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08-16 投稿


admiring 发音

英:[?d'ma??r??]  美:[?d'ma?r??]

英:  美:

admiring 中文意思翻译



admiring 短语词组

1、admiring admirable ─── 令人钦佩的

2、admiring bog ─── 仰慕沼泽

3、admiring the ruins ─── 欣赏废墟

4、admiring the moon ─── 赏月(歌名,AdmiretheMoon)

5、admiring beauty ─── 欣赏美丽

admiring 反义词

look down on | despise

admiring 同义词

respect | adore | honor |regard | honour | venerate | love | approve | esteem | marvel at | revere | appreciate | like | think highly of | sympathize | worship | look up to

admiring 词性/词形变化,admiring变形

动词第三人称单数: admires |名词: admirer |动词现在分词: admiring |动词过去分词: admired |副词: admiringly |动词过去式: admired |

admiring 相似词语短语

1、coadmiring ─── 编码

2、attiring ─── n.服装;盛装;vt.打扮;使穿衣

3、unadmiring ─── 不管理

4、airing ─── n.通风;晾干;(开车)兜风;v.风干;烘热(air的ing形式)

5、bemiring ─── vt.弄得浑身泥巴;使陷入泥中

6、aspiring ─── adj.有抱负的;追求…的;高耸的;v.立志(aspire的ing形式)

7、admiringly ─── adv.钦佩地;羡慕地

8、admixing ─── v.(技)使混合,掺和(admix的现在分词)

9、admitting ─── v.承认(admit的ing形式)

admiring 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、His five tall brothers gave him good-by with admiring but slightly patronizing smiles, for Gerald was the baby and the little one of a brawny family. ─── 他的五个高个子兄弟向他道了个再见,带着羡慕而略带关注的微笑,因为杰拉尔德在强壮的一家人中是最小和最矮的一个。

2、There was a ruffle of drums from the street below, the tramp of feet, the admiring cries of coachmen. ─── 下面大街上传来低沉的鼓声、脚步声和马夫们赞赏的喊叫声。

3、Idiots are those who do nothing but admiring, not knowing how much the admired have done. ─── 蠢蛋只懂羡慕旁人,从不去想旁人为此如何努力。

4、Where can he be?She continues down the hall, admiring a lithograph of an 18th-century Mississippi paddleboat along the way. ─── 她继续跑下走廊,一路欣赏18世纪密西西比河上小船的石版画。”

5、Her stature tall big, resembling is a big hill, especially I of sprat, admiring head and she chats. ─── 她的个子又高又大,像是一座大山,非凡是小个子的我,得仰着头与她聊天。

6、On Christmas Eve when Paul came out of his office, a street boy was walking around the shiny new car, admiring it. ─── 圣诞节前夜,保罗从办公室出来时,一个街头少年绕着那辆闪闪发亮的新车,十分羡慕。

7、He walked along admiring the splendour of the scenery. ─── 他漫步闲行,欣赏着壮丽的景色。

8、Admiring such structure art, a foreign expert referred to Zhencheng as "mythological architecture". ─── 出神入化的结构艺术,令外国专家叹其为“神话建筑”。

9、The priest asked.“My friends are not only selfless but also admiring”.The man replied with no hesitation. ─── “我有让别人羡慕的,忘我精神的朋友们。”

10、They meandered around the old town admiring the architecture. ─── 他们在古镇中一边闲逛一边啧啧称赞其建筑。

11、Third,the admiring convention of the Chinese knight errantry vividly extends idealization psychology of nation connatural. ─── 其三 ,慕侠习俗生动地延伸了民族固有的应然心理 ;

12、He could not refrain from admiring the severe beauty of his features, the only defect, or rather the principal quality of which was the pallor. ─── 他不得不承认他脸上的那种严肃美,那种美的惟一缺点。或更确切地说,其主要特征,就在于那种苍白。

13、I can't help admiring the picture wherever I look at it. ─── 不管到哪,看到这张图像我就忍不住对它肃然起敬。

