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08-16 投稿


canis 发音

英:[?ke?n?s]  美:[?ke?n?s]

英:  美:

canis 中文意思翻译

常见释义: 犬属


canis 短语词组

1、Babesia canis ─── [医] 犬巴贝虫, 犬梨浆虫

2、Demodex canis ─── [医] 犬脂螨

3、Canis Major ─── 大犬座(星座)

4、album canis ─── [医] 狗粪

5、Bacillus haemoglobinophilus canis ─── [医] 犬嗜血红蛋白杆菌, 嗜血红蛋白嗜血杆菌

6、Canis lupus ─── 狼

7、Bacillus ventriculi canis ─── [医] 犬胃杆菌

8、Asterococcus canis ─── [医] 犬星球菌

9、Canis dingo ─── [网络] 澳大利亚野犬;野狗;澳洲野狗

10、Bacillus bronchi canis ─── [医] 犬支气管杆菌, 支气管败血性布鲁氏 ─── [杆]菌

11、Canis latrans ─── 郊狼,草原狼

12、Canis lupus tundrarum ─── [网络] 犬类狼疮tundrarum

13、Canis niger ─── [网络] 黑猩猩

14、Erythronium dens-canis ─── [网络] 红ium

15、Canis familiaris ─── [医] 家犬

16、Canis rufus ─── [网络] 犬科动物

17、Ctenocephalides canis ─── [医] 犬栉头蚤

18、Canis aureus ─── [网络] 豺;亚洲胡狼;金豺

19、Canis Minor n. ─── 小犬星座

canis 相似词语短语

1、Tanis ─── n.坦尼斯(埃及古城)

2、Janis ─── n.口器颚颌;n.(Janis)人名;(英)贾妮斯;(俄、拉脱)亚尼斯;(法)雅尼

3、canns ─── n.(Cann)人名;(英、法)卡恩

4、anis ─── n.茴香酒

5、canes ─── n.手杖;藤条(cane的复数);魔杖;v.用藤条编制;以杖击(cane的三单形式);n.(Canes)人名;(法)卡内斯

6、cangs ─── 枷;n.(Cang)人名;(柬)岗

7、camis ─── n.(Camis)人名;(法)卡米

8、canid ─── n.犬科哺乳动物

9、cadis ─── n.(Cadis)人名;(法)卡迪

canis 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Two Children Cases of Microsporosis Canis in the Same Family ─── 同一家庭2个儿童患犬小孢子菌病报告

2、But despite so much variation, all domestic dogs are part of the same family, Canis familiaris, proven by DNA analysis to be descendants of Canis lupus, the wolf. ─── 但是尽管品种很多,国内所有的狗狗几乎都是家庭的一部分,犬通过分析DNA证实了它们都是狼的后裔。

3、State Bank for Foreign Relations: Tirana; Dir.-Shkelqim Cani. ─── 对外国家银行:地拉那;行长-什凯尔奇姆·察尼。

4、The two species of the genus Babesia that affect dogs are B. canis and B. gibsoni. ─── 巴贝斯属中能感染犬只的两种蜱分别为犬巴贝斯虫和吉氏巴贝虫。



7、United_Pets Produce e commercializza una serie di oggetti e di strumenti, con il loro marchio, destinati a cani e gatti. ─── 南昌长力钢铁股份有限公司主要产品有各种规格的螺纹钢、圆钢、角钢、弹簧扁钢、冷热轧带钢、汽车板簧、焊管等。

8、Comparison of Ehrlichia canis Infection Rate Between Ordinary People and People Working at Canine Feed Lot in Guangzhou Area ─── 广州地区犬场工作人员与一般人群犬埃立克体感染的比较研究

9、Meanwhile, Sirius, in Canis Major, is the brightest star on the left side of the view. ─── 同时,大犬座内的天狼星,是左侧影像最明亮的恒星。

10、ahd with a, dose of 20mg/kg, those of mesocestoides Iineatus, Toxocara canis anb Toxascaris Ieonina were 100%. ─── 20mg/kg剂量组使中线绦虫和蛔虫的虫卵转阴率和减卵率达100%。

