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orthodox 发音

英:[???rθ?dɑ?ks]  美:[???θ?d?ks]

英:  美:

orthodox 中文意思翻译




orthodox 网络释义

adj. 正统的;传统的;惯常的;东正教的n. 正统的人;正统的事物

orthodox 反义词

unorthodox | heathen

orthodox 词性/词形变化,orthodox变形

复数--orthodox;比较级--more orthodox;最高级--most orthodox。

orthodox 同义词

usual | Greek Orthodox | customary | mainstream | accepted | established | approved | conventional | proper | standard | conformable |traditional | official | correct | conformist

orthodox 短语词组

1、Russian Orthodox theology ─── 俄罗斯东正教神学

2、orthodox sleep ─── 正相睡眠

3、Orthodox Jew ─── [网络] 正统派犹太教徒;正统派犹太人;东正教犹太人

4、Annunciation Greek Orthodox Church ─── 希腊东正教

5、greek orthodox ─── 希腊正教的

6、Greek Orthodox Church ─── [网络] 希腊东正教

7、eastern orthodox ─── [宗教](关于)东正教的

8、Coptic Orthodox Church in Asia ─── 亚洲科普特东正教教堂

9、russian orthodox ─── 俄罗斯东正教

10、Russian Orthodox Church ─── [网络] 俄罗斯正教会;俄罗斯东正教会;俄国东正教

11、Armenian Apostolic Orthodox Church ─── [网络] 亚美尼亚使徒正教

12、Orthodox Judaism ─── 正统派犹太教

13、Annunciation Greek Orthodox Cathedral of New England ─── 新英格兰希腊东正教大教堂

14、orthodox practice ─── [法] 传统惯例, 固有方法

15、Eastern Orthodox Church ─── 东正教(等于Orthodox Eastern Church)

16、orthodox scanning ─── [电] 正则扫描

17、Orthodox Church n. ─── 希腊正教;东正教

18、Jewish-Orthodox ─── [网络] 正统犹太人

19、Orthodox Catholic Church ─── [网络] 正教会

orthodox 常用词组

orthodox church ─── n. 东正教;希腊正教

eastern orthodox ─── 东正教

eastern orthodox church ─── [宗]东正教(等于Orthodox Eastern Church)

orthodox 相似词语短语

1、orthodoxies ─── n.正统;正教;正统说法

2、orthodoxly ─── 规范地;正统地

3、neoorthodox ─── adj.新正统运动的;新正统派的

4、unorthodox ─── adj.非正统的;异端的;异教的

5、orthodoxy ─── n.正统;正教;正统说法

6、nonorthodox ─── adj.有悖传统的

7、Orthodox ─── adj.东正教派的;正教的;n.东正教徒;正教徒;adj.(orthodax)正统的;传统的;惯常的;普通的;n.(orthodax)正统的人;正统的事物

8、orthopod ─── n.矫形外科医师

9、unorthodoxy ─── n.非正统;异端邪说

orthodox 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、I came from an orthodox and devout Zoroastriano family and consequently was devoted only to Load Zoroaster. ─── 我出身于一个正统虔诚的琐罗亚斯德教家庭,因而只信奉主琐罗亚斯德。

2、McCafferty.Dichotomy, the Orthodox View of Human Constitution. ─── 廖元威, 倪柝声三元论人观 A.

3、The orthodox answer is "no". ─── 传统观点认为不可能。

4、A national hero, he was canonized by the Russian Orthodox Church. ─── 他被尊为民族英雄,还被俄罗斯东正教会封为圣人。

5、Red in this sense is the orthodox representation for good fortune, which cannot be altered lightly. ─── 在这一层意义上,红色是代表好运的正统颜色,不能随意更改。

6、Polariscopes for orthodox observations by transmitted light may be classified into two groups. ─── 利用透射光进到常规观测的偏振光弹仪,可分为二种。

7、Russian Orthodox Patriarchate Kirill said the Duma would not agree to remove "God" from the lyrics. ─── 俄东正教大主教基里尔也认为,国家杜马不会同意从国歌中删除“上帝”一词。

8、Christianity is divided into three religious sects: Protestantism, Catholicism, Orthodox Eastern Church. ─── 基督教被分成三个教派:新教,天主教,东正教。

9、Karl Llewellyn, in his early writtings, was a spokesman for orthodox realist theory. ─── 卡尔·卢埃林在其早期著作里扮演了一个正统现实主义学说的代言人。

