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08-16 投稿


leach 发音

英:[li?t?]  美:[lit?]

英:  美:

leach 中文意思翻译




leach 网络释义

n. 过滤;过滤器vt. 过滤;萃取vi. 被过滤n. (Leach)人名;(英)利奇

leach 短语词组

1、leach tub ─── [机] 沥滤盆, 沥取盆

2、acid leach ─── [化] 酸沥滤; 酸沥滤产物

3、leach residue ─── [化] 浸取残渣

4、leach liquor ─── [化] 沥滤液; 浸提液

5、caustic soda leach ─── 苛性钠浸出

6、aqueous leach ─── 水溶液浸出

7、chop-leach process ─── [化] 切断-浸取法

8、agitation leach ─── [机] 搅动沥滤

9、alkaline leach ─── 碱性浸出

10、alkaline leach extraction ─── 碱性浸出萃取

11、ammonia leach ─── 氨浸出

12、leach pit ─── 沥滤坑

13、bacteria leach ─── 细菌浸出

14、leach agent ─── 浸出剂

15、Leach's tests ─── [医] 利奇氏试验(检甲醛)

16、carbonate leach liquor ─── 碳酸盐浸出液

17、agitator leach ─── 搅拌器浸出

18、caustic leach solution ─── 苛性碱浸出液

19、fusion leach operation ─── 熔融浸出操作

leach 词性/词形变化,leach变形

动词过去分词: leached |名词: leachability |动词第三人称单数: leaches |动词过去式: leached |动词现在分词: leaching |形容词: leachable |

leach 常见例句(双语使用场景)


2、Rain can leach out these chemicals and contaminate ground water beyond the landfill boundaries. ─── 一旦下雨,这些化学品即可滤出,从而污染垃圾填埋场地界以外的地下水。

3、Henchman Spike [Chs. 5-6] / Henchman Leach [Ch. ─── 9] (亨穗[社区会堂。5月6日] /亨利奇[社区会堂。

4、Studies on the Recovery of Sulfur from the Leach Residue of Pyrolusie and Ironpyrite ─── 从软锰矿与黄铁矿硫酸浸出渣中回收硫磺的研究

5、The action of dehexavalent chromisation during chromium leach residue sintering and the main affecting factors are studies. ─── 对铬浸出渣烧结过程中六价铬脱除行径以及影响六价铬脱除的主要因素进行了研究。

6、Keywords resin;adsorption;gold and silver ores;CIP;leach; ─── 关键词树脂;吸附;金银矿;碳浆法;浸出;

7、Leach's Fork-tailed Storm Petrel ─── n. 白腰叉尾海燕

8、LEACH is a clustering-based protocol that utilizes randomized rotation of local cluster to evenly distribute the energy load among the sensors in the network. ─── LEACH是一种基于簇的协议,它采用本地簇头随机轮转机制将能量负载均匀分布到网络中的所有传感器节点,簇头节点将收集到数据进行融合后发送给基站。


10、Solvent Extraction of Flavone from Smilax glabra Roxb Leach Liquor ─── 从土茯苓浸取液萃取黄酮的研究

11、in situ leach uranium mining ─── 地浸采铀

12、Keywords Ocean polymetallic nodule;Ammoniacal leach liquor;Solvent extraction; ─── 大洋多金属结核;氨浸液;溶剂萃取;

13、The paleochannel sandstone type uranium deposit which can be exploitated by low cost in situ leach technology is one of the most economic and competitive uranium resources in recent uranium industry. ─── 可采用低成本、原地浸出工艺开采的古河道砂岩型铀矿是当今铀工业中最具经济价值和竞争力的铀资源之一。

14、The leach residue of nepheline is treated with nitric acid to produce aluminium nitrate, the latter was added in ammonia liquor to produce aluminium hydroxide and ammonium nitrate. ─── 介绍硝酸处理霞石浸出渣,硝酸铝加入饱和氨水生成氢氧化铝和硝酸铵,氢氧化铝在气体悬浮炉中煅烧,生产砂状氧化铝的工艺流程及设备。

