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08-16 投稿


ballasted 发音

英:[?b?l?st?d]  美:[?b?l?st?d]

英:  美:

ballasted 中文意思翻译




ballasted 常用词组

electronic ballast ─── 电子镇流器;电子安定器

ballast water ─── 压载水;压舱水;压舱配重水

in ballast ─── 压舱货;底货

ballasted 词性/词形变化,ballasted变形

动词过去分词: ballasted |动词第三人称单数: ballasts |动词过去式: ballasted |动词现在分词: ballasting |

ballasted 短语词组

1、ballasted ship ─── 压载船

2、ballasted fixture ─── 压载固定装置

3、ballasted def ─── 压载def

4、ballasted deck ─── 道碴桥面

5、ballasted lamp ─── [电]镇流灯

6、ballasted fence ─── 有碴围栏

7、ballasted keel ─── 压载龙骨

ballasted 相似词语短语

1、ballsed ─── 圆球

2、ballast ─── n.压舱物,[建]压载物;道渣,碎石;vt.给…装压舱物;给…铺道渣

3、balloted ─── n.投票;投票用纸;投票总数;vi.投票;抽签决定;vt.使投票表决;拉选票;n.(Ballot)人名;(英)巴洛特;(法)巴洛

4、ballanted ─── 配乐

5、ballaster ─── n.[公路]铺碴机

6、ballasters ─── 镇流器

7、ballasts ─── n.[电]镇流器;石渣;[建]压载物(ballast的复数);v.使稳定(ballast的三单形式);供以压舱物;为铁路铺道砟

8、blasted ─── adj.枯萎的;被害的;被咒的

9、unballasted ─── adj.没有压舱物的;不稳固的

ballasted 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Ballast: Extra weight carried for stability, usually lodged in the keel. ─── 压舱物:保持船体稳定额外重物。通常安装在龙骨内。

2、The MK is transported as a complete machine with telescopic tower, trolley jib, complete ballast, power generation unit and elevating cab. ─── MK可以在配备伸缩式塔架、小车副臂、完整配重、动力装置与高架司机室的情况下,以整车形式运输。

3、Ballasted track structure on bridge of high-speed Railway is complicated. ─── 桥上有砟轨道结构复杂、设计较难。

4、Lamp Lumens: Lamp lumens must be measured using the lamp and ballast that are shipped with the fixture. ─── 光通量(流明):对带灯泡和镇流器的灯具进行测量。

5、This usage occurs in such situations as constructing an embankment of soil or laying ballast for a road or railroad. ─── 在构筑坝时和给公路或铁路铺放道碴时使用土工布便属于这一类型。

6、Based on the characteristics of LPS and solar energy power, a new 55W low pressure sodium lamp electronic ballast is developed. ─── 基于低压钠灯(LPS)和太阳能供电的特点,研制了55W新型太阳能低压钠灯电子镇流器。

7、Professional Produce: Different Types Of Ballast Transformer And Lights. ─── 专业生产照明电器类产品:电子、感或变压器、具等。

8、He stated that his training had given him ballast and a sense of responsibility. ─── 他说他所受到的训练使他变得坚定,并且具有责任感。

9、Pig iron used as permanent ballast. ─── 压载铁做为永久性压舱物的生铁

10、A certain amount of care or pain or trouble is necessary for every man at all times. A ship without a ballast is unstable and will not go steaight. ─── 一定的忧愁痛苦和烦恼,对每个人都是时时必需的一艘船如果没有压舱物,便不会稳定,不能朝者目的地一直前进。

11、Introduce the design philosophy, computational formula and test result of new type circular HID lamp ballast. ─── 介绍了新型环形HID灯电感镇流器的设计思想,计算公式和样品测试结果.

