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08-16 投稿


pedigree 发音

英:[?ped?ɡri?]  美:[?ped?ɡri?]

英:  美:

pedigree 中文意思翻译




pedigree 短语词组

1、cracksman horse pedigree ─── 狂人马谱系

2、declartaion concerning pedigree ─── [法] 关于家系声明

3、pedigree definition ─── 系谱定义

4、pedigree dog food ─── 纯种狗粮

5、pedigree worksheet ─── 谱系工作表

6、pedigree dog ─── 纯种狗

7、pedigree query ─── 谱系查询

8、thoroughbred pedigree query ─── 纯种血统查询

9、self made with no pedigree ─── 白手起家,没有血统

10、pedigree-man n. ─── 有案可查的惯犯

11、tabulated pedigree ─── 表列谱系

12、pedigree database ─── 系谱数据库

13、pedigree selection ─── [医] 家系选择

14、pedigree diagram ─── 谱系图

15、pedigree goddess ─── 世系女神

pedigree 词性/词形变化,pedigree变形


pedigree 相似词语短语

1、redigressed ─── 编辑

2、pedicures ─── n.修趾甲术;足部治疗;足部治疗医师;vt.修脚

3、redigress ─── 辐射

4、pedigrees ─── 家系;[遗]谱系,[遗]血统;衍生后代

5、pedigreeless ─── 无血统,

6、redigresses ─── 编辑

7、emigree ─── 移民

8、pedigreed ─── adj.血统明白的,(动物)纯种的;有来历的;来自贵族家庭的;经验丰富的;知名的,令人信赖的

9、unpedigreed ─── 不可食性

pedigree 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Another food with a long pedigree and which seems to have many benefits on the brain is usually served as a beverage, tea. ─── 另一种能提高记忆力的食物大家应该早就耳熟能详了,它对大脑也多有益处,那就是作为饮品的茶。

2、They are called “depth” and “breadth” of a pedigree (Battaglia 2005). ─── 一种叫“深度”意义上的评判,另一种则被称之为“广度”上的判断。

3、So two Americans who have questioned its pedigree have created quite a stir. ─── 因此,两位美国人对华南虎血统的质疑自然就引起了轩然大波。

4、Most Chinese parents will name their newborn child with a common first or middle name, according to the pedigree, or simply to emphasize that their siblings are closely related with that common name. ─── 多数中国父母会根据家谱给他们的新生子女取一个共同的中间名或最尾字和其它兄弟姐妹相同的名,以显示他们兄弟姐妹之间的亲蜜联系。

5、A number of distributors, manufacturers, and pharmacies are currently pleading with the California Board of Pharmacy to delay the entire pedigree requirement for one year. ─── 一些分销商,制造商和药店目前正在恳求加州医药委员会拖延整个谱系的要求为一年。

6、The oldest commissioned ship in the Canadian Navy has a pedigree that goes back to 1880. ─── 加拿大海军服役时间最长的船的服役历史要追溯到1880年。

7、Gavin Fletcher, International Women's Open Tournament Director, said: "Ana is simply a world class player with a fantastic grass court pedigree. ─── 国际女子公开赛的理事说:“安娜简直是一个有着非凡草地血统的世界级选手。

8、He is by pedigree an aristocrat. ─── 他出身贵族。

9、To guarantee seal integrity, Kunshan Jiapu Packaging used A/A and A/B adhesives for the heavy 5 kgs. bag of Pedigree? ─── 为了保证密封完整,昆山璞包装用的A / A和的A / B胶沉重的第5公斤。

10、She was proud of her long pedigree. ─── 她为自己源远流长的家世而自豪。

11、Shaquille O’neal said so himself before facing Kobe Bean at US Airways in February.Lebron James (whom certain media writers with no NBA pedigree, including Kelly Dwyer of Yahoo! ─── 奥尼尔2月份在太阳主场迎接科比和他的湖人时也曾表示认同现在NBA科比比其他人的篮球水平要高一个档次。

