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08-16 投稿


circumspect 发音

英:[?s??rk?mspekt]  美:[?s??k?mspekt]

英:  美:

circumspect 中文意思翻译



circumspect 网络释义

adj. 细心的,周到的;慎重的

circumspect 短语词组

1、circumspect noun ─── 谨慎名词

2、circumspect definition ─── 谨慎的定义

3、circumspect news ─── 谨慎的消息

4、circumspect kjv ─── 谨慎的合资公司

5、circumspect defined ─── 谨慎定义

6、circumspect crossword ─── 小心填字游戏

7、circumspect define ─── 谨慎界定

circumspect 词性/词形变化,circumspect变形

副词: circumspectly |

circumspect 相似词语短语

1、circumspection ─── n.慎重;细心

2、circumvent ─── v.包围;智取;绕行,规避

3、circumflect ─── 迂回

4、circumspective ─── adj.慎重的;细心的,留神的

5、circumflected ─── 外折

6、circumflects ─── 外折

7、circumspectly ─── adv.慎重地;留心地

8、circumspectness ─── 谨慎

9、circumduct ─── 环管

circumspect 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、circumspect actions; physicians are now more circumspect about recommending its use; a discreet investor. ─── 慎重的行动;现在医生在推荐其效用时更加慎重了;慎重的投资者。

2、However, sometimes difficult to overestimate, to emphasize the risk and would undermine the spirit of courage and become circumspect, overcautious, resulting in missed opportunities of success. ─── 但是,有时候过高地估计困难,强调风险,会削弱拼搏的勇气,变得瞻前顾后,缩手缩脚,以致错过成功的良机。

3、Dannay and Lee remained circumspect about their writing methods. ─── 丹尼和李对他们的写作方法保持谨慎。

4、We convict that we would offer the high quality products and the circumspect service for you due to our professional level and the assiduity spirit. ─── 我们坚信,我们的专业水平和钻研精神肯定会给你提供优质的产品与服务。

5、You are too circumspect, you pay attention to every detail. ─── 你总毫末不放,未免过于精细。

6、”After that the generals began to disperse with the solemnity and circumspect taciturnity with which people separate after a funeral. ─── 将军们随即庄严肃穆地退场,像参加完了葬礼一样。

7、The strong technical force, advanced equipments, perfect inspection &test measures and strict quality control system in our company make us at the level of providing our customers with good quality products and circumspect service. ─── 我们将以雄厚的技术力量、先进的工艺设备、完善的检测手段和科学的质量管理,向用户提供优质的产品和服务。

8、* Investigating before acting, she tried always to be circumspect. ─── *调查采取行动之前,她总是试图要慎重。

9、Nicholas Lardy at the Peterson Institute in Washington is more circumspect. ─── 对此,华盛顿彼得森研究院的尼古拉丝.拉迪就比较谨慎。

10、She is very circumspect when dealing with strangers. ─── 她与陌生人打交道时十分谨慎。

11、Earlier, standing beside Qureshi at a brief appearance for reporters, the Indian foreign minister was more circumspect. ─── 稍早,印度外长慕克吉站在库雷希旁边向媒体短暂露面,印度外长显得更加谨慎。

12、She could feel his eyes on her constantly, though his watching was circumspect, never obvious, never intrusive. ─── 她一直感觉到他的目光盯在她身上,虽然他目光一直是含蓄的,决不是公然大胆的。

13、1.cautious; careful; prudent; discreet; circumspect; measured; weighty; deliberate; mature 2.discretion; caution; prudence; deliberation; circumspection ─── 慎重

14、His Democratic opponent, Kamala Harris, agrees with him on three strikes, but has so far been more circumspect. ─── 民主党候选人,卡玛拉·哈里斯同意他三振出局法的立场,但非常谨慎。

15、We also have circumspect after service, so our products have been sold all over the world and greatly reputed by customers. ─── 我厂负责设备安装调试和人员培训,售后服务周到,产品远销国内外,深受客商好评。

16、Since the company started up , it persistence to pursuing the most rigorous test with the "Good Quality, Persistent Innovation, Circumspect Serves ", It has won the praise from most of the merchants. ─── 公司自创办以来,本着“质量过硬、开拓创新、优化服务”的态度,赢得了国内外广大客商的赞誉。

17、Other virtual worlds consultants were more circumspect in their criticism, while acknowledging the trend against working within Second Life. ─── ? ? 当承认在sl中工作正呈反对趋势时,其他虚拟世界的顾问对他们的评论也更加谨慎。

18、Abide by promises, pay attention to credit; we have established honest faithful, shortcut, rapid, convenient and circumspect after-sale service network. ─── 信守承诺、注重信誉,建立诚信可靠、快捷、迅速、便利、周到的售后服务网络。