15、Using plant oil to leach polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons contaminated soils ─── 利用植物油淋洗修复受多环芳烃污染的土壤

16、It's not easy to leach out the black colour ─── 将那黑色去掉是不容易的。

17、Keywords monocrotophos;isotope tracer;leach;degradation;safety interval; ─── 久效磷;同位素示踪;淋溶;降解;安全间隔期;

18、Their use is no less hazardous, as some types of plastic containers leach chemicals into their contents. ─── 使用塑料害处不少,因为有些类型的塑料容器将化学品释放到内容物当中。

19、Leach, William. Land of Desire: Merchants, Power, and the Rise of a New American Culture. 1993. ─── 《欲望之地:商人、武力和新美国文化的兴起》1993.

20、If installation is mixed use method is undeserved, wooden floor suffers leach, insolate, or change of environmental temperature and humidity is too big, appear very likely quality problem. ─── 假如安装和使用方法不当,木地板遭到水浸、暴晒,或者环境温湿度变化过大,就很有可能出现质量问题。

21、Experiments on separation of chromium-containing residue from the chromate leach liquor were carried out by using a high gradient magnetic separator. ─── 应用高梯度磁分离装置对铬盐浸出浆液中的铬渣进行了实验分离,测量了有效分离时间与流体粘度、磁场强度和流体流速之间的关系。

22、The commercial test shows that this process can achieve a zinc leaching rate of 98.05% and an iron leaching rate of 29.22%, thus realizing selective leach of the zinc effectively. ─── 工业试验表明,该工艺锌浸出率达98.05%,铁浸出率为29.22%,可有效地实现锌的选择性浸出。

23、You should open the leach a little bit. ─── 你应当将帆后边打开。

24、The practical operation has proved that the in-situ leach mining of this type of ore deposits is of many advantages. ─── 实际应用证明,原地浸析这类矿床具有诸多优点。

25、The technology of gold recovery by direct electrowinning from cyanide heap leach liquor has many advantages such as short flowsheet,less equipment required and less capital investment. ─── 从堆浸氰化液中直接电积提金是一种流程短、设备少、投资省的工艺,已进行过不少的研究。

26、A starry coalition of concerned professionals, including Penelope Leach, an expert on child care, and Dorothy Rowe, a psychologist, have launched a campaign against plans to make pre-school care more structured and academic in style. ─── 包括儿童保育专家佩内洛普.利奇和心理学家桃乐西.罗在内许多关注儿童成长的专家联合发起了一场运动,反对这项形式化过重、不切实际的学前教育计划。

27、Plants: In plants, ethephon rapidly undergoes degradation to ethylene.Soil/environment: Rapidly degraded in soil, and strongly adsorbed;unlikely to leach. ─── 代谢情况 Animals: In animals, ethephon is rapidly excreted intact via the urine, and as ethylene via the expired air.

28、It is applied for leaching of ores or concentrates and for the precipitation of metal s or oxides from leach solutions. ─── 它用于矿石或精矿的浸出,以及金属或氧化物从浸出液中沉淀出来。

29、Keywords tailing;leach circle;lixiviant; ─── 尾砂;浸出周期;浸出剂;

30、Low Energy Adaptive Clustering Hierarchy(LEACH) routing protocol ─── LEACH路由协议

31、Chemicals can leach into stone, such as marble, and abrasive cleaning methods will scratch and scar the surface being cleaned. ─── 化学品可能会渗入石头(如大理石),而产生磨损的清洁方法会磨擦并损伤所清洁的表面。

32、Justin Leach: How do you feel Western animation differs from Japanese CG animation? ─── 你觉得西方动画同日本动画的不同在哪?

33、LEACH is a typical clustering algorithm, in which clustering nodes play the leading role. ─── LEACH算法是一种典型的分簇路由算法,簇头的选取直接影响到算法性能的优劣。

34、Justin Leach: How do you feel about western CG animation? ─── 你对于西方CG动画的看法?