11、Sirius, alpha star of Canis Major, traces the bright arc over the dome at the left. ─── 大犬座的天狼星,阿尔法星的明亮轨迹弧线跨域了左边的穹顶。

12、Ascaris lumbricoides, hookworm, Trichostrongylus and Toxocara canis were found in both places. ─── 两村查到蛔虫卵、钩虫卵、鞭虫卵和犬弓蛔虫卵。

13、Included in the sky view are Procyon , alpha star of Canis Minor, and famous star cluster M44 also known as the Beehive Cluster. ─── 这幅影像中还可以见到小犬座的最亮星南河三及著名的蜂巢星团M44。

14、Formerly,a constellation in the Southern Hemisphere,lying between Canis Major and the Southern Cross,now divided into four smaller constellations,Carina,Puppis,Pyxis,and Vela. ─── 南船(星座)从前的一个南半球星座,位于大犬座与南十字座之间,现分四个较小星座,船底座,船尾座,罗盘座及船帆座。

15、Take part in competitionsas many as you canis good for you to improve your link in the world of players. ─── 但这只是一个开始,参加各种联赛,可以有机会提高自己的国际排名。

16、dog:a domesticated carnivorous mammal (Canis familiaris) related to the foxes and wolves and raised in a wide variety of breeds. ─── "狗,犬:与狐狸、狼近缘的家养食肉哺乳动物(犬 犬科),品种繁多."

17、Therapeutic and persistent efficacy of doramectin against demodex canis in Shar-Pei ─── 多拉菌素对沙皮犬蠕形螨病的疗效观察

18、Keywords tinea capitis;Microsporum canis;pathogenic fungi; ─── 头癣;犬小孢子菌;病原真菌;

19、However , when you see it near Canis Major it looks more like a dog house ! ─── 然而,当你看到它就在大犬星座边上,它看起来多像一个狗屋啊!

20、Canis Lupus Luna - the song of Boreas ─── 天狼月-北风之歌

21、The main pathogenic fungi was Microsporum canis 22(43.14),followed by Trichophyton violaceum 17(33.33),Trichophyton tinea sycosis 8(15.69),and Trichophyton tonsurans 4(7.84). ─── 主要病原菌为犬小孢子菌22例(43.14%)、紫色毛癣菌17例(33.33%)、须癣毛癣菌8例(15.69%)、断发毛癣菌4例(7.84%)。

22、Vermifugal Experiment with Levamizole against Toxoscara canis and Ancylostoma caninum ─── 左旋咪唑对犬蛔虫、钩虫的驱虫试验

23、Coyotes (another species in the genus Canis) have expanded east and begun to interbreed with C. lycaon. ─── 郊狼(犬属中的另一种狼)已经向东拓展,开始与阿冈奎狼交配。

24、Sixty-four strains of Br. canis were isolated from 19 cities and counties, a higher detection rate of the pathogen being obtained in outskirts of cities and plain areas, followed by mountainous regions and hilly lands. ─── 从19个市县分离出犬种布鲁氏菌64株,以城市郊区和平原地区的病原检出率较高,山地和丘陵地区次之。

25、British Columbian Wolf Canis lupus columbianus ─── 不列颠哥伦比亚狼

26、The homology of Giardia canis virus to sequence of L13218(GenBank) was 94.62% in the nucleotide,and 93.50% in the amino acid levels. ─── 其序列与国外报道的人源蓝氏贾第虫病毒(L13218)序列同源性为94.62%,编码的氨基酸同源性为93.50%;

27、A star in the constellation Canis Major, the brightest star in the sky, approximately8.6 light-years distant from Earth. ─── 天狼星大犬星座中的一颗星,是天空中最明亮的星,距地球大约8。6光年

28、It cani also serve das a source of competitiveq dvantage. ─── 它可以看作竞争优势的一个来源。

29、Treating Sarcopies Canis Used "JialingsanTe ─── 佳灵三特治疗犬疥螨的试验

30、The fungal microscopic examination of hair and pus scab showed positive results,and the species was identified as Microsporum canis. ─── 头发及脓痂真菌直接镜检阳性,真菌培养为犬小孢子菌。

31、A identification report on two strains of B. canis isolated from certain place of Beijing ─── 从北京某地分离的2株犬种布氏菌的鉴定报告

32、canis?. Phylogenetic comparison showed that Gzh981 should fall under the group of ?E. ─── 在系统发育中, Gzh981 和 E.

