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08-16 投稿


coyly 发音

英:[?k??li]  美:[?k??li]

英:  美:

coyly 中文意思翻译



coyly 词性/词形变化,coyly变形

形容词比较级: coyer |副词: coyly |形容词最高级: coyest |名词: coyness |

coyly 短语词组

1、coyly syn ─── 害羞的儿子

2、coyly smile ─── 腼腆地笑

3、coyly definition ─── 含羞的定义

4、coyly bandy ─── 一群胆小鬼

5、coyly defined ─── 含蓄地

6、coyly decorous ─── 羞怯优雅

7、coyly means ─── 害羞的意思

8、coyly define ─── 害羞地定义

coyly 相似词语短语

1、Doyle ─── n.柯南道尔(英国医师、小说家、推理小说家);道尔(人名)

2、Hoyle ─── n.纸牌游戏法;霍伊尔(姓氏)

3、coly ─── n.鼠鸟;齿鹑

4、coaly ─── adj.煤的;煤状的;含煤的

5、coyishly ─── 羞怯地

6、Boyle ─── n.波义耳(17世纪英国物理学家、化学家)

7、cooly ─── n.苦力,便宜雇佣的无技术的东方劳动者(等于coolie)

8、colly ─── v.把……弄脏;n.锅灰;煤灰;n.(Colly)(法、美、英)科利(人名)

9、doyly ─── 小垫布

coyly 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、"Yes," she said, and she began to giggle again, sheepishly, and with a pretense of being coy. ─── “是埃”说着她又傻笑开了,很忸怩,作出一副害羞的样子。

2、Don't be so coy, and I know you'd like to do the job. ─── 不要这样忸怩作态,我知道你真的喜欢这份工作。

3、What are coyly refferred to as "homosexual acts" remain illegal in the state, and condom vending machines only recently ceased to be so. ─── 人们羞于启齿的“同性恋行为”在这里仍属非法。避孕套自售机也只是在最近才不再非法。

4、The girl coyly peeped through the window ─── 女孩害羞地从窗口偷看。

5、The decolor-ation rate is over 91% about 0.75 hour and Lax Sr1-x Fe1-y Coy O3 system kinetic reaction is pseudo-first order. ─── 同时,对5种染料进行紫外光解,在0.75h,脱色率大于91%,并为动力学一级反应。

6、a politician coy about his intentions. ─── 不肯对自己的意图表态的政客。

7、They were off for a drive--she, looking about and noticing fine clothing, the young men voicing those silly pleasantries and weak quips which pass for humour in coy circles. ─── 他们动身去兜风。 她环顾四周,留意着华丽的服饰。 小伙子们则说着那些愚蠢的笑话和无味的妙语,这在故作忸怩的荡子圈子里就算是幽默了。

8、N_2O decomposition over CoY and the effect of Co~(2+) on thermal stability of zeolite(-like) supports ─── CoY催化N_2O分解及Co~(2+)对(类)分子筛载体热稳定性的影响

9、She is coy about singing. ─── 她唱歌怕羞。

10、The Mask: (squeaky voice) She is so coy. ─── 变相怪杰:(尖刺的声音)她很害羞。

11、She give a coy smile when he pay her a compliment. ─── 他恭维她时,她忸怩作态地笑了一笑。

12、He was charmed by the young woman's coy smile. ─── 他被这名年轻女子的娇羞笑容迷住了。

13、Sher eplied with a coy smile“I don't know.What do you think?” ─── 她微微一笑答:“不知道,你觉得呢?”

14、Toxicity of 5 Kinds of Disinfectors to Coy Carp ─── 5种消毒剂对锦鲤的急性毒性试验

15、Surprisingly coy about his best friend (David Beckham) and the possibility of an England recall, Neville says diplomatically, 'A manager will pick a team that he feels is right. ─── 令人惊讶的是,在谈到他最好的朋友贝克汉姆时,加里对他回归的可能性含糊其词。内维尔用外交辞令说道:“教练选择他认为能适合球队的球员。

16、"A very eminent solicitor is in attendance, gentlemen," says Coy, "who, I am informed, was accidentally present, when discovery of the death was made." ─── “先生们,在座的有一位非常著名的律师,”科伊说,“据说,发现死者死去的时候,他恰巧在场”。

