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08-16 投稿


scour 发音

英:['ska??]  美:['ska??]

英:  美:

scour 中文意思翻译




scour 短语词组

1、scour the sea of pirates ─── 肃清海盗

2、glacial scour ─── 冰擦作用; ─── 冰川刨蚀

3、extraordinary scour ─── 异常冲刷

4、scour away ─── 清洗,洗涤,冲刷掉…

5、dietetic scour ─── 饮食冲刷

6、scour after sb. ─── [法] 追寻某人

7、scour the country ─── [法] 四处搜索, 八方寻找

8、give a scour to ─── 清洗,洗涤…

9、scour out ─── 冲刷成

10、river bed scour ─── 河床冲刷

11、abnormal scour ─── 非正常冲刷

12、equilibrium scour ─── 平衡冲刷

13、scour for ─── 搜索

14、neonatal scour ─── 新生儿冲刷

15、scour about ─── 寻找,搜索,查看

16、scour the invaders from the land ─── 把侵略者赶走

17、scour off ─── 擦掉, 洗去

18、channel scour ─── 河道冲刷

19、internal scour ─── 内部淘洗

scour 词性/词形变化,scour变形

名词: scourer |动词过去分词: scoured |动词第三人称单数: scours |动词现在分词: scouring |动词过去式: scoured |

scour 相似词语短语

1、scaur ─── n.伤痕

2、scur ─── abbr.(SCUR)会话计费(SessionChargingwithUnitReservation);n.残角

3、sour ─── adj.酸的;发酵的;刺耳的;酸臭的;讨厌的;vi.发酵;变酸;厌烦;vt.使变酸;使失望;n.酸味;苦事;n.(Sour)人名;(柬)索

4、scoup ─── 冲刷

5、scoug ─── Scoug公司

6、bescour ─── 贝斯科,

7、scout ─── n.搜索,侦察;侦察员;侦察机;vt.侦察;跟踪,监视;发现;vi.侦察;巡视;嘲笑

8、stour ─── n.灰尘;争论;骚乱;adj.强壮的;严厉的

9、scours ─── v.用力揉搓;(古)清除敌人;净化;清除(管道的)污垢;用水流清理;得腹泻病(scour的第三人称单数);n.水流冲刷过的地方;冲刷作用;家畜腹泻病;(由于冲刷而)破坏(scour的复数)

scour 特殊用法

1、tidal scour ─── 【地质】潮刷

2、white scour ─── 【兽】犊牛白痢

3、river-bed scour ─── 河床冲刷

4、alternate scour ─── 交替冲刷

5、local scour ─── 局部冲刷

scour 习惯用语

1、scour off ─── 擦掉, 刮掉

2、scour out ─── 把里面擦刮干净

scour 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Local scour on the head of a spur dike is disadvantageous to the structures. ─── 丁坝坝头的局部冲刷对丁坝的整治效果产生不利影响。

2、After bilge of gone and general scour off of the breast that wash a face, grease, can reoccupy green tea cleans facial ministry, can help the skin increase cellular active. ─── 在用完一般的洗面乳洗去污垢、油脂后,可以再用绿茶清洗一次脸部,能帮助皮肤增加细胞活性。

3、Still have additionally super- condense a liquid scour, thick.. ─── 另外还有超浓缩液体洗涤剂、浓...

4、If smear is too heavy, usable scour efface, again dry finally brush. ─── 假如污迹太重,可用洗涤剂抹去,最后再干擦一遍。

5、Kel'Thuzad looked upon the Lich King's growing army and named it the Scourge, for soon it would march upon the gates of Lordaeron and scour humanity from the face of the world. ─── 克尔苏加德管理着这支日益庞大的部队,并称他们为"天灾",不久之后,它就会踏进洛丹伦的大门,并把人类从这个世界上永远抹掉。

6、Foreign human-rights groups make valiant efforts to scour local press reports and tally the sums, but reckon they hear about only a fraction of the cases. ─── 国外的人权组织勇敢地努力搜遍新闻报导来点数,但是认为他们只知悉了这些案件的其中一部分。

7、Advances in Scour Hole Hydraulic Study ─── 冲坑水力学研究进展综述

8、Scour is the removal of material of any size by flowing water. ─── 冲刷是指流动中的水将任何粒径的土壤冲走的现象。

9、LTCM's strategy was to scour world markets for pairs of assets with prices that appeared to be out of line with each other. ─── LTCM的投资策略是精心在全世界范围内发掘同类金融资产在不同市场中的不合理价差并从中渔利。

