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08-16 投稿


exit 发音

英:[?eks?t]  美:['?ɡz?t]

英:  美:

exit 中文意思翻译



exit 同义词

departure | choke | door | drop dead | go | croak | way out | take off | escape | buy the farm | die | passing | conk | expire | snuff it | exodus | egress | go out | release | going | mouth | out | walk out | depart | pop off | decease | issue | cash in one's chips | parting | withdraw | outlet | loss | pass away |leave | pass | perish | kick the bucket | get out | leaving | expiration

exit 短语词组

make one's exit

1. 退出

Make your exit through the door at the back of the stage.


1、exit certificate ─── [法] 出境证书

2、emergency exit n. ─── 紧急出口,太平门

3、deferred exit ─── [计] 延迟出口

4、exit condition ─── [计] 出口条件

5、coil exit ─── [建] 旋管出口

6、abnormal exit ─── [计] 异常出口

7、emergency exit spoiler ─── [化] 应急出口挡板

8、close window on exit ─── 退出时关闭窗口 [计] ─── 退出时关闭窗口

9、Exit and Return to ─── 退出并返回

10、exit blower ─── [化] 出口鼓风机

11、exit wounds ─── 绝命出路; [电影]以毒攻毒出口伤;射出口

12、busy on exit ─── [计] 出口忙碌

13、exception exit ─── [计] 异常出口

14、Close all windows in the application and exit ─── 关闭当前程序中的所有窗口并退出

15、asynchronous exit routine ─── [计] 异步出口例行程序

16、exit code ─── [计] 出口代码

17、exit and sign out ─── 退出并签封 [计] ─── 退出并签封

18、air exit ─── [机] 排气出口

19、asynchronous exit ─── [计] 异步出口

exit 反义词

enter | entrance | inter

exit 词性/词形变化,exit变形

动词现在分词: exiting |动词过去式: exited |动词第三人称单数: exits |动词过去分词: exited |

exit 特殊用法

1、deferred exit ─── 迟延出口

2、emergency exit ─── 太平门

3、stationary exit ─── 固定出口

4、jet exit ─── 喷嘴[射流]出口

5、page exit ─── 页面出口

6、coil exit ─── 旋管出口

7、specify task asynchronous exit ─── 特殊任务异步出口

8、nozzle exit ─── 喷管出口

9、meat products exit ─── 肉制品出厂处

10、fire exit ─── 安全出口

exit 习惯用语

1、take one's exit ─── 退场[出]; 离开

2、make one's exit ─── 退场, 退出, 离开 ─── 死, 去世

exit 相似词语短语

1、emit ─── vt.发出,放射;发行;发表

2、exact ─── adj.准确的,精密的;精确的;vt.要求;强求;急需;vi.勒索钱财

3、ext ─── abbr.提取(extract);扩展(extension);外部(exterior);额外的(extra);n.(Ext)人名;(德)埃克斯特

4、edit ─── vt.编辑;校订;n.编辑工作;n.(Edit)人名;(罗、匈)埃迪特

5、Exit ─── n.出口,通道;退场;vi.退出;离去

6、exist ─── vi.存在;生存;生活;继续存在

7、dixit ─── n.武断的话;n.(Dixit)人名;(印、尼、印尼、英)迪克西特;(法)迪克西

8、exalt ─── vt.提升;提拔;赞扬;使得意;vi.使人得意

9、exits ─── n.出口;退场(exit的复数);v.[计]退出(exit的三单形式);出去;去世

exit 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Won't they ask for an exit permit? ─── 他们不是还要查验出境许可证吗?

2、It means learning to enter and exit in response to predefined signals rather than jumping in and out on a whim. ─── 就是根据提前设置好的信号进场,出场,而不是冲动地进进出出。

3、The word "exit" was lettered on the door. ─── "出口"两字写在门上。

4、Ben Bernanke has sketched out a route to the exit, but does not intend to use it for a while. ─── 本?伯南克(BenBernanke)已经草拟了一条退出路线,但他暂时并不打算使用。

5、Exit through the door right of the refrigerator. ─── 从冰箱右边的门离开。

6、Type exit, to get back to a normal session. ─── 只不过现在它是一个安全壳的对话。

7、Leave the roundabout at the second exit. ─── 在第二个出口处驶离环岛。

8、Exit does not need to meet custom duty. ─── 出口不需要交关税。

9、I'm afraid this is not your port of exit. ─── 恐怕这里不是你的出境口岸。

10、The heroine makes her exit(from the stage). ─── 女主角退场.

