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08-16 投稿


brutism 中文意思翻译



brutism 相似词语短语

1、bruxism ─── n.[口腔]磨牙症;夜间磨牙

2、autism ─── n.孤独症,自闭症;臆想

3、bruise ─── n.擦伤;挫伤;青肿;vt.使受瘀伤;使受挫伤;vi.擦伤;受伤

4、bruting ─── n.粗磨;以钻石彼此磨擦使其成形的方法;v.磨削;粗加工(brute的ing形式)

5、brutes ─── n.野兽;人面兽心的人;粗鲁的人(brute的复数);v.磨削;粗加工(brute的三单形式)

6、brutalism ─── n.野兽派艺术;兽性

7、brutish ─── adj.粗野的;残忍的;野兽般的

8、brutify ─── vi.变为残忍;vt.使残忍;具兽性

9、baptism ─── n.洗礼;严峻考验

brutism 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、It is a brute fact of experience which, whether we like it or not, we have to accept. ─── 不管我们是否喜欢,这是一个我们所经历的残酷事实。

2、This is a classic example of not meeting engineering goals and overclocking through brute force (voltage bump in engineering terms) to compensate. ─── 对买了相关产品的使用者来说是相当不负责的态度。

3、It will attract players who want to play pure might heroes, who love brute force rather than tricky magic. ─── 它将吸引玩家想要扮演纯可能英雄,热爱强暴,而不是高明的魔术。

4、But even the band seemed to know what she was feeling and played more softly, played tenderly, and the drum beat "The Brute! The Brute!" Over and over. ─── 就连乐队也似乎知道她的感觉而演奏得更轻柔了,乐队轻柔地演奏着,鼓点声一遍又一遍地敲出:“畜生!畜生!

5、Power Player: Because of their brute strength, Ben Wallace, Amare Stoudemire and Shaquille O'Neal can throw down powerful dunks over defenders and draw and-one scenarios. ─── 力量型: 像BEN,小S,大鲨鱼一样用强而有力的扣篮战胜对手的力量型人物.

6、A Thane can teleport himself into his enemies’ ranks, slaughtering them by brute strength with his axe. ─── 他们可能陷入狂暴,失去一些防御力却极大的增加攻击力。

7、Perhaps this was the brute's trick, the way it lured travellers to their doom. ─── 也许这不过是这个怪兽的诡计,是它诱惑旅行者走向死亡绝路的方式。

8、Religion sometimes revolted him and his fellow men seemed to him “more like the image of a brute beast than of that omnipotent deity”. ─── 他遭到教徒的反抗,手下也认为他“更像残忍的野兽,而非全能的神”。尽管如此,瓦斯普契汲汲进取的生活从不枯燥;

9、It involves using QMC (or brute force) for your primary bouncing, and Light Caching for your secondary bouncing. ─── 它涉及到使用QMC(或蛮力)为您的主要弹跳,和光缓存您的次要退回。

10、Have water-conservation , energy-conservation, brute force washes, high-temperature sterilization and pressing for and doing the function rapidly, the clean result is better. ─── 具有节水、节能,强力清洗、高温消毒和迅速催干功能,洗涤效果更佳。

11、But politicians might console themselves with the thought that even the most recalcitrant petro-regime is more malleable than the brute realities of geology. ─── 但是政治家们如果想一想比起那些最无法无天的石油国家,现实也许更为残忍,那么他们或许能从中找到些许安慰。

12、He is a brute to his children. ─── 他虐待子女。

13、Not so inevitably, he avoids hysteria and demonization, even of Jim Jones, and points out that brute force is required at the extreme end of the persuasion spectrum. ─── 但是,作者已经把这些事情的大概情节和分析的理论说清楚了,大家一定也已经明白其中的道理了。

14、In the first big action scene, most reminiscent of Woo's earlier SFX-free brute heroics, Gen.Zhao Yun (Hu Jun) single-handedly battles whole armies to save Liu's infant son. ─── 在第一幕打斗现场,大将赵云(胡军饰)孤身百万军中夺阿斗。

