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08-16 投稿


deviser 发音

英:[d??va?z?r]  美:[d??va?z?(r)]

英:  美:

deviser 中文意思翻译



deviser 词性/词形变化,deviser变形

动词过去式: devised |动词第三人称单数: devises |形容词: devisable |名词: deviser |动词过去分词: devised |动词现在分词: devising |

deviser 相似词语短语

1、devisee ─── n.受遗赠者

2、devisors ─── n.遗赠者,[法]遗赠人

3、devise ─── vt.设计;想出;发明;图谋;遗赠给;n.遗赠;n.(Devise)(美、法)德维兹(人名)

4、devisees ─── n.受遗赠者

5、despiser ─── 轻视者

6、devises ─── 想出;设计

7、devised ─── v.设计(devise的过去式和过去分词);计划;发明

8、reviser ─── n.校订者;修订者

9、devisor ─── n.遗赠者,[法]遗赠人

deviser 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Kali is the fierce aspect of Devi, God's energy, i.e., Shakti or God as the Divine Mother, who is fundamental to all other Hindu deities. ─── 卡莉是朵维的凶猛外貌,神的能量,与萨克提或神一样,是神圣的母亲,是印度所有其他神的基础。

2、Rajo Devi, a 70-year-old Indian woman, recently gave birth to a baby girl, also her 1st child, after receiving IVF treatment.Devi was considered the world's oldest new mom. ─── 印度一名叫德维的70岁老太经人工授精后,近日生下一女婴,被认为世界上年纪最大的新妈妈。

3、According to the deviser's view, the dam could obstruct floodwater and prevent it from infringing the middle and the east area of China. ─── 按照三峡大坝设计者的观点,大坝可以把洪水挡在新的大水库里,从而防止洪水对华中和华东地区的侵犯。

4、Hussain MB,Sarita GP,Devi N,et al.Effect of Chemotherapy on the Distress and Quality of Life of Cancer Patients[J].Blood(ASH Annual Meeting Abstracts)2004,104:5296. ─── 张凌云,于萍,刘云鹏,等.肿瘤患者化疗期间的生活质量调查与分析[J].现代肿瘤医学,2007,15(6):860-862.

5、One day, Devi prepared one of her son's favorite dishes, and he wanted to have the ghost's share as well. ─── 那天,那个鬼真的又来吃东西了,所以那个男孩子就坐在那边等它出现。

6、Dominating the scene is Nanda Devi, India's second-highest peak. ─── 其中的一个地区是印度第二高峰。

7、Fig.a.Hanso Devi says she and her family have nowhere else to go.Fig.b. ─── 为了生活,她,她的丈夫,他们的五个孩子,加上其他一些亲戚都挤在一个小棚屋里。

8、Anjali Devi Adrushtavanthudu, Download Adrushtavanthudu, Sridevi Adrushtavanthudu.Adam Marcus Black Autumn, Black Autumn, Christine Roum Black Autumn. ─── Hulki Saner Analarin g眉nahi, Download Analarin g眉nahi, Turgud 脰ren Analarin g眉nahi.

9、Devi took her son to another place, where she ran a business for a living. ─── 那时候她的家人都死了,只剩下他们两个人,她的小孩大概十几岁而已,她带他到别的地方去,做生意赚钱生活。

10、The Holy Mother, assisted by Sri Ramakrishna's niece, Lakshmi Devi, and a few woman devotees, took charge of the cooking for the Master and his attendants. ─── 神圣母亲在室利罗摩克里希纳的侄女拉克什米兑维和一些女性奉献者的帮助下,负责为师父和他的助手们煮食。


12、The system consists of 6 grade I indexes and 20 grade II indexes as policy management, surroundings risk, owner risk, deviser risk, supervisor risk and contractor risk. ─── 该体系由政策风险、环境风险、业主风险、设计者风险、监理者风险、承包商风险等6个一级指标及其20个二级指标组成;

13、Devi was placed in the Intensive Care Unit of the hospital because she had a heart attack, but she died Thursday morning. ─── 德维因为心脏病而被送进了重症监护室,但是死于周四早晨。

14、Io non lo so, devi chiedere a lui. ─── 这不是我的书,是妈妈的。

15、Poi disse ad un altro: E tu, quanto devi? Quello rispose: Cento cori di grano. Egli disse: Prendi la tua scritta, e scrivi: Ottanta. ─── 又问一个说:‘你欠多少?’他说:‘四万公升麦子。’管家说:‘拿你的欠单去,写三万。’

16、Devi assolutamente smetterla di frequentare quel ragazzo!!! ─── 不要再跟那个男人来往!!!

17、The government devi ved al scheme for redeveloping the cityo center. ─── 政府制定了市中心重建计划。

18、Cold formed steel hollow sections for general structure-Dimensions, shapes, weight and permissble devi ─── 结构用冷弯空心型钢尺寸、外形、重量及允许偏差

19、Please enjoy the following Sahaja Yoga meditation talk by Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi in which she talks about the qualities of the root chakra. ─── 请分享以下锡吕.玛塔吉女士关于根轮特性的霎哈嘉静坐讲话。

20、Sridevi Adrushtavanthudu, Adrushtavanthudu, Anjali Devi Adrushtavanthudu.Michael Apted Black Autumn, Black Autumn, Paul D.Austerberry Black Autumn. ─── Hulki Saner Analarin g眉nahi, Download Analarin g眉nahi, T眉rkan Soray Analarin g眉nahi.

