The only thing between the puck and the net is the goalie.Relax. ─── 在冰球和球门之间唯一的人就剩下守门员了。

33、To do that requires, to paraphrase Jobs' favorite Wayne Gretzky quote, skating to where the puck is going to be, not where it has been. ─── 要想做到这个,用乔布斯最爱引用的韦恩?格雷茨基的一句话说,就是朝冰球将要去的方向滑,而不是朝它滑过的方向。

34、A reasonable sized bagel's serving size is the size of a hockey puck. ─── 大小合理的百吉饼一餐份量应该是一只冰球大小。

35、The only thing between the puck and the net is you. ─── 在冰球和球门之间唯一的人就是你了。

36、The Wolfgang Puck Self-Heating Latte, introduced about a year ago, has been the subject of numerous complaints about malfunctions. ─── 沃尔夫冈普克的自热咖啡,介绍了大约一年前,一直受到许多抱怨故障。

37、To pass a ball or puck to(a teammate), especially in order to score. ─── 传球尤指为得分而把球传给或掷给(本队队员)

38、but, he hit the ice well behind the puck and a little bit too much torque on the stick. ─── 但他打到了冰球后面的冰上,对球棍承受的扭力有点太大了。

39、brake puck ─── 制动圆盘

40、Is a puck like a ball? ─── 冰球是一个圆球的样子吗?

41、The great hockey player, Wayne Gretzky, when asked, how he positions himself on the ice, he replied,“ I skate to where the puck is going to be, not where it's been. ─── 伟大的冰上曲棍球选手WayneGretzky被问到,他如何在冰上跑位,回答说:“我滑向球下一步的位置,而不是它现在的位置。”

42、In waiting for the comfort of good news, they are ignoring Wayne Gretzky's advice: “I skate to where the puck is going to be, not to where it has been. ─── 事实上,政府为了减轻目前的危机而努力实施的政策将很有可能是促进通货膨胀的,从而会进一步加速现金的贬值。

43、A pass of a basketball or an ice hockey puck that enables a teammateto score a goal. ─── 助攻在篮球赛或冰球比赛中传球以使同队伙伴进球得分。

44、Hard-hitting and fast-action describe ice hockey, where two opposing teams use curved hockey sticks to hit the puck into their opponent's goal. ─── 冰上曲棍球的特色就是重击与急速动作。互相较劲的两个队伍用弯曲的曲棍球棍把冰球打进敌队的球门里。

45、After the puck films, the DSA were taken again to compare the findings of both methods. ─── 在常规PUCK快速摄片后,再行DSA,比较两种方法所见。

46、The puck is flat and slides on the ice.The hockey player move it around with his hockey stick. ─── 冰球是扁圆的,在冰上能滑动。冰球队员用球杆掌握冰球的运动方向。

47、Oberon: The poor girl! I have to help her. Welcome, wanderer, has you get the flower? (Puck ─── 可怜的女孩,我得帮助她。欢迎啊,浪游者,你把花采来了吗?

48、In waiting for the comfort of good news, they are ignoring Wayne Gretzky's advice: "I skate to where the puck is going to be, not to where it has been. ─── 只有在香港这个地方生活过相当长一段时间的人才会特别有感触。而且不同人生阶段的时候看,感觉应该也会不一样。

49、broomball:a kind of ice hockey that is played on ice with the players using brooms and a soccer ball instead of hockey sticks and a puck and wearing shoes or boots instead of ice skates. ─── 冰上扫帚球:冰上的一项曲棍球运动,球员用扫帚和足球代替冰球杆和冰球,用鞋或靴代替冰鞋。

50、Famed chef Wolfgang Puck catered the event and a full band provided entertainment. ─── 两人专门聘请了名厨沃尔夫冈-帕克料理食物,还邀请了一个乐队为宾客演奏音乐。

51、hold the puck into one's body ─── 将球搂在怀里

52、At the end, Puck tells the audience that if they did not like the play, ─── 剧尾,帕克告诉观众,如果他们不喜欢这出戏,

53、At the end,Puck tells the audience that if they did not like the play,they should consider it as just that:a dream. ─── 剧尾,帕克告诉观众,如果他们不喜欢这出戏,就把它当成是一场梦。

54、Oberon tells his servant, Puck, to put a magic liquid on Titania's eyes to make her fall in love with the first person she sees. ─── 帕克将魔液点在两个男子的眼睛上,结果他们俩都同时爱上了其中一个女孩。

55、The ice hockey players shoot the puck into the goal's net. The team with the most points wins. ─── 冰球队员将冰球射入守门员的球门,得分最多的队为胜者。

56、This year's King Puck is named Louis after the French Sun King and has an almost 70-cm (27-inch) horn span. ─── 今年“国王”的羊角长70厘米,人们用法国“太阳王”路易十四的名字来为它命名。

57、Then she noticed that she had fallen on top of the puck. ─── 然后,她才发现到自己刚好摔倒在冰球上面。

58、In ice hockey the players skate around the ice and try to make a goal with the puck. ─── 冰上曲棍球比赛中,球员在冰上周旋,用球杆把球击入球门。

59、If you're among them, watch these sports as speed skaters set new speed records and ice hockey players skim over the ice in the quest for control of the puck. ─── 你如果也是这样的人,不妨观赏这两种运动,看竞速滑冰选手不断创下速度的纪录,以及冰上曲棍球选手在冰上滑掠而过,追求冰球的控制权。

60、Oberon tells his servant, Puck, ─── 奥伯龙就叫他的仆人帕克(Puck),

61、Oberon: Well, go your way. Before the morning dawns, I will make you suffer for this injury. Come here, my gentle Puck. ─── 好,你走吧,在黎明之前,我一定要为这侮辱惩罚你。我的好派克,过来。

62、a kind of ice hockey that is played on ice with the players using brooms and a soccer ball instead of hockey sticks and a puck and wearing shoes or boots instead of ice skates ─── 冰上扫帚球,冰上的一项曲棍球运动,球员用扫帚和足球代替冰球杆和冰球,用鞋或靴代替冰鞋

63、Yunbo: Is a puck like a ball? ─── 云波:冰球是一个圆球的样子吗?