10、Mr Lieberman recalled that Shas, the largest Orthodox party with 11 seats, had cursed him during the campaign. ─── 利伯曼回忆道,获得11个席位的最大正统党派沙斯党在竞选过程中诅咒过他。

11、Associatoin with the Orthodox Union, which is a non-profit communal organization. ─── 与非盈利公众组织犹太正教联盟的合作。

12、Constantine also wanted to stop all this feuding about what was orthodox Christianity. ─── 君士坦丁大帝还想停止,这场关于正统基督教的斗争。

13、A skullcap worn by Jewish men and boys, especially those adhering to Orthodox or Conservative Judaism. ─── 亚莫克便帽犹太男子或男孩戴的一种无边便帽,尤指那些信奉东正教或保守犹太教的人

14、The orthodox view was that investment adjusts to the full employment level automatically via the rate of interest. ─── 传统的观点认为,通过利息率可使投资自动地调整实现充分就业的水平。

15、Master Ikoner's Studio reduces squalor, and amplifies the effects of Orthodox churches. ─── 圣迹画院能够降低城邑脏乱,并增加东正教堂的宗教感召力。

16、Most orthodox doctors however dismiss this as complete nonsense. ─── 然而大多数传统的医生将此视为纯粹的胡言乱语而不予考虑。

17、Religion: Most inhabitants of Moldova profess the Orthodox Eastern Church. ─── 多数人信奉东正教。

18、Can there be a Russia without a vibrant Orthodox Church? ─── 如果没有一个充满活力的东正教,那么会有俄罗斯吗?

19、Said one aborigine suddenly in very orthodox English. ─── 一名土著人突然用相当标准的英语说道,

20、There was not least doubt that from his own orthodox point of view the situation was growing immoral. ─── 从他自己那种正经规矩的观点来看,毫无疑问,这种形势越来越违反道德。

21、So it has been called the orthodox Chinese carpet pattern by some foreign experts. ─── 因而被国外一些地毯专家称为正宗的中国地毯。

22、The former is said to come within the realms of orthodox descriptive cataloguing. ─── 前者一般认为属于正统的描述性编目范畴。

23、But Dick White, for all the elegance of his delivery, was essentially an orthodox man. ─── 但是,不论迪克·怀特的讲话多么优雅,他基本上是一个思想正统的人。

24、It provided Jews with a direct approach to God, a notion regarded as heretical and pantheistic by Orthodox Judaism. ─── 它为犹太人直接接近上帝的方式,正统派犹太教认为这是异教及泛神论的主张。

25、Sun's synthetic thoughts reveal an extension from orthodox medicine to the Taoist field. ─── 一圈圈往外扩散,由正统医学跨越至道教领域。

26、To, must eat to take a scale, the beer fish of orthodox school, the fish scales all fry very frailty, delicious pole. ─── 对了,一定要吃带鳞的,正宗的啤酒鱼,鱼鳞都炸得非常脆,好吃极了。

27、All Christians believe the orthodox doctrine of the Trinity. ─── 所有的基督徒都相信正统的三一神教义。

28、You can add national holidays and events, predictand add Christian, Eastern Orthodox, Jewish or Islamic Events. ─── 你能够加国定假日和事件,预测和加克里斯汀,东部正统,犹太或者伊斯兰教的事件。

29、Denial of this is considered heretical by Catholics and Eastern Orthodox (and Evangelicals) alike. ─── 否认这点就被天主教和东正教(还有信福音主义者)视之为异端。

30、Karl Llewellyn, in his early writings, was a spokesman for orthodox realist theory. ─── 卡尔?卢埃林在其早期著作里扮演了一个正统现实主义学说的代言人。

31、"They go to hell," was my ready and orthodox answer. ─── “他们下地狱,”我的回答既现成又正统。

32、Of the Eastern Orthodox Church or the rites performed in it. ─── 东正教的东正教的或其内部宗教仪式的

33、He wants to break the orthodox stranglehold over marriage laws. ─── 他想要打破婚姻法中的正统枷锁。

34、Clergymen enter the Saviour Cathedral at the start of the Russian Orthodox Church National Council in Moscow. ─── 俄罗斯,莫斯科:俄罗斯东正教教会全国理事会开始后,神职人员依次进入救世主大教堂.