10、What clean this ceramic tile at the back of hearth and office of ceramic tile juncture again later is smeary, it is OK to should be swabbed with scour only. ─── 以后再清洗灶台后面的这块瓷砖和瓷砖接缝处的油污,只要用洗涤剂擦洗就可以了。

11、Escape 500-years frequency flood, apron end average velocity is 4.37m/s, stream bed filled rubble maximum scour depth 2.8m. ─── 下泄500年一遇洪水时,护坦末端平均流速为4.37m/s,河床??块石时最大冲刷深度2.8m。

12、His routines scour and analyze her message and its envelopes, checking identity, corroborating her style and sensibility, illuminating deep matrices of her possible pasts. ─── 他的进程飞快地浏览并分析着她发过来的讯息及其外壳,效验身份,确认她的特征和敏感性,深入探寻她各种过去可能性。

13、Russian traders scour its wholesale shops for furs and boots. ─── 俄罗斯商人在这里拼命寻找皮毛和靴子的批发店。

14、Influence on scour depth of spure dike parameter ─── 丁坝挑角等参数对坝头冲刷深度的影响

15、Will you try to scour the rust off ? ─── 你能想办法刷掉锈迹吗?

16、Flocks of seagulls scour for food on a piece of wetland in the Dove Nest Park of Beidaihe in northern China's Hebei Province. ─── 成群结队的海鸥在河北省北戴河鸽子窝公园的一块湿地觅食。

17、Scour the Web for simple recipes to get your feet wet, or check out beginner cook books at your local bookstore. ─── 作为第一步,在网络上搜寻简单的食谱;或者,去当地书店查阅以下初学者烹饪书籍。

18、Using water to wash with, we should constantly scour bowl-washing cloth. ─── 在用清水冲洗时,一定要用洗碗布不断擦洗。

19、Commander Thire was later tasked by Emperor Palpatine to scour the lower levels of the Galactic Senate to find any traces of Jedi Master Yoda. ─── 后来,塞尔指挥官接受帕尔帕丁皇帝的命令去搜索银河系参议院的下层,试图寻找任何绝地大师尤达的痕迹。

20、The interception unit, Adopts two steps of interceptions, great stack conserved the address, "scour" Technique in pipeline. ─── 在中断单元中,采用二级中断,大堆栈保存地址,流水“冲刷”技术。

21、Results also show that main scour hole occurs in front of breakwater head firstly, then deepens gradually and spread out to offshore. ─── 坑洞形成过程系首先在堤头附近发生底床冲刷,然后逐渐加深形成主坑洞,再往外海方向拓展扩大。

22、The yellow scour of newborn piglets ─── 仔猪黄痢

23、Daily, our in-house team will scour the internet for news relating to these sectors and post the links here. ─── 我们的内部团队将会每天搜索互联网,为您找出相关的市场新闻。

24、Two metre long Monitor Lizards scour the shallows for frogs and small fish and dig up the nests of crocodiles to prey on their eggs. ─── 居住在阿玛逊的巨型水獭,喜欢在水流缓慢的河流活动,因为那里的环境最为有利于牠们的饮食习惯和身体构造。

25、Jing Peng, Nobuyuki Tamai, Yoshihisa Kawahara and G.W.Huang, (1998): Numerical modeling of local scour around spur dikes, Proc. ─── 彭静,河原能久,丁坝群近体流动结构的可视化实验研究,水利学报,2000.2。

26、Scour your blog and ask this question of every element: would a new visitor know what this does, or where it leads? ─── 重新排版你博客并对着每一个元素都问一个问题:如果一个新的访客来,他会知道这是什么,链接到哪里吗?

27、Today, China's state-owned energy and mining giants scour the world for the raw materials needed to power the workshop of the world and feed the growing appetite of its aspiring masses. ─── 如今,中国国有的能源及矿业巨头在全球搜寻原材料,为中国这个世界工厂提供动力,满足致富心切的中国民众日益增长的胃口。

28、to take anthelmintic to scour the parasite ─── 吃驱虫药打虫

29、Cannot wait for cleaning machine body and component with scour, kerosene, alcohol. Do not disassemble by oneself component. ─── 不能用洗涤剂、煤油、酒精等清洗机身和部件。不要自行拆卸部件。

30、But cannot use the scour that contains bleacher, such meetings make cotton qualitative change of white yellow, or make colored cotton qualitative fade. ─── 但是不能用含漂白剂的洗涤剂,这样会让白色的棉质变黄,或使有颜色的棉质掉色。