33、Comprehensive Identification by New Methods for 40 local Strains of B. canis ─── 40株地方犬种布氏菌的鉴定

34、A bite by Pulex irritans, Ctenocephalides felis and Ctenocephalides canis will not only cause excitation and pain, but also allergic reaction of certain degree. ─── 人蚤、猫栉首蚤和印鼠客蚤等在刺叮人时不仅产生刺激和引起疼痛,而且刺叮后局部皮肤常出现不同程度的过敏反应。

35、Spirochaeta melanogenes canis ─── [医] 犬疫螺旋体

36、Sirius is in the constellation Canis Major the Greater Dog. It's often called the Dog Star. ─── 天狼星位于大犬星座内,也经常被称为犬狼星。

37、So why aren't smooth dogfish (Mustelus Canis), which are near threatened, getting equal protection? ─── 那么为什么(美国)大星鲨这种濒危动物没能得到同等的保护呢?

38、soil-transmitted nematodes: Ascaris, Hook worm, T. trichiura; 2. E. vermicularis; 3. T. canis ─── 土源性线虫:蛔虫,钩虫,鞭虫2.蛲虫3.犬蛔虫

39、It can produce confluent plaques to 2 reference strains of B. canis-RM6/66 and Mex 51. In the paper, it was evidented that the phage Bj-309 belongs to Brucella-phage to lyse B. canis, having more strong activit of lysis. ─── 对2株国际标准犬种布氏菌Mex51和RM6/66,能产生融合性噬斑。 初步证明:Bj-309株为犬种布氏菌噬菌体,并有较强的特异裂解活性。


41、No, canI look on no matter? ─── 不,难道我能坐视不管吗?

42、A. Gary, do youathink you cani ewrite this paper. I don't really like the topic. ─── 你想你是不是可以把这个报告重写一遍。我并不是很喜欢那个主题。

43、In North America, canis latrans may engages in agnostic interactions with golden eagles. ─── 在北美,郊狼可能与金鹰进行不可知的互动。

44、Eastern timber wolf Canis lupus lycaon ─── 东部森林狼

45、Formerly, a constellation in the Southern Hemisphere, lying between Canis Major and the Southern Cross, now divided into four smaller constellations, Carina, Puppis, Pyxis, and Vela. ─── 南船(星座)从前的一个南半球星座,位于大犬座与南十字座之间,现分四个较小星座,船底座,船尾座,罗盘座及船帆座

46、Shaped like a faithful dog , Canis Major includes the btightest star in the sky : Sirius . ─── 形状像一条忠实的狗,大犬星座包含了天空中最亮的星:天狼星。

47、Any of several doglike mammals of the genus Canis of Africa and southern Asia that are mainly foragers feeding on plants,small animals,and occasionally carrion. ─── 亚洲胡狼,豺狼生长在非洲和南亚的一种犬属的似狗的哺乳动物,主要掠食植物、小动物,偶尔吃动物的腐肉。

48、Keywords Deep hypothermic circulatory arrest;Cerebral protection;Cerebral perfusion;Canis;Inflammatory reaction; ─── 关键词深低温停循环;脑保护;脑灌注;犬;炎症反应;

49、A family and their cats affected by microsporum canis ─── 一家三口人及宠物猫同患羊毛状小孢子菌病

50、Action mechanism of endothelin-1 on pulmonary arteries of canis familiaris ex vivo ─── 内皮素-1对家犬肺动脉的作用机制