19、The use of characteristics of products closer to customers, the electrical properties more safe and reliable, more efficient delivery of services and more circumspect. ─── 使产品的使用特性更接近用户,电性能更安全可靠,交货更快捷,服务更周到。

20、banks should have been more circumspect in their dealings. ─── 银行在交易时应更加谨慎。

21、Greet every visitor warmly, courteously, patiently and circumspect. ─── 2热情、礼貌、耐心、周到地接待来访客人。

22、She could feel his eyes on her constantly, though his watching was circumspect , never obvious, never intrusive. ─── 她一直感觉到他的目光盯在她身上,虽然他目光一直是含蓄的,决不是公然大胆的。

23、He reflected constantly on what she had said to him, and turned over in his mind the impression of her rather circumspect tone ─── 他常常回忆她对他说过的话,内心里翻来覆去琢磨她那种圆滑周到的口吻。

24、But doctors may still be cautious, the researchers said."Clinicians may remain circumspect about using metformin until follow-up data for offspring are available," they wrote. ─── 但是医生任然会很谨慎,研究者说:“临床医生对使用二甲双胍者的后代情况心存顾虑,直到以后的随访数据出来”。

25、In the presence of adversaries who will misrepresent our best deeds, and impugn our motives where they cannot censure our actions, how circumspect should we be! ─── 在我们的反对者面者,他们不仅不同意我们的行动,更编造我们的好行为并质询我们的动机,我们当非常谨慎!

26、The hotel is highly praised for the circumspect and quick housekeeping service by most guests. ─── 一向以细心快捷为特色的客房服务赢得了广大宾客的赞扬。

27、The state or quality of being circumspect. ─── 小心,谨慎慎重的状态或品质

28、In the drawing-room or library, before Vesta and Gerhardt, she was not less loving, though a little more circumspect. ─── 在客厅里或是图书室里,当着味丝搭和葛哈德面前,她也一般的妩媚,不过稍稍端重一点罢了。

29、Give satisfaction to client with circumspect service. ─── 以周到服务赢得用户满意。

30、The circumspect researchers are the only ones we hire and the only ones we recommend to our customers. ─── 慎重的研究员才是我们雇用并向我们的用户推荐的。

31、Some might think her reticence a cloak for stupidity;but circumspect as she was she prided herself on hers implicity. ─── "罕言寡语,人谓藏愚,安分随时,自云守拙."

32、Some in this camp are far more circumspect and argue that administrative reform might be the best route, for now at least. ─── 有些右派人士更为谨慎,他们认为,至少对现在而言,行政机构改革可能是最好的一条路径。

33、We must not expect a lively young man to be always so guarded and circumspect ─── 我们决不可能指望一个生龙活虎的青年会始终小心周到。

34、All the products that I have recommended can be supplied by prompt and circumspect after-sales services. ─── 凡经本人推荐的产品均保证提供及时周到的售后服务。

35、Catherine may have had her difficulties; but those of her circumspect suitors are also worthy of consideration ─── 凯瑟琳一定有她自己的困难,但那些审慎的向她求婚的人的困难也是不容忽视的。

36、Officials were circumspect about what the conference had achieved. ─── 官员们对会议所取得的成果持慎重态度。

37、We hope to make long good cooperation relationship with customers by our high quality products, circumspect serice and ery competitie prices. ─── 我们真诚希望凭借自己高质量的产品,周到的服务和极具竞争力的价格与客户建立长久的业务联系。

38、Physicians are now more circumspect about recommending its use. ─── 现在医生在推荐其效用时更加慎重了。

39、Other analysts are more circumspect. ─── 其他分析师更加谨慎。

40、Since then China's biggest offshore producer of oil and gas has become a lot more circumspect beyond its familiar borders. ─── 从那以后,这家中国最大的海上油气生产企业在其熟悉的领域之外变得谨慎了许多。

41、On Capitol Hill this week, he was more circumspect, and sought to dispel the notion that policymakers have too little concern for growth with some warm words on the Fed's“ dual mandate”. ─── 本周在国会山,他的发言则更为慎重,对联储肩负“双重使命”可能带来的危害提出了警告,以此回击关于货币政策制定者对经济增长考虑过少的指责。

42、The noble special areas for male and female customers, perfect supporting facilities, circumspect service, all these are the new concept of noble leisure brought by Tianquan. ─── 尊贵的男女宾特区,完善的配套设施,还有点滴入微的礼遇服务,就是天泉带给您的贵族休闲新概念。

43、Careful about one's conduct; circumspect. ─── 审慎地小心行事的;谨慎的

44、It persistent offers circumspect services to multinational corporations And other clients. ─── 一贯坚持为跨国企业及各类大小商户提供完善周到的服务。