31、The point-polluting may spread to the lower reaches of a river with the scour of the stormwater. ─── 由于雨水的冲刷,还可能将点污染源扩大造成下游水系的污染。

32、He brought his own knife,though I had two, and we used to scour them by thrusting them into the earth. ─── 他带来了他自己的刀子,我却有两柄呢,我们常常把刀子插进地里,这样来把它们擦干净。

33、Formula of Local Scour Depth around Spur Dikes ─── 丁坝局部冲刷深度的计算

34、"The revolution in toilet " the urbanite that allowing business " scour off " exhaustion and trouble, the relaxation of equipment sense body and mind. ─── “卫生间里的革命”正在让忙碌的都市人“洗去”疲惫与烦恼,备感身心的放松。

35、When shoppers scour the grocery store aisles in San Francisco, Sydney or Seoul, they may be purchasing different food items, but these days they are suffering from the same sticker shock. ─── 当购物者穿行于旧金山、悉尼或首尔百货商店的过道时,他们或许是在购买不同的食品,但近来他们都面临着同样的涨价冲击。

36、We should try to scour the pot out . ─── 我们该设法把锅里边刷净。

37、If smear is too heavy, usable scour efface, rape oil, soap cleans the cleaner with cany best furniture namely. ─── 假如污迹太重,可用洗涤剂抹去,菜油、肥皂就是清洗藤家具最好的清洁剂。

38、Search engines typically disperse Web crawlers to scour the network and compile an index of existing documents. ─── 一般而言,搜索引擎将Web牵引程序分散开以为网络畅通铺平道路,以及对现有文件的索引进行编译。

39、But as the technology behind forensic science advances, experts caution forensic scientists must take extra care to ensure they scour crime scenes for all possible clues, and that forensic analysis is not overplayed in the courtroom. ─── 但是专家告戒随着法医科学相关技术的进步,法医科学家必须特别小心保证他们能在犯罪现场搜索到所有可能的线索,法医分析在法庭上的作用不能被夸大。

40、River bed in the downstream of spillweir of Dangjiangkou Project has produced intensive scour owing to the effect of fracture properties of foundation rock. ─── 丹江口堰顶溢流坝下游河床,由于受基岩构造特性的影响,产生较大的冲刷。

41、Even if is to be put in ambry, if will be opened of the container of bleacher or chemical scour, criterion from which the gas of trail or steam also can cause harm to the cistern below. ─── 即便是放在橱柜中,假如将装有漂白剂或化学洗涤剂的容器打开,则从中飘出的气体或蒸气也会对于下面的水槽造成伤害。

42、Mother made me scour the family silver. ─── 妈妈让我把家里的银器都擦亮。

43、Primary experimental results indicate that the apparatus is capable of modeling the vortex-induced vibrations of pipeline and the sand scour around the pipeline in typical ocean environments. ─── 初步实验结果表明文中研制的实验模拟装置能够模拟典型海洋环境下海底管道的涡激振动和管道周围海床冲刷等问题。

44、Individual sandstone beds are 50 cm to 1 m thick (Fig. 3A), are highly bioturbated (Fig. 3B), contain hummocky cross-stratification (Fig. 3C), and have well-defined scour surfaces (Fig. 3C). ─── 卓兰层平均厚度为二千公尺(大约在一千五百到二千五百公尺之间),由砂岩、粉砂岩、泥岩、和页岩的互层组成。

45、Since the Three Gorges reservoir begarrto store water, the fiver bank of the reach has not changed clearly and the river bed scour has been discovered mainly on the fight trough. ─── 三峡工程蓄水以来,河段洲滩、岸线无明显变化,河床冲淤主要集中在右侧主槽土脑子一带。

46、LTCM's strategy was to scour world markets for pairs of assets with prices that appeared to be out of line with each other. ─── LTCM的投资策略是精心在全世界范围内发掘同类金融资产在不同市场中的不合理价差并从中渔利。

47、Transverse profiles of the scour hole ─── 冲坑的横向剖面形态

48、On my return, I scour Gaza for evidence that anything has changed for the better in the months since the war ended. ─── 这次重返加沙,我四处寻找战后几个月里任何可以证明生活变得更好的蛛丝马迹。

49、Wesley and I would scour the beaches looking for coins. We were very successful at it. ─── 我和韦斯利为了硬币找遍海滩,斩获颇丰。

50、SUN Jian,LI Yuzhu.Re-considering the Reason of Serious Scour Produced in Kariba Dam [J].J Yangzhe River Science Research Institute,2001,18(4):3-6. ─── [6]孙建,李玉柱.再分析卡里巴拱坝下游严重冲刷的原因[J].长江科学院院报,2001,18(4):3-6.

