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08-16 投稿


glossal 发音


英:  美:

glossal 中文意思翻译



glossal 短语词组

1、glossal dams ─── 舌坝

2、glossal arch ─── 舌弓

3、glossal canal ─── 舌槽

4、glossal mass ─── 舌块

5、glossal def ─── 词汇定义

6、glossal tongue ─── 舌

7、glossal tonsils ─── 舌扁桃体

8、glossal tumor ─── 舌肿瘤

glossal 相似词语短语

1、dossal ─── n.挂布;缎帐

2、glossa ─── n.舌;[昆]中唇舌

3、colossal ─── adj.巨大的;异常的,非常的

4、glossae ─── n.舌,中唇舌(glossa的复数)

5、glossily ─── adv.光滑地

6、Nossal ─── n.(Nossal)人名;(德、英)诺萨尔

7、aglossal ─── adj.缺少舌头的

8、glossary ─── n.术语(特殊用语)表;词汇表;专业词典

9、glossas ─── n.舌;[昆]中唇舌

glossal 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、To Study the Relationship between the Change of Glossal Venation and Therapeutic Effect in Locally Advance Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma ─── 局部晚期鼻咽癌舌脉变化与治疗疗效分析

2、Glossal nerve be put into trouble, can appear tongue painful or glossal coma, with ministry of the tip of the tongue the most apparent; ─── 舌神经受累,可出现舌痛或舌麻木,以舌尖部最明显;

3、The tumour of glossal gland with glossal root ministry the commonnest, its are main the symptom is glossal root ache, discrepant deglutition of content feeling, influence. ─── 舌腺的肿瘤以舌根部最常见,其主要症状是舌根疼痛、有异物感、影响吞咽等。

4、Words color is light, glossal system is tight thin, liver mosses is little. ─── 唇舌色淡,舌体瘦薄,苔少。

5、Next, warm winter can make air dry, bring about guttural ache, mouth to do Sao of glossal dry, skin to itch wait for a symptom, and the epidemic prevention function that can reduce respiratory system. ─── 其次,暖冬会使空气干燥,导致咽喉疼痛、口干舌燥、皮肤瘙痒等症状,而且会降低呼吸系统的防疫功能。

6、Next glossal body is intumescent, show vermeil (pinkish red) , at the same time strut of bacterium shape tit, hyperaemia. ─── 然后舌体肿大,呈鲜红色(品红),同时菌状乳头肿胀、充血。

7、Happen at the tongue unlucky a glossal tit atrophy, reaction of serological examination Kang Wa is strong positive. ─── 发生于舌背时则舌乳头萎缩,血清学检查康瓦反应为强阳性。

8、Glossal An or dot having Yu, bowstring of arteries and veins or acerbity. ─── 舌黯或有瘀点,脉弦或涩。

9、If be not bitten, glossal brim has lump purple, the body that shows you is put in Yu blood. ─── 假如不是咬的,舌边缘有块状紫色,表示你的身体存在瘀血。

10、Constant companion has these patients to carbonado heat feels apparently, what the mood also behaves is fretful, the mouth after sweat does glossal dry, like cold water. ─── 这些病人常伴有明显的烘热感,心情也表现的烦燥,汗后口干舌燥,喜欢凉水。

11、Mostly glossal light does not have liver mosses, the tit disappears, glossal qualitative crimson is red be like lean beef, see small ulcer of simple table white occasionally. ─── 大多舌光无苔,乳头消失,舌质绛红如瘦牛肉,偶见浅表白色小溃疡。

12、Methods 26 cases of glossal goitre with surgical intervention and pathological confirmation were analysed retrospectively. ─── 方法回顾性分析经外科手术病理证实的26例舌甲状腺患者的临床资料。

13、Is glossal embryo thick with the expression that gum is suffer from excessive internal heat more? ─── 舌胎厚和眼屎多是不是都是上火的表现?

14、Very important to undertaking leather shoes design is designed, so, how to have glossal type shoe does basic design differentiate? ─── 对进行皮鞋款式设计极为重要,那么,如何进行舌式鞋基本款式划分呢?

