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08-16 投稿


gainer 发音


英:  美:

gainer 中文意思翻译



gainer 网络释义

n. 获得者,得利者;胜利者n. (Gainer)人名;(英)盖纳

gainer 词性/词形变化,gainer变形


gainer 短语词组

1、full gainer ─── [体]面对池反身翻腾

2、gainer web ─── 收益网

3、half gainer n. ─── 花样跳水姿势

4、weight gainer ─── [网络] 增重粉和增肌粉;增磅奶粉;增重配方

5、gainer web stories ─── 盖纳网络故事

6、gainer girl ─── 盖纳女孩

7、come off a gainer ─── [经] 赚钱

8、gainer dismount ─── 增益卸载

9、gainer 2 ─── 鸡2

10、gainer flip ─── 收益者翻转

11、gainer shake ─── 收益者摇

12、gainer shake recipe ─── 盖纳奶昔配方

13、hard gainer n. ─── 难以通过健身增肌的人

gainer 同义词

full gainer

gainer 反义词


gainer 相似词语短语

1、gained ─── v.获得,得到(gain的过去式);增进

2、Mariner ─── n.水手;船员;n.(Mariner)人名;(西)马里内尔;(英)马里纳

3、vainer ─── 自负的;徒劳的(vain的比较级)

4、gainers ─── n.获得者,得利者;胜利者;n.(Gainer)人名;(英)盖纳

5、regainer ─── 尺子

6、gaiter ─── n.绑腿;长筒橡胶靴

7、Mainer ─── n.(Mainer)人名;(西)迈内尔

8、grainer ─── n.刮毛刀;画木纹者;画木纹用的刷子

9、gainlier ─── adj.姿态优美的(gainly的变形)

gainer 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Mittal - the biggest dollar gainer after quadrupling his net worth by $18.8 billion to $25 billion - climbed 59 rungs from last year to No. 3 in 2005. ─── (全球最大钢铁制造商)米塔尔的净财富翻了四番,成为最大的美元收获者,目前其净资产总值为250亿美元,比去年上涨了188亿美元,在富豪榜的排名上升了59位,现居第三名。

2、flying gainer ─── 反身飞身跳水

3、"In Chinese mechanical Joint Industry Conference 3 buildings assembly room, fan Youguo of gainer of " of large award of skill of China of the 7th " is excited ground say. ─── 在中国机械工业联合会三楼会议室,第七届"中华技能大奖"获得者范友国激动地说道。

4、let a man learn as early as possible honestly to confess his ignorance , and he will be a gainer by it in the long run. ─── 如果让一个人尽可能早地坦白承认自己的无知,从长远的观点来看,他会由此获益匪浅。

5、Countrywide model worker, whole nation " 51 " poineering award of home of course of study of labor medallist, whole state-owend enterprise " gainer. ─── 全国劳动模范、全国“五一”劳动奖章获得者、全国企业家创业奖”获得者。

6、is possessory the person that often innovate basically, natural also often the main gainer of profit. ─── 由于所有者常常是主要的创新者 ,自然也常常是利润的主要获得者。


8、One major gainer in all the turmoil has been gold, seen by many investors as the ultimate safe haven. ─── 这次金融混乱的一个重要获利者是黄金,它也被很多投资者看成是最后的安全避难所。

9、This respect is very active also in academic research, the gainer of award also is studying economics of a few Nobel this thing. ─── 这方面在学术研究也非常活跃,一些诺贝尔经济学奖的获得者也在研究这个东西。

10、He points out that Brazil was the biggest gainer in the MSCI Emerging Markets index in 2009. ─── 梅勒指出,在2009年,巴西是摩根士丹利资本国际新兴市场指数(MSCIEmergingMarketIndex)中最大的赢家。

11、"A person with a discerning eye looks to know, this is dark point to perfect and spatio-temporal, and its also are immediate increase gainer really. ─── “明眼人一看就知道,这是暗指完美时空,而且其也确实是直接利益获得者。

12、full gainer ─── 向前助跑后空翻

13、The only gainer is History, which has constant opportunities of showing the various ways in which men can contrive to be fools and knaves. ─── 唯一胜利者是历史,它经常有机会展示人把自己变成白痴或流氓的各种途径。)

14、Let a man learn as early as possible honestly to confess his ignorance,and he will be a gainer by it in the long run. ─── 如果让一个人尽可能早地坦白承认自己的无知,从长远的观点来看,他会由此获益匪浅。

15、and top-ranking to these two international the circumstance of large award gainer, those who know is very little. ─── 而且对于这两位国际一流大奖获得者的情况,知之甚少。

16、I am the gainer by our personal friendship. ─── 通过我们私人的友谊我获益非浅。

17、Compendious ground elaborated Nobel economics award gainer the crackajack contribution that Shidigele organizes theory to the industry. ─── 并扼要地阐述了诺贝尔经济学奖获得者施蒂格勒对产业组织理论的杰出贡献。