15、When it comes to handling the hydraulic force of high internal pressures, the brute strength of the buttress thread is clearly the best. ─── 如果所处理的流体介质具有很高的内部静水压力,则坚固结实的锯齿螺纹就是最好的选择。

16、His father was a drunken brute. ─── 他的父亲是个酗酒成性、冷酷无情的人。

17、"He was a cantankerous brute," Salamano said."Now and then we had some proper set-tos, he and I. ─── “它脾气很坏,”萨拉玛诺说,“我们俩常常吵架。

18、Despite their proven intelligence, Wookiees were enslaved by the Empire and exploited for their brute strength. ─── 尽管他们的智慧是公认的,但帝国奴役伍基人只是为了利用他们的蛮力。

19、He had never been hunted by a bloodhound nor had he ever seen that brute's unerring instinct baffled by human cunning. ─── 他从来没有被一只猎狗追逐过,也从没见过人的机灵战胜过那种动物的万无一失的本能。

21、Don't do things by brute force. ─── 不要用蛮力干事。

22、In order to keep receiving new Brutes in the best conditions, we have temporarily closed The Brute to carry out some technical improvements. ─── 为了让您收到新的暴君在最好的条件,我们已经暂时关闭了强力进行一些技术改进。

23、A fierce tussle for the precious anemone. But in the end, brute force prevails. The smaller crab is lying on his back. ─── 争夺海葵之战激烈异常。但到底是勇者胜。小蟹只能仰天长叹。

24、Nero was a sadistic brute who destroyed not only Christians, but many others as well. ─── 尼禄是一个虐待狂似的禽兽,不仅迫害基督徒,还迫害很多其他人。

25、Then, the deadbeat in the restaurant is all with uncannily look at small devil, comment in a low voice: "This is brute, really fierce!Really fierce!! ─── 于是,饭馆里的食客全部以惊异的看着小鬼子,小声地议论:“这畜生,真猛啊!”

26、He must be discovered in the act of mauling one of our little ones before we are moved to take hold of the brute and strangle him. ─── 在他撕食我们的孩子的时候,我们必须发现他,抓住这个畜生并掐死他。

27、His father was a drunken color=# cc0066> brute. ─── 他的父亲是个酗酒成性、酷无情的人.

28、However, this confirmed my first opinion, that a people who could so far civilise brute animals, must needs excel in wisdom all the nations of the world. ─── 它们正在那里享用树根和兽肉,我后来才发现那是驴肉和狗肉,有时也吃病死或偶然致死的母牛肉。

29、They are not many degrees removed from the brute. ─── 他们跟禽兽相差不远。

30、But even the band seemed to know what she was feeling and played more softly , played tenderly , and the drum beat “the Brute !The Brute!” over and over . ─── 但是乐队好像知道她的感受,演奏的更轻松/更柔和,鼓声一遍又一遍地敲出”这个畜牲!这个畜牲!”

31、Briseis: I thought you were a dumb brute. ─── 布里塞伊斯:我还以为你是个莽汉呢。

32、Brute force was used to put down the revolt. ─── 使用残忍的武力平息反叛。

33、At the advice of unscrupulous Trandoshans, the Empire blockaded Kashyyyk and enslaved the Wookiees, using their brute strength for labor. ─── 帝国采纳无良的川多刹人的意见而封锁了卡西克,并将奴役加诸伍基人,以利用他们的蛮力。

34、His cruelty marks him as a brute. ─── 他的残忍表明他是个人面兽心的家伙。

35、In attaining one's objectives, subtle direction is often more effective than brute force. Men will yield to persuasion when they would resist obedience. ─── 为达到个人目的,润物无声的引导往往比强制力来得有效。当他们没有受他人命令的感觉时,对方则更容易被说服。

36、A monster truck displays its brute power at a stunt rally in Bloomsburg, Pennsylvania. ─── 在宾夕法尼亚州的布卢姆斯堡,一辆大脚卡车正在一场特技拉力赛上展示其猛兽般的力量。

