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08-16 投稿


bluing 发音

英:[?blu???]  美:[?blu???]

英:  美:

bluing 中文意思翻译




bluing 词性/词形变化,bluing变形

形容词比较级: bluffer |名词: bluffer |副词: bluffly |形容词最高级: bluffest |动词第三人称单数: bluffs |动词现在分词: bluffing |动词过去式: bluffed |形容词: bluffable |动词过去分词: bluffed |

bluing 短语词组

1、bluing tablets ─── 发蓝片

2、bluing agent ─── [化] 上蓝剂

3、bluing tank ─── 蓝色坦克

4、bluing repair ─── 发蓝修复

5、bluing furnace ─── 发蓝炉

6、bluing patina ─── 发蓝铜绿

7、bluing steel ─── 霹雳蓝天使(电影名)

8、surface bluing ─── 表面发蓝

9、bluing for laundry ─── 洗衣发蓝

10、bluing a knife blade ─── 把刀锋涂成蓝色

11、bluing kit ─── 发蓝套件

bluing 常用词组

blue sky ─── 蓝天

out of the blue ─── 突然地;意外地

dark blue ─── 深蓝色,深蓝的

bluing 相似词语短语

1、gluing ─── n.粘合;胶合

2、blubbing ─── 哭,哭着说出(blub的现在分词形式)

3、blueing ─── v.(使)变成蓝色;(通过烧制)给(金属)烤蓝;用蓝色漂白剂洗(白色衣服)(blue的现在分词);n.蓝色漂白剂;(金属)烤蓝,发蓝(等于bluing)

4、bluings ─── n.靛青漂白粉;发蓝处理;v.把…染成蓝色(blue的ing形式)

5、sluing ─── v.(使)突然转向,急转;(电子仪表)旋转;n.猛烈(或无法控制的)侧转

6、bludging ─── vi.闲逛;逃避工作;vt.利用;榨取;n.轻松活;空闲时间

7、cluing ─── n.线索;(故事等的)情节;vt.为…提供线索;为…提供情况

8、bluewing ─── 蓝翼

9、blueings ─── v.(使)变成蓝色;(通过烧制)给(金属)烤蓝;用蓝色漂白剂洗(白色衣服)(blue的现在分词);n.蓝色漂白剂;(金属)烤蓝,发蓝(等于bluing)

bluing 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The invention belongs to the field of surface heat treatment industry, and relates to a bluing antirust furnace. ─── 本发明属表面热处理行业领域,是一种发蓝的防锈炉子。

2、On this chart, the erector is marked in blue. ─── 在这张图上竖立肌以蓝色标志。

3、The teacher seems to be feeling rather blue today. ─── 今天老师的情绪好象不大好。

4、She's a blue stocking and all she talks about is books when we go out together. ─── 她是一位女学者,我们一起出去时,她所谈论的总是书。

5、He was black and blue all over. ─── 他遍体鳞伤。

6、He was over six feet tall, with piercing blue eyes. ─── 他身高超过六英尺,长着一双锐利的蓝眼睛。

7、His blue eyes were spangled at once. ─── 他那双蓝眼睛一下子亮了起来。

8、The sky was deep blue. ─── 天空是深蓝的。

9、He can write me letters till he's blue in the face, I'm not going to reply. ─── 任他没完没了地给我写信,我就是不回信。

10、If the Man Higher Up is ever found, take my assurance for it, he will be a large, pale man with blue wristlets showing under his cuffs. ─── 如果有一天找到那匪帮的头子的话,我敢担保,他一定是个脸色苍白的大个子,袖口底下露出蓝色的护腕带。

11、Do you think the blue car is only do30? ─── 你看这辆蓝车只开30英里的时速吗?