14、"I saw you admiring my wife. ─── " / "我看见你赞赏的我太太。

15、She was used to receiving admiring glances from men. ─── 她习惯了男人投来的赞赏目光。

16、I stared at him along with the other women, but while they were imagining ungodly acts, I was admiring his goddess tattoos. ─── 我和其他的女人目不转睛的盯着他,但是在其他人幻想那些龌蹉的事的时候,我是在羡慕他的女神纹身。

17、Behind her he was frankly admiring her. ─── 他站在她身后,饱览她的美貌。

18、If she is stared by other men, she says that they are just admiring. ─── 如果是其他男人盯着她看,她会说他们只是欣赏而已。

19、Stop looking in the mirror admiring yourself! ─── 不要对着镜子自我欣赏了重。

20、Her black hair is so orderly done that the girls give her an admiring look when they see her. ─── 她的乌黑的头发梳得很齐整,别的女孩见到她总投以羡慕的眼光。

21、Courage is admiring, but not plucking.Courage is going to bed without a nightlight. ─── 她说直觉很准,我是不是也要培养下直觉,早结婚生孩子呢,呵呵。

22、But no such happy marriage could now teach the admiring multitude what connubial felicity realy was. ─── 她下意识的遮住了左手,纤纤素手上空无一物。

23、She primped and preened in the mirror admiring the pendant, but she just wasn't satisfied. ─── 她对着镜了打扮来打扮去,欣赏着项链。可她还不满足。

24、He gave her an admiring glance. ─── 他向她投以敬慕的一瞥。

25、Around the playground there were so many people looking at her with admiring eyes. ─── 在运动场周围围满了人,大家都将羡慕赞许的目光投向这美丽的女孩。

26、He could not help admiring her courage. ─── 他不得不称赞她的勇敢。

27、Narcissism is, in a sense, the converse of an habitual sense of sin; it consists in the habit of admiring oneself and wishing to be admired. ─── “自恋”在某种程度上是习惯性罪孽感的反面,由赏识自己并希望被赏识的习惯而构成。

28、If she is stared by others,she says that they are just admiring. ─── 别人看她,她说那是仰慕佳绝。

29、She could not help admiring all the more the dignity and superiority of his presence even here. ─── 她却不得不越加赞美他的威仪、有教养,即使是在这里。

30、You can almost hear the admiring Watson congratulating Holmes on his clever conclusion. ─── 你总可听到佩服得五体投地的华生祝贺福尔摩斯得出聪明的结论。

31、Standing on the floor, a young 3)boarder named Carl was admiring the view. ─── 一位名叫卡尔的寄宿生站在地上,为该情景钦佩不已。

32、You possess the passion for life which I am always admiring and I really hope that I can miss you more. ─── 你具有我一直以来所钦佩的对生命的热情,我真希望我能更想你。

33、Mr Taylor, the owner of a jewellery shop was admiring a new window display. ─── 一家珠宝店的老板泰勒先生正在欣赏一个新陈列的橱窗。

34、But no such happy marriage could now teach and admiring multitude what connubial felicity really was. ─── 但这个能让众人了解婚姻意义的幸福结合已经不能实现。

35、People are viewing and admiring the famous flowers in front of them. ─── 人们在近前观赏着那些名花。

36、You cannot be a true NBA fan without appreciating and admiring the greatness of the Spurs. ─── 如果你不欣赏和钦佩马刺的伟大的话,那么你不算是一个真正的NBA球迷。

37、On Christmas Eve when Paul came out of his office, a street urchin was walking around the shiny new car, admiring it. ─── 在圣诞夜,当保罗从办公室走出来时,他看到一个街头小男孩在他那辆发着亮光的新车边徘徊,羡慕之情溢于言表。

38、No, not at all, I was just admiring the general splendour. ─── 不,完全没有,我只是在欣赏这壮观的布置。

39、So from ancient times it has been frequented by tourists seeking their mystery and admiring their scenery. ─── 因此,自古以来就一直有许多游客来到黄山,探求其神秘,惊叹其美景。

40、You try to continue on your way inconspicuously, but can;t help but notice the admiring stares and whispers of others. ─── 你在路上走着,试图不引起别人的注意,但是你还是会发觉那些崇拜者的目光以及别人的窃窃私语。