51、The cervical esophagus of canis familiaris was partly replaced with TEE and gastrostomy feeding was conducted after operation. ─── 以组织工程食管置入替换部分犬颈段食管,胃造瘘给予营养,不同时间点处死取材进行检测。

52、Hao Ma, now they are under pressure, Canis Minor, afraid to go yesterday, and made a written apology. ─── 好嘛,现在他们的小犬都迫于压力,昨天不敢去了,并且做了书面道歉。

53、The positivity rate was 88.57% in 93 cultured strains,among them 90 were Microsporum canis(96.77%),and 1 Trichophyton rubrum,1 Microsporum gypseum and 1 Candida albicans,each accounting for 1.08% separately. ─── 培养菌株93株(阳性率88.57%),其中犬小孢子菌90株(占培养菌株的96.77%),红色毛癣菌、石膏样小孢子菌、白念珠菌各1株(各占1.08%)。

54、Dermatophytes which produced an infection to laboratory animal are mainly Trichophyton mentagrophytes, Microsporum gypseum and Microsporum canis. ─── 引起实验动物皮肤真菌病的病原菌主要是须毛癣菌(Trichonphyton mentagrophyton),石膏样小孢子菌(Microsporum gypseum),犬小孢子菌(Microsporum canis)。

55、CanI't you hear the voices of my heart? ─── 你能听见我心底的声音吗?

56、The positive rate was 96.43 %(45 cases Microstorum canis,80.36%); ─── 在61只家养宠物中,55只真菌培养阳性,阳性率为90.16%,其中犬小孢子菌48株(占78.69%)。

57、A Survey of Giardia Canis Infection on Jilin Province ─── 吉林省犬贾第虫感染情况的调查

58、Kiouni, resuming his rapid gait, soon descended the lower spurs of the Vindhias, and towards noon they passed by the age of Kallenger, on the Cani, one of the branches of the Ganges. ─── 他们走下了文迪亚群山最后的几段斜坡路,大象又快步奔跑起来。晌午时分,向导绕过了位于恒河支流卡尼河畔的卡兰吉尔。

59、It can lyse 30 cultures of B. canis, obtained in China, and dose not lyse other 6 strains from dogs, being negative in SAT. ─── 它对国内分离的30株犬种布氏菌均能裂解,对犬体分离的另6株菌不能裂解,这6株菌对犬种血清亦为阴性反应。

60、Hao Ma, now they are under pressure, Canis Minor, afraid to go yesterday, and made a written apology. ─── 好嘛,现在他们的小犬都迫于压力,昨天不敢去了,并且做了书面道歉。

61、Effects of pentoxifylline on adhesion molecules expression in acute lung injury of fresh water drowning in canis ─── 己酮可可碱对淡水淹溺后肺粘附分子表达的影响


63、Comparative Study on in Vivo Pharmacokinetics of Gatifloxacin between Normal Canis Familiaris and Hepatic Injury Model ─── 加替沙星在正常与肝损害模型家犬体内的药动学比较研究

64、But Real Zaragoza captain Ruben Cani won't be heading to London any time soon for the simple reason that he doesn't want to, despite interest from Chelsea. ─── 尽管切尔西一厢情愿,但是萨拉格萨队长凯尼仅仅因为自己不想去切尔西而暂时不会前往伦敦。

65、Southern Rocky Mountain Wolf Canis lupus youngi ─── 南落基山狼

66、it looks like an equilateral triangle . the three bright stars are procyon in canis minor , sirius in canis major and betelgeuse in orion. ─── 它的形状接近等边三角形,由小犬座主星南河三大犬座主星天狼星及猎户座主星参宿四所组成。

67、Any of several doglike mammals of the genus Canis of Africa and southern Asia that are mainly foragers feeding on plants, small animals, and occasionally carrion. ─── 亚洲胡狼,豺狼生长在非洲和南亚的一种犬属的似狗的哺乳动物,主要掠食植物、小动物,偶尔吃动物的腐肉