12、the program based on vehicle-rail coupling dynamics, compute the dynamic response of elastic sleeper ballasted rail and common sleeper ballasted rail under same working condition. ─── 轨道耦合动力学理论所编制的程序,计算弹性轨枕有碴轨道与普通轨枕有碴轨道在相同工况下的动力响应。

13、Fore peak tank, fresh water tank, ballast tank, emergency generator fuel oil tank use sounding pipe, sludge tank use short sounding pipe. ─── 2艏尖舱、淡水舱、压载舱、应急发电机组燃油柜采用测量管测量,污油舱使用短测量管。

14、Once in the water, a section is ballasted with concrete until a minimum buoyancy is attained. ─── 一旦进入水中,一节是摘要有碴与混凝土最低浮力是直到达到的。

15、As anticorrosive paint for hull under water, water ballast tank and crude oil tank, etc. ─── 主要用于船壳水下部分及压载舱、原油舱等部位的防腐漆。

16、If not ventilated properly, their ballast circuitry can get fried enough to fail. ─── 如果通风不畅,压载物的线路板会如同被煎过似的坏掉。

17、The main products includes HID lamp、Halogen lamp、 LED、 HID ballast and some other fittings for electrical appliance and so on. ─── 主要产品为:陶瓷金卤灯、卤素灯、LED、HID镇流器及其它电器配件等。

18、Whilst the tow was underway on 3 January, 2001 and still listing to port, all the ballast tanks were sounded and recorded. ─── 2001年1月3日当拖运还在进行且失事船舶始终保持向左舷倾侧时,所有的压载舱都进行了测深和记录。

19、You can trust that firm; the partners are in ballast all right. ─── 你可以相信这家公司,该公司的合伙人都十分可靠。

20、The ballast enclosure shall be evaluated for a construction with a ballast located outside a fixture enclosure. ─── 在外部固定整流器遮罩需要对其进行评估。

21、Any part of the paraglider or its equipment is shed or jettisoned other than permitted jettisonable equipment, ballast or fuel declared in advance. ─── 事前宣布可允许抛弃之装备、压仓物(配重物)、或燃料以外,飞行伞任何部分或其装备脱落或抛弃。

22、Based on the principle of digital dimming is introduced,the digital dimming electronic ballast circuit for 36 W/T8 fluorescent lamp is given. ─── 在介绍数字调光原理的基础上,给出了36W/T8荧光灯数字调光电子镇流器电路。

23、The test voltage shall be the nominal system voltage corresponding to the ballast input voltage rating, as specified in Table ─── 如表16.3.3.1中所规定,测试电压应为与镇流器额定输入电压相应的标定系统电压。

24、Professional Produce:Different Types Of Ballast Transformer And Lights. ─── 专业生产照明电器类产品:电子、电感或变压器、灯具等。

25、The conference was held in London from 9 to 13 February 2004,IMO adopted International Convention for the Control and Management of ships' Ballast Water and Sediments. ─── 2004年2月9日至13日关于船舶压载水管理的外交大会在伦敦IMO总部成功召开,大会最终通过了《国际船舶压载水和沉积物控制与管理公约》。 本文对该公约进行了简述和分析。

26、There are basically three types of HID lights. Mercury vapor (MV), metal halide (MH), and high pressure sodium (HPS). These lights also require a starter and a ballast. ─── HID有三种基本款式,水银灯(MV)、金属卤素(复金属)灯(MH)、高压钠灯(HPS),这些也都需要启动器和安定器。

27、The technical parameter of inner ballast as compared to Philips and Yaming, we strongly suggest the users confesting the illuminant of Philips and Yaming. ─── 内装镇流器技术参数同飞利浦、亚明,强烈建议用户配置飞利浦、亚明光源。

28、A certain amount of care or pain or trouble is necessary for every man at all times. A ship without a ballast is unstable and will not go straight. ─── 一定的忧愁、痛苦或烦恼,对每个人都是时时必需的。就像一艘船如果没有压舱物,便不会稳定,不能朝着目的地一直前进。

29、Most steel railway bridges produce much more noise than ballasted track. ─── 多数钢铁路桥比石渣轨道产生更多噪音。

30、For a transformer type ballast, the voltage value to be applied from this table is the rms voltage rating of the capacitor as specified on the ballast. ─── 对于一个变压器型的(传统)镇流器,本表中所列出的电压值是镇流器上标注的电容器的额定电压有效值。

