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educability 发音


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educability 中文意思翻译



educability 网络释义

n. 可陶冶性;可教育性

educability 短语词组

1、educability meaning ─── 可教育性

2、educability defined ─── 可教育性定义

3、educability definition ─── 可教育性定义

educability 相似词语短语

1、endurability ─── n.可忍受性;耐用性

2、educatability ─── 教育

3、durability ─── n.耐久性;坚固;耐用年限

4、reducibility ─── n.[化学]还原能力,[化学]还原性;[数]可约性

5、deducibility ─── n.可推断性

6、dupability ─── n.受骗的性格;易受骗

7、ineducability ─── n.不可教性

8、deductibility ─── n.可抵扣程度;可演绎

9、equability ─── n.平静;无变动

educability 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Criteria for the ideal treatment option for failed endodontics: surgical or nonsurgical?Compend Contin Educ Dent. 2007 Jun; ─── 2、至于你对我提出的根尖开口大小的数据来源,可以参考文献Karabucak B, Setzer F.

2、Results:Put forward the numbers of different kinds of the health institutes among people ,and numbers of beds,and the suggestions of health workforce structures and educ ation structures. ─── 结果:提出10万人口各类卫生机构人员数、床位数以及卫生人力专业结构和学历结构适宜配备建议。

3、Griffith J,Steptoe A,Cropley M.An investigation of coping strategies associated with job stress in teachers.Br J Educ Psychol 1999;69(Pt 4):517-31 ─── 钟霞,姜乾金,钱丽菊,等.医务人员压力反应与社会支持、生活事件、应对方式的相关研究[J].中国临床心理学杂志,2005,13(1):70-2

4、Memorization of information by frequency repetition (rote learning) plays a role in educ. ─── 不少学生来函问我此题,打算化点时间写一篇出来。首先,欢迎集思广益。。。。

5、Hi I'm going to tell you a joke today. There is a girl Her mother is quite strict regarding her educ... ─── 嗨今天呀,我来给你讲一个笑话嗯,有一个女生她的妈妈管她管得非常的严有一次呢,她被一个男...

6、Summers RB.The osteotome technique:Part 4-Future site development[J].Compend Contin Educ Dent,1995,16 (11):1080,1092,1099. ─── 林野,王兴,邱立信,等.上颌窦提升植骨及同期种植体植入术[J].中华口腔医学杂志,1998,33:326-328.

7、Keywords Question teaching method;Medical imaging diagnosis educ ation;Multimedia; ─── 问题导学法;医学影像诊断学;多媒体;

8、Shepherd KR, Nihill P, Botto RW, McCarthy MW. Factors influencing pursuit and satisfaction of academic dentistry careers: perceptions of new dental educators. J Dent Educ 2001;65:841-8. ─── 朱玉如.牙医师与牙科病患对牙医医疗品质的感受与满意度的探讨.国立阳明大学公共卫生研究所硕士论文2001.

9、You'll want a job that'll allow you to util your hard-earn educ and sharpen your skills, not on that reduc you to a coffe runner. ─── 希望一份能够让你应用自己数年寒窗苦获得的教育且提高技能的工作;而不是一份跑腿送咖啡的工作。

10、But the educability of the children literature must not be promoted to an extreme, otherwise children literature will sink in the mud of conceptualization and formulism. ─── 但决不能把儿童文学的教育性推到极致,否则,儿童文学就会堕入公式化概念化的说教泥坑。

11、Lee MB, Lee YJ, Lin HN, et al. (1997), The teaching of medical ethics using a small-group tutorial method, J Med Educ (Taiwan), (1), 201-215. ─── 吕碧鸿(1999),小班教学,八十八学年度小班教学指导老师教学研讨会,台大医学院,.

12、At present, there are some flaws in Chinese educ ation: 1.The educatio n reform takes market economy as the direction, increasingly displaying utilitar ianism;2. ─── 目前中国教育存在着这样几个误区:一是以市场化为取向的教育改革,日益表现出功利主义的倾向;

13、According to market requirements,our country should pay attention to developing basic education and vocational educ... ─── 根据市场需要,我国应该大力发展基础教育和职业教育。

14、Moral educ ation is the task that has an important bearing on the fate of the country, and the growth of the juvenile and youth as well as the development of the course of education. ─── 加强德育是一项事关我们国家命运大局、青少年成才的大局、教育事业发展大局的任务。

15、Due to these, when building their own parks, the Chinese people gave priority to the national styles and educ... ─── 公园问题折射出在近代特殊的历史背景下中国现代化过程中中西文化融合、殖民主义与民族主义冲突的发展轨迹。

16、21 Bosworth HB,Olsen MK,Gentry P,et al.Nurse administered telephone intervention for blood pressure control:a patinet-tailored multifactorial intervention.Patient Educ Couns,2005,57(1):5214. ─── 20张桂芹,何桂芝,周荣芬.原发性高血压患者对健康教育的需求调查及对策.齐鲁护理杂志,2006,12(2):205-206.