64、*Special puck machinery, easy to use. ─── * 特殊十字盘机械,操作简便。

65、While in this state of devotion, she encounters Oberon and casually gives him the Indian boy.Having achieved his goals, Oberon releases Titania and orders Puck to remove the ass's head from Bottom. ─── 幸福的斗争是如此艰难,天命弄人,可是这种斗争的过程并非一种痛苦,一种悲剧,而是一种有着快乐意味的戏剧性的东西。

66、Well, I play forward. I get the most chances to score goals. I shoot the puck into the goalie's net. The team with the most points wins. ─── 嗯,我是打前锋的。我进球得分的机会最多。我将冰球射入守门员的球门,得分最多的队为胜。

67、A transfer of a ball or puck between teammates. ─── 传球在队员间传递球或冰球

68、puck position ─── 半团身

69、To pass a ball or puck to(a teammate),especially in order to score. ─── 传球尤指为得分而把球传给或掷给(本队队员)。

70、a game played on an ice rink by two opposing teams of 6 skaters each who try to knock a flat round puck into the opponents' goal with hockey sticks. ─── 一种在溜冰场上的游戏通过彼此有六名溜冰者的两个队来尽力用球辊打击球。

71、Work and play are not mutually exclusive. It is possible to code and pass the puck at the same time. ─── 工作娱乐两不误:写代码的同时也可以过关斩将,看过黑客帝国吧。

72、For fun, Puck decides to turn Bottom's head into a donkey's. ─── 他一时兴起,决定把巴腾的头变成驴头。

73、Of the 10 new Uranian moons discovered by Voyager 2, only Puck was discovered soon enough that the observation schedule could be adjusted to get images. ─── 在旅行者2号发现的十颗卫星中,只有天卫十五发现得太快,使得观察日程表不得不进行调整才得到了图像。

74、Paulo: The Wolfgang Puck of Brazil ─── 巴西小淘气

75、an urchin; a puck; a little rogue; an imp ─── 小淘气

76、Puck puts the liquid on the men's eyes, ─── 帕克将魔水点在两个男子的眼睛上,

77、Yunbo: Is a puck like a ball? ─── 云波:冰球是一个圆球的样子吗?

78、Oberon: Well go your way. Before the morning dawns I will make you suffer for this injury. Come here my gentle Puck. ─── 好,你走吧,在黎明之前,我一定要为这欺侮惩罚你。我的好派克,过来。

79、shot (10 Off). A sitting puck when struck reacts as if it weights a ton. Tweak the shot action. ─── 射击(10关)。一个坐在冰球击中时的反应,犹如一吨重。调整铅球行动。

80、Sports To pass a ball or puck to (a teammate), especially in order to score. ─── 传球:尤指为得分而把球传给或掷给(本队队员)

81、It looks like a giant hockey puck and hums like a hot rod . ─── 它看上去像一个巨大的冰球,轰鸣起来又像一个由旧车改装而成的高速汽车。

82、Puck removed the harmful charm from Lyander, and so led the lover about in the woods. ─── 帕克为里斯兰解除了有害的魔力,领着两对情人在林中兜来兜去.

83、This year's King Puck is named Louis after the French Sun King and has an almost70- cm(27- inch) horn span. ─── 今年“国王”的羊角长70釐米,人们用法国“太阳王”路易十四的名字来为它命名。

84、It also represents ej in some dialects, and represents i/? in area between Puck and Kartuzy. ─── 在卡舒比语,这个字母排在字母表的第 8 位,表示 /??/ 音。

85、After one week,repeat examination was performed by using Anisodamine pharmaco-angiography. There was the contrast extravasation and abnormal stain in both puck film and DSA. ─── 一周后采用山莨菪碱药物血管造影,PUCK及DSA见造影剂外溢及肠管异常染色而得到诊断。

86、It has been suggested that it is linkedtopre-Christian celebrations of a fruitful harvest and that themalegoat or Puck was a pagan symbol of fertility, like the pagangodPan. ─── 卡尼介绍说:“这个节日可能与庆祝农作物丰收有关,而公山羊被认为是多产的象征。”

87、To pass a ball or puck to(a teammate,especially in order to score. ─── 传球尤指为得分而把球传给或掷给(本队队员)

88、A kind of ice hockey that is played on ice with the players using brooms and a soccer ball instead of hockey sticks and a puck and wearing shoes or boots instead of ice skates. ─── 冰上扫帚球冰上的一项曲棍球运动,球员用扫帚和足球代替冰球杆和冰球,用鞋或靴代替冰鞋

89、Puck then sees an actor named Bottom. ─── 之后帕克看到一个叫巴腾(bottom)的演员,

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