12、The Pedigree Adoption Drive. Help us help dogs. ─── 宝路收养活动。帮助我们帮助狗。

13、To evaluate genetic difference of castor germless, the geography origin and pedigree couldn’t be regarded as the basis only. ─── 在评价资源间遗传差异时,不能仅以地理来源和亲缘关系为依据。

14、Pedigree analysis and simple sequence repeats (SSR) were used to analyze the relationship among main released wheat cultivars in Henan Province. ─── 利用系谱分析和SSR标记对河南省小麦主要推广品种间的亲缘关系进行了研究。

15、Direct descent from an ancestor;lineage or pedigree. ─── 家系从一个祖先传下来的直接世系;家系或家族

16、With the ESWC, e-sport has established its pedigree and written the beginning of its story. ─── 作为电子竞技的里程碑,电子竞技世界杯(ESWC)的诞生使电子竞技项目将开始书写属于他自己的历史。

17、The construction of pedigree was perfected by looking at microsatellite loci from paternity tests which are essential to the deeper analysis of gynogenetic Japanese flounder. ─── 利用微卫星标记可确定雌核发育后代的亲子关系,从而构建牙鲆雌核发育家系系谱,对牙鲆雌核发育的深入研究具有重要意义。

18、Your own level of expertise in picking out likely puppies and training them is probably as important as the pedigree of the dog. ─── 你对于小狗的挑选和训练与其血统一样对小狗成为好猎手起着重要作用。

19、The politics of hatred has a long and, electorally speaking, pretty successful pedigree. ─── 从选举角度看,仇恨政治有漫长和非常成功的谱系。

20、Jill: He's a thoroughbred Boxer with an outstanding pedigree that's why. We got him from a top breeder. ─── 姬儿:牠是只纯种拳师狗,有优秀血统,所以昂贵。我们是跟一位一流的动物饲育师买的。

21、She comes from a family of pedigree. ─── 她出身名门。

22、On the other hand, after parting company with human pedigree, their osculant behavior also may evolve into generation independently. ─── 另一方面,它们的接吻行为也可能是和人类的谱系分道扬镳之后独立演变产生的。

23、The one testicle is usually genetic one of the parents will have it in its lines behind this could be back 4 sometimes 5 generations back in the pedigree. ─── 单睾丸通常是遗传父母中的一方,这也有可能是第4或5代,甚至更早的系谱中存在此种基因。

24、Most people who own a pedigree dog look down their noses at somebody with a mere mongrel. ─── 大多数有纯种狗的人总是瞧不起养杂种狗的人。

25、He was proud of his impeccable pedigree. ─── 他为他出身于名门望族而骄傲。

26、Enrique shopped his first demo under the pseudonym Enrique Martinez. He wanted people to pay attention to his music, not his pedigree. ─── 他的第一张样本唱片冠以笔名安吉洛·马丁内兹。他只想让人们注意他的音乐,而不是他的家世。

27、In fact, some argue that Dennis's “lack of pedigree” approach has been passed by. ─── 实际上,有人说丹尼斯的“师出无门”的方法已经不流行了。

28、Russian space scientists announced a new breakthrough in a long pedigree of firsts: the birth of 30 grandchildren of a "space cockroach" who spent 12 days in orbit. ─── 俄罗斯太空科学家宣布了一项动物试验的最新突破:曾经在太空遨游12天的“太空蟑螂”有了30个孙辈。

29、"I asked why they had approached Klinsmann, because his pedigree was not one that immediately made fans sit up and take note. ─── ‘我问他们为什么要接触克林斯曼,因为克林斯曼不是一个纯正的门第这很难让球迷立即坐下看球。”

30、Doctors tried in vain to restore his eyesight but nothing worked until a pedigree racehorse stepped in. ─── 医生试图恢复他的视力,但徒劳无功,什麽方法都无效,直到1匹纯种赛马出手,才出现转机。

31、A diminutive, lightning-quick winger, English international Shaun Wright-Phillips has the pedigree to succeed and the talent to match. ─── 一个瘦弱,像闪电一样快的边路球员,英格兰国脚肖恩.怀特.菲利普斯有着成功者的血统和天赋。