15、Gu bundle the 1 / after nuclear bottom accepts the tongue that glossal pharynx nerve conducts 3 taste. ─── 孤束核下部则接受舌咽神经传导的舌后1/3味觉。

16、The measurement of EMG and deglutition pressure after glossal reconstruction ─── 舌再造术后舌部肌电及吞咽压的测定

17、Flesh of tongue of additional exterior examine has without atrophy, if glossal face is uneven, for glossal amyotrophy. ─── 另外观察舌肌有无萎缩,如舌面凹凸不平,为舌肌萎缩。

18、The tip of the tongue or tongue are mid and aglow, inchoate tongue face is vermeil, the person that weigh is whole glossal face strut; ─── 舌尖或舌中部发红,早期舌面鲜红色,重者整个舌面肿胀;

19、Hair " " when word sound, two lips are small piece, the Lie after corners of the mouth, the tip of the tongue leaves dental gap on lap, allow gas from expiration of glossal both sides; ─── 发“吹”字音时,两唇微张,微向前努,两嘴角向内后微收,舌微向上翘并微向后收;

20、WithMenstruationIll relationship is close basically be glossal form bilge, of shrivelled and glossal condition soft, hard. ─── 与月经病关系密切的主要为舌形的胀、瘪与舌态的软、硬。

21、In glossal both sides it is to state liver bravery has yu blood. ─── 在舌的两边,是表示肝、胆有瘀血。

22、glossal canal ─── 舌槽

23、(2) the berpes zoster of ear armour ministry, before root of external auditory meatus, tympanic membrane and soft palate, tongue and tongue 2 / the bleb on the glossal predestined relationship of 3; ─── (2)耳甲部的带状疱疹,外耳道、鼓膜及软腭、舌根和舌前2/3的舌缘上的疱疹;

24、Preservation of laryngeal and glossal function in surgical treatment of oropharyngeal glossal epiglottic carcinoma ─── 保留喉舌功能的口咽舌会厌区癌切除术

25、The tongue is qualitative violet An, or glossal edge has violet spot, heavy bowstring of arteries and veins or heavy acerbity. ─── 舌质紫黯,或舌边有紫斑,脉沉弦或沉涩。

26、(3) feels the root comes from glossal nerve. ─── (3)感觉根来自舌神经。

27、Observe the Ultra-structure of Glossal Muscle in Rat Models of Combined CAG Syndrome and Disease ─── 大鼠CAG证病结合模型舌肌超微结构观察

28、Cyst can happen at cutting mark to breastbone from glossal blind aperture between in the middle of the neck any place of the line, with hyoid fluctuation ministry the commonnest. ─── 囊肿可发生于自舌盲孔至胸骨切迹之间颈正中线的任何部位,以舌骨上下部最常见。

29、Diagnosis and management of glossal goiter in 26 cases ─── 26例舌异位甲状腺的临床诊断及治疗

30、Bosomy all alone is raised in skull bottom lower part and glossal nerve (the branch that trigeminal mandible raises) union, before conducting a tongue 2 / the taste of 3. ─── 鼓索支在颅底下方与舌神经(三叉神经下颌支的分支)结合,传导舌前2/3的味觉。

31、, pull, the tooth below glossal fastigium is pointed, sound by outward gush is spat in larynx; ─── 发“呼”字音时,撮口如管状,唇圆似筒,舌放平向上微抬,稍用力前伸;

32、glossal deviation ─── 舌偏斜

33、To Study the Relationship between the Change of Glossal Venation and Therapeutic Effect in Locally Advance Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma ─── 局部晚期鼻咽癌舌脉变化与治疗疗效分析

34、When the glossal palate face that brushs fluctuation anterior teeth, if tooth bend is narrow, can have vertical stroke of tooth brush head short horizontal stroke to brush vibratile. ─── 刷上下前牙的舌腭面时,如牙弓狭窄,可将牙刷头竖起作短横刷颤动。

35、The top lays head, glossal valve is beautiful, blue purple tubular flower is in the center of, design and color has color of 红 of color of white, purple, weak 黄, orange to wait. ─── 顶生头状花序,舌瓣花,中心为蓝紫色管状花,花色有白色.紫色.淡黄色.桔红色等。

36、Objective To improve the level of diagnosis and treatment for glossal goitre. ─── 目的提高临床对罕见的舌甲状腺的诊断和治疗水平。

37、Softness of glossal body ? is agile person the illness is lighter, course of diseases is brief, inMenstruationDisease is clinical plant with this ? glossal condition is given priority to; ─── 舌体?柔软灵活者病情较轻,病程短暂,在月经病临床以此?种舌态为主;

38、The filiform tit of patient tongue gradually atrophy disappears, channel grain is deepened show branch foliaceous, glossal surface is slick and tide is red. ─── 病人舌的丝状乳头逐渐萎缩消失,沟纹加深呈分叶状,舌表面光滑而潮红。