18、Brazil's agriculture would be the biggest gainer from an ambitious settlement, but its manufacturing would be less protected. ─── 巴西的农业将会是这个野心勃勃的结果最大的受益者,但这样一来对它的制造业的保护将会随之减轻。

19、Song Yu was 2005 rather the gold gainer that ADI undergraduate innovation designs. ─── 宋宇宁是2005年ADI大学生立异设计的金牌获得者。

20、The gainer of Alfred Noble made a great deal contribution for the domanial research. ─── 这位诺贝尔获得者为这一领域的研究做出了很大贡献。

21、Laptop, valued at RMB4999, 60 in total, the gainer list is drawn out by lucky draw. ─── 笔记本电脑,价值4999元,全国60台,获奖者名单由抽奖产生。

22、pike gainer somie off ─── 屈体后空翻下

23、Compared with past years, Cleveland, Ohio, is the biggest gainer, moving up 24 spots from 38 to 14, while Providence, Rhode Island moved up 18 spots to No. 15. ─── 和往年的评估结果相比,俄亥俄州克里夫兰的进展最为迅速,从38名上升至14名,上升了24个名次,而罗德岛州的普罗维登斯上升了18个名次,排在第15位

24、HP's stock rose2.1 percent, or72 cents, to$35.15 on the NYSE and was the Dow's top gainer. ─── 在纽约股票交易所,惠普公司的股票上升了2.1%即72美分,至35.15美元,是道琼斯的最大获益者。

25、Yuan Longping is our country the first " special grade invents award " with gainer of 8 international large award, ever was known as " the father of cross paddy " . ─── 袁隆平是我国第一个“特等发明奖”和8个国际大奖获得者,曾被誉为“杂交水稻之父”。

26、And take the initiative to fund the second biggest percentage gainer for the many high positions of fund shares. ─── 而主动型基金中涨幅居前的多为高股票仓位的基金。

27、Longer term, the biggest gainer is likely to be gold. ─── 长期来看,得益最多的可能是黄金。

28、double gainer ─── 反身翻腾两周

29、a gainer of weight. ─── 一个体重增加者

30、Sand gainer ─── 捞砂车

31、Hp ' s stock rose 2 . 1 percent , or 72 cents , to $ 35 . 15 on the nyse and was the dow ' s top gainer. ─── 在纽约股票交易所,惠普公司的股票上升了2 。 1 ,即72美分,至35 。 15美元,是道琼斯的最大获益者。

32、Wednesday the two cities increased stock trading, the biggest percentage gainer was still Dijia Gu. ─── 周三两市涨停个股大幅增加,涨幅居前的依然是低价股。

33、Large award gainer will obtain 2000 yuan motion dress, outstanding award gainer people the athletic dress that will obtain 300 yuan or so, all award all are offerred by AND1 company. ─── 大奖获得者将会获得2000元的运动服饰,优秀奖获得者们将会获得300元左右的运动服饰,所有奖品均由AND1公司提供。

34、One major gainer in all the turmoil has been gold, seen by many investors as the ultimate safe haven. ─── 这次金融混乱的一个重要获利者是黄金,它也被很多投资者看成是最后的安全避难所。

35、The only gainer was the Premier League, which did very nicely from the auctions. ─── 唯一赚到的只有英超联盟,通过转播权拍卖挣得盆满钵满。

36、Modigliani of gainer of economics nobel prize initiates consumption and the new page with academic deposit. ─── Modigliani的生命周期模型开创消费与储蓄理论的新篇章。

37、That thou in losing me shalt win much glory: And I by this will be a gainer too; ─── 如果本文系酷酷英语网专稿。

38、Love is like farting, the farter plays stupid, the hearer shocked and the gainer frustrated. ─── 爱情就像放屁,放者糊涂,听者惊讶,闻者伤心;

39、Shanghai public information yesterday, the biggest percentage gainer was Changbaijituan, the new lake and Bao Ha vote shares. ─── 昨日沪市公开信息中,涨幅居前的是长百集团、新湖中宝和哈投股份。

40、This might require a bit of patience on your part but at the end of the day, you will be the gainer. ─── 今天给大家介绍的这一款“十分男人”的造型设计软件,是专门为时尚男士设计形象的软件。

41、As people know, the real gainer in the market takes up five percents of all investors only and most of them are the directors of board and bosses. ─── 大家都公认,从长期看,在证券市场起起伏伏中的真正赢家,其实只佔整体投资人的百分之五。而这些赢家也绝大部分是公司的董监及老闆们。

42、The gainer of award of 17 contribution that help deficient up such as Ding Haisong, also got commend at the same time today. ─── 丁海松等17名扶贫贡献奖获得者,今天也同时受到了表彰。

43、One major gainer in all the turmoil has been gold, seen by many investors as the ultimate safe haven. ─── 混乱的一个重要获利者是黄金,它也被很多投资者看成是最后的安全避难所。