12、She has a preference for blue. ─── 她特别喜欢蓝色。

13、He felt blue over his dismissal. ─── 他因被解雇而情绪低落。

14、The soldiers looked up and saw a tall young man with blue eyes, a friendly face, strong arms and broad shoulders. ─── 兵们抬头一看,看到一个高个子蓝眼睛的年轻人,长着一张和善的脸庞,非常结实的胳臂和宽阔的肩膀。

15、She has blue and bright eyes. ─── 她有一对蓝色的欢快的眼睛。

16、If you remain in a blue funk too long, it can make you ill. ─── 如果你长期陷于沮丧状况时,可能会使你生病。

17、His entry at the fair won a blue ribbon. ─── 他在博览会的参展作品得了头奖。

18、She wore a washed-out blue dress. ─── 她著一件洗褪色的蓝衣服。

19、Theirs are blue. ─── 他们的是蓝色的。

20、The indigo plant or the blue dye obtained from it. ─── 假蓝靛靛蓝植物或从这种植物中提取的蓝色染料

21、The practice shows that proper measures can be taken to effectively prevent red exo-frost on bluing coating. ─── 实践证明,采用适当措施可以有效防止发蓝膜的红色挂霜。

22、Blue jay is a type of noisy European bird with brightly colored feathers. ─── 樫鸟是一种爱叫的欧洲鸟,有鲜艳的羽毛。

23、The walls were besmeared with sticky blue paint. ─── 墙壁涂了有粘性的蓝漆。

24、She looks blue. ─── 她看上去情绪低落。

25、His death came as a bolt from the blue. ─── 他的去世犹如晴天霹雳。

26、After work colourful clothes replace the blue tunics. ─── 下班之后,蓝制服都换成了色彩鲜艳的衣服。

27、The sun glare out of the blue sky. ─── 太阳从蓝天中发出耀眼的光。

28、Pretreatment, bluing and post treatment of this process were introduced. ─── 介绍了前处理、发蓝及后处理工序。

29、She has a scarf made of a triangular piece of blue silk. ─── 她有一条用三角形蓝绸子做的围巾。

30、Her children have blue eyes. ─── 她的孩子的眼睛是蓝色的。

31、She was wearing a pair of tight blue jeans. ─── 她穿著蓝色紧身牛仔裤。

32、Jimmy doesn't know colors yet; he mixes up purple with blue. ─── 吉米还不能分辨颜色,他把紫色和蓝色搅混了。

33、He wore his collar and orders, and his blue ribbon as well. ─── 他身上挂满了领章、各种宝星勋章,还挂着他的蓝绶带。

34、That jumper sets off the blue of her eyes. ─── 在这件毛衣衬托下,她眼睛的蓝色显得更漂亮了。

35、Through a chink she could see a bit of blue sky. ─── 从缝隙中他可以看到一线蓝天。

36、Goodness, you look blue! Come in by the fire and get warm. ─── 天啊,你都冻得发紫了!进来在火边暖暖身子。

37、Her clear blue eyes fastened eagerly on us. ─── 她那双清澈的蓝眼睛热切地注视着我们。

38、She lost a handkerchief edged with blue. ─── 她丢了一块镶蓝边的手绢。

39、The blue of the sky melted into the green landscape. ─── 天空的蓝色消溶在绿色的风景之中。

40、Differences and Applications of Phosphating and Bluing Processes ─── 磷化与发蓝工艺的区别及应用

41、Her blue eyes were a paternal inheritance. ─── 她的蓝眼睛是她父亲遗传给她的。

42、She embroidered silver stars on her blue dress. ─── 她把银星绣在她的蓝衣服上。

43、Discussion on the Necessary of the Time Value from Head Bluing to Hatching During Incubation as Auxiliary Investigation Index ─── 蚕种催青见点至点齐时间值设为辅助调查指标的必要性探讨

44、The blue eyes were reddened and sullen with weeping. ─── 一对碧眼哭得发红,没了光辉。

45、Just the thought of travelling by air puts me in a blue funk. ─── 只要一想起坐飞机旅行就使我极为恐惧。

46、Blue always looks very becoming on her. ─── 她穿蓝色的服装总是很合适的。

47、She looked at the blue dome of the sky. ─── 她看著蓝色的苍穹。

48、Your lips seem to become blue with cold. ─── 你的嘴唇好象冻得发紫了。

49、Her eyelids are blue with eye shadow. ─── 她眼皮涂了眼睑膏看上去蓝盈盈的。

50、She exchanged a blue skirt for a red one. ─── 她把蓝裙子换成一条红的。

51、You look really wonderful in that blue skirt. ─── 你穿那条蓝裙子真是漂亮极了。

52、She used several tones of blue to make the sky look real. ─── 她用了数种蓝色色调让天空看起来真实些。