45、Company tenet: To be trusted by all circles with precise and well-knit work style, excellent personnel making, leading engineering level, first-class product quality and circumspect after-sale service. ─── 公司宗旨:以严谨扎实的工作作风、优良的人员素质、领先的技术水平、一流的产品质量以及周到的售后服务取信于各界同仁。

46、circumspect adj. ─── 慎重的;小心的

47、And in all things that I have said unto you be circumspect: and make no mention of the name of other gods, neither let it be heard out of thy mouth. ─── 凡我对你们说的话,你们要谨守。别神的名,你不可提,也不可从你口中传说。

48、We and many companies have reached a strategic cooperation agreement with other services to more circumspect with their clients, customers saved money. ─── 我们与众多公司达成战略合作协议,取长补短,以便更周到服务与客户,让客户省心省钱。

49、Our company insists on "Quality is the root, customer is the tenet". Regard quality and credit standing as life, supply the quality product and circumspect service wholeheartedly. ─── 广州市格兰富阀门有限公司坚持“质量为本,顾客至上”的宗旨,视产品质量和信誉为生命,愿竭诚为顾客提供优质的产品和热情周到的服务。

50、careful and discreet; circumspect ─── 小心谨慎

51、However , as my jealousy increased, and held me some weeks, I was a little more circumspect, and not so familiar and kind to him as before. ─── 可是,当时我的猜忌之心有增无减,一连好几个星期都不能排除。我对他采取了更多的防范,并且对待他也没有以前那么亲热了。

52、Supply warm, circumspect and timely service for every customer. ─── 我们热情、周到、及时的为每一位客户提供优质服务。

53、For that reason, I'm a bit circumspect about the articles that we publish. ─── 正因为这样,我对所发表的文章非常谨慎。

54、Being Circumspect, the Key to Strengthen the Propagandist's Moral Accomplishment ─── 慎独,加强新闻宣传工作者道德修养的关键

55、Modernized business equipments, circumspect and thoughtful servings from our staffs is a symbol of your identity and status. ─── 现代化的商务设施及服务人员周到的体贴服务是您身份与地位的体.

56、The first thing the circumspect scholars did was accurately analyze the chemical composition of the soot layer. ─── 深思熟虑的学者们第一步先精确分析了烟熏层的化学成分。

57、Liverpool are another side who have spent heavily but Carragher feels Chelsea, who have been far more circumspect in the transfer market, are the benchmark. ─── 利物浦是另一个在夏天花了大钱的球队,不过卡拉格觉得今年在转会市场上很平静的切尔西才是联赛的准绳。

58、She was apparently too circumspect, too much the good wife and mother, too really nice to be angry with; ─── 她那时分明是非常谨慎,分明是个贤妻良母,做人又确实很好,人家原不会寻她的是非;

59、For those reason, I'm a bit circumspect about the articles those we publish. ─── 正因该那样,我对所发表的文书非比寻常谨慎。

60、The anomaly in her personality is that she is both outgoing and circumspect. ─── 她性格中不同寻常之处是她又为人直爽,却又小心谨慎。

61、Therefore he was circumspect in all he did, and whenever he appeared in the public ways in the afternoon, or on Sunday, it was with his wife, and sometimes his children. ─── 因此他一举一动都很谨慎。 下午或者星期天需要到公共场所露面时,他总是带上妻子,有时还加上他的子女。

62、The patriotic fervour of Moscow, of which tidings reached Petersburg with the Tsar, was in Ellen's salon a subject of ironical, and very witty, though circumspect, raillery. ─── 在这个圈子里,人们冷嘲热讽而又十分巧妙地(尽管也很谨慎地)讥笑莫斯科的狂热,关于那种狂热的消息,是随皇上驾临彼得堡而传来的。

63、Basing on the tenet that quality is first, price is reliable, delivery in time and service is circumspect, we fully promote quality guarantee system. ─── 公司本着“质量第一、价格合理、交货及时、服务周到”的宗旨,全面推行质量保证体系。

64、Our work station owns modern foundational facilities, perfect technology means, excellent breeds, circumspect service. We look forward to cooperating with you further for an even brilliant future. ─── 我站将以现代化的基础设施,严密的检测手段,优良的品种,周到的社会化服务,愿与您携手合作,共创养牛业的辉煌。

65、circumspect independency ─── 慎独

66、And as the whole dealer for the above products, Hongrunlai not only offer the qualified products but also provides circumspect service. ─── 在为国内外客户提供优质产品的同时,并提供周到完善的销售服务。

67、He reflected constantly on what she had said to him, and turned over in his mind the impression of her rather circumspect tone. ─── 他常常回忆她对他说过的话,内心里翻来覆去琢磨她那种圆滑周到的口吻。