41、It is so interesting and admiring. ─── 你的学习经历如此有趣,令人钦佩。

42、The General attented her himself to the street door, saying everything gallant AS they went downstairs, admiring the elASticity of her walk. ─── 将军亲自把她送到街门口,下楼时说了许多恭维话,夸赞她步履轻盈。

43、Admiring a photo of the stolen VW, he notes, 'Just look at how cute it is. ─── 他对被盗车辆的照片赞赏不已,连连夸奖这辆车的可爱。

44、Don't spend all your time admiring the fancy tools in the magazines. ─── 不要浪费你所有的时间去崇拜杂志上的花哨工具。

45、We got many admiring visions from many people. ─── “我们得到了许多人羡慕的眼光”用英语怎么说?

46、Muster up some courage and make a point to let someone you've been admiring from a distance how you really feel. ─── 不妨鼓起勇气向自己欣赏的对象表白吧,也给对方一个近距离了解你的机会。

47、If you read any further all those years you spent admiring the machismo of supercars might just go down the drain. ─── 如果再读下去你这些年对超级跑车男人气概的敬仰就会瞬间消失。

48、You see, Americans (me included) tend to be quite admiring, and Shanghai's success in the PISA tests would seem to ratify that. ─── 因为包括我在内的许多美国人都十分羡慕而且认可上海在PISA(国际学生评估项目)上的成绩。

49、For respecting others means you are broadminded while admiring others will empty your thought and lose yourself. ─── 因为崇敬别人是心怀宽广的伟大表现;而崇拜别人则是思想空虚迷失自我的表现。

50、Most of the people going to Hawking's lectures them, but that can never stop them from admiring him. ─── 大多数听霍金讲座的人都发现他的讲座太难懂;但那绝不会改变人们对他的钦佩。

51、She was admiring the beautiful wedding gown in the window. ─── 她欣赏着那件橱窗里漂亮的礼服。

52、Matt: Just kidding, man! How about this one: "I hope you know CPR because I might pass out while admiring your beauty. ─── 只是开个玩笑,朋友!这个怎么样:“我希望你会心脏爱复苏术,因为当赞赏你的美丽时我也许会晕倒。

53、The woman also cast that seem however amazed or admiring eye. ─── 女人却也投来了那好似惊奇或羡慕的眼光。

54、It was impossible Monseigneur to dispense with one of these attendants on the chocolate and hold his high place under the admiring Heavens. ─── 削减一个侍从便难免伤害大人那受到诸天赞誉的尊严。

55、They vied with each other in admiring ejaculations. ─── 他们两个人你一言,我一语,兴高采烈地交谈着。

56、Yet, perhaps taking all this as expected, while admiring its many attractive aspects, I tried to find out whether there was a flaw in the jewel. ─── 但或许是这些美丽和热情原本就在预料之中,我在领略她美好一面的同时,却又尽量想去发现她有哪些缺憾。

57、On Christmas Eve when Paul came out of his office, a street child was walking around the shiny new car, admiring it. ─── 圣诞节前夜,当保罗走出办公室的时候,他看见一个小男孩正围着闪闪发亮的新车走来走去,脸上显出羡慕的神情。

58、The basic feature of birds order in Xianghai was introduced in order to provide sen-tific basis for viewing and admiring. ─── 为了给观鸟活动提供科学依据,介绍了分布于向海的鸟类分目及其基本特征。

59、said the Emperor, who was changing for lunch and admiring himself in the mirror. ─── 皇帝说,他[她]正在为午餐变更和在镜子中赞赏的他自己。

60、Today, Roland became an admiring example in story, but at one time or another, she was also perplexed like us. ─── 可昨天罗兰却是和我们一样的迷惘过,不断探索、思考人生的年轻人!

61、His this kind of relentlessness, "知其不可为而为之" isn't the spirit worth us admiring?Ancient times Mt. ─── 他的这种坚持不懈,“知其不可为而为之”的精神难道不值得我们佩服吗?

62、They were watching people admiring their bikes. ─── 他们被人羡慕的看着他们的自行车。

63、He gave her an admiring look. ─── 他向她投以赞赏的一瞥。

64、On Chrismas Eve when Paul came out of his office,a street urchin was walking around the shiny new car,admiring it."Is this your car,Mister?" he asked. ─── 在圣诞节前夜,当保罗走出办公室,他发现街上一个顽童正一边围着他闪闪发亮的新年转,一边赞叹的问:“先生,这是你的车?”

