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08-16 投稿


disinteresting 中文意思翻译



disinteresting 短语词组

1、disinteresting or uninteresting ─── 无趣的或 ─── 无趣的

2、disinteresting synonyms ─── 无趣同义词

3、disinteresting def ─── 无趣的定义

4、disinteresting meaning ─── 无趣的意义

5、disinteresting definition ─── 无趣的定义

disinteresting 相似词语短语

1、disinheriting ─── vt.剥夺…的继承权(过去式disinherited,过去分词disinherited,现在分词disinheriting,第三人称单数disinherits,名词disinheritance)

2、disinterring ─── vt.掘出;发掘;显露

3、disinterests ─── n.不关心;无兴趣;vt.使不关心

4、disintegrating ─── v.分裂;瓦解;(非正式)精神崩溃;(物理)蜕变(disintegrate的现在分词)

5、disinterest ─── n.不关心;无兴趣;vt.使不关心

6、disinterested ─── adj.无私的;公正的;冷漠的;廉洁的;v.使不再有利害关系;使无兴趣(disinterest的过去分词)

7、disinvesting ─── vi.投资缩减;减资

8、interesting ─── adj.有趣的;引起兴趣的,令人关注的

9、disinfesting ─── vt.消灭害虫,驱除害虫

disinteresting 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Add deep psychological meaning to your partner's sexual disinterest, and take it very personally! ─── 若伴侣的对性生活表现得没兴趣时,视之为对自己的不满。

2、2.Conversation will turn to be disinteresting without alcohol when doing business with them. ─── 2、与山东人谈生意,没有酒,谈话就索然无味。

3、His coach Alfredo Sampaio said: 'He was a good kid who was always chatting and laughing ...... his only weaknesses were his heading and his total disinterest in defending. ─── 他的教练alfredosampaio说:“他是个健谈爱笑的好孩子....他唯一的缺点就是顶球及对防守根本不敢兴趣。

4、Academics I know, members of the Tiananmen generation, are shocked by some students' disdain for foreigners and, often, disinterest in liberal concepts such as democratization. ─── 他们吃惊地发现一些学生蔑视外国人,对民主化等自由概念漠不关心。

5、At last they stood in a crowded guardroom before a seam-faced, gap-toothed veteran whose belt full of keys and air of harried disinterest bespoke authority. ─── 最后,他们进了一间拥挤的守卫室,站在一个脸上有伤疤的,牙缝很大的老兵面前,此人的腰带上挂满了钥匙,带着折磨人的冷漠的权威态度。

6、His total disinterest in money puzzled his family. ─── 他对金钱毫无兴趣使他的家人感到迷惑不解。

7、Simon felt sure that his disinterest in Binabik's woodlore was the reason. ─── Simon觉得,这是因为自己对于Binabik渊博的森林知识不感兴趣的缘故。

8、Fanatical viewers flood studios, magazines and web sites with mail stating their disinterest in certain storylines or romantic pairings. ─── 狂热的观众会向电台、杂志和网站发去铺天盖地的邮件,表达自己对某处剧情或剧中恋人配对的不满。

9、Reportedly, Italy is disappointed with the EU disinterest in the region as compared to the Atlantic. ─── 据报导,义大利对欧盟比较重视大西洋区域而不重视地中海地区表示失望。

10、disinterest oneself ─── 置身事外, 漠不关心

11、Under the foundation of western theory of disinterest that takes Kant as representative, Wang Guo-wei formed his unique esthetic utilitarianism combining with reality of the society of China. ─── 作为中国近现代美学思想的发轫者,王国维在借鉴以康德等为代表的西方审美超利害说的基础上,结合中国社会的实际,糅进古老的诗教传统,形成了独特的审美功利主义。

12、Conversation will turn to be disinteresting without alcohol when doing business with them. ─── 与山东人谈生意,没有酒,谈话就索然无味。

13、Composedness poise coolness indifference lukewarmness disinterest imperturbability unconcern self-possession apathy ─── 漠不关心,冷淡,若无其事

14、Because I don't covet the honor, so I disinterest in sticking up for peacockery.And because I don't covet the benefit, so I would not meet the rivalship of benefit. ─── 因为不贪名,所以无所谓名的维护,因为不图利,所以不会有利的竞争。

15、It is to the disinterest of the public. ─── 这对公众是不利的。

16、disinterest n. ─── 无兴趣;

17、The more planets we have in the fifth the more abundant the energy we have to release with perhaps some disinterest in receiving the same from others. ─── 越多行星落入第五宫,我们就越需要释放大量的能量,而同时可能在从他人处得到同等回报上并不关心。

18、Translation : Beware of the woman who shows disinterest in money! ─── 30连钱都不要的女人,要小心。

19、Some kids become high-achievers to compensate for their parents' disinterest. ─── 一些孩子努力成为佼佼者,以弥补父母的漠不关心使他们形成的自卑感。