32、According to the results of X chromosome scanning the inherited modal of this family can be accepted as X-lined inheritance and this is in accord with the result of pedigree analysis. ─── X染色体扫描的结果支持本家系为X连锁遗传方式,与家系分析结论相符。

33、THE most avid users of social-networking websites may be exhibitionist teenagers, but when it comes to more grown-up use by business people, such sites have a surprisingly long pedigree. ─── 对社交网站最热心的往往是青少年,他们喜欢展示自我;当更成熟的商务人士参与时,这类网站就会变得更为规范了。

34、Just because parents are not top winning dogs or not in the national ranking, is it a bad pedigree? ─── 仅仅因为父母不是顶级的狗或不是在国际级别中,这就是不良血统吗?

35、The champions really showed their pedigree today. ─── 今天的冠军确实展现了其纯种系谱。

36、One bona fide prince pedigree coming up. ─── 一个真正的王子即将出现。

37、Jill : He's a thoroughbred Boxer with an outstanding pedigree that's why.We got him from a top breeder. ─── 姬儿:它是只纯种拳师豿,有优秀血统,所以昂贵。我们是跟一位一流的动物饲育师买的。

38、The product has a pedigree going back to the last century. ─── 这项产品的渊源可追溯到上个世纪。

39、A common ancestor, even in the eighth generation, will increase the measurable amount of inbreeding in the pedigree. ─── 即使在第八代,一个共同品系原型在这部家谱中会增加该可测近亲繁殖数量。

40、The Social Fact Thesis( which is also known as the Pedigree Thesis) asserts that it is a necessary truth that legal validity is ultimately a function of certain kinds of social facts. ─── 事实命题(就是大家所熟识的“谱系命题”)言法律效力最终是某种社会事实的功能。

41、Their example reminds us that genius doesn't have a pedigree, that you don't discover new worlds by plying safe, conventional waters. ─── 他们的范例告诉我们,天才不靠门第出身,而且告诉我们如果你只在安全而熟悉的水面航行,就不可能发现新大陆。

42、If it is on both sides of the pedigree you will usually get more then one in a litter with it. ─── 如果蓝眼基因在系谱的两边都有出现,那么通常来说,新生犬得到蓝眼基因的几率会增加。

43、His pedigree should be worth his weight in gold, and his quality should be superb. ─── 公猫的血统应该是最好的,而且它的品质也应该是极好的。

44、However, since I have no idea on her background as to her pedigree, I am not sure if her head will get more refined as she matures . ─── 然而,由于我对她的背景和血统毫无知晓,我无法判断她长大后头部是否会变得更漂亮。

45、Examine its pedigree carefully before you buy such an expensive cat. ─── 买这种昂贵的猫之前,要仔细检查它的纯种系谱。

46、The Berkshire is the oldest pedigree recorded pig in Britain and originally came from around the Wantage area in Wiltshire. ─── 在英国,波克夏猪是被记载最早具有家谱的猪,来自于威尔特郡边远地区。

47、But he, whose pedigree is not numbered among them, received tithes of Abraham, and blessed him that had the promises. ─── 可是不属于他们世系的那一位,却收了亚巴郎的什一之物,并祝福了那蒙受恩许的。

48、It was reconfirmed from the result of pedigree analysis that ED1 was dominant over EP and e, while EP was incompletely dominant over e. ─── 家系个体的分析结果进一步验证了ED1对EP、e为完全显性,EP对e为不完全显性。

49、Truth is its' crazy to see a side of Leeds' size and pedigree in the lower echelons. ─── 利兹联是一支疯狂的队伍,而现在这支豪门已经深陷英乙。

50、Milktea herself was a stray cat, but now she is happy and healthy, which shows that love and care is what makes a pet great, and not its pedigree. ─── 原本是流浪猫的奶茶现在健康快乐的模样,证明了爱护与照顾也可以让宠物容光焕发,不见得是名种猫才有价值。

