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08-16 投稿


arles 发音

英:[['ɑ:lz]]  美:[['ɑ:lz]]

英:  美:

arles 中文意思翻译



arles 短语词组

1、arles france ─── 免费阅读

2、arles affirmative crossword ─── 阿尔勒肯定填字游戏

3、arles france map ─── 阿尔勒法国地图

4、arles table ─── 阿尔勒表

5、arles perdomo naples fl ─── 我原谅那不勒斯

6、arles pronunciation ─── 阿尔勒发音

7、Arles sausage ( ─── 法国)阿尔香肠(不熏的猪肉香肠)

arles 相似词语短语

1、farles ─── 法尔斯

2、arses ─── n.王子阿西斯(arsis的复数)

3、ales ─── n.爱丽斯(品牌名);n.(Ales)人名;(西、葡)阿莱斯;(匈)奥莱什;(白俄)阿列斯

4、carles ─── 卡尔斯(男子名)

5、parles ─── v.与……谈话,与……谈判;n.(Parle)(美、爱)帕尔(人名)

6、arle ─── n.(Arle)人名;(瑞典、芬)阿尔勒;(西)阿尔莱;(俄)阿尔勒

7、ares ─── n.(Ares)阿瑞斯(希腊神话中的战神);n.(Ares)(美、西、阿根廷)阿雷斯(人名)

8、arled ─── 偶像

9、Arles ─── n.阿尔勒(法国东南部城市)

arles 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Extra, for that of Arles . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 " ─── 阿尔勒慈幼会补助费五十利弗

2、After two years in Paris, living with Theo (only nine letters; no images), Vincent moved to Arles in 1888. ─── 在巴黎与西奥一起生活两年后(只有9封信,没有画),梵高于1888年迁往阿尔勒。

3、Arles salami ─── 阿尔萨拉米香肠

4、At last, however, we succeeded, and worked up to Arles. ─── 最后,我们终于成功了,就逆流向阿尔驶去。


6、Analysis on the Professional Positions and Salary Survey Data in the ARL University Libraries ─── 北美研究型大学图书馆专业岗位设置与薪金的分析

7、Second,the formula for the ARL of CRL control chart were deduced by using TPFG(Transition Probability Flow Graphs) method;Finally,the formula for ANI of CRL control chart were introduced. ─── 最后,推导了它们效率的度量指标ANI(发信号之前的平均检验的样品数)的计算公式.

8、Racing will be available to both Seabreacher J and ARL models. ─── 您可以驾驶J型或ARL型海豚飞艇参加比较。

9、The Public Park at Arles ─── 阿尔的公园

10、Arles Image Web Page C. ─── 网页辅助。

11、The content of this page is from the ARLES port or ARLES customs import and export company directory; ─── 本页面内容主要是来自ARLES港口或ARLES海关的进出口公司目录;

12、"Lit by a vigorous sun, a sheet casts a long shadow on a building in Arles, an ancient town in the south of France where van Gogh journeyed to seek luminous colors like the ones in Japanese prints. ─── 在热烈的阳光照射下,一张被单在阿尔勒的一座建筑物上投下了长长的影子。阿尔勒是法国南部一个古老的小城,梵高曾前往那里寻找像日本版画里那样明亮的色彩。

13、ARL began work on developing degaussing systems to neutralize our ships' magnetic fields and thus protect them. ─── 海军部研究实验室开始研制消磁系统以抑制我们舰艇的磁场,从而达到保护舰艇的目的。

14、ARL was formed in 1996 and conducted business from an office located in Mount Plymouth, Florida. ─── ARL成立于1996年,在佛罗里达州开设一个办事处进行经营。

15、In July 2006 and 2007, her works were part of the “Voies Off” selection of the Arles Photography Festival. ─── 2006年6月至2007年间,她的作品入选参展阿尔勒国际摄影节。

16、"And if someone had told me of a saint in Arles or Lourdes who saw visions, I would have believed it. ─── “如果有人告诉我阿尔勒或卢尔德的某个圣教徒看到了幻像,我会相信的。

17、ing spectrometer; ARL 9900 Series X, ARL Advant X Series X-ray ... ─── 长沙福滋堂仪器有限公司>>类别:光谱仪、光度计湖南省-长沙市2008-08-1521:48