35、Fe ion's action is vital to leach copper and manganese.The mechanism is still not clear.Maybe Fe ion is a kind of catalyst in this self-catalyzed oxidating reaction. ─── 在浸出过程中,溶液中铁离子的含量对铜锰的浸出起了至关重要的作用,机理有待于进一步研究,可能由于铁离子在反应中起了催化作用,反应呈现出自催化氧化反应的特征。

36、Low-Energy Adaptive Clustering Hierarchy (LEACH) protocol ─── LEACH协议

37、Low Energy Adaptive Clustering Hierarchy protocol(LEACH) ─── 低功耗自适应聚类路由协议

38、Christine Leach's baby, Ashton Marie, wasn't conceived naturally or by traditional in vitro fertilization. ─── 不是自然受孕的,也不是经传统的体外受精技术受孕的。

39、Leach you taste the food-flavoring factory Limited is a company specializing in the food category powder materials research, production and operation as one of the private enterprises. ─── 利奇大家家味食品有限公司调料厂是一家专业从事食品粉类料研究、生产、经营为一体的民营企业。

40、Keywords Dithizone Waste battery Hydrargyrum Distribution Leach; ─── 双硫腙;废电池;汞;浸出;

41、Low Energy Adaptive Clustering Hierarchy (LEACH) algorithm ─── 低功耗自适应聚类路由算法

42、The technology of gold recovery by direct electrowinning from cyanide heap leach liquor has many advantages such as short flowsheet, less equipment required and less capital investment. ─── 从堆浸氰化液中直接电积提金是一种流程短、备少、资省的工艺,已进行过不少的研究。

43、Laboratory Study for Processing Zinc Leach Residues with Cyclone Furnace ─── 利用旋涡炉处理锌浸出渣的试验研究

44、Driver, R., Asoko, H., Leach, J., Mortimer, E.,& Scott P.,(1994). Constructing Scientific Knowledge in the Classroom. Educational Researcher, 23,5-12. ─── 叶蓉桦(2000):国小高年级自然科学习小组之结构及其互动模式研究.国立台湾师范大学科学教育研究所博士论文.

45、Low Energy Adaptive Clustering Hierarchy(LEACH) ─── 低功耗自适应集簇分属协议

46、Food with a high acid content caused some of the lead to leach onto the food, causing lead poisoning and death. ─── 含酸量高的食物会使一些铅渗透进食物,造成铅中毒甚至死亡。

47、Baotou rare earth concentrate high-temperature calcinations and acid leach experiment ─── 包头稀土精矿高温焙烧及酸溶试验研究

48、also known as a lateral, leach field or soil absorption field, is most commonly used for effluent treatment. ─── 施灌系统,即侧面沥滤场或过滤带,常被用于有效的污水处理。

49、Simultaneous acid leach of ZnS concertrata and Pyrolusite ore is used to obtain Zn and Mn Solution,leach rates of Zn and Mn are up to 97% and 95%. ─── 将硫化锌精矿与软锰矿同时浸出,得到 Zn 和 Mn 溶液,锌和锰的浸出率分别97%和95%.

50、The productive exploration helps exactly conduct in-situ leach mining operation. ─── 对离子型稀土矿床时行勘探,有助于准确地实施原地浸析采矿。

51、Hippocampus trimaclatus Leach ─── 三斑海马

52、Justin Leach: Do you have any advice for foreigners interested in working in Japan? ─── 对有兴趣在日本工作的外国人,你有什么建议吗?