20、His coach Alfredo Sampaio said: "He was a good kid who was always chatting and laughing ...... his only weaknesses were his heading and his total disinterest in defending." ─── 他的教练AlfredoSampaio说:“他是个健谈爱笑的好孩子....他唯一的缺点就是顶球及对防守根本不敢兴趣。”

21、Whether it's because of divorce, disinterest, or poor parenting, there's no one else there but us to get up in the middle of the night to cuddle a miserable, frightened child. ─── 不管是离婚、分居或是有没有足够的能力,没有别人,只有我们自己会在半夜里起身哄抱我们那可怜的、害怕着的小宝贝儿。

22、The principal threats stem from disinterest on the part of the younger generation and the decreasing number of Wajapi proficient in the kusiwa repertory. ─── 主要的威胁来自于年轻一代对这门艺术不感兴趣;以及现在精通“库西瓦”的艺术家的老龄化和数量的减少。

23、The level of consciousness deteriorates from confusion and despair to disinterest, incoherence and eventual unconsciousness. ─── 意识程度开始降低,从困倦和绝望变为不感兴趣、语无伦次,甚至丧失意识。

24、Apathy and disinterest especially can cause friction between patients and their families, who may view these attributes as signs of laziness rather than manifestations of the illness. ─── 尤其是冷淡无情及提不起兴趣,特别容易造成病人与家人的摩擦,因为家人可能以为是病人偷懒,而不晓得是生病的表现。

25、” Identify which stem from a lack of confidence, versus a sincere disinterest in fulfilling the request. ─── 弄清楚这些原因到底是因为你缺乏自信呢,还是你真的没有兴趣答应别人的请求。

26、As he surveyed the closet with disinterest a board creaked somewhere, and he heard the measured sound of footsteps in the blackness below him. ─── 他不感兴趣地环视这个小壁橱,这时,不知从哪里,响起了一声木板的吱吱声,他听到下面的黑暗处,传来有节奏的脚步声。

27、pretend innocence and disinterest after succeeding in gaining some advantages; swagger and brag after having gained some advantages ─── 得了便宜卖乖

28、Smaller-gauge ideas die off from disinterest. ─── 格局太小的构想会因无人关心而自然遭到淘汰。

29、It's a slowly-growing sense of dissatisfaction, disinterest, disconnectedness. ─── 它是一种缓慢成长的不满,无兴趣和去隔离的感觉。

30、David was perplexed because of God's seeming disinterest or indifference regarding the oppression from the wicked. ─── 大卫感到迷惘了,因为上帝对来自恶者的逼迫似乎有点冷漠,也不太关心。

31、In all, Kant's theory of pure beauty had four aspects: its freedom from concepts, its objectivity, the disinterest of the spectator, and its obligatoriness. ─── 总之,康德关于纯粹美的理论有四个方面:它不局于概念的自由、它的客观性、观赏者的不带功利,以及它的必定如此性。

32、Regardless of the exact reason, there does seem to be a clear pattern of targeted microbiologists, and paired with it, an obvious government disinterest in the matter. ─── 不管确切的原因,似乎是一个明确的目标模式微生物而与它配对,显然政府在这件事的冷淡.

33、The term is used to describe the feelings in the relationship, from passion, marriage, to disinterest, fatigue and run-away. ─── 人们用它来描述感情世界从热恋、婚姻、到无趣、疲惫,直至最后逃离的心态。

34、Gazing at the cold flickering screen is a disinteresting and tiring experience. ─── 看着闪烁的屏幕是一种索然无味和累人的体验。

35、The German side declares its complete political disinterest in these areas. ─── 德国边宣称它完全政治不关心在论文区域。

36、disinterest, choose, refer, assign, concentrate, take, expert, prefer, rely, make, bore, inform ─── 根据所给汉语句子和英文提示,在横线上填写合适的词语,每空只填一词。

37、But is Singapore really so "disinteresting"? ─── 但是新加坡真的让人那么无感吗?

38、Children need to be taught that looking away is a sign of disinterest and is not good manners. ─── 需要教育孩子,说话时眼睛望向别处表示漠不关心,而且很不礼貌。

39、Your works really have caught me inside.Even so they show isolation and disinterest,the feeling of hope and humanity is still dominant. ─── 你的作品抓住了我的心。虽然它们表现了一种逃遁和漠然的情绪,但是希望和人文色彩还是占了上风。

40、Thus the secret of hominine vitality lies in the comprehension of significane of being with the attitude of disinterest, which is highest embodiment of initiative dimension of conciousness. ─── 人的意义的领会以及由此具有的非佔有的自我实现的感觉与意识才是人具有非凡生命力的秘密,才是意识能动性的最高体现。

41、Gazing at the cold flickering screen is a disinteresting and tiring experience. ─── 看这闪烁的屏幕是一种索然无味和累人的体验。

42、I have never known her do a disinterest action; she's always on the make. ─── 我从未见她做过无利可图的事情,她总是追名逐利。

43、Proceed from disinterest of the contents learned , disapproval for teacher's teaching method they adopt the perfunctory behavior to examination. ─── 出于对所学的内容无兴趣,对教师教学方法不认可而采取敷衍行为。

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