44、gainer dismount ─── 木端单脚起跳向前团身空翻下

45、It may serve as a comfort to us, in all our calamities and afflictions, that he that loses anything and gets wisdom by it is a gainer by the loss. ─── 如果做得到的话,尽量让自己比别人更有智慧,但切勿四处宣扬这件事。

46、Brazil's agriculture would be the biggest gainer from an ambitious settlement, but its manufacturing would be less protected. ─── 巴西的农业将会是这个野心勃勃的结果最大的受益者,但这样一来对它的制造业的保护将会随之减轻。

47、The stock was the second-biggest gainer on the Nikkei 225 Stock Average, which fell 1 percent. ─── 在东京股票交易所涨停。日经指数当日下跌1%,麒麟控股为当日第二大获益股。

48、gainer dive ─── 倒翻筋斗跳水

49、Coal oil, banking, brokerage, real estate market, such as large plates are also up more than or close to 4.0%, the biggest percentage gainer. ─── 煤炭石油、银行、券商、房地产等大市值板块也均上涨超过或接近4.0%,涨幅居前。

50、Besides gainer of 7 nobel prize, 5 world noted economist also come to Beijing at the same time, study entrepreneur of problem dialog China with respect to respective domain. ─── 除了7位诺贝尔奖获得者,5位世界知名经济学家也同时来到北京,就各自领域研究问题对话中国企业家。

51、The dollar was, however, the biggest gainer; as the eurozone's woes increased, funds around the world flooded back to the haven of the US. ─── 不过,美元才是最大的赢家;随着欧元区的麻烦越来越大,世界各地的资金再次涌入美国寻求避险。

52、IBM was the biggest gainer in the Dow, rising $5.26, or 5.4 percent, to $102.93. ─── IBM是最大的赢家,在道琼工业指数上涨5.26美元或5.4%,以102.93美元。

53、The Dow Jones Industrial Average closed up 3.2%, where General Motors was the biggest percentage gainer, rising 18%. ─── 道琼斯工业平均指数报升3.2%,通用汽车跃升18%,为按百分比计算升幅最大的股份。

54、You can visit the auction house and trade with whatever you have.This might require a bit of patience on your part but at the end of the day, you will be the gainer. ─── 丑女无敌大结局但家庭经济的困难让她不得不愈挫愈勇,继续四处投递简历,直到国内著名的广告公司“概念”给她打来了面试的电话。

55、As a walker, you will meet more exciting scenaries;As a gainer, maybe, increasing helpnesses and sighs be your side. ─── 你认为自己必须成就一番,也许,你将徒留许多的无奈和叹息。

56、half gainer ─── n. 花样跳水姿势

57、Not just because he ever was Asian football gentleman, the gainer of award of two gold shoe and fame magpie rises, the outbreak that is him not only force, speed wins football big country praise; ─── 一、向范志毅挑战我欣赏范志毅。不仅仅因为他曾是亚洲足球先生,两届金鞋奖的获得者而名声鹊起,不仅是他的爆发力、速度获得足球大国的称赞;

58、Forewords: I think many my friends like the English poem named "The Most Distant Way in the World" of an India poet, a very beautiful poem; he was the gainer of the Nobel literature prize in 1913. ─── 我想我的很多朋友喜欢一首名为“世界上最远的距离”的印度诗人写的美妙绝伦的英文诗,他是1913年诺贝尔文学奖获得者。

59、Keywords Sand gainer;Oil field work;Instrument;Characteristic;Articulated tractor; ─── 捞砂车;油田作业;工作装置;特点;铰接式拖拉机;

60、Keywords traffic transportation system,value analysis,benefit gainer,,,,, economic cost; ─── 交通运输系统;价值分析;利益主体;经济成本;

61、Letter is issued to author of bear the palm in admiral of academic annual meeting and address in congress by first prize gainer. ─── 在学术年会上将向获奖作者颁发证书并由一等奖获得者在大会发表演讲。

62、Today we'll make sure gainer of award. ─── 4今天我们要确定奖项的获得者.

63、The biggest gainer was Zhou Chengjian, who climbed 351 ranks to the fifth spot, worth $2 billion, after he successfully listed his trendy apparel company, Shanghai Metersbonwe Fashion &Accessories. ─── 获益最大的要数周成建,他成功地将其时装企业上海美特斯邦威服饰公司上市之后,他的排名攀升了351位,以20亿美元的资产名列第五。

64、gainer flic-flac ─── 前踢后手翻

65、come off a gainer ─── [经] 赚钱

66、Academia economist, gainer of gold of such as nobel prize division this (R. ─── 学术界经济学家,诸如诺贝尔奖金获得者科斯(R.

67、Ferrari driver Kimi Raikkonen was the biggest gainer on Hamilton at Silverstone as the Finn took his second win in a row. ─── 对汉密尔顿来说,银石赛道的最大的赢家是法拉利车手莱科宁,芬兰人赢得了他的连续第二个分站赛冠军。

68、Meng Xiaosu, beijing real estate is lifelong achievement award the gainer of of course! ─── 孟晓苏,北京地产终身成就奖理所当然的获得者!

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