51、The person that the butt joint is touched can use clear water or body of suds scour off expresses poison. ─── 对接触者可用清水或肥皂水洗去体表毒物。

52、They commune with infernal intelligences and fey spirits, scour enemies with potent blasts of eldritch power, and bedevil foes with hexing curses. ─── 她们同炼狱中的智慧生物或精界的灵魂沟通,用强力的魔能爆吞噬敌人,或用恶毒的诅咒折磨对手。

53、Mercerizing wash waters can be used to prepare scour , chlorine bleach. ─── 丝光冲洗水可用作配制洗涤液氯漂白液。

54、In front of each filter, the front valves (filtered water, wash water, air scour) located in the filter gallery, will be of the pneumatically-actuated butterfly wafer type. ─── 在各个滤池的前部,位于滤廊内的阀门(滤后水、冲洗水、气洗)将为气动对夹式蝶阀。

55、The results based on the experiments under steady current and under current-wave interaction show that it is necessary to analyze the dynamic conditions of wave and current in calculation of scour depth around practical bridge piers. ─── 同时,通过单向水流和波浪+水流两种情况冲深结果比较,指出在预测波流共同作用下的大型桥墩局部冲深时,不应将两种动力条件进行简单的迭加,而应具体问题具体分析。

56、As far as possible little use the scour that contain silver or other contain sulfureous or the catharsis product of hydrochloric acid. ─── 尽量少使用含银洗涤剂或其他含有硫磺或盐酸的洗涤产品。

57、Our expert is of the opinion that the rust is not scour completely before the machine be electroplate. ─── 专家的意见是机器在电镀之后锈点才能完全去掉。

58、Do not use erosional chemical product, cleanser or scour to clean mobile . please dip little suds with soft towel to clean. ─── 勿用腐蚀性化学制剂,清洁剂或强力洗涤剂来清洗手机。请使用软毛巾蘸少量肥皂水擦拭。

59、They seemed to be hybrids; one third human, one third metallic, one third the no man's land between flesh and devices made to strip it and slash it and scour it. ─── 他们看上去就像某种混合体;三分之一的人类,三分之一的金属,另外三分之一介于血肉与金属之间,好像被剥开刮碎然后又打磨光滑。

60、Study on equilibrium scour depth of impinging jet ─── 射流冲刷平衡深度研究

61、If the bath is stained, don't try to scour the stain off; you'll only scrath the Enamel. ─── 如果浴室弄脏了,不用试图擦掉污点,你只要刮刮瓷盆就行了。

62、The rate of channel bed scour in sediment laden flows are experimentally studied. ─── 在清水水流河床冲刷率的实验研究基础上,本文进一步研究了挟沙水流来沙率对冲刷率的影响。

63、Military and civilian search teams continued to scour the coast off the northern island of Sulawesi. ─── 军方和民间的搜寻人员则继续在北部的苏拉维西岛海域进行搜寻。

64、The search for extra-terrestrial intelligence (Seti) project, based at the University of California in Berkeley, uses land-based telescopes to scour the universe for electromagnetic waves. ─── 寻找外星智能计画,位在加州大学柏克莱分校,使用使用地面望远镜搜索宇宙中的电磁波。

65、"We'll have to scour our federal budget, line-by-line, and make meaningful cuts and sacrifices as well," he said at a news conference on Monday and promised more detail at a Tuesday news conference. ─── 在周一的新闻记者会中,他说,‘”我们必须一行一行的搜查我们的联邦预算,做有意义的筛减与?牲”.同时,他也承诺将在周二的新闻记者会中会释出更多细节.

66、Before sleeping at the same time, with pigskin aspic coating wrinkles the skin, next morning uses cold water scour off. ─── 同时睡前用猪皮冻涂敷起皱皮肤,翌晨用冷水洗去。

67、If the curtain is dirtier, usable dishcloth dips in the scour that leave cleans some of Wen Shuirong, hartshorn of usable also a few is brushed. ─── 假如窗帘较脏,则可用抹布蘸些温水溶开的洗涤剂清洗,也可用少许氨水溶液擦抹。

68、If the curtain is dirtier, can dip in with dishcloth the scour that leave cleans some of Wen Shuirong, solution of ammonia of usable also a few is wiped. ─── 假如窗帘较脏,则可以用抹布蘸些温水溶开的洗涤剂清洗,也可用少许氨溶液擦拭。