21、Vilter was grown up in this period and became an important deviser and practitioner of economic reform in the end of the reign of czar. ─── 维特正是在这一时期成长起来的,并成为沙皇末期经济改革重要的设计者和实践者。

22、Instantaneously was born his wife, Yasodhara Devi, his horse Kantaka, his charioteer Chandaka, Ananda, his chief disciple, and the Bo Tree, under which he received Enlightenment. ─── 同时诞生的还有佛陀的妻子娅索哈拉 - 德维,他的坐骑坎塔卡,他的伺奉者常达卡,他的主要弟子阿南达,以及佛陀在其下开悟的菩提树。

23、Nevertheless, fear dwelled in Devi's heart. Every day, she would make offerings to the ghost before each meal, and Lahuve was very curious about her behavior. ─── 不过他妈妈内心的恐惧感还在,所以她每天都会拿一点食物来供养鬼;在还没有供养鬼以前,他们不会先吃。那个儿子就觉得很好奇,很想知道为什么。

24、The example that comes to mind is the Mauritian writer, Ananda Devi, whose work I championed when I was on Gallimard's panel of readers.Their response was that her manuscript was not exotic enough! ─── 我现在想到一个毛里求斯作家,AnandaDevi,我很拥护他的作品,但人们的反映却是她的原稿还不够异域风情!

25、Confucius: Well, let us see how our Divine Mother, the Adi Shakti Nirmala Devi talked about Tao in Beijing in 1995. ─── 孔子:这样吧!先听我们的神圣母亲,太初之母在1995年在北京的演讲吧!

26、The content of design to specify and elaborate is the characteristic of this paper.The research can guide the deviser of the learning management system during practice. ─── 设计内容的具体化和细致化是本文的特色,作者期望,通过本文的研究可以为当下和今后网络化学习管理系统的设计实践提供一些可资借鉴的参考。

27、Aro and Malik are what's know in the ghetto as "Devis" They are sixteen. ─── 瓦高和马列在居住的贫民区屋村里被喻为魔鬼。

28、The first lesson that Sarada Devi received was: "God is everybody's Beloved, just as the moon is dear to every child. ─── 莎拉达兑维的第一课学到的就是:“神是每个人的至爱,就像每个孩子都喜爱月亮一样。

29、The production can instruct deviser and engineer.The superiority of Gas-fired infrared radiant heating can be realized in practice.The goal of energy saving and environmental protection is achieved. ─── 本文的研究成果能给与工程技术人员和设计师以指导,在实际应用中充分发挥燃气辐射采暖的优势,实现节能和环保的目标。

30、Wife Indira Devi says life with two husbands isn't easy. ─── 妻子尹迪拉.德薇说,和她两个丈夫的生活很不容易。

31、So the deviser can modify the link relation to save time to search the target page. ─── 设计者可根据该列表,修改网页之间的链接关系,达到减少对目标网页搜索时间的目的。

32、Application of Negative Frictional Resistance of Pile Foundation on Devi ation Correction ─── 桩基负摩阻力在纠倾工程中的应用

33、These can expand deviser"s eyeshot and active devisers"s thought and increase the efficiency of design. ─── 并有助于拓宽设计者的视野、活跃设计者的思维,提高设计的效率。

34、According to the deviser's view, the dam could obstruct floodwater and prevent it from infringing the middle and the east area of China. ─── 按照三峡大坝设计者的观点,大坝可以把洪水挡在新的大水库里,从而防止洪水对华中和华东地区的侵犯。

35、The deviser often cares about when some parameters vary in certain scope, the reflection range of the structure need to be known in order to assure its carrying capacity. ─── 结构设计者往往关心某些结构参数在一定范围内变化时结构响应量的变化幅度,以保证其承载能力。

36、When the wire rope isolator is used, the vibration isolation effect is very good.However, other concomitant problems should be considered by the deviser. ─── 采用钢丝绳隔振器加铝质仪表板的设计方案,隔振效果较好,但由此带来其它的相关问题需要设计人员权衡考虑。

37、The deviser often cares the reflection range of the structure when some parameters vary in certain scope, in order to assure its carrying capacity. ─── 结构设计者往往关心某些结构参数在一定范围内变化时结构响应量的变化幅度,以保证其承载能力。

38、Nanda Devi ─── 楠达德维山

39、Deviser established 20 years ago and now it is the leading research and manufacturer in CATV measurement industry in China.Deviser registered capital of 20 million and its area of 6000 square meters. ─── 有20年历史的德力仪器是国内规模最大、品种最全的广电测试设备研发、制造商,注册资金2000万,经营面积6000平米。

40、I would like/wish to Devi xtend,on behalf of the Chine me government and people and in my own name,our cordial greetings and best wishes to your people. ─── 我代表中国政府和人民,并以我个人的名义,向贵国人民致以亲切的问候和良好的祝愿。

41、One day, while stroking his feet, Sarada Devi asked the Master, "What do you think of me? ─── 一天,莎拉达兑维抚摸他的脚,问道:“你觉得我怎么样?”

