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08-16 投稿


gymnasium 发音

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gymnasium 中文意思翻译



gymnasium 词性/词形变化,gymnasium变形


gymnasium 短语词组

1、gymnasium randers ─── 兰德斯体育馆

2、Aichi Prefectural Gymnasium ─── 爱知县体育馆

3、gymnasium flooring ─── 健身房地板

4、Yokohama Cultural Gymnasium ─── 横滨文化体育馆

5、Tokyo Metropolitan Gymnasium ─── 东京大都会体育馆

6、gymnasium definition ─── 体育馆定义

7、Jinan Olympic Sports Center Gymnasium ─── 济南奥体中心体育馆

8、another new gymnasium ─── 另一个新体育馆

9、Guangzhou Gymnasium ─── 广州体育馆

10、therapeutic gymnasium ─── 治疗健身房

11、quirinus gymnasium neuss ─── 纽斯基里纳斯体育馆

12、gymnasium journal ─── 体育杂志

13、gymnasium fort jackson ─── 杰克逊堡体育馆

14、quirinus gymnasium ─── 基里努斯体育馆

15、gymnasium bleachers ─── 体育馆看台

16、gymnasium tegernsee ─── 特格尔西体育馆

17、gymnasium stadium ─── 体育馆 ─── 体育场

18、Peking University Gymnasium ─── 北京大学体育馆

19、Samsan Gymnasium Station ─── 三山体育馆站

gymnasium 相似词语短语

1、gymnasial ─── 健身房

2、gymnasiast ─── n.运动家;预科学生

3、gymnasia ─── n.健身房;体育馆(gymnasium的复数)

4、gymnasic ─── 健身房

5、progymnasiums ─── 前胸腺

6、progymnasium ─── 前胸腺

7、gymnastics ─── n.体操;体育;体操运动

8、gymnast ─── n.体操运动员

9、gymnasiums ─── 健身房(gymnasium的复数)

gymnasium 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Presents the heat transfer calculation method of floor panel heating/cooling system and its application in lobbies of Wukesong Gymnasium. ─── 介绍了地板辐射供暖供冷系统的传热计算方法及其在五棵松体育馆观众休息厅中的应用。

2、The products are the same with family marketplace、 playroom、gymnasium、office building public and personal car. ─── 产品适用于家庭、商场、娱乐厅、体育 场馆、办公楼宇及公私车辆。

3、The picture shows the Sir Garfield Sobers Gymnasium of Barbados. ─── 图为中国援建的巴巴多斯体育馆。

4、Get off at the Capital Gymnasium. ─── 在首都体育馆下车。

5、The astronaut, an astronomy fan, is astonished at the gymnastics show in the gymnasium. ─── 宇航员(一位天文学迷)对体育馆里的体操表演感到惊骇。

6、Besides, the well-equipped gymnasium, swimming pool and SPA provide the best place for business traveler to unwind and relax. ─── 另外,酒店完备的健身、水疗设施更是为商务旅客的放松休闲提供了最佳的去处。

7、They put the arm on a rich alumnus and got enough for a new gymnasium. ─── 他们要一位富有的校友捐款,搞到了足够建一个新体育馆的钱。

8、Making use of the very waste and byproducts of the modern entropic economy, Arriba has created a truly practical monument in the form of a supremely low-tech gymnasium. ─── 他利用现代熵工业产生的废物和副产品,创建了一个真正的简易健身房,并成为这方面的典范。

9、During her junior year in high school, she was great in her learning and gymnasium as well. ─── 上初中时,她的学习成绩非常出色,体育成绩也很好。

10、An important part of a Greek school boy's curriculum was vigorous physical training in gymnasium. ─── 古希腊学校里男孩子的课程里很重要的一部分就是在体育馆内上体育课。

11、The gymnasium connects to our bedroom. ─── 体育馆和我们的宿舍通着。

12、They brought their friends to the gymnasium. ─── 下面我们要练习的三个不规则动词

13、They enter the gymnasium,and the film is going to start. ─── 两人边说边走进综合馆,电影即将开始。

14、Wash and wipe general facilities of the gymnasium with a 1:99 diluted household bleach solution at least once daily. ─── 健身中心的所有设施应以1:99稀释家用漂白水清洗及拭抹,最少每天一次。

15、How about going to the swimming pool at the Beijing Gymnasium? ─── 到北京体育馆的游泳池去怎么样?

