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08-16 投稿


attractable 发音

英:[??tr?kt?bl]  美:[??tr?kt?bl]

英:  美:

attractable 中文意思翻译



attractable 短语词组

1、attractable items ─── 可吸引物品

2、attractable definition ─── 可吸引定义

3、attractable jewelry ─── 吸引人的珠宝

attractable 相似词语短语

1、attachable ─── adj.可附上的;可连接的;可逮捕的;可没收的

2、attackable ─── 可腐蚀的;可侵蚀的

3、intractable ─── adj.棘手的;难治的;倔强的;不听话的

4、tractable ─── adj.易于管教的;易驾驭的;易处理的;驯良的

5、attractance ─── 吸引性

6、extractable ─── adj.可抽出的,可榨出的;可推断出的

7、untractable ─── 不可收缩的

8、retractable ─── adj.可缩进的;可收起的;伸缩自如的

9、abstractable ─── 抽象的

attractable 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、It will attract readers' attention if they like billiard sport. ─── 假如读者喜欢撞球运动的话将更能吸引他们的注意。

2、Bright lights attract moths . ─── 亮光可吸引灯蛾。

3、Her manners were intended to attract. ─── 她的举止旨在引人注目。

4、He shouted to attract others'attention. ─── 他大声叫喊以引起他人的注意。

5、They cried out to attract our attention. ─── 他们大声喊叫以引起我们的注意。

6、He shouted after them, vainly trying to attract their attention. ─── 他在他们的后面高喊,想引起他们的注意,却是徒劳。

7、He snapped his fingers to attract the waiter. ─── 他打了个榧子招呼服务员。

8、The power to attract; enticement. ─── 吸引力;诱惑

9、The exhibitionist desires to attract attention to himself. ─── 好表现的人渴望吸引人们注意自己。

10、She tried to attract us with demure behavior. ─── 她企图以假正经的举止吸引我们。

11、He goes after (ie tries to attract sexually) every woman he meets. ─── 他对女人见一个追一个。

12、The utility model provides a magnetic attractable suspensible soft frame screen window which is suitable for steel window and a special supporting rod which is used to match with the steel window. ─── 本实用新型提供一种适用于钢窗的可挂磁吸软框纱窗和专为其安装而配套的钢窗撑杆。

13、Do you attract an angry client or friend? ─── 你是否吸引了一个愤怒的客户或朋友?

14、Attract large numbers of tourists to the islands. ─── 吸引了大量的游客来到岛上。

15、To attract customer, the bar give away its stein as souvenir. ─── 为了招揽顾客,这家酒吧将它店里的啤酒杯当纪念品送人。

16、Bloggers who attract the most "honks" win prizes. ─── “鸣响”最多的博客获奖。

17、Opposite poles attract, like poles repel. ─── 同性相斥,异性相吸。

18、She tried to attract the attention of the waiter. ─── 她试图引起服务员的注意。

19、He attract a group of go- go staffer to run his election. ─── 他吸引了一群精力充沛,充满干劲的人员助选。

20、Could attract buyers of marine products. ─── 可以招揽顾客来购买海货。

21、She gave a quiet cough to attract my attention. ─── 她轻轻地咳了一声好引起我注意。

22、In space, all bodies attract other bodies. ─── 在太空, 一切天体都相互吸引。

23、His theory has begun to attract notice. ─── 他的理论开始吸引世人注意。

24、So how to build a unique and attractable corporate culture is so hard for the leaders of many companies. ─── 如何建立一个独特的并且有吸引力的企业文化,是摆在许多企业领导者面前的一个难题。

25、The magnetic chips of steel produced by a cutting tool are attractable by a magnet. ─── 切削工具切成的磁性钢铁碎片可被磁铁吸引.

26、Her flirtatious manners are intended to attract . ─── 她的轻浮的举止旨在引人注意。

27、"Flagstaff can't seem to attract industry. ─── “弗拉格斯塔夫似乎对工业不具有吸引力。

28、How Chinese Brand Names Attract Foreign Consumers? ─── 如何以好牌子赢得外国消费者?

29、She'll need to put a sock in it if she wants to attract audience to her show. ─── 如果她想吸引观众看她的演出,那她就必须卖点劲。

30、Her good looks attract the stares of many men. ─── 她的貌美吸引了许多男士的注目。

31、If it's a certain book you need, you'll attract it. ─── 如果你需要的是某本书,你会吸引他。

32、She shouted to attract their attention. ─── 她大声叫嚷以引起他们的注意。

33、Which federation will attract most of us? ─── 哪个联盟最有吸引力?