37、This incident gives zest to our investigation, however, and I only trust that our little friend will not suffer from her imprudence in allowing this brute to trace her. ─── 不过这事倒给了我们调查的热情,而且我相信我们的小朋友不会因为疏忽让这个畜牲跟踪她而受苦。

38、The Count was a low-lived brute . ─── 伯爵是个荒淫无耻的家伙。

39、An uncultured coal-mining town; regarded him as an uncultured brute. ─── 原始的采矿小镇;把它视作粗鲁的野蛮人

40、He is an unfeeling brute! ─── 他是个冷酷无情的衣冠禽兽。

41、For years he had made a practice of riding unmanageable horses, and he never heard of a vicious brute without wishing to try it. ─── 多年来,他一直骑未驯服的烈性马训练,每当他听说有匹马难于驾驭,他总要去一显身手。

42、The aggressor troops are not many degrees removed from the brute. ─── 侵略军简直象一群野兽。

43、Bernard Higginbotham was a brute to work her so hard. ─── 伯纳德·希金波坦真是个禽兽,竟叫她这么辛苦。

44、They used brute force to break open the door. ─── 他们靠蛮劲把门撞开了.

45、Basically, the first person to get Rail Guns is at a major advantage, since brute force generally wins. ─── 基本地,第一个得到轨道炮的人拥有绝对的优势,因为残暴的部队通常会胜利。

46、Seventeen feet (five meters) of brute reptilian force, a saltwater crocodile snaps at the camera in Shelburne Bay, Cape York Peninsula, Australia. ─── 在澳大利亚约克角半岛的谢尔本湾,一条长达七英尺(五米)凶猛残暴的咸水鳄对着相机张开了血盆大口。

47、 双语使用场景

48、The only way to win my game is to explore it exhaustively by brute force and memorize everything in it. ─── 假如玩家通过了我的陷阱,我马上就放一个更难的给你,如果你没通过考验我就在游戏中用文字嘲笑你。

49、Actually man is in transit between brute and God. ─── 其实,人应该说是禽兽向上帝的过渡。

50、An uncultured coal - mining town;regarded him as an uncultured brute. ─── 原始的采矿小镇;把它视作粗鲁的野蛮人

51、She defied the brute force. ─── 她不畏强暴。

52、You've forgotten my birthday again, you brute! ─── 你真没良心,又把我的生日忘了!

53、That's your fault for foisting the brute on us. ─── 你真不该把那个畜生带到咱们这个圈子里来!

54、They are a perfect combination: sheer brute force married to a completely obedient mind. ─── 他们是天生蛮力和无条件服从的完美结合体。

55、But when it comes to brute strength. ─── 但说到蛮力。

56、He may yet preserve his tottering regime by brute force alone. ─── “。他仍可以单凭残暴的武力来维持他摇摇欲坠的政权。

57、Chinese wouldn't stick to the history, but you Japanese was guilty of massive brutism in the war and would scare a evil Nazi's soul off. ─── 中国人并非一味沉浸于历史恩怨,但是日本在侵华战争中实施的大规模兽行,即使是被人类唾弃的纳粹也会被吓得目瞪口呆。

58、Man is neither angel nor brute, and the unfortunate thing is that he who would act the angel acts the brute. ─── 人即不是天使,也不是野兽,不幸的是想扮演天使的人却扮演了野兽。

59、Usually the Shinto god of the earth keeps the brute's head pinned down with a granite keystone. ─── 地祗大明神通常能将狂兽的头压制在一块花岗岩要石下。

60、Carole, could it be that Dog is more of a brute than a bigot? ─── 卡洛尔,会不会是狗更多地是一种简单粗暴的比比戈?