31、Self-ballasted lamps for general lighting services - Safety requirements. ─── 一般照明用的自镇流灯.安全要求

32、The normal mains supply to the ballast shall be reduced within 0.5 s to 0.6 times rated voltage after which the emergency lamps shall operate. ─── 从正常到应急状态的转换应发生在不少于06倍额定电压、不能超过0.85倍的额定电压范围内。

33、They are F.O. pumps, ballast pumps, fresh water pumps, sea water pumps, and bilge pumps. ─── 它们是燃油泵,润滑油泵,压载水泵,淡水泵,海水泵,和舭部液舱泵等。

34、Capable crossing-over use with incandescent lamp without ballast attached so as to reduce expense. Indoor and outdoor lighting. ─── 不需要附加镇流器,可直接与白炽灯互换使用,减少投资费用。适用于室内外照明。

35、Stick the ballast on the nearest place from the headlamp in the engine room firmly by using double-faced tape , cable tie and etc. ─── 在离照明灯最近而又通风散热良好的地方,通过使用双面胶布、扎带、螺丝等材料将镇流器牢固安装固定。

36、Tank Linings and pipe Coatings : Ballast and potable water tanks; Bilges, wet voids and drainage pipes. ─── 储罐衬里和管道用涂料:压载水舱和饮水舱;舱底、湿空舱和排水管。

37、A ship without a ballast is unstable and will not go straight. ─── 一艘船如果没有压舱物,便不会稳定,不能朝着目的地一直前进。

38、FM2822 is a dimmable electronic ballast ASIC of SHANGHAI FUDAN Micro electronics Corporation. ─── FM2822是上海复旦微电子公司推出的一款可调光电子镇流器ASIC。

39、The CFL electronic ballast based on electronic driver VK05CFL can realize preheating function,end of life(EOL)protection,lamp presence detection and automatic restart. ─── 基于电子驱动器VK05CFL的CFL电子镇流器可以实现预热、灯寿终保护、灯存在检测和自动重启等功能。

40、Self-ballasted lamps for general lighting services. Performance requirements. ─── 普通照明设备用的自镇流灯.性能要求

41、A certain amount of care or pain or trouble is necessary for every man at all times.A ship without a ballast is unstable and will not go straight. ─── 一定的忧愁,痛苦或烦恼,对每个人都是时时必需的。一艘船如果没有压舱物,便不会稳定,不能朝着目的地一直前进。

42、Ballast Weight, usually cargo or sea water, used to control the buoyancy of a boat. ─── 压载,指用来调节船只浮力的重物,通常是货物或水。

43、Device in ballast that stores electrical energy. Often used for power factor correction and lamp regulation (see "Power Factor"). ─── 存储电能的器件,一般用于功率因数校正和光源稳定控制(见功率因数)。

44、A “global ballast partnership” hopes to reduce this risk. ─── “全球压舱物伙伴”希望减少这一危险。

45、A certain amount of care or pain or trouble is necessary for every man at all times.A ship without a ballast will not go straight. ─── 一定的忧愁,痛苦或烦恼,对每个人都是时时必需的.一艘船如果没有压舱物,便不能朝着目的地一直前进.(德国的哲学

46、Meanwhile, the Company carefully implements relative measures about the management of ballast water to protect the diversity of halobios. ─── 同时认真履行有关压载水管理的有关措施,以保护海洋生物多样性的环境。

47、If necessary ballast tanks level out the weight difference to keep the ship stable. ─── 如有必要,压载水舱会消除重量差异以保持船体平衡。

48、While the self-ballasted fluorescent lamp tube is damaged, the ballast also scrapped, resource saving consideration is not environmentally friendly. ─── 而自镇流荧光灯灯管损坏时,镇流器也同时报废,就资源节约考虑是不环保的。

49、A ship without a ballast is unstable an will not go straight. ─── 一艘船如果没有压仓物是不稳定的,和不能够向目的地一直前进.