17、You know that the world wants beauty, and you always deliver.Feminine but strong, charming but never coy, you have a knack for looking fabulous with a minimum of effort. ─── 妳清楚地知道这个世界需要美丽,而妳也一直是朝这个方向努力的。

18、She was a little coy about how much her dress cost. ─── 她对她那件衣服花了多少钱有点吞吞吐吐。

19、Just C. P. M'Coy will do. ─── 写上C·P·麦科伊就行啦。

20、She give a coy smile when he pay her a compliment ─── 他恭维她时, 她忸怩作态地笑了一笑

21、Dr. Adrianne Holland is a coy calculating neurologist. She tends to seek non-surgical solutions for her patients. ─── 何安翠是出色的神经病学家,喜欢循非手术的方向为病人寻找病源及解决方法。

22、5.Suddenly, at a creaking sound, there may appear a figure by a door -- usually an unsophisticated young girl.She will, at the sight of you, withdraw coyly into the house. ─── 偶然呀的一声,墙门口显现出一个人影,又往往是深居简出的姑娘,看见你们,会娇羞地返身回避了。

23、She gave a coy smile when he paid her a compliment . ─── 他恭维她时,她忸怩作态地笑了一笑.

24、Lazio captain Massimo Oddo was coy over questions regarding new contract talks after last night's derby victory. ─── 在德比胜利之后,拉齐奥队长奥多对续约问题含糊其词.

25、Women are coy and play hard to get . ─── 女人生性害羞,且爱故作矜持。

26、And she felt its answering look, naughty and coy, come on to her face ─── 她也觉得自己脸上露出相应的神态;顽皮而又难为情。

27、Under the upswelling tide he saw the writhing weeds lift languidly and sway reluctant arms, hising up their petticoats, in whispering water swaying and upturning coy silver fronds. ─── 在惊涛骇浪的海潮底下,他看到扭滚着的海藻正懒洋洋地伸直开来,勉强地摇摆着胳膊,裙裾撩得高又高,在窃窃私语的水里摇曳并翻转着羞怯的银叶。

28、-- Just keeping alive, M'Coy said. ─── “凑合活着呗,”麦科伊说。

29、"I`ve heard nothing from any club", the agent said coyly. ─── “我还没有收到任何俱乐部的消息”,经纪人含蓄的说。

30、"The Jesuits cater for the upper classes," said Mr. M'coy ─── “耶苏会迎合上流社会嘛”,麦科伊先生说。

31、She giggles coyly: “Next time, why don’t you give me a ring? ─── 她害羞地轻笑。“下次给我买个戒指吧?"

32、Tad Allagash, a stripling adman and Manhattan party animal with inexhaustible supplies of Bolivian Marching Powder (coy for cocaine). ─── “Party Animal”因为有“动物”二字而显得格外神秘,兽性。

33、If a coy is curious, he is always asking question. ─── 一个好奇的孩子总是要不断地提出问题。

34、However,he enjoyed reading befoing his father sent him to the army.Because his father thought only in this way could his coy son became successful. ─── 但是之前的许三多喜欢读书,父亲却要把他送进部队,认为只有这样,这个从小怯懦的儿子才会有些出息。

35、They were off for a drive -- she, looking about and noticing fine clothing, the young men voicing those silly pleasantries and weak quips which pass for humour in coy circles. ─── 她对衣物的需求--更不必说她对装饰物的欲望--随着现实的发展而迅速增加,现实表明,尽管她已在工作,她的需求仍然得不到满足。

36、"Why," said the duke,"the lady I would wish to marry is nice and coy, and does not much esteem my aged eloquence." ─── “噢,我想娶的这位姑娘很贞洁,很害羞。”公爵说,“我这老头子的话打不动她的心。”

37、-- Tell you what, M'Coy said. ─── “话又说回来啦,”麦科伊说.