69、The effect of the length of dike and protrusion ratio of river on the incipient velocity is analyzed, it sets up the foundation of evaluating the influence of vertical vortex on the local scour. ─── 分析了坝长和束窄率对瞬时起动流速的影响,为进一步分析竖轴旋涡对坝前颗粒运动及局部冲刷的作用建立了基础。

70、Thus the BP neural network improved by GA is suitable to solve nonlinear problems such as calculation of sediment and scour of reservoirs. ─── 因此适用于求解如计算水库泥沙冲淤量等非线性问题。

71、We hoped to scour the enemy out during the coming offensive. ─── 我们希望在即将发动的攻势中把敌人消灭掉。

72、Effect of Zililing on Scour of Piglets ─── 仔痢灵治疗仔猪下痢效果

73、The variation of scour and silt at the estuary of Neijiang river is larger than that at the middle and downstream. ─── 内江河段进口段的冲淤幅度较大而中下段较小,河床冲淤频繁,淘淤的作用有限。

74、Please scour rust spots from the knife. ─── 请擦去刀上的锈斑。

75、He decided to scour the sink. ─── 他决定把水池擦洗干净。

76、But the researchers speculate the hellish rate of evaporation might completely scour all gas off smaller hot Jupiters or those closer to their stars than Osiris. ─── 不过,研究者忖度著,对于那些更小型、或比欧西里斯更靠近其恒星的热木星型行星,那如地狱般猛烈的蒸发率很可能就会把它们身上的气体剥除得一乾二净。

77、There's a strong scour with the ebb, ' he said, 'and this here passage has been dug out, in a manner of speaking, with a spade. ─── “退潮时这里水冲得急,”他说,“把这里的入口挖了,可以说就像铲子铲似的。”

78、Use almost any hardware and have a driver for it included with the operating system...eliminating the need to scour the internet to find the hardware manufacturer's website to locate one. ─── 使用几乎所有的硬件,因为系统已经自带了驱动...而不必再去硬件供应商的主页上去苦苦搜寻。

79、Freedom outlet scour test of bridge and culvert ─── 小桥涵自由式出流冲刷试验

80、He is trying to scour the rust off. ─── 他正设法将锈迹磨掉。

81、As lawmakers scour the state budget in search of any discretionary revenues, one Republican wants O'Malley to modify how money from the Cigarette Restitution Fund is doled out. ─── 国会冲刷的国家预算,以寻求任何酌收入,共和党希望奥马利修改金钱从卷烟归还基金发放。

82、The groin-front flow field of this groin type is similar to that of repelling groins, and the largest scour pit normally occurs upstream of the groin head (see Fig. 6). ─── 在流速减缓的地区形成淤积,而流速较高的地区泥沙被水带走形成冲刷,发生水土流失。

83、The essence washing clean that can remain in chopsticks of effectively scour off bowl, have the effect that sterilizes to high temperature. ─── 可以非常有效地洗去碗筷中残留的洗洁精,并起到高温消毒的作用。

84、It now has a unit devoted to doing those things and a team of scientists whose job is to scour the internet and scientific publications for breakthroughs P &G may be able to use. ─── 宝洁现在有个部门专门做这些事,还有一个科学家团队负责搜索互联网和科学刊物,看宝洁可以利用哪些科技突破。

85、In those days scientific researchers had to scour about for equipment and materials, which delayed work and wasted time; it was a great loss. ─── 一些科研人员到处去跑器材,耽误事情,浪费时间,是一种很大的损失。

86、Based on the geological result of the scour pit of the Danjiangkou Project,it is expounded that rock mass characteristics are the internal factor in the formation of scour pit. ─── 以丹江口工程冲刷坑地质调查成果为例,阐述了岩体特征是影响冲刷形成的内在因素。

87、I had to scour out the pans. ─── 我得把这些锅擦干净。

88、Comparison of scour hole profiles ─── 冲坑剖面形状的比较

89、He yearns to escape and break all that has escaped his grasp,while his minions scour the land subverting,manipulating and otherwise enforcing his dark will. ─── 他渴望逃脱,并且把所有从他手心逃掉的家伙全部杀掉,同时他的爪牙在大陆上暗中破坏、操纵并用其它方法促成他邪恶的愿望。






新单词也可能是之前学过单词加上了前缀后缀。比如person是人,身体,容貌,外表,人称,这个都知道。personal是person加上了al,肯定跟人有关系,个人的,身体的,亲自的。--这里有一部分名次加后缀al变成形容词,其它例子music音乐musical音乐的,education教育,educational 教育的。



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