18、The langlois bridge at arles ─── 阿尔的朗卢桥

19、You can even see a bullfight in the towns of Arles and Nimes, or enjoy poetry at Orange's ancient Roman theater with the stars shining above you. ─── 你甚至可以在名为阿尔勒和尼姆的小镇里观赏斗牛表演,或在奥朗日的古罗马剧场中,伴着闪耀星空聆听诗词诵读。

20、Spectators in the Arena at Arles ─── 阿尔舞台下的观众

21、Caesarius OF ARLES, SAINT ─── 圣凯撒利乌斯(阿尔的)

22、Simulation is utilized to evaluate the average run length (ARL) of an exponentially weighted moving average (EWMA) and GWMA control charts of observations. ─── 透过数值的模拟来衡量观测值的指数加权移动平均(EWMA)与GWMA管制图的平均连串长度(ARL)。

23、After an explosive row between the two, either Van Gogh cut off part of his own ear, or (according to a recent theory) the panic-stricken Gauguin did, and then fled Arles forever. ─── 在两个人激烈的争吵之后,也许是梵高切下了自己的耳朵,也许(据最近的一种理论)是惊慌失措的高更切下了梵高的耳朵并逃离了阿尔勒。

24、Through a series of experiments, methods for design of non auto high voltage calibration of the goniometer detector of ARL 8680 X ray fluorescence spectrometer were proposed. ─── 通过实验,介绍如何设计X荧光光谱仪中测角仪检测器的非自动高压校正的方法。


26、We anchored our vessel--which had a double hold, where our goods were concealed--amidst a number of other vessels that bordered the banks of the Rhone from Beaucaire to Arles. ─── 我们把船驶进了罗纳河,在布揆耳到阿尔之间的一段河面上抛了锚,和其他几只帆船混在一起。

27、The analysis of harmful elements in iron making such as K_2O, Na_2O, ZnO, PbO with Quant A S software in 9800XP X-ray fluorescence spectrometer of Switzerland ARL Company is introduced. ─── 介绍了石钢应用瑞士ARL公司9800XP型X射线荧光光谱仪中QuantAS软件对炼铁生产中有害元素K2O,Na2O,ZnO,PbO的分析。

28、The Courtyard of the Hospital at Arles ─── 阿尔医院的庭院

29、ARL fourth generation of moire fringe Goniometer patents, automatic control; ─── ARL第四代莫尔条纹测角仪专利,全自动控制;

30、A malfunction case of ARL 9800XP X-Ray fluorescence spectrometer and its maintenance method were introduced. ─── 摘要介绍了一例ARL-9800X射线荧光光谱仪的故障及故障排除的措施。

31、The ARL of EWMA control chart based on the multi-mixture distribution ─── 多元混合分布的EWMA控制图的平均链长


33、Avenue of Plane Trees near Arles Station ─── 阿尔站附近的林荫道

34、According to the indictment, Snipes' co-conspirator Eddie was the founder and leader of American Rights Litigators (ARL) and its successor, Guiding Light of God Ministries (GLGM). ─── 根据控告,斯奈普斯的共谋者埃迪是美国公正诉讼律师机构(ARL)领导者和创办者,其继承者是GLGM机构。

35、AFRL and ARL is introduced.Finally, two high-power ceramic lasers with excellent quality and the key technologies which are being developed by America are reviewed and analyzed. ─── 最后评论和分析了目前美国正在研制的两种具有高束质的大功率陶瓷激光器及其关键技术。

36、1, see it (ARL) : "Visual identifying " . ─── 1、看到它(ARL):“视觉识别”。

37、Starting this year, every year the event will feature the works of Chinese photographers and artists in Arles exhibited works. ─── 从今年起,该活动每年将展出中国摄影家的作品,以及在阿尔勒展出过的艺术家作品。

38、He felt they shared the same deep attachment to Arles and its people. ─── 梵高自觉他们在对阿尔其地其人的热爱上如出一辙。

39、We visited Nimes and Arles, i. e. two ancient cities. ─── 我们访问了尼姆和阿尔勒,是两个古城。

40、When he persuaded Paul Gauguin to join him in Arles, van Gogh believed that they would inspire each other's work. It was a tragic delusion. ─── 在阿勒斯时,梵高劝说保罗?高更加入他的创作队伍,他相信他们俩能激发彼此的灵感,有所裨益。

41、Mrs.Calment was born in Arles, France in 1875. ─── 卡蒙太太于1875年出生在法国的阿尔勒。

42、Arles Image Web Page Creator V6.... ─── 水晶情缘--网页特效专家2008世界...