50、He furnished psychological ballast to a desperate President. ─── 他给一位在绝望中挣扎的总统提供了心理镇定剂。

51、Tank Linings and pipe Coatings: Ballast and potable water tanks; Bilges, wet voids and drainage pipes. ─── 储罐衬里和管道用涂料:压载水舱和饮水舱;舱底、湿空舱和排水管。

52、Stick the ballast on the nearest place from the headlamp in the engine room firmly by using double-faced tape, cable tie and etc. ─── 在离照明灯最近而又通风散热良好的地方,通过使用双面胶布、扎带、螺丝等材料将镇流器牢固安装固定。

53、Last year the 'secret' in Renault's nose was a metal plate which acted as ballast at its tip. ─── 去年雷诺车队的鼻锥里有个秘密,他们在那里安装了一片金属板作为翼端的压舱物。

54、A luminaire designed for use with a remote ballast or transformer shall be marked with watts and lamp type in accordance with Table 17.1.1, Item 1.41. ─── 一个灯具如按设计要采用远置的镇流器或变压器,就要按表17.1.1中第1.41项所规定,标明瓦数和灯泡类型。

55、The rails of the two tracks are supported on wooden ties resting on a ballast. ─── 两条线路的钢轨放置在有道碴承托的枕木上。

56、Different Ballast Water Exchange Methods for ships underway are discribed, including the Sequential Method, the Flow-through Method and the Dilution Method. ─── 介绍了船舶在航更换压载水的各种方法,包括逐一更换法,注入顶出法和稀释法。

57、Self ballasted fluorescent lamp ballast, starter with a full set of control circuit, and installed in the Edison ( Edison ) spiral lamp holder or a bayonet lamp holder. ─── 自镇流荧光灯自带镇流器、启动器等全套控制电路,并装在有爱迪生(Edison)螺旋灯头或插口式灯头。

58、His training gave him ballast. ─── 他所受的训练使他变得坚定。

59、The ballast is there simply to reduce the lamp's start-up time and to eliminate flickering. ─── 压载物只是起到降低灯的启动时间和消除闪烁的作用。

60、Ballast watt machine.Bending Machine.'C' shaped steel forming machine-led investment in equipment, etc. ─── 'C'型钢成型机等主导设备投资叁仟伍佰万元。

61、A transient condition, generally lasting 5-10 milliseconds that occurs during ballast start-up. Largely dependent upon ballast circuit design. ─── 出现在镇流器的瞬时启动过程中,通常持续5-10毫秒,主要取决于镇流器的电路设计。

62、Specially designed for electronic ballast and energy-save lamp. ─── 专为电子节能灯,镇流器设计制造。

63、Self-ballasted electrodeless fluorescent lamps for general lighting services - Performance requirements ─── 普通照明用自镇流无极荧光灯性能要求

64、Many seeds were actually stowaways in the ballast of ships, and grew wherever the ballast was unloaded. ─── 事实上许多种子作为压舱物中的偷渡者,在压舱物卸下的地方开始生长。

65、He has got no ballast whatever. ─── 他这个人一点也不沉着。

66、As a long time protective coating for steel plate in severely corrosive environment, i. E. The submerged areas, e. G. Ship-bottom, holds for crude of fuel oil, ballast tanks, etc. ─── 作为长效保护涂料,用在严重腐蚀环境中的钢板及浸在水中的部位,如船底、原油或燃油舱、压载水舱等。

67、Are there anodes in the ballast tanks? ─── 压载舱有阳极吗?

68、So are the motions of a little vessel without ballast tossed about on a stormy sea. ─── 在惊涛骇浪的大海上,一只没有压舱物的小船就是这样颠颠簸簸。

69、How ballast water tank processing satisfies the future IMO standard? ─── 压舱水处理满足未来IMO规范的解决方法?