38、He moved a little to the side of M'Coy's talking head. ─── 他把头略微偏过去一点,好躲开麦科伊那张谈兴正浓的脸。

39、When asked why, the engineers coyly said "You'll see." ─── 问道原因,工程师害羞地说:“等下就知道了。”

40、Basic research was performed by Lowenthal [6] and Coy [7] . ─── Lowenthal[6]和 Coy[7]完成了基础研究。

41、FAM-de coy ODNs were used as control, and transfected into K562 cells by cationic lipos omes, analyzed by flow cytometry (FCM) and fluorescent inversive microscopy. ─── FAM鄄decoyODNs作为对照,在脂质体介导下转染白血病细胞K562,流式细胞仪(FCM)和倒置荧光显微镜检测FAM鄄decoyODNs的摄入情况。

42、He can play coy and not answer the contract question without getting the “Hey LeBron, stop being a douche and answer the question,” treatment. ─── 他可以在合约的问题上含糊其词并不回答任何相关的问题,而且也不会遇到像勒布朗-詹姆斯那样的情况:“嘿,勒布朗,不要再跟我们兜圈了,这个问题给一个答案吧”。

43、She is coy about her love affairs. ─── 她对于她的恋爱情事很腼腆。

44、Why be so coy? ─── 为何如此缄默?

45、As for his sexuality, Mr Maitland refers coyly to occasional "furtive embraces and voyeuristic encounters" , presumably with men. ─── 至于他的性取向,梅特兰只是蜻蜓点水地提到,威福瑞大概曾和男人,偶尔“偷偷摸摸地拥抱一下或者有一点窥淫爱好”。

46、-- Right, M'Coy said brightly. ─── “好吧,”麦科伊喜形于色地说.

47、-- One of the best, M'Coy said. ─── “最好的一个,”麦科伊说。

48、"A very eminent solicitor is in attendance, gentlemen." says Coy,"who, I am informed, was accidentally present, when discovery of the death was made." ─── “先生们,在座的有一位非常著名的律师,”科伊说,“据说,发现死者死去的时候,他恰巧在

49、Your face glowed like ember; you bent you head as if you were chuckling to yourself and played coy. ─── 你的脸红得像火烧云,头深深地底着,摆弄着衣襟。你好象在笑。

50、Say a couple of funny, coy lines and get out. ─── 写一点好笑、腼腆的句子,就此打住。

51、She smiled coyly at Algie as he took her hand and raised it to his lips. ─── 当阿尔吉拿起她的手举到他唇边时,她腼腆地对他微笑。

52、A coy young guy has a little experiences adout GAY. Good guy. ─── 在这期间,来了一个小伙子,挺好的。一看就是涉世未深,缅缅腆腆。

53、Takari smiled coyly. ─── 塔卡莉腼腆的笑了,“你最好自己看看。”

54、As Steve put it coyly, on stage at D8, "people seem to like it" . ─── 史蒂夫轻轻地将苹果机放在D8的舞台上,“人们似乎很喜欢苹果机”。

55、However, Mourinho, whilst admitting Cole is of the required calibre to star for the champions, has remained coy over the link with the Arsenal man. ─── 不过,虽然承认科尔符合英超冠军的需求,穆里尼奥在他的转会问题上仍旧大打太极。

56、'What's so funny?' The Princess's face was full of smiles.'You can go on hitting me if you like,' she said coyly 'only not quite so hard.' Trinket was mystified. ─── 只见她眉眼如丝,满脸笑意,似乎真的十分欢畅,并非做作,听她柔声说道:“别打得那么重,可也别打得太轻了。”

57、China is coy about how many children are learning such lessons in sports schools. ─── 中国不愿透露有多少儿童在体校里接受这样的训练。

58、Don't be [play] coy. ─── 不要假装害羞的样子。

59、The frog croaked and jumped coyly. ─── “哇!”青蛙向前跳了亲近的一步。

60、The administration coyly refused to put a firm figure on the war's costs. ─── 政府委婉地拒绝了就战争费用给出一个明确的数字。

61、' While Ljajic is coy about his own abilities, Tosic is happy enough to sing his team-mate's praises. ─── “如果是子然一人来到一个新的国家的话,举目无亲,陌生的语言,这将会十分困难。现在有他在这里,太好了。”

62、like a wild young colt,very inquisitive but very coy and not to be easily cajoled ─── 像一匹年轻的野马,非常好奇但又非常腼腆,很难轻易的被哄骗

63、Gill was coy on specific targets saying that" we haven't really discussed incoming transfers in detail", but Sir Alex's assertion that" we're not sitting on our backsides" suggests the United boss has already identified potential targets. ─── 吉尔没有透露具体的目标,说“我们并没有真正的讨论具体的转会细节,”但是弗格森爵士说“我们还没有研究”曼联老板应该已经有了潜在的目标。