34、She gave a little cough to attract my attention. ─── 她轻轻地咳了一声以引起我的注意。

35、He is a clever manager; he knows how to bait the hook to attract customers for his shops. ─── 他是一个精明的经理; 他知道如何为他店引诱顾客。

36、To attract by wiles or temptation;entice. ─── 吸引以诡计或诱惑来吸引;诱惑

37、She shouted to attract attention. ─── 她大喊大叫,以引起人们的注意。

38、When electrified bodies may repel as well as attract. ─── 一旦通过电流物体就既可以排斥,也可以吸引。

39、He talked loudly to attract attention. ─── 他大声说话以吸引注意。

40、There was in Dr. Audlin's appearance nothing to attract attention. ─── 奥德林大夫的外表毫不引人注目。

41、Shanghai's promoters say their World's Fair will attract 70 million visitors. ─── 上海的申办者称世博会将吸引7000万游客。

42、Heavenly bodies attract one another. ─── 天体彼此吸引。

43、He touched me on the arm, eg to attract my attention. ─── 他碰碰我胳膊(如让我注意).

44、If it's money you need, you'll attract it. ─── 如果你是需要金钱,你会吸引金钱。

45、Having characteristics that attract love or affection. ─── 可爱的有吸引爱恋或喜爱特点的

46、Many famous scenic spots in China attract me to come here. ─── 中国有许多著名风景点吸引我来这儿。

47、You will attract sexual partners. ─── 天蝎座:你会吸引性伴侣。

48、They say that opposites attract. ─── 他们说对立的物体相互吸引。

49、Like charges repel each other, unlike charges attract each other. ─── 同性电荷互相排斥,异性电荷互相吸引。

50、Business visitors do not attract a right of appeal. ─── 商务访问者申请无权上诉。

51、Like charges repel each other,unlike charges attract. ─── 同性电荷相斥,异性电荷相吸。

52、His charming expression attract my attention. ─── 他那消魂的眼神引起了我对他的注意。

53、They shouted to attract attention. ─── 他们高声叫喊以吸引注意力。

54、Information that concerns a person, a group, an event, or a product and that is disseminated through various media to attract public notice. ─── 公众信息为吸引公众的注意而通过各种传播媒介发布的关于个人、团体、事件或产品的信息

55、If it's people you need, you'll attract it. ─── 如果你需要某人,你会吸引他。

56、How to attract super affiliates _nd sub xfiliates! ─── 如何吸引超级子公司与子公司分!

57、He shouted to attract attention . ─── 他大声叫喊以吸引注意。

58、She is easily attract to thing like these. ─── 她易受诸如此类事情的吸引。

59、Attract new users?regain former users? ─── 吸引新的消费者?找回以前的使用者?

60、Izzie? No. She's not the one I'm attract ed to. ─── 你从来就没有被一个你没有得到的人吸引过吗?

61、They should attract foreign investment. ─── 他们应吸引外资。

62、The stories he told can attract the children's attention very well. ─── 他讲的故事很能吸引孩子们的注意力。

63、His comments were bound to attract criticism. ─── 他的评论必然会招致批评。

64、Your charm will attract someone special. ─── 你的魅力足以吸引别人。

65、Used to hail a ship or person or to attract attention. ─── 喂,啊嗬用来招呼轮船或人,或以此引起注意

66、Which kind of toy will attract you to pay attention or purchase? ─── 什么样的玩具会吸引你去看或购买?

67、But you also attract what you think about most. ─── 你也会拥有你心里想的最多的东西。

68、To attract customers, the bar gave away its steins as souvenirs. ─── 为了招揽顾客,这家酒吧将它店里的啤酒杯当纪念品送人。

69、Businesses vied with each other to attract customers. ─── 各商行互相竞争以招揽顾客。

70、Like charges repel each other, but opposite charges attract. ─── 同种电荷互相排斥,但异种电荷却互相吸引。

71、He gave a little cough to attract the waitress's attention. ─── 他轻咳了一声,以引起女招待的注意。

72、The utility model provides a magnetic attractable suspensible soft frame screen window. ─── 本实用新型提供一种可挂磁吸软框纱窗。

73、His poetry has begun to attract notice. ─── 他的诗开始引起注意。

74、She know how to bait the hook to attract husband for her daughter. ─── 她知道如何把饵装在钓钩上来为女儿们吸引(未来)丈夫。

75、Do you attract a cold-hearted lover? ─── 你是否吸引了一个冷淡的爱人?

76、Meanwhile, we needed to attract investors. ─── 同时,我们还得吸引投资者。

77、They break eggs to attract that soul to leave. ─── 他们把蛋打破,吸引邪灵离开那个人的身体。

78、He shouted so as to attract everybody's attention. ─── 他大喊大叫以便引起大家的注意。

79、He had the kind of talent that would attract large audiences. ─── 他有那种吸引广大听众的才能。

80、Beijing must attract others by it unique image. ─── 北京必须用自己独特的形象吸引人。

81、He clicked his tongue to attract their attention. ─── 他咂嘴发出啧啧声以吸引他们的注意。

82、To attract and delight; entrance. ─── 使消魂吸引人并使人愉快;使神魂颠倒

83、This is not the type of clientele any restaurant wants to attract. ─── 任何餐馆都不想招徕这种类型的顾客。

84、Why does China still need to attract foreign investments actively? ─── 中国为什么还需要积极利用外资?

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