35、The Russian Orthodox Church influenced the development of cities, private and monastery gardens in 11-17 centuries. ─── 11-17世纪俄罗斯东正教影响了城市园林、私家花园和修道院庭园的发展。

36、Religion: Roman Catholic and Russian Orthodox are the predominant religions in Latvia. ─── 宗教:罗马天主教和俄罗斯东正教为拉脱维亚主要教派。

37、Orthodox Christian churches often have elaborate steeples. ─── 传统的基督教堂都有精致的尖塔。

38、The beliefs and practices of the Eastern Orthodox Church. ─── 东正教堂的信仰和实践

39、In the meantime, it is proved that each orthodox semigroup with an inverse transversal can be constructed in this way. ─── 同时证明了每个具有逆断面的纯正半群都可以如此构造。

40、The belief that the Father,Son,and Holy Spirit are three separate and distinct gods,heretical in orthodox Christianity. ─── 三神论认为圣父、圣子、圣灵是三个分离的且完全不同的神的宗教信仰,这种信仰被正统的基督教义斥为异端

41、The orthodox Thanksgiving dinner includes turkey and pumpkin pie. ─── 传统的感恩节晚餐包括火鸡和南瓜派。

42、The Ethiopian Orthodox Church claims to possess the Ark, it having been brought there by one of Solomon's sons. ─── 埃塞俄比亚正教会曾宣称约柜在其手中,是所罗门的后裔带往当地的。

43、Re - regulate religious policy and realize the national unity using the spirit cohesion of the Orthodox Eastern Church. ─── 三是调整宗教政策,利用东正教的精神凝聚力,实现了民族团结。

44、Her ideas are very orthodox. ─── 她的思想非常合乎规范.

45、He turns, switches from southpaw to orthodox and unloads combo after combo at an imaginary opponent. ─── 他面对假想敌转身、互换左右站姿、打出一组接一组的组合拳;

46、For the Roman Catholic and Orthodox Christian Churches, it was like an endorsement from Europe's top rock stars. ─── 为罗马天主教和东正教教会,它就像一个来自欧洲的顶级摇滚巨星代言。

47、Of or relating to any of the churches or rites of the Eastern Orthodox Church. ─── 关于或有东正教教堂或仪式的

48、America has turned their backs on them and became much more orthodox, with the return of traditional bourgois values. ─── 他们认为,人的自我是在具体的生活环境中塑造出来的。

49、There was not least doubt that from his own orthodox point of view the situation was growing immoral. ─── 从他自己那种正经规矩的观点来看,毫无疑问,这种形势越来越违反道德。

50、The Great Schism splits the Catholic and Orthodox churches. Both sides declare the other one excommunicated and heretic. ─── 巨大裂痕产生在天主教和东正教之间。双方都将对方逐出教会宣布为异教徒。

51、Breaking with convention or tradition;not orthodox. ─── 异端的背离传统或习惯的;不正统的

52、Of a Uniat church that maintains the worship of the Eastern Orthodox Church or the rites performed in it. ─── 希腊东正教的保持了东正教堂或其内部宗教仪式风格的希腊东正教的

53、What is known is that Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger built a reputation for strictly enforcing Orthodox views. ─── 但是作为教皇本笃十六世,他将面临哪些问题还是一个谜,这就是为什么他的第一次公开讲话被人们如此关注的原因。

54、The dogmas of Christianity and Mohammedanism, in their orthodox forms, are so framed that no man can accept both. ─── 六、在基督教和回教正统的教诫上,从不容许人崇信其他宗教;

55、St. Clare came in, embraced his wife in true, orthodox, husbandly fashion, and then presented to her cousin. ─── 圣·克莱亚走进房来,以正统、地道的丈夫气派拥抱了他妻子一下,然后向她介绍他的堂姐。

56、Religion: Orthodox Roman Catholic and Muslim. ─── 宗教:东正教、天主教和穆斯林。

57、His restaurant has two storeys, sells orthodox western-style food, and most famous as its Pizza. ─── 小店分上下两层,专营正宗西餐,尤以比萨最出名。

58、Religion: most people believe in Eastern Orthodox, while a minority believes in Islamism. ─── 宗教:主要信奉东正教,少数人信奉伊斯兰教。