43、Second, the formula for the ARL, of CRL control chart were deduced by using TPFG (Transition Probability Flow Graphs) method: Finally, the formula for ANI of CRL control chart were introduced. ─── 最后,推导了它们效率的度量指标ANI(发信号之前的平均检验的样品数)的计算公式。

44、After two years in Paris, living with Theo (only nine letters;no images), Vincent moved to Arles in 1888. ─── 在巴黎与西奥一起生活两年后(只有9封信,没有画),梵高于1888年迁往阿尔勒。

45、In 2002, ARL Asia has proven that AutoCAD users with only two weeks training can readily make use of ShipConstructor to build $200M oil rigs. ─── 2002年在东南亚,ARL Asia 在一间印尼船厂证实AutoCAD 用户只需十天训练, 便可成切地利用 ShipConstructor建筑造价值超出二亿元深水油台及 FPSO。

46、Days later, Van Gogh intent on finding a suitable place to establish his community abruptly the capital for Arles in Province. ─── 几天之后,决心找个合适成立创作社团的梵高突然离开巴黎,前往普罗旺斯的亚尔。

47、A Lane in the Public Garden at Arles ─── 阿尔公共花园的小路

48、The bravery would have counted for nothing without the technical backup of ARL. ─── 如果没有海军部研究实验室的技术支持,这一勇敢行为也就无足轻重了。

49、In Gaul, Aetius defeated the Visigoths at Arles, forcing them to return to Aquitaine. ─── 在高卢,埃提乌斯于阿尔战役中击败了西哥特人,迫使他们退回阿奎塔尼。

50、There were no differences in ARL and RRL in the subgroups divided by grade 3 or 2 hypertension in two hypertensive groups(P>0.05). ─── 按血压达2级或3级水平分为亚组后,高血压肾功能正常组及高血压肾功能异常组组内各血压水平亚组间双侧肾脏ARL、RRL均无显著性差异(P>0.05)。

51、Ward in the Hospital in Arles ─── 阿尔医院的病房

52、Arles in the South of France was not just a destination but an idea. ─── 对于梵高来说,南法的亚尔不只是目的地,也是个理念。

53、Besides this the clinical use of it seemed limited.We tried to predict the prognosis of patients with Bell's palsy by measuring ARL. ─── 奇美医院从1990年7月开始,尝试以音响反射潜时的延长与否来预测原因不明颜面神经麻痹病人的预后。

54、Simulation is utilized to evaluate the average run length (ARL) of the EWMA and GWMA control charts. ─── 透过数值的模拟来衡量EWMA与GWMA管制图的平均连串长度(ARL)。

55、When the sun goes down, he will be clean, and-fter that he may eat the sacred offerings, forthey arl his food. ─── 7日落的时候,他就洁净了,然后可以吃圣物,因为这是他的食物。

56、In Arles, Van Gogh found the perfect premises for this studio of the south. ─── 梵高在亚尔找到设立南方画室的理想地点。


58、ARL(Average Run Length) ─── 平均运行长度

59、We established the formula to compute the ARL of the PCUSUM and the DCUSUM。 ─── 我们对PCUSUM和DCUSUM检验都建了了其平均运行长度ARL的计算公式。

60、Advertising agency: TBWA, Istanbul, TurkeyCreative director: Murat Arl? ─── 宝马,创造一个你自己的怪物。

61、Formula for the ARL in Control Charts for Arithmetric Average with Warning Limits ─── 带警戒限的均值控制图中平均链长的计算公式

62、ARL developed ShipConstructor, an easy-to-use 3D Product-Modelling software for the design and fabrication of complete ships and offshore structures. ─── ARL 创造了ShipConstructor,一套非常容易上手的三维船舶建筑设计软件, 适合各种规模船厂利用。

63、We thought that an inflammatory swelling or even a small tumor in the facial nerve of the reflexarc might make ARL prologed. ─── 我们是假设位于反射弧的颜面神经部分,可能有肿胀或甚至小种瘤的发生,而使得音响反射潜时延长。

64、ARL Formula for the One-Sided Mean Control Charts with Warning Limits Based on Markov Chain Theory ─── 基于马尔可夫链理论的带警戒限的单侧均值控制图的平均链长

65、while La Carconte displayed the charming fashion prevalent among the women of Arles, a mode of attire borrowed equally from Greece and Arabia. ─── 而他的老婆则穿上那种在阿尔妇女中流行的漂亮时装炫耀,那是一种摹仿希腊和阿拉伯式的服饰。