39、Be located in below two side jaw inside trigonometry, in mandible bone body inside face and hyoid tongue flesh and bine dash forward between glossal flesh. ─── 位于两侧颌下三角内,在下颌骨体的内面与舌骨舌肌和茎突舌肌之间。

40、Go so that the mouth does glossal dry, want to search to sell water part, see one a horizontal inscribed board is hanged before one inn suddenly, write on: Clear water pool. ─── 走得口干舌燥,想找一卖水处,忽然看见一店前挂一匾额,上写:清水池。

41、The tongue is red little liver mosses or glossal weak liver mosses are white, fine number of arteries and veins or heavy fine. ─── 舌红少苔或舌淡苔白,脉细数或沉细。

42、glossal lymphangioma ─── 舌淋巴管瘤

43、(The shade after 3) rash hurts card, disease sees rash already disappear, take superabundant heat, the look is weary feed little, glossal red arteries and veins is fine. ─── (3)疹后阴伤证,症见皮疹已消,留有余热,神疲食少,舌红脉细。治宜养阴清热法,方选沙参麦冬汤化裁。

44、In glossal both sides, it is to state liver, bravery has Yu blood. ─── 在舌的两边,是表示肝、胆有瘀血。

45、Glossal form and glossal condition, those who include a tongue is old crackle of thorn of tender, awn, bilge, shrivelled, the soft, hard, battle with the tongue, Wei, crooked, easy, shrink, spit lane. ─── 舌形与舌态,包括舌的老嫩、芒刺裂纹、胀、瘪,和舌的软、硬、战、痿、歪、舒、缩、吐弄等。

46、Observation of glossal Epithelial Cytochemistry Indexes of White and yellow Tongue Coatings ─── 白苔和黄苔舌上皮细胞化学指标的观测

47、Hair " breathe out " when word sound, mouth half pieces, glossal style is smooth put down pressure, after cheek exerts oneself to do sth. ─── 发“呵”字音时,口半张,舌体平放下压,腮用力后拉,舌尖顶下牙齿尖,声音由喉中向外喷吐;

48、The tongue slants, because hypoglossal nerve is damaged,be, cause glossal flesh to break down be caused by. ─── 舌偏,是由于舌下神经受损,引起舌肌瘫痪所致。

49、Cyst happens at glossal blind aperture below or when around ministry, glossal root ministry can produce deglutition, language and breathing function obstacle because of strut. ─── 囊肿发生于舌盲孔下面或前后部时,舌根部可因肿胀而发生吞咽、语言及呼吸功能障碍。

50、Glossal color is light, glossal body is fat tender or mark having a tooth-like part of anything, liver mosses slips in vain. ─── 舌色淡,舌体胖嫩或有齿痕,苔白滑。脉缓弱无力。

51、Glossal color has red, yellow, crimson, violet, grey, black wait for a few kinds. ─── 舌色有红、黄、绛、紫、灰、黑等几种。

52、Glossal pharynx is neuralgic it is glossal pharynx innervation area is paroxysmal acuteness ache. ─── 舌咽神经痛是舌咽神经分布区发作性剧烈疼痛。

53、Observe the Ultra-structure of Glossal Muscle in Rat Models of Combined CAG Syndrome and Disease ─── 大鼠CAG证病结合模型舌肌超微结构观察

54、such as shade of facial, forehead, ear hind, scrotal peace conference returns meeting occurrence stomatitis, glossitis finally (glossal glow is slippery) , the lip is weather-shack; ─── 还会出现口炎、舌炎(舌红光滑)、嘴唇干裂;

55、(3) surgery treats: Right certain disable, the function that cure of abnormal undergo surgery can improve an organ, if glossal chalaza crosses short, harelip, cleft palate,wait. ─── (3 )外科治疗:对某些伤残、畸形进行手术治疗可以改善器官的功能,如舌系带过短、唇裂、腭裂等。

56、Observation of glossal Epithelial Cytochemistry Indexes of White and yellow Tongue Coatings ─── 白苔和黄苔舌上皮细胞化学指标的观测

57、Objective To assess the clinical features and the treatment results of glossal adenoid cystic carci-noma(ACC). ─── 目的探讨舌部腺样囊性癌(ACC)的临床特点和治疗效果。

58、Diagnosis and management of glossal goiter in 26 cases ─── 26例舌异位甲状腺的临床诊断及治疗

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