51、To make the carrier detection and prenatal diagnosis in a pedigree with hemophilia A. ─── 对一血友病A(HA)家系进行携带者及产前诊断。

52、Russian space scientists announced on Thursday a new breakthrough in a long pedigree of firsts: the birth of 30 grandchildren of a "space cockroach" who spent 12 days in orbit. ─── 家于本周四宣布了一项动物试验的最新突破:曾经在太空遨游12天的“太空蟑螂” 有了30个孙辈。

53、He knew the name and pedigree of everybody in the Peerage, and everybody's relations. ─── 他知道《缙绅录》上每个人的姓名和谱系以及他们所有的亲戚。

54、Hammer's business pedigree almost guaranteed him the acquaintance of presidents. ─── 默的商业背景几乎保证了他与几位总统的相识。

55、But a pig with pedigree can cost between 500 and 1000 dollars. ─── 不过一只具有优良血统的小猪的售价在500到1000美元之间。

56、Good pedigree is a pedigree that's consistent with the looks that confirm to the breed standard. Good pedigree is a pedigree containing dogs that produce great temperament. ─── 好的血统是一个家谱,简而言之应该是狗的外表与繁殖标准保持一致.好的血统是在血统中包含狗的伟大的性情。

57、Here is a pedigree from a family in which sensorineural deafness is present in some members. ─── 下面是一个来自有知觉神经性失聪成员的家庭之家族系谱。

58、Direct line of descent; pedigree. ─── 世系世系;血统

59、About the origin of the modern state of national history pedigree, it is often the invention of modern times. ─── 有关现代国家起源的民族史系谱,往往是近代的发明。

60、Your father learnt it on his way home from Shaston, and he has been telling me the whole pedigree of the matter. ─── 你父亲是在从夏斯顿回家的路上听说这件事的,他把整个事情的来龙去脉都告诉我了。

61、He was adopted as a child, so he had no opportunity of learning his own pedigree. ─── 他从小被人收养,没有机会了解自己的身世。

62、Developed by BMW, which owned MG Rover for a while, and with an excellent engine designed by Honda, the 75 has a fine pedigree. ─── 罗孚75的开发者是由曾短期拥有罗孚公司的宝马汽车公司,其发动机又是本田的杰作,其“血统”可谓优良。

63、Direct descent from an ancestor; lineage or pedigree. ─── 家系从一个祖先传下来的直接世系; 家系或家族

64、But now that I own a dairy herd and am breeding pedigree Guernsey stock, I need that book and I cannot find it. ─── 但现在我经营着一群奶牛,饲养的是纯种根西奶牛,我需要那本书,它却无处可寻了。

65、After the Beagle voyage, Darwin filled notebooks with his ideas, and in 1837 sketched a genealogical pedigree, his earliest thoughts on the origin of species. ─── 在贝格尔号航行之后,达尔文用他的想法填补笔记簿里的空白,并在1837年绘制了系谱略图,那是他关于物种起源的最初思考。

66、If you doubt his pedigree, simply look up his goals per games ratio at both clubs. ─── 如果你怀疑他的实力,请看看他在两家俱乐部的平均每场进球数。

67、His pedigree was a little too perfect. ─── 他的品种有点太纯。

68、Title: Why have Academic Conscience and Academic Pedigree Became Questions? ─── 关键词:学术良知;学术谱系;现代性;后现代性;问题

69、For a young man with no trading pedigree and no hedge fund experience, this investment was admission to the major leagues. ─── 作为一个年轻人,他并非出自名门,也没有对冲基金的经验,这样的投资是很大的。

70、Conclution:The family deafness is inherited in an autosomal-dominant mode according to pedigree analysis. ─── 临床类型属于感觉神经性耳聋,遗传方式为常染色体显性遗传。

71、First half focuses on human genetics and molecular biology, covering fundamentals of pedigree analysis, linkage analysis, molecular cloning, and gene analysis as well as ethical/ legal issues, all in the context of an auditory disorder. ─── 前半段会著重于人类遗传学与分子生物学,涵盖家族系谱分析、锁分析、子选殖、因分析与道德法律议题的基础概述,并且皆以听觉系统疾病为例来说明。

