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08-16 投稿


prejudgment 中文意思翻译



prejudgment 词性/词形变化,prejudgment变形

动词过去式: prejudged |动词过去分词: prejudged |动词现在分词: prejudging |名词: prejudger |动词第三人称单数: prejudges |

prejudgment 短语词组

1、prejudgment interest ─── 判决前利息

2、prejudgment interest calculator california ─── 加州预判利息计算器

3、prejudgment interest calculator ─── 预判利息计算器

4、prejudgment interest dc ─── 预判利息dc

5、prejudgment interest in georgia ─── 对格鲁吉亚的判决前利益

6、prejudgment interest nj ─── 判决前利息nj

7、prejudgment interest ct ─── 判断前利息ct

8、prejudgment interest nm ─── 预判利息

prejudgment 相似词语短语

1、forejudgment ─── 预测

2、poor judgment ─── 判断失当;缺乏判断

3、prejudgement ─── n.在审判前判决;预先判断,预断

4、prejudge ─── vt.预先判断;对…预先作出判决;vi.预先判断;对未经详察而预作判断

5、misjudgment ─── n.估计错误;判断错误(等于misjudgement)

6、judgment ─── n.判断;裁判;判决书;辨别力

7、forejudgement ─── 预先判断

8、forjudgment ─── 以待判断

9、adjudgment ─── 宣告

prejudgment 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、obvious prejudgment here that should be avoided. ─── 明显的预先判断应该是要避免的。

2、The Prejudgment Claim of Right to Possession was served in compliance with CCP 415. 46. ─── 有关占有权主张的预决已依据民事诉讼法第415.46条被送达。

3、Processing speed and power dissipation are well optimized for special inputs with prejudgment for input data. ─── 对输入数据进行系数预判,在特定输入情况下,有效提高了处理速度和降低功耗;

4、The scientistsin theoretic beautycan perform the functions of encouragement, enlightenment, prejudgment on the scientistsin the process of the scientific research and scientificexploration. ─── 在科学家进行科学研究和科学探索的过程中,科学理性美上能起到推动、启迪和科学预断等作用。

5、When the agency later issued a complaint against one of the companies using the pricing system, the respondent claimed that the agency's prior reports showed impermissible prejudgment of the issues. ─── 在委员会晚些时候对使用该价格制度的一个公司提起的诉讼里,被告声称委员会早先的报告表明,不应允许对问题作预先判断。

6、Why does a smart experienced [leader] make a mistake like that?I think it's this vulnerability to prejudgment -- deciding something is the way it is early on and sticking to it no matter what. ─── 为什么一个聪明、有经验[领导者]会犯下那样的错误?我想是预先判断的弱点---在早期就认为某件事就是那样,并且(后来)不论发生什么都一直坚持这个决定。

7、Include in the judgment all tenants, subtenants, named claimants, and other occupants of the premises. The Prejudgment Claim of Right to Possession was served in compliance with CCP 415.46. ─── 判决含所有承担方、转承租方、指定请求人,以及房产的其他占有人。有关占有权主张的预决已依据民事诉讼法第415.46条被送达。

8、Reluctance to force rulemaking into the mold of adjudicative procedure is also evident in the law's response to the issue of prejudgment in rulemaking. ─── 法律对规则制定中的预先判断问题的反应也折射出不愿强迫规则制定成为审判式程序模式的倾向。

9、THIS COURT ORDERS that prejudgment interest and post judgment interest be granted from the date of this order. ─── 本庭命令判决前以及从本命令之日起的判决后的利息应予支付。

10、Previewing records before court does not necessarily lead to a disadvantaged result for the defendant, it should be conducted for "precognition" of case information but not as a "prejudgment". ─── 庭前阅卷并不当然导致不利于被告人的“预断”产生,应当视为开庭前对案件信息的“预知”而非“预断”。

11、The result, Boston Scientific will have to pay roughly $702 million in prejudgment interest and damages. ─── 法院预判决结果是,波士顿科技须向强生公司支付7亿零2百万美元利息和赔偿损失。

12、Yet stringent prohibitions on the appearance of prejudgment in formal adjudications could make it difficult for administrators to perform their nonjudicial functions adequately. ─── 然而苛刻的禁止正式裁断中的预断的现象有可能使行政官员难以充分履行他们的非裁断性质的职能。

13、This is not a simple copy, but a new consideration over judge psychology on the base of current theory of psychology. This is the first to discuss prejudgment academically. ─── 这绝非是简单生硬的搬用,而是作者在现有心理学理论的基础上对法官审判心理的新思考,这种思考在法官预断的主题讨论上于学术界尚为第一次。

14、Question Three: How to create conditions for the prejudgment enforcement? ─── 三思:如何创造先予执行的条件?

15、Prejudgment of Multipactor in Square Coaxial Lines ─── 方同轴线内微放电效应预测

16、The Prejudgment Claim of Right to Possession was served in compliance with CCP 415.46. ─── 有关占有权主张的预决已依据民事诉讼法第415.46条被送达。

17、agree to pay 5 million in disgorgement and prejudgment interest. ─── 同意支付500万,作为归还不当得利及预估利息。

18、I think it's this vulnerability to prejudgment -- deciding something is the way it is early on and sticking to it no matter what. ─── 我想是预先判断的弱点---在早期就认为某件事就是那样,并且(后来)不论发生什么都一直坚持这个决定。

19、4. BIAS AND PREJUDGMENT ─── (四)偏见和未经审讯的判决

20、Gadamer consider that, the horizon of interpretation is objective, and the reader’s prejudgment will influence how to interpret the meaning of text, So Gadamer offer many ideas such as conversation. ─── 伽达默尔认为,诠释学处境是客观存在的,理解者的前见会影响到对作品意义的诠释。


prejudgment interest是什么意思?

prejudgment 预先判断的 interest 兴趣爱好利息是预计利息吧(预计收入)






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