64、French tactician Wenger refused to say whether or not Arshavin could be an Arsenal player earlier last week, but replied with a cheeky smile - typical of the coy Alsatian. ─── 丹尼斯.拉切特说:“温格对安德列青睐有加,其实去年夏天就想把他签下。这桩转会应该都为足坛各界所欢迎,不过我们还要稍等几天才最后确认这笔交易。”

65、"He used to come to these sort of places, so he knows that nothing really bad happens here, " she says coyly. ─── “他以前常来这种地方,所以他知道这里没什么不妥的,”她羞怯地说道。

66、Inquiring into the new technology of half enzymatic hydrolysis half koji process to produce coy sauce ─── 半酶半曲法酶解酿造酱油新工艺的探讨

67、She gave a coy smile when he paid her a compliment. ─── 他恭维她时,她忸怩作态地笑了笑。

68、Effects of coy carp broodstock density on the induced spawning results ─── 亲鱼密度对锦鲤催产效果的影响

69、He coyly said Thursday before the team left for Utah that he had "amnesia" about the officials comment, but was still expecting a more intense version of the Jazz in Utah. ─── 他在周四球队赶赴尤他前有些腼腆地表示,他似乎“没有这样评论过裁判在爵士主场的表现”,但是他相信球队会在尤他碰到另一个更加有激情的爵士。

70、HQ Coy; headquarters defence and security company; ─── 司令部保卫和安全连;

71、But if their net exposure is so low, why have banks been so coy about it? ─── 但是如果各银行承受的净风险这么低,为何还对此讳莫如深?

72、"I love you", you said it very coyly with your finger pointed to us. ─── “我爱你!”

73、M'Coy's changed voice said. ─── ”麦科伊换了换语气说。

74、They seem to have caught her coy andfurtive graces, and spread them, like witchery, about their ruralabodes. ─── 他们似乎抓住她腼腆隐秘的魁力,犹如玩耍魔法,将其呈现于乡宅四周。

75、-- I must try to get out there, M'Coy said. ─── “我得想办法去参加一下,”麦科伊说.

76、China is coy about its submarines. ─── 国对他的潜水艇很保密。

77、Smiling, she said coyly, Buying it for me sure would be a nice touch, Mom! ─── 她笑着害羞地说道:“妈妈,给我买这个我会很感动的!”

78、"Being coy forces the men to spend more time interacting with the woman, because they are unsure if they have successfully courted her," Place said. ─── “女人的捉摸不定迫使男人花更多的时间和女人进行交流,因为他们不确定自己有没有成功地吸引她。”

79、like a wild young colt, very inquisitive but very coy and not to be easily cajoled. ─── 像一匹年轻的野马,非常好奇但又非常腼腆,很难轻易的被哄骗。

80、Bucks center Andrew Bogut was asked about the play after practice today, and he played it coyly. ─── 今天训练结束后雄鹿中锋博古特被问及此事,他有些害羞地回答了记者的提问。

81、Walton "would be really good to help that second team," Jackson said coyly on Wednesday. ─── “沃顿对第二阵容真的会有所帮助。”禅师周三表示。

82、Don't be so coy and I know you'd like to do the job. ─── 不要这样忸怩作态我知道你真的喜欢这份工作。

83、"yielded with coy submission" (John Milton). ─── “羞怯地顺从” (约翰·弥尔顿)。

84、To His Coy Mistress by Andrew Marvell(1621-1678) Had we but world enough, and time, ─── 作者:极品英语文章来源:极品英语点击数:更新时间:2006-11-25

85、SUITORS keep knocking on the door of Iraq's oil ministry but the people inside are still coyly loth to say "come in" . ─── 外资求婚者一直叩着伊拉克石油部的大门,但门里面的人仍含羞带怯地不愿说「请进」。

86、"Why," said the duke, "the lady I would wish to marry is nice and coy, and does not much esteem my aged eloquence." ─── “噢,我想娶的这位姑娘很贞洁,很害羞。”公爵说,“我这老头子的话打不动她的心。”

87、But now her looks are coy and cold, ─── 但现在她的目光羞怯而冷淡,

88、coy tricks ─── 卖弄风情

89、-- Right, M'Coy said brightly ─── “好吧,”麦科伊喜形于色地说

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