66、All that is needed is the loan to Mistral's museum of a Van Gogh painting, created while he was in Arles. ─── 所需不过是向阿尔博物馆出借一幅梵高在阿尔时期的绘画。

67、Roman and Romanesque Monuments of Arles ─── 阿尔勒的古罗马和罗马式建筑

68、Keywords Equilibrium dissociation constant;Arl hydrocarbon recep tor;Dioxin response elments; ─── 离解常数;多环芳烃受体;二恶英反应元件;

69、Van Gogh and Gauguin forged a deep friendship during the two years they lived and painted as neighbors in Arles, in the south of France. ─── 梵高和高更在法国南部小镇阿尔勒作邻居的的两年时间里,一起生活一起画画,结成了深厚的友谊。

70、In 1888, Van Gogh persuaded him to come to Arles in the south of France to live with him in the Yellow House he had set up as a "studio of the south". ─── 1888年,梵高力邀高更来到法国南部阿尔,共同居住在他称之为“南方画室”的黄房子里。

71、Arl Van Moore, head of the American College of Radiology's board of chancellors. ─── 但是作者“已经指出了一些真正影响大众健康的问题”。

72、All that is needed is the loan to Mistral's museum of a Van Gogh painting, created while he was in Arles. ─── 所需不过是向阿尔博物馆出借一幅梵高在阿尔时期的绘画。

73、The Park at Arles with the Entrance Seen through the Trees ─── 从树林看阿尔公园的入口

74、Does the following apply to the ARL OR AFL? ─── 以下哪些是ARL还是AFL运动员做的事情?

75、He incorporated their brighter colours and style of painting into a uniquely recognizable style, which was fully developed during the time he spent at Arles, France. ─── 他把他们明亮的色彩和画风融入了他自身特有的风格,在法国阿尔勒的这段时间更是得到了完全的体现。

76、Mistral, born not far from Arles, devoted his life to literature and Provence. ─── 米斯特拉尔,出生在阿尔附近,把一生献给了文学和普罗旺斯。

77、The Museon Arlaten was established in 1896 to record how people lived in and around Arles. ─── 阿尔博物馆建于1896年,以记录阿尔地区及周边人们从前的生活状况为宗旨。

78、Prolongation of acousic reflex latency (ARL) was proved to be of diagnostic value in tumors of the 8th cranial nerve in as early as 1980s. ─── 摘要音响反射潜时的延长早于80年代初期就被证实对于第八对脑神经的肿瘤具有诊断价值。

79、ARL 3460/4460 Direct Reading spectrometer; ─── 更优异的仪器性能;

80、He decided to go south to Arles where he hoped his friends would join him and help found a school of art. ─── 他决定南下亚力斯,希望在那里他的朋友会和他一道,并帮助他找到一所艺术学校。

81、Born in the neighborhood of Arles, she had shared in the beauty for which its women are proverbial ─── 她出生在阿尔附近,那个地方素以出美女而闻名,她也虽具有当地妇女那传统的美色。

82、The Sower: Outskirts of Arles in the Background ─── 播种者:背景是阿尔市郊

83、View of Arles with Irises in the Foreground ─── 前景有鸢尾花的阿尔风景

84、The average of ARL of 50 young adults who had normal hearing and no past history of facial palsy was used as a normal standard. ─── 在实际的做法上,先以50例未曾有颜面神经麻痹病史听力正常的年轻男女作检查,求得正常的平均值,并设定一个标准差之内为正常值。

85、average run length (ARL) ─── 平均运行步长

86、Towns like Orange, and Arles but also big cities like Marseille and Toulon are must sees. ─── 城镇像橙色,并阿尔勒,而且等大城市马赛和土伦是必须看到。

87、I felt terribly insecure when I arrived at ARL because of my lack of qualifications. ─── 我到海军部心里感到非常不踏实,因为我没有学历。

88、ARL released ShipConstructor2006 to enhance of functions in AutoCAD2005/6. ─── ARL 今年也同时推出新产品 ShipConstructor2006 以互相加强 AutoCAD2005/6 之造船功能。

89、We visited two ancient cities, namely Nimes and Arles. ─── 我们参观了两座古城,即尼姆和阿尔。


它的起源还挺有争议。现在我们所熟知的普罗旺斯炖菜里头用到的食材皆为地中海沿岸的季节性蔬菜。有些法国人认为它的全名应该是 ratatouille ni?ois,代表它源于南法尼斯 (Nice)。


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