65、He loves to go about admiring the words and paintings on horizontal inscribed boards. ─── 他喜欢四处欣赏榜额上的字画。

66、E’en, I would overbear all my stinking and pride before you, admiring you forever. ─── 嗯,在你面前,我会抑制住所有的张扬和傲气,永远地爱慕你。

67、How dreary to be somebody,How public---like a frog---To tell your name the livelong June,To an admiring bog. ─── 多没劲啊非得争个名人地位,抛头露面像一只青蛙,在这漫长的六月里,冲着崇拜它的泥塘鼓噪。

68、She spent hours admiring herself in the mirror. ─── 她用了几个小时对着镜子自我欣赏。

69、He gave it an admiring glance. ─── 他羡慕地看了它一眼。

70、She takes the sketchbook he is carrying and begins flipping through his drawings, admiring them. ─── 她拿过他手中一直拿着的素描本,一边翻看着,一边赞叹不已。

71、But no such happy marriage could now teach the admiring multitude what connubial felicity really was. ─── 可惜这件幸福的婚姻已经不可能实现,天下千千万万想要缔结真正幸福婚姻的情人,从此也错过了一个借鉴的榜样。

72、In this one sense, I couldn't be more admiring of the central government's clearheadedness. ─── 从这一方面说,我对中央政府的清醒头脑大加赞赏。

73、He walked along admiring the splendor of the scenery. ─── 他漫步闲行,欣赏着壮丽的景色。

74、The expert cast admiring glances for his excellent performance. ─── 专家对他的精彩表现投去了赞赏的目光。

75、Courage is admiring, but not plucking. ─── 勇气是赞美花,却不采下它。

76、She was used to receiving admiring glances from men. ─── 她习惯了男人投来的赞赏目光。

77、One that excites admiring awe. ─── 令人惊奇的人或事能激发敬慕的人或事

78、He later went to Germany, admiring European classical painters and showing interest in post-expressionism and various contemporary painting schools. ─── 后来,他又到德国,对欧洲古典绘画大师十分敬仰,同时,对后期印象派、现代诸流派也怀有浓厚的兴趣。

79、Stop looking in the mirror admiring yourself. ─── 不要对着镜子顾盼自怜了。

80、She always has an entourage of admiring young men. ─── 她周围总是簇拥着追求她的年轻人。

81、People celebrate Mid-Autumn Day by eating moon cakes and admiring the moon. ─── 人们吃月饼、赏月以庆祝中秋节。

82、She lived in the admiring glances and was the centre of the palm of glory, but she had no friends. ─── 各种比赛和展览一个接着一个,她没有时间休息,没有时间思考,没有时间呼吸。

83、"You don't need me here," says Osment p锇e breezily, once the rest of the admiring crowd have dispersed. ─── 你不必访问我"他父亲轻松的说。

84、He loved her in the prime of her beauty, as many did, like loving, or "admiring" rather, a jewelled scabbard in which a sword was hidden. ─── 在她姿容艳丽的韶华岁月,象许多人那样,他爱她就象爱慕或者就是“赞美”一柄藏着利剑的珠光宝气的华丽剑鞘。

85、The other contestants gave the gold-medal winner an admiring look. ─── 其他的参赛者对金牌得主投以钦佩的眼光。

86、A man was admiring tropical fish in the pet shop where I used to work. ─── 一个男子在我过去工作过的一家宠物商店欣赏热带鱼。

87、She would form these very neatly out of pieces of twig, and would then decorate them with a flower or two and walk around them, admiring them. ─── 她会用小树枝把这些整整齐齐地拼起来,然后用一朵或两朵花装饰一下它们,接着绕着它们转圈,欣赏它们。

88、As a practicing politician Kreisky could not help admiring a man who stakes his election on a bold move and brings it off. ─── 克赖斯基作为一个政坛老手,不得不钦佩这位在竞选中敢于孤注一掷并获得成功的人。

89、If she is stared by others, she says that they are just admiring. ─── 别人看她,是仰慕佳绝。

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