42、Kiani Maryam: "You just become, like a flower becomes the fruit. It's all built in within you. Allow it to work out." -- Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi. ─── 你在转变,就像花朵转化成果实。一切都在你的内里发生。让它去成就吧。

43、One day, Devi prepared one of her son's favorite dishes, and he wanted to have the ghost's share as well.Of course, his mother forbade him. ─── 有一天,他妈妈煮了一样他最喜欢吃的菜,然后他想要把供养鬼的那一份也吃下去,不想给鬼吃,但是他妈妈不允许。

44、Devis Bianchini, Valeria De Antonellis, Barbara Pernici and Pierluigi Plebani, "Ontology-based methodology for e-service discovery," Information Systems, Available online 19 April 2005. ─── 王瑞麟,民92,应用服务元件于企业资讯入口网站开发之研究,国立成功大学资讯管理研究所硕士论文。

45、Allow me to express our warm welcome and cordial greetings to ou Devi distinguished guests coming from a zar. ─── 请允许我向远道而来的贵宾们表示热烈的欢迎和亲切的问候。

46、Anjali Devi Adrushtavanthudu, Adrushtavanthudu, Sridevi Adrushtavanthudu.Mike Medavoy Black Autumn, movie Black Autumn, Adam Marcus Black Autumn. ─── Reha Yurdakul Analarin g眉nahi, Download Analarin g眉nahi movie, Turgud 脰ren Analarin g眉nahi.

47、Their behaviors made the deviser feel disappointing . ─── 他们的行为,让这个发明家感到很失望!

48、metal oxide semiconductor structure devi ─── 金属氧化物半导体结构器件

49、From the processor"s point of view, memory-mappedv I/O devices look very much like memory devi Dating ces. ─── 从处理器的观点看,内存映射I/O设备看上去很象内存一样。

50、Kali is the fierce aspect of Devi, God's energy, i. E., Shakti or God as the Divine Mother, who is fundamental to all other Hindu deities. ─── 卡莉是朵维的凶猛外貌,神的能量,与萨克提或神一样,是神圣的母亲,是印度所有其他神的基础。

51、Keywords TiNi;shape memory alloy;orthopedi cs;internal fixation devi ce; ─── 镍钛;形状记忆合金;矫形外科学;内固定器;

52、Bush is at odds with Devis over California energy crisis. ─── 布什和戴维斯在加州能源危机问题上意见存在冲突。

53、Experiment proved that the detecting results indicated the performance of percussive device completely.It isimportant to research and modify the structure of percussive devi... ─── 实验证明,用这套系统测出的结果比较准确地反映了冲击器的性能特点,对于研究和改进冲击器的结构具有指导意义,同时为研究冲击破岩机理提供了可靠的实验数据。

54、impulse deviser ─── 脉冲发生器

55、Other names are: Bhowani Devi, Sati, Rudrani, Parvati, Chinnamastika, Kamakshi, Uma, Menakshi, Himavati, Kumari. ─── 其他的名字是:布瓦尼朵维,萨提,鲁达尼,帕娃蒂,支那玛提卡,卡玛克什,乌玛,曼拿克什,喜马瓦提,卡玛里。

56、It is indispensable to deviser and user of weapon system when they analyze the combat efficient of weapon system utilizing confronting process of air defense weapon and air attack targets. ─── 利用防空武器与空袭目标的对抗过程分析武器系统的作战效能,对武器系统的设计和使用者来说都是不可缺少的环节。

57、Hanso Devi looks around as night falls. She will spend another night in the open with nothing to keep her warm but a small fire. ─── 夜幕降临了,迪威往四周看了看。她将在露天度过第二个夜晚,可是她已经没有能力去找到东西哪怕是生一堆小小的篝火。

58、provides a sort of design means with high efficiency and facility for a deviser. ─── 为机构设计者提供一种高效、简易的设计手段。

59、Quanto devi al mio padrone? Quello rispose: Cento bati d’olio. Egli disse: Prendi la tua scritta, siedi, e scrivi presto: Cinquanta. ─── 他说:‘四千公升油。’管家说:‘拿你的欠单去,快坐下写二千。’

60、Sridevi Adrushtavanthudu, Adrushtavanthudu, Anjali Devi Adrushtavanthudu.Adam Marcus Black Autumn, Download Black Autumn movie, Mike Medavoy Black Autumn. ─── Meng眉 Yegin Analarin g眉nahi, Download Analarin g眉nahi, Turgud 脰ren Analarin g眉nahi.

61、They may also have attention deviser deficit disorders. ─── 他们可能也有注意力不足的问题。

62、"They did it so fast that there was no time to take out anything. And the bulldozer broke everything on the way," Devi said. ─── 问题是,他们的建房用地是公家的。现在,政府决定收回这块地皮。推土机的轰鸣持续了几分钟,然后迪威和家人就只能坐在废墟上唯一的一张床上。他们已经无处可去了。

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