17、D.Warwick (1976), Ideologies, Ietegration and Conflicts of Meaning, In M.Flude ;J.Ahier (Eds.), Educability, Schools and Ideology, , London: Croom Helm. ─── 林清江(1976),我国大学教育的社会学分析,国立台湾师范大学教育研究所集刊,018(000),0027-0044.

18、Opdycke R, Ascione F, Shimp L. A systematic approach to educating elderly patients about their medications. Patient Educ Couns 1992;19(1):43-60. ─── 李美珠,徐祥明.高血压患者服药遵从行为相关因子之研究.慈济大学医学研究所硕士:113页2003.

19、the idea of quality-oriented education should be impenetrated during teaching process.The paper discusses the implementation of quality-oriented educ... ─── 在落实教学过程中贯彻素质教育的思想三个方面来谈开放教育法学专业导学过程中实施素质教育的问题。

20、A strong sense of happiness of the teachers will help a sustainable development of our educ... ─── 而教师幸福感的增强又可以成为推动教育事业发展的持久动力。

21、Mattson JS, Cerutis DR, Parrish LC. Osteoporosis: A review and its dental implications[J]. Compend Contin Educ Dent, 2002, 23(11):1004, 1006, 1008. ─── 郝永强,戴克服,郭礼和,等.基因重组人生长激素对骨质疏松性骨折愈合影响的实验研究[J].中国骨质疏松杂志,2000,5(6):1-4.

22、Keywords the principle of scientific development;medical educ ation;reformation;development; ─── 关键词科学发展观;医学教育;改革;发展;

23、Scott E,Rowland F S.Chlorofluorocarbons and Stratospheric Ozone [J].J Chem Educ,1987,64(5):387. ─── 许金火晃,王雄莉.氟氯烃在臭氧空洞形成中的作用[J].化学通报.1989(3):6.

24、After analyzing the main problems in Chinese sextual education, some suggestions are presented for China to strengthen sextual educ... ─── 加强性教育就要研究性教育的内容,性教育的“度”及性教育的途径。

25、Sun Jian bo; Lu Xin guo; Zhang Lei; Peng Hui hui; 1College of Physical Educ ation; 2College of Tourism and Cuisine; Yangzhou University; Yangzhou 225000; Jiangs u Province; China; ─── 扬州大学;体育学院;旅游烹饪学院江苏省扬州市;江苏省扬州市;

26、Lic. en intervencion educ. ─── 所在地: Orizaba Ver.

27、Although these reflections influence their study and living,they will adapt to study and living in universities with the help of educ ational institutes,teachers and themselves. ─── 这些困惑确实影响他们的学习与生活,但只要学校、教师和新生积极疏导和调适,则会很快适应大学的学习与生活。

28、Mattson JS,Cerutis DR,Parrish LC.Osteoporosis:A review and its dental implications[J].Compend Contin Educ Dent,2002,23(11):1004,1006,1008. ─── 郝永强,戴克服,郭礼和,等.基因重组人生长激素对骨质疏松性骨折愈合影响的实验研究[J].中国骨质疏松杂志,2000,5(6):1-4.

29、.. Living with Down Syndrome.Portsmouth, UK The Down Syndrome Educ ... ─── 首次能描述它的病理的英国医生约翰 .

30、What factors generate the segregate of academic and educability in art teachers education? ─── 究竟是什么因素导致了美术教师教育中学术性与师范性的分离?

31、motor educability ─── 运动可教育性

32、However, due to some historical and social reasons, educ ation of humanity quality in recent decades of years has been weakened in higher learning of Chinese medicine to certain degree. ─── 然而,由于近几十年来的一些历史与社会的原因,高等中医药教育中的人文素质教育不同程度地存在着减少与削弱的问题。

33、The data indicates that computer ownership a nd online access is growing more rapidly among the most prosperous and well educ ated: essentially, wealthy white people with high school and college diplomas and who are part of stable, two? ─── 有资料表明在最富有的和受教育程度最高的人群中,计算机的拥有量和上网的情况就增加的越快。

34、Equality, prac tice and the significance of models should be emphasized in the sincerity educ at ion among them and meanwhile education should be combined with the construction of regulations. ─── 大学生的诚信教育要坚持平等说理、注重实践、身教重于言教、教育和制度建设相结合的原则和策略。

35、Evolutional logic leads to excessive competition in the realm of educ ation;3. ─── 二是进化论逻辑导致了教育领域的过度竞争;

36、Keywords Hysterectomy;Health educ ation;Health knowledge needs; ─── 子宫切除术;健康教育;知识需求;

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