68、Since the company started up, it persistence to pursuing the most rigorous test with the" Good Quality, Persistent Innovation, Circumspect Serves", It has won the praise from most of the merchants. ─── 公司自创办以来,本着“质量过硬、拓创新、化服务”的态度,赢得了国内外广大客商的赞誉。

69、Security experts agree that circumspect use of strong encryption is the best way to keep confidential data a secret from interlopers who may steal computers, intercept e-mail, or slip through cracks in firewalls. ─── 安全专家同意,周密使用强有力的加密技术是杜绝那些非法的电脑登录者窃取应保密的电脑信息,截取电子邮件或是透过防火墙的缝隙而溜进来的最佳方法。

70、Don't jump to a conclusion before considering all the facts. Be circumspect. ─── 在所有的事未考虑好之前,不要遽下结论,要慎重点。

71、In my opinion, they should also be more circumspect: even though the economy is globalizing (with an American -z-!), different values exist and deserve respect and protection. ─── 在我看来,他们应该更加谨慎一些:尽管经济在走向全球化,不同的价值观仍旧存在,而且应该得到尊重和保护。

72、Catherine may have had her difficulties; but those of her circumspect suitors are also worthy of consideration. ─── 凯瑟琳一定有她自己的困难,但那些审慎的向她求婚的人的困难也是不容忽视的。

73、With the excellent human resource, kernel technology, advanced equipment and modern enterprise management the Rewa will provide the top-ranking product and circumspect service to all the customer! ─── 公司拥有优越的人力资源、心的技术力量、进的机器设备、代化的企业管理、质的产品与真诚的服务!竭诚欢迎新来客户来电来函洽谈合作,以求共同发展!

74、We should be circumspect and always investigate before acting,. ─── 我们应该仔细慎重,做事之前要调查一番。

75、she is so circumspect and right; ─── 她的羊群是思想,她使它们明亮;

76、We are striving hard to offer the high-quality products and circumspect services for the benefits of our clients. ─── 我们的产品力求完美,利达四方;我们的服务细致周到,满意四方。

77、The circumspect making reflects that you are prudent woman. ─── 制作很用心,真是一个细心的女人!

78、He is circumspect and farseeing and seldom fails. ─── 他做事老谋深算,很少失误。

79、It has now become China’s biggest mature market of human resource with circumspect customer service. ─── 是国内规模最大、运作最成熟、服务配套最完善的人才市场。

80、Hebei Zhongxing plaza in high-grade garments are higher quality, larger, more wide variety of services and more circumspect new posture, look forward to seeing you! ─── 河北中兴中高档服装广场正以品质更高,面积更大,品种更全,服务更周到的全新姿态,恭候您的光临!

81、We have first class advanced equipments, professional installation team and perfect customer servicing network providing more professional, more timely, more circumspect and more worry-free service. ─── 拥有一流的先进设备和专业的安装队伍、完善的客户服务网路,为客户提供更专业、更及时、更周到、更放心的服务。

82、All-Around Vision (Ex): Beholders are exceptionally alert and circumspect. ─── 全域视野(特异):眼魔异常警惕和谨慎。

83、" About human remains, the rancher was particularly circumspect: "I don't want some damned hippie digging up my body after I die. ─── ”对于人类遗骸,瓦尔多十分慎重: “我不想一些该死的嬉皮士在我死后也来挖我的身体。

84、For this reason I am hoping that everyone involved will endeavor to be circumspect with regard to this donation. ─── 对於这个理由我正在希望每个人积极叁与的意志努力细心关於捐赠物。

85、However, considering demestic situation and international responses, the Indian Government was circumspect, and prefered to await the course of development there before defining its own policy. ─── 印度政府考虑到国内外的实际情况,起初,没有听从公众的意见,采收了言行谨慎、关注事态发展的政策。

86、He is circumspect, refusing to say anything about the story, except that he and Carolyn are willing to travel to Iowa to talk with me about it. ─── 他讲话很谨慎,对故事内容守口如瓶,只说他和卡洛琳愿意到依阿华来同我面谈。

87、Thanks also to intersex advocacy groups, the medical treatment of intersexual conditions has become less dogmatic and more circumspect. ─── 同样由于中间性援助社团的努力,中间性症状的医学治疗已经变得不那么武断和更加的慎重了。

88、We do our best and give our customers circumspect technical support and after service. Looking forward to the cooperation in electronic weighing and packing with all of you. ─── 我们力求把一切工作做好,为用户提供周到的技术支持和售后服务,热切地希望在电子称重和包装领域能有机会同各位合作。

89、He decided to be more circumspect ─── 他决定要多加小心。





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