11、Must I exit the program prior to a system shutdown? ─── 关机前要先关程序吗?

12、Maybe true love can only exit in our dream. ─── 也许爱只有在梦里面。

13、He headed a crowd off from the wrong exit. ─── 他上前阻止人群从错的出口出去。

14、Roll back to the right to exit this maneuver. ─── 将副翼打右舵,使直升机恢复成为水平飞行。

15、Take the A2 and exit at Marateca onto the A6. ─── 如果太迟取消预订或没出现在酒店,酒店将收取第一夜的房费。

16、What's your port of entry (exit)? ─── 你在哪儿入境(出境)?

17、Enter or exit on foot except in an emergency. ─── 如非在紧急情况下,切勿步行进出。

18、Exit Sub can be used only inside a Sub procedure. ─── 只能在Sub过程内使用Exit Sub。

19、At the roundabout, take the second exit. ─── 到环岛后,走第二个出口。

20、Do not confuse Exit statements with End statements. ─── 不要将Exit语句和End语句混淆。

21、A passage for escape or exit; a vent. ─── 出路:逃跑或退出的通道;出口。

22、He stalled his car near the exit. ─── 他把他的车停放在靠近出口处的车位上。

23、Categories of aliens denied exit from China? ─── 哪些外国人不准出境,在什么条件下方可出境?

24、His farewell speech marked his exit from politics. ─── 他的告别演说是他退出政界的标志。

25、Complete. Click Finish to exit the Print Wizard. ─── 完成。单击完成以退出打印向导。

26、Leave the motorway at the next exit. ─── 在下个出口驶出高速公路。

27、An entrance to or exit for a data network. ─── 一数据网络的入口或下一出口

28、Could you tell me where is the exit? ─── 你能不是告诉我出口在哪里?

29、Do you want to exit the transfer market? ─── 对出口做你需要移动市场?

30、The crowd made a mad rush for the exit. ─── 人群疯狂地冲向出口处。

31、You can buy them at a souvenir shop near the exit. ─── 你可以在出口附近的纪念品店买到。

32、Take the freeway south to the Market Street exit. ─── 上这条高速公路向南到市场街的出口。

33、Display version number and exit. ─── 展示版本号然后退出。

34、People were trampled underfoot in the rush for the exit. ─── 有人在拼命涌向出口时被踩在脚下。

35、List the available collation sequences and exit. ─── 列出可用的归类序列,然后退出。

36、Exit Hamlet, bearing the body of Polonius. ─── 哈姆雷特扛着波洛尼斯尸体下。

37、In the rear of the plane is an emergency exit. ─── 在飞机的后面是紧急出口。

38、The only exit was taken up with bicycles. ─── 唯一的出口被停放的自行车堵住了。

39、At the roundabout, take the third exit. ─── 在环状交叉路口,从第三条出路驶出。

40、The heroine made her exit to great applause. ─── 女主角在热烈的掌声中退场。

41、Get out the north exit of Tokyo Station. ─── 从东京车站北边的出口走出去。

42、Exit by flying away sideways straight and level. ─── 动作结束时保持横向水平飞行。

43、He left the building through the rear exit. ─── 他从后面的出口离开这栋建筑。

44、You are going through the wrong exit. ─── 你走错出口了。

45、Because this must reform exit drawback mechanism. ─── 因此必须改革出口退税机制。

46、There is only one exit in this high building. ─── 只有一出口在这高度建筑物。

47、He the halls of the building, looking for the exit. ─── 他在大楼的过道里大步走着,寻找出口。

48、In GGS, basic loan comes with an exit option. ─── 在GGS,基本贷款伴随着一个退出选择。

49、Set up “Emergency Exit” sign at emergency exit. ─── 在紧急出口处,必须设置“紧急出口”标志。

50、After 17 Km you will find the exit "Spilimbergo". ─── 儿童和加床政策:欢迎所有年零的儿童。

51、He picked up the case and walked toward the exit. ─── 他提起箱子朝出口走去。

52、I struggled through the mass of people to the exit. ─── 我在人群里挤来挤去,挤到了出口处。

53、What's your port of entry [exit]? ─── 你在哪儿人[出]境?