61、He would not be such a brute as to cross her. ─── 他还不是那种毫无心肝的人,叫她这样心气不顺。

62、It's amazing the extreme sections of trial can be ridden on a bike, getting over these obstacles is more a matter of technique and finesse rather than brute strength. ─── 令人惊讶的是,小径上某些超高难度的路段,单车仍然能够骑过去,跨越这些障碍所需要的技巧和灵活性,比蛮力还要重要的多。

63、He was a great brawny brute of a man. ─── 他是个魁梧壮实、冷酷无情的人。

64、The exercise and maintaining of this liberty makes men grow more evil and in time to be worse than brute beasts: omnes sumus licentia deteriores. ─── 后来想想其实世间完美的事情总是少,所以才有了很多遗憾。所以还是要珍惜眼前的东西,不管是工作,还是其他。

65、Hack facebook account using this brute forcer complete source code, has been tested. ─── (译):哈克Facebook的帐户使用此野蛮柜子完整的源代码,已经过测试。

66、As a result, massive datasets cannot be interactively rendered by brute force methods. ─── 因而,大规模数据集的交互渲染不能通过强力模型进行。

67、Winter lacks the pyrotechnics of spring, the brute, strapping joy of summer, the old sugary nostalgia of autumn. It's just cold and elegant, monochromatic, somnolent. ─── 冬无春的缤纷、夏的浓烈,也不像秋会让人情思绵绵。冬是一个冰冷的单色世界,寂静而高雅。

68、Her arrogance levelled the slave with the brute creation. ─── 他狂妄自大,把奴隶与牛马同等看待。

69、Her boss was a brute to work her so hard. ─── 她的老扳是个畜牲,让她干这样重的活。

70、"There, you suspicious brute," she said, not sorry that Nana was in disgrace."They are perfectly safe, aren't they? ─── “瞧,你这个多心的畜牲,”她说,一点也不照顾娜娜的面子,“他们都安全得很,是不是?

71、You are a brute to keep it from me. ─── 你把这件事瞒着我,真可恶。

72、"There is so much that is necessary." She looked at him gently, and he was a brute to oppose her. ─── “你必须学习的东西太多,”她那样温和地望着他,使他觉得若是再反对就成了禽兽。

73、Disappointed and rather upset, each woman was secretly laying the blame on her heartless brute of a husband. ─── 几个女人有点失望,也有些伤心,各人在心里骂着自己的狠心贼。

74、You are a brute to have forgotten my birthday. ─── 你真是畜生忘掉我的生日。

75、She divorced her brute of a husband. ─── 她和她那畜生般的丈夫离了婚。

76、But if he is garrulous and, like a brute, delights in hurting others, his life is evil and his impurity increases. ─── 如果他恶言脏语,像喜欢伤人的野兽,那麽他的生活是邪恶的,他的污垢不断增长。

77、Framework includes modules to discover hosts, gather information about, fuzz targets, brute force usernames and passwords, exploits, and a disassembler. ─── 在时间上可能比我预期的要快得多,期待他能早日完成,把core impact给比下去 ;)今天在网上也找到了一个类似这种功能的工具:http://sourceforge.

78、The hard boiled school however relies more on brute force than ingenuity to solve the crime and an unerring ability to survive against all the apparent odds. ─── 与破案的独到性相比,硬汉流派更依赖于强力,依赖于能在所有显而易见的机会中生存的正确能力。

79、They said Kelso got some rascally adventurer, some Belgian brute, to insult his son-in-law in public. ─── 他们说是凯尔索指使某个下贱的冒险家,一个比利时恶棍,来当众侮辱他的女婿。

80、In the first big action scene, most reminiscent of Woo's earlier SFX-free brute heroics, Gen. ─── 在第一幕打斗现场,大将赵云(胡军饰)孤身奋战救阿斗。

81、Password complexity policies are designed to deter brute force attacks by increasing the number of possible passwords. ─── 密码复杂性策略通过增加可能密码的数量来阻止强力攻击。

82、This is brute force meeting brute force, so be careful in what you say and how you say it, especially to team mates or anyone who reports to you. ─── 在这几天里,太阳完全进入冥王星,由于你的守护星是太阳,所以你会得到很强大的力量并却能够获得收益机会。

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