72、The proband of pedigree A with highexpression of fragile X chromosome(35/273) was detected to be a full mutation patient of fragile X syndrome by the molecular genetic test. ─── A家系先证者脆性X染色体高表达(35/273),分子遗传学检查证实为脆性X综合征全突变患者;

73、If you wish to breed and register pedigree pigs you must be a member of the British Pig Association, you can find out much more about pigs by visiting the BPA website. ─── 如果你想找到小猪的品种和它的家谱,那么你必须英国猪场协会会员,你也可以上国际权威发行量认证机构网上去看以下。

74、Her mother, evidently the daughter of a magistrate from an Italian town, did not have an impressive pedigree. ─── 他的母亲似乎是意大利某个小城的的市政官的女儿,祖上没有过什么显赫的人物。

75、His clean-cut image, good looks and impeccable pedigree earned him the label, ”high-quality idol. ─── 他俊朗的外表和优秀的血统使他赢得了“优质偶像”这样的称号。

76、"He got himself a goal in his first game against Club America, looks a quality player and has great pedigree. ─── “在他的第一场比赛中他就打进了一个球,他是一个有实力和优良传统的球员。”

77、Good pedigree is a pedigree that does not produce hereditary disease or noticeable faults like bad bites or mis markings. ─── 好的血统是一个血统中没有遗传的疾病或者显而易见的缺点比如坏的咬合或者错误的斑纹。

78、The formation of the centralized pedigree is related to the national assimilation. ─── 一元谱系的形成与战国时期的民族融合和民族认同息息相关。

79、This paper introduces historic evolution of Kazakh and expounds seriously several aspects from the title, source and pedigree of clan of Kazakh and the distribution of population. ─── 对有关哈萨克族的历史沿革情况作了概括的介绍,并着重从哈萨克族的族称、族源、系谱以及人口分布几个方面进行了较为系统的阐述。

80、In the history, Pingfeng Village once had proper clan structure. It had Shaikh (who is in charge), pedigree, clan fields, clan regulations, clan hall, and clan culture which is represented by dragon lantern. ─── 历史上,屏风村曾经存在过严格意义上的宗族组织,有族长(管事的)、族谱、族田、族规、宗祠以及以龙灯文化为代表的宗族文化。

81、They scrutinized his pedigree and background. ─── 他们详细审查了他的家系和背景。

82、The pigeon submitted must be at least 90 days to below 5 years old, to be accompanied by its Pedigree Certificate and the past Racing Records. ─── 三、参展鸽必须是90天以上至5岁以下的鸽子,备齐血统书与比赛成绩表。

83、There is no expression of fragile X chromosome in the proband and his mother of pedigree B,which was futher confirmed as a non-fragile X pedigree by the molecular genetic test. ─── B家系先证者及其母亲无脆性X染色体表达,分子遗传学检查证实为非脆性X综合征患者;

84、He's a thoroughbred boxer with an outstanding pedigree. ─── 他是只纯种拳师狗,有优秀血统。

85、There are so many dogs out there with all champion pedigree, it doesn't matter any more. ─── 在这之外有很多有冠军血统的狗,所以那已经不重要了。

86、Pedigree analysis showed that the porcine HCM may be inherited, and was not caused by a single gene mutation. ─── 同时,经由系谱调查发现猪的HCM具有遗传性,可能不是单一基因的突变所造成。

87、Good pedigree is all about consistency. ─── 好的血统是与一致性有关。

88、The Taoism history books, which can be classified into the biography of celestial being, the pedigree of Taoist priest, the annals of mountain, the record of stone tablet and the travel notes, are very rich in Yuan dynasty. ─── 元代道教史籍非常丰富,可分为仙传、谱录、山志、碑铭集、游记等体裁;


百度 布偶猫吧 的精华帖中,列举了中国目前所有的拥有纯正血统布偶猫(证书全,绝育出售)的猫舍,好像绝大多数在北京上海。






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