54、Close all windows and exit Netscape? ─── 关闭所有窗口并退出Netscape吗?

55、You and you too! Stand here and guard this exit! ─── 你们两个!站在那守着这个出口!

56、Take the expressway, and turn right at the exit. ─── 乘客:走高速公路,到出口往右拐。

57、Can you design a maze with both entrance and exit? ─── 你能否设计出一个有出入口的迷宫?

58、Yes, just look for the subway station exit. ─── 可以,您会看到地铁的出口的。

59、The other exit was taken up with two bicycles. ─── 另一个出口被两辆自行车堵住了。

60、A path or opening for going out; an exit. ─── 出口出路或出口;出口

61、The harbor superintendence departments shall not accept the ship exit formalities of any violator. ─── 违者,港务监督部门不予以受理船舶人出境手续。

62、Which exit is for Victorian Park? ─── 去维多丽亚公园走哪个出口?

63、Go out the south exit of Taipei Railway Station. ─── 从台北火车站的南出口出来。

64、Get off the next exit and you'll be on Freeway 5. ─── 下一个出口就是五号高速公路了。

65、If I fail, I will exit the company. ─── 假如失败,我将退出该公司。

66、The heroine makes her exit (from the stage). ─── 女主角退场。

67、The exit of the tunnel is concealed. ─── 地道的出口开在隐秘的地方。

68、He made a quick exit to avoid meeting her. ─── 他迅速离去以避免见到她。

69、Exit program when this project stops running. ─── 当项目停止运行时退出程序。

70、She made a dart for the exit. ─── 她冲向出口。

71、How to Exit from the Pegged Exchange Rate Regime? ─── 如何从钉住汇率制度中退出?

72、Which is the exit for The Metropolitan Museum? ─── 大都会博物馆出口是哪个?

73、She was finally granted an exit visa. ─── 她终于得到了出境签证。

74、After getting the last piece of treasure, exit to the right and run up and down the ladders. ─── 拿到最后一个宝藏之后,离开右边,并在梯子上下跑。

75、English: Kaohsiung Zuoying Station Exit 1. ─── 中文(繁体):高雄捷运左营站出口1。

76、The truck turned into the service station. We turned off the highway at the first exit. ─── 卡车朝加油站驶去。我们在第一个出口离开了高速公路

77、Exit the bridesmaid and bestman. ─── 伴郎伴娘退场。

78、Leave the motorway at the Stokenchurch exit . ─── 在斯托肯彻切出口处驶离高速公路.

79、Two police officers were barring her exit. ─── 两名警察挡着她的出路。

80、Exit at junction 13 and take the A34 to Abingdon. ─── 取消政策:如果在入住日2天之前取消预订酒店将不收取费用。

81、An opening in a wall or fence for entrance or exit. ─── 围墙门,篱笆门:墙壁或篱笆上的口子,作为出口或入口。

82、He remained on his seat when all the passengers were heading to the exit, as if he was unwilling to step out of the plane. ─── 当全部乘客都向出口处走去时,他却独自留在座位上,好象不愿意离开这架飞机似的。

83、He escaped by using the emergency exit. ─── 他从紧急出口逃了出去。

84、They ran against Miss Lee at the exit into Park,. ─── 他们在公园入口偶然碰到了李小姐。

85、If I fail, I will exit the company. ─── 如果失败,我将退出该公司。

86、Exit criteria (Figure 7) can be used to specify the conditions to meet for a particular test cycle to be considered complete. ─── 退出标准(图7)可以用于指定达到考虑要完成的特殊测试周期的条件。

87、Which exit should I take for Lincoln Center? ─── 到林肯中心我从哪个出口出去?

88、Everybody was pushing and shoving toward the exit. ─── 大家都在推推搡搡向出口挤去。

89、At the roundabout take the third exit. ─── 在环状交叉路口从第三条出路驶出.

电脑开机反复显示save conf iguration changes and exit now?


“save configuration changes and exit now”的意思是:保存配置更改并退出。如果每次开机都出现这种情况,就进入BIOS重新设置一下。设置步骤:


2.进入界面后,把光标移动到BIOS FEATURES SETUP(BIOS功能设定)上面,按回车进入下级菜单。

3.将鼠标光标移到“HDD-0”按回车,然后按F10保存,完成后退出。(HDD-0 的意思是:系统首先尝试从第一硬盘引导)

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