53、Great Circulation Technique of Push-water for In-situ Leach Mining ─── 原地浸析采矿的顶水大循环技术

54、Your should open the leach a little bit. ─── 你应该将帆后边打开。

55、hydrogeologic condition for in situ leach min ing ─── 地浸水文地质条件


57、low-Energy Adaptive Clustering Hierarchy (LEACH) ─── 低功耗自适应集簇分层型协议

58、Thiobacillus ferrooxidans was separated from the coal dump seeper,then used to leach copper from printed circuit board. ─── 从煤堆积水中分离得到氧化亚铁硫杆菌,利用该菌种对线路板中的铜进行了浸出实验。

59、Low Energy Adaptive Clustering Hierarchy (LEACH) ─── 低功耗自适应分簇

60、The teacher replied, "My dear sister, I tried my best to leach him, but your son did not want to lean the tricks and strategies of survival." ─── 老师回答说:“好姐姐,我已经尽力了,可你儿子不愿学习生存的技巧和策略。”

61、Rawlings: Remote viewers at Langley got some psychographic images out before Leach shut them down. ─── 兰勒的观察员在里奇关掉他们(?)

62、All over: The person that wash bath should lie on his back immerse in the mineral spring piscina in tub or special design, with leach smooth tit is beautiful. ─── 全身:洗浴者应仰卧浸泡在浴盆或专门设计的矿泉浴池里,以水浸平乳头为佳。

63、Long-term leach testing of solidified radioactive waste forms ─── GB/T7023-1986放射性废物固化体长期浸出试验

64、Aiming at choice the mechanism of cluster head, multi-hop routing and the mechanism of MAC, the existing LEACH protocol is improved. ─── 协议主要在簇头的选择机制、多跳路由、MAC层通信机制等方面,对已有的LEACH协议进行了改进。

65、New ideas are a powerful force that keeps organizations thriving. Dr Sheldon Leach's" ducal personality" will help your group generate nothing but laughter! ─── 创意是股强大的力量,能令机构保持活力更上一层楼。脑力激盪是产生新意念最有效的工具,本节目以轻松手法介绍创新意念的威力。英文发音,配上中文字幕。

66、Under the optimal process, the feed-grade dicalcium phosphate could be produced by neutralization of the leach liquor with calcium hydroxide solution, filtration and then dryness. ─── 在最佳工艺条件下,水浸脱氟液经氢氧化钙中和及过滤、烘干得到了合格的饲料级磷酸氢钙产品。

67、The mining has for decades been a cottage industry as farmers have learnt how to leach the elements out of the clay in their back yards. ─── 几十年来,稀土采矿一直是一种家庭手工业,因为农民已知道如何在自家后院从红粘土中“浸”出稀土元素。

68、Previously the agency said the trace amounts of BPA that leach out of food containers are not dangerous. ─── 之前这个机构说食物容器中渗出的微量BPA并没有危害。

69、Mr. Leach is on holiday and was not available for comment. ─── 利奇先生在休假,没空作评论。

70、With the invention the gelatin dry plate silver bromide process by Richard Leach Maddox, negatives did not have to be developed immediately. ─── 与发明明胶干板溴化银的过程中,由理查德利奇朱莉,底片并不需要去开发即时。

71、This paper analyzes the infiltration model of leach solution and provides a saturated surface formula as the bottom of ore heap is horizontal(i=0). ─── 对溶浸液的渗透模型进行了分析,得出了矿堆底板坡度为零时的浸润面方程,同时通过模拟试验对其进行了无量纲的修正。

72、The vanadium phase and valence state of stone-coal with low carbon in Guizhou province were analyzed by electron probe,and a pressure acid leach experiment was carried out. ─── 利用电子探针分析方法对贵州某地低碳石煤中钒矿物和价态进行了分析,并对该矿石进行了加压酸浸试验研究。

73、The National Sauce Culture Museum of China not only exhibits Chinese sauce culture, but also leach Chinese consumers and Chinese sauce manufacturing enterprises to walk up to the world. ─── 中国酱文化博物馆不仅展示中国的酱文化,还将引领中国消费者和中国酱类企业走向世界。

74、I took a great liking to our captain, Leach, a charming and lovable man and all that a British sailor should be. ─── 我很喜欢我们的舰长利希,他英俊可爱,具有英国水手所应有的一切品质。