59、An Eastern Orthodox bishop or patriarch. ─── 东正教教皇或教士

60、A diocese of an Eastern Orthodox Church. ─── 东正教主管教区

61、Religion: Most Christians adhere to the Bulgarian Orthodox Church, while there is a substantial minority of Muslims. ─── 宗教:大部分基督教徒信奉保加利亚的东正教,少数人信奉伊斯兰教。

62、I do not wish to quarrel with the assumptions made about the benefits of orthodox education. ─── 我不想反对正统的大学教育带来种种好处的观点。

63、This is less true of children brought up in an orthodox faith. ─── 在正统信仰中长大成人的儿童,不完全是这样。

64、The young generation today don't like orthodox teaching. ─── 当今的年轻一代不喜欢正统的说教。

65、He is a member of Orthodox Church. ─── 他是正统教派中的一员。

66、Christmas fals on Jan. 7 for Orthodox Christians in the Holy Land. ─── 在俄罗斯等信奉东正教的国家,圣诞节不是12月25日,而是1月7日。

67、At the end of September, I had to make a speech at the City Carlton Club, as orthodox body of some influence. ─── 在九月底,我在一个有影响的正统派组织卡尔顿俱乐部发表演说。

68、Karouzos's poetry shows a profound preoccupation with the Orthodox Church. ─── 卡鲁佐斯的诗歌表现出对东正教的深切关注。

69、Everywhere people carry the prayer beads of the Greek Orthodox Church. ─── 人们不管上哪儿都会佩带希腊东正教的念珠。

70、Orthodox economists believe that a recession is now inevitable. ─── 保守的经济学家认为经济萧条时下是不可避免的。

71、The head of the Russian Orthodox Church, Patriarch Alexy II, has died, after long illness. ─── 俄罗斯东正教领袖阿列克谢二世在长期生病之后辞世。

72、Orthodox Eastern Church's typical representative's country is Russia. ─── 东正教的典型代表国家是俄罗斯。

73、As Wall Street reconsiders how it fights, it will turn again to a more orthodox style. ─── 在华尔街重新考虑如何反击的时候,它会再次转向更为传统的方式。

74、The Bema became a standard fixture in Eastern Orthodox churches, functioning as a stage for the altar and clergy. ─── 在东正教的教堂里,讲坛成为标准的设置,作为祭台和神职人员的讲台。

75、A member of an Eastern Orthodox church. ─── 东正教教堂的一员

76、Breaking with convention or tradition; not orthodox. ─── 异端的背离传统或习惯的; 不正统的

77、Shavuot is a two-day festival for Orthodox Jews. ─── 五旬节是正统犹太教教民为期两天的节日。

78、She is often referred to as "Theotokos" in Eastern Orthodox hymns. ─── 她在东正教的赞美诗中被提出及到为“神的母亲”。

79、Mrs. Goodhart swam an orthodox crawl. ─── 古德?哈特太太用正规的自由式游。

80、Yu Qian is an orthodox,famous military strategist in the period of Jingtai in the Ming Dynasty,politician and patriot. ─── 于谦是明朝正统、景泰年间著名的军事家、政治家。

81、His ideas are very orthodox. ─── 他的思想非常合乎规范。

82、The New Testament was written in the Koine and it is used by the Eastern Orthodox Church through the present day. ─── 多历史古迹和古建筑,风光明媚,旅游业发达。海运重要,海港有萨洛尼卡、比雷埃夫斯、佩特雷等,并被评为国歌最长的国家。

83、A movement embracing old-world Orthodox Judaism is alive and thriving in New York City. ─── 在纽约市,信奉欧洲正统犹太教的运动还在继续,并日渐壮大。

84、He is very orthodox in his views. ─── 他的观点十分正统。

85、In an intellectual way, Syme was venomously orthodox. ─── 以知识分子角度来说,赛姆的正统简直恶毒。

86、He was surrounded by the folk music of the Romanian countryside and the liturgy of the Byzantine Orthodox Church. ─── 他的周围到处都是罗马尼亚民间音乐,还有拜占庭东正教的礼拜仪式。

87、Yuan Dynasty rulers of this line of thought, then no doubt the orthodox theory of the rise has important implications. ─── 元代统治者的这一思路,无疑对于当时正统之论的兴盛有重要的影响。

88、Of or relating to Orthodox Judaism. ─── 关于或有关正统犹太教的

89、Letter holder adopts the traditional decoration pattern and it is the orthodox batiks. ─── 信插采用传统装饰纹样,是正宗的蜡染。

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