70、Disposal of garbage, wastes, waste water, human dejecta and ballast water in the inbound or outbound means of transports should be conducted sanitary supervision. ─── 出入境交通工具上的垃圾、废物、废水、人的粪便和压舱水的处理应接受卫生监督。

71、DJL offers ballast and transformer for both fixture and portable lamp use. ─── 在美国拥有成熟完善的销售网络并设有销售中心及仓库。

72、Unfortunately, the resonant circuitry in the ballast does not take kindly to having its input voltage varied. ─── 不幸的是,安定器里的谐振电路不适用于输入电压不断变化的环境。

73、Ballast is ued by the original binding compont from USA,Germany,and Japan,excellent quality of the world. ─── 安定器采用美国、德国和日本等原装进口元件,世界优秀品质。

74、The main causes of the emergence of the suicide intentiion are little confi dence for the future .faiIure of love,and lacking rnental ballast. ─── 产生自杀念头的主要动机是想用死来获得解脱;怕让家人痛苦成了阻止自杀的主要原因;

75、Construction technologies and quality standards of ballasted track engineering for Passenger Dedicated Railway are introduced,and the construction process is outlined. ─── 在简述秦沈客运专线有碴道床施工过程的基础上 ,着重介绍该线有碴道床施工的技术标准。

76、A certain amount of care or pain or trouble is necessary for every man at all times a ship without ballast is unstable and will not go straight. ─── 一定的忧愁、痛苦或烦恼,对每个人都是时时必需的。一艘船如果没有压舱物,便不会稳定,不能朝着目的地一直前进。

77、A ship without a ballast is unstable and will not go straight. (Arthur Schopenhauer. ─── 一艘船如果没有压舱物,便不会稳定,不能朝著目的地一直前进。

78、Effects of Heating and Chlorination on the Survival of Microorganisms in Ballast Water. ─── 加热和氯化处理对船舶压载水中生物存活的影响。

79、HID xenon kit,Metal Halide Lamp,Pressure Sodium Lamp,HID flashlight, ballast,bulb,HID motocycle kit,Eco-Charge etc. ─── 主营业务:HID氙气灯,金卤灯,高压钠灯,HID手电筒,镇流器,HID摩托车,节油环保氧气片等产品

80、Micro-hollow cathode discharge array was obtained by individual ballasted discharge unit. ─── 采用分段镇流的方法,进行了微空心阴极阵列放电的实验研究,得到了均匀放电;

81、Not stabilized or properly stabilized by ballast. ─── 不稳定的未用压舱物稳住的

82、The energy they harvest is stored in conventional marine batteries that sit atthe bottom of the boat’s centerboard and act as ballast. ─── 在大风中,这些翼又折叠起来,减小阻尼,并且使得帆船更容易航行。在暴风雨中,上部的帆翼对着船体折叠,而让较低翼伸展来提供稳定性。

83、So the conventional ballasted track must be intensified for high speed and heavy haul railway line, this is a chance for the elastic sle. ─── 在高速和重载的条件下传统的有碴轨道结构型式面临着严峻地考验。

84、As rust converter/anticorrosive in ballast tanks, bilges, cofferdams etc. ─── 因其锈蚀转化/抑制作用,适用于压载水仓、底仓、围堰等。

85、ZL series ballast serve to connect YEJ electromagnetic brake 3-phase motors and electromagnetic brakes(DZS series). ─── ZL系列整流器主要用作YEJ电磁制动三相异步电动机与电磁制动器(DZS系列)的接口。

86、As antirust paint for water ballast tank and crude oil tank. ─── 主要用于压载舱、原油舱等部位的防腐漆。

87、A certain amount of care or pain or trouble is necessary for every man at all times. A ship without ballast is unstable and will not go straight. ─── 一定的忧愁、痛苦或烦恼,对每个人都是时时必需的。一艘船如果没有压舱物,便不会稳定,不能朝着目的地一直前进。

88、The IMO is now trying to extend this success to deal with threats from ship paints and ballast water discharge. ─── 国际海洋组织如今正设法扩大成果,以处理由于船漆和压舱水排放而造成的威胁。

89、Ballasted track is a complex construction , Its material shows different characteristic and receives complex strength that is intensively stochastic and complex. ─── 为设计、检算和改进轨道结构,进行轨道力学分析是十分必要的。

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