75、In many large landfills, tons and tons of municipal wastes have been mixed over the years with small amounts of industrial chemicals. Rain can leach out these chemicals and contaminate ground water beyond the landfill boundaries. ─── 在许多垃圾填埋场,成千上万吨的生活垃圾随着时间推移同为数不多的工业化学品混成一体,一旦下雨,这些化学晶即可滤出,从而污染垃圾填埋场地界以外的地下水。

76、low energy adaptive clustering algorithm (LEACH) ─── 低能耗自适应分簇算法

77、When my sister-in-low Leach was expecting her second child, her son Brain would sometimes touch his mother's tummy to feel the baby move. ─── 我丈夫的妹妹Leah怀着第二个孩子时,他的儿子Brain会时不时摸着她的肚子感觉婴儿的移动。

78、in-situ leach uranium mining ─── 原地浸出

79、Nope.So in the period right before they lay eggs, female penguins eat a lot of mollusks.The clam and mussel shells in their stomachs slowly leach calcium which is then used to form eggshells. ─── 不,在它们要产蛋前,雌性的企鹅会吃很多软体动物,蛤和蚌类的壳会在它们的胃里慢慢被消化,这些就是用来产生蛋壳的。

80、Deputy Police Commissioner John A. Leach( man in middle with moustache) watches agents pour liquor into sewer following a raid during the height of prohibition in1920. ─── 在1920年禁酒令严格执行时,警察约翰·(间留八字胡的人)看着副手将酒倒入下水道。。

81、Reasons hard to leach for refractory gold ore are analyzed.Pretreatment by oxidation method can obtain good results. ─── 分析难处理金矿难浸的原因,指出该类金矿浸出前必须进行预先氧化,才能取得理想的浸出效果。

82、The optimation of biooxidation pretreatment process of the flotation products of low grade hard to leach gold ore was made. ─── 将低品位的难浸金矿先经浮选分离后,对不同浮选产品的细菌氧化预处理流程进行了优化。

83、New ideas are a powerful force that keeps organizations thriving. Dr Sheldon Leach's "ducal personality" will help your group generate nothing but laughter! ─── 创意是股强大的力量,能令机构保持活力更上一层楼。脑力激荡是产生新意念最有效的工具,本节目以轻松手法介绍创新意念的威力。英文发音,配上中文字幕。

84、Simulation results show that this algorithm performs better than LEACH. ─── 模拟实验结果显示算法与LEACH相比具有更好的性能。

85、The hydrogeological conditions of in-situ leaching are analyzed.The results show the uranium deposit is suitable for in-situ leach mining. ─── 对矿区地浸水文地质条件的分析表明,该铀矿床具备可地浸开采的条件。

86、Leach out the excess salts (halides).Pour off excess water and place the shredded emulsion in a large beaker or other container. ─── 去除多余的盐:倒出多余的水,不作成面条状的乳剂放入大烧杯(或较大的容器)中。

87、Once the humus layer disappears, nutrients cannot be recycled and leach from the soil, converting soil from fertile to infertile and making it suitable only for savanna vegetation. ─── 一旦腐殖质层消失,养分就无法从土壤中回收和过滤,致使土壤由肥沃变为贫瘠,只适于热带草原植被的生长。

88、Spermiogenesis in the Chinese horseshoe crab Tachypleus tridentatus (Leach, 1819) was observed using transmission electron microscope. ─── 应用电镜技术研究中国鲎精子形成过程和特点。

89、ZY204 Pre-press expeller is a continuity oil expeller which is suitable for per-pressing leach or pressing twice in the vegetable oil plant,and used to handle with oily seeds such as rapeseed,peanut,sunflower seed and persimmon seed. ─── ZY204型系列螺旋预榨机是一种连续性螺旋预榨机,适用于植物油厂预榨一浸出或两次压榨工艺,用于处理油菜籽、花生仁、向日葵籽、柿子仁等含油较多的油料。

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