68、Gray wolves (Canis lupus) from Canada, these were the first to call Yellowstone home since the creatures were hunted out of existence there early in the 20th century. ─── 从20世纪初,黄石公园的灰狼被猎杀殆尽以来,这些来自加拿大的北美灰狼(Canislupus)是首次以黄石公园为家的狼群。

69、Baffin Island Tundra Wolf Canis lupus manningi ─── 巴芬岛苔原狼

70、Bacillus haemoglobinophilus canis ─── [医] 犬嗜血红蛋白杆菌, 嗜血红蛋白嗜血杆菌

71、A binary star in the constellation Canis Minor. ─── 南河三小犬座的一颗双星

72、Northern Rocky Mountain Wolf Canis lupus irremotus ─── 北落基山狼

73、Distribution of Toxocara canis Larva in Mice ─── 幼虫移行症:犬弓首线虫幼虫在小鼠体内分布和组织反应

74、Visceral larva Migrans: Studies on the Pathogenicity of Toxocara Canis in Laboratory Mice ─── 内脏幼虫移行症:犬弓首线虫幼虫对小鼠的致病作用

75、The Pattern of the Annual Variation of E. Canis Antibody Levels in Guangzhou Area ─── 广州地区犬血清埃立克体抗体季节消长规律


77、Gilgamesh had for his companions, 50 oarsmen in the great ship, Argo, a constellation bordering Canis Major, where Sirius is found. ─── 吉尔伽美什拥有他的伴随者,50名oarsmen在南船座大船上,它是大犬星座旁边的星座,是天狼星被发现的地方。

78、Larva Migrans: Distribution of Toxocara canis larva in Brain and Alteration of Behavior in Experimental Mice ─── 幼虫移行症:感染犬弓首线虫鼠的行为改变与脑内幼虫分布研究

79、Hudson Bay Wolf Canis lupus hudsonicus ─── 哈德逊湾狼

80、I only see experimental animals of the genus Canis having an account being blocked for quite a while and re-registering a new one in quite a short bit of time. ─── 对呀!就是看你们把责任当成个波一样抛来抛去,似足马戏团的小丑戏!

81、a constellation in the Southern Hemisphere near Canis Major and Pyxis ─── 位于大犬星座和罗盘星座附近的南半球星座

82、Alexander Archipelago Wolf Canis lupus ligoni ─── 亚历山大群岛狼

83、Ehrlichiosis is a disease caused by Ehrlichia canis and spread by the brown dog tick, Rhipicephalus sanguineous. Signs include fever, vasculitis, and low blood counts. ─── 埃里克氏体病是一种由犬埃立克体引起的疾病,由棕色狗蜱传播。临床症状有发热、血管炎和血细胞数量降低。

84、with a dose of 25mg/kg, that of mesocesoides Iineaus-Hcok worms, Toxocara canis and Toxascaris Ioonin awere 100%; ─── 25mg/kg剂量组使中线绦虫、蛔虫、钩虫的虫卵转阴率和减卵率达100%;

85、Insight of Psychosomatic Care for the Patients Suffering Canis Animal attack ─── 对犬等动物致伤患者实施身心护理的探讨

86、indicates that there may have the nature infective spots of E. Canis in the country. ─── 表明我国极有可能存在该病的自然疫源地,有必要进行深入研究。

87、Streptococcus sanguinis canis ─── [医] 犬血链球菌

88、I also tell myself, happy everyday, but I also find I can not do it, a pitiful girl!Who can tell me?how canI do!!!!! ─── 坐在电脑前,心情总也感觉静不下来,好想回家了,待上一段时间,然后重新开始新的一年,过一年又长大了一岁,真有些不情愿;

89、In the 18th century European naturalists dubbed the wolves of Canada and the eastern U.S.Canis lycaon, because they seemed distinct from Canis lupus, the gray wolf of Europe and Asia. ─── 18世纪的欧洲博物学家认为,加拿大、北美东部的狼,和分布欧洲、亚洲的灰狼(Canislupus)不同,因此将这些狼命名为东部森林狼(Canislycaon)。

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