53、The sky slowly changed from blue to red. ─── 天空慢慢由蓝色变为红色。

54、His eyes aren't quite as blue as they look in the film. ─── 他的眼睛不像在电影 见到的那么蓝。

55、He thought the noise in the empty room was a ghost moving about and he was in a blue funk when I saw him. ─── 他认为空房里的响声是鬼魂在走来走去。我见到他时他万分惊恐。

56、She wore a plaid shirt and blue jeans. ─── 她穿著彩格呢衬衫和牛仔裤。

57、The script was a bit racy until the producer wielded his blue pencil. ─── 在制片人挥动他那蓝色铅笔删改前,剧本有一些逃逗性。

58、The sky is deep blue. ─── 天空是深蓝色的。

59、Summary of Bluing Problem for Ammonium Bicarbonate Fertilizer ─── 碳铵化肥发青问题解决小结

60、He leathered the slave black and blue. ─── 他用皮鞭把奴隶抽打得浑身青一块紫一块。

61、Her baby has bonny and bright blue eyes. ─── 她的孩子有一双美丽而明亮的蓝眼睛。

62、She wore a dark blue coat. ─── 她穿着一件深蓝色的上衣。

63、I had a blue fit when she walked into the room; I thought she had died years ago. ─── 她走进房间时,我吓昏了,我还以为她已经去世多年。

64、The shares of their company are blue chip. ─── 他们公司的值钱而又红利稳。

65、A safe investment is blue chips or, better still, gilt-edged securities. ─── 一种可靠的投资是买值钱而热门的股票,或者更可靠的一种买安全的金边证券。

66、Contrast between Bluing in Alkaline Media and Blackening at Room Temperature for Steel Parts ─── 钢铁零件热碱发蓝与常温发黑的应用对比

67、She beat the poor boy black and blue. ─── 她把那个可怜的男孩打得遍体鳞伤。

68、He assures to us that we will get the blue print in time. ─── 他向我们保证我们将及时得到蓝图。

69、The sun glared out of the blue sky. ─── 太阳在蓝天上发出强烈的光。

70、He fell down the stairs and was all black and blue. ─── 他从楼梯跌下而青一块紫一块了。

71、The sky this morning is a mosaic of blue and white. ─── 今天早上的天空是幅蓝白相间的画面。

72、Her dress was a very dark blue verging on black. ─── 她的衣服是深蓝色的,接近于黑色。

73、He dresses in a blue serge suit. ─── 他穿着兰色的毛哔叽套服。

74、The news of his death came as a bolt from the blue. ─── 他死亡的消息好似晴天霹雳。

75、It's a fine day today, and the sky is blue. ─── 今天天气很好,天空晴朗无云。

76、She lay on the grass, contemplating the high, blue sky. ─── 她躺在草地上,凝视著高高的蓝天。

77、Her handkerchief has a blue border. ─── 她的手帕有一条蓝边。

78、He lined the paper with a blue pencil. ─── 他用蓝铅笔在纸上划了线。

79、I could hardly see her through a blue haze of smoke. ─── 一股蓝色的烟雾使我几乎看不见她。

80、He'll scream blue murder if you promote Jack instead of him. ─── 如果你提升杰克而不提升他,他会大吵大闹的。

81、He was attired in blue. ─── 他穿着蓝色衣服。

82、Tapered bores for keyed hubs shall have a minimum of 70% transfer of bluing (surface contact) to the taper gage. ─── 键槽轮毂的锥孔应至少有70%的着色(表面接触)转移到锥度计上?

83、She likes to wear expensive blue underwear. ─── 她喜欢穿昂贵的蓝色内衣。

84、The primary colors of the spectrum are red, green and blue. ─── 光谱的原色是红、绿、蓝。

85、He exchanged the blue jumper for a red one. ─── 他把蓝毛衣换成了红的。

86、Study of composite bluing process for spring parts at room temperature ─── 弹簧件常温复合发蓝工艺研究

87、From the hilltop we saw the blue ocean below . ─── 从山顶上我们看见了下面的蓝色海洋。

88、The rising sun is orient in the blue sky. ─── 在蓝天里初升太阳光辉夺目。

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