16、ULU has a swimming pool, gymnasium and sports courts. ─── ULU设有泳池、体育馆和运动场。

17、Groups of gymnasts are having their physical training in the gymnasium. ─── 几组体操运动员正在体育馆里进行体育锻炼。

18、Our gymnasium is design near to iounge room which enable you to relaxing after a hard day. ─── 健身房与交谊听相邻的设计让强身,休閒,娱乐在这里充分得到纾解.

19、He go to the gymnasium to practise every day. ─── 他每天都去健身房训练。

20、A visitor walks in front of the illuminated Beijing Olympic Basketball Gymnasium at the Wukesong Culture and Sports Center. ─── 位于五棵松文化体育中心的北京奥林匹克篮球馆灯火辉煌,一名参观者正走过门前。

21、In the Greek fashion the city had its stadium, gymnasium, hippodrome, and theatre, as well as its fine temples and the royal palace. ─── 城里还有希腊风格的体育馆、体操馆、椭圆形露天赛马

22、At the Luneng Table-Tennis School in Shandong province, 230 boarding students crowd a gymnasium set up with 80 Ping-Pong tables. ─── 在山东省鲁能乒乓球学校,230名寄宿的学生挤在一个搭有80张乒乓球台的体育馆里。

23、Half of the 36 venues have been completed like this gymnasium hall. ─── 个比赛场地中有一半设施已经完工,比如这个体操场馆。

24、A few days ago, we decided to gather all interested students in the Saitama municipal gymnasium for a basketball match. ─── 日前,我们召集了有志的学生租了埼玉县的体育馆打了一场篮球赛。

25、The gymnasium was appraised as top quality works by the Hami railway branch bureau. ─── 哈密市哈密铁路分局评为优质工程。

26、Present and future curricula may be analyzed before a specific design program, including classrooms, gymnasium, Library, etc., is drawn up. ─── 可能还要对目前和将来的课程进行分析,然后再拟定专门的设计方案,包括教室、体育馆、图书馆等等。

27、If you know your scheduling is not being allowed you to do exercise in gymnasium, you should try to make you do more moving in a day. ─── 如果你知道你的行程安排不允许你到健身室做运动,那想办法让你自己在一天里多动。

28、The picture shows Ulan Bator Gymnasium. ─── 图为乌兰巴托体育馆。

29、How to integrate the Natatorium into the uniquely figured Gymnasium to its north, without any confliction to its surroundings? ─── 北邻体育馆,其造型独特,与环境融为一体。如何与其相融,而不造成冲突?

30、For leisure, the swimming pool and gymnasium beckon,with steam and sauna acilities. ─── 在休闲设施方面,我们有游泳池和体育馆,还有蒸汽和桑拿设施供您享用。

31、China Cup International Gymnastics Tournament opened yesterday in Beijing Capital Gymnasium. ─── 中国杯国际体操邀请赛昨天在北京首都体育馆开赛。

32、Building reprovision has song and dance halls, sauna center, gymnasium and other facilities. ─── 大厦另配有歌舞厅、桑拿中心、健身房等设施。

33、Next month, the World Figure Skating Championships will be held at the Tokyo Metropolitan Gymnasium. ─── 下个月,世界花样滑冰锦标赛将在东京体育馆举行。

34、He asked me to gymnasium together next Sunday. ─── 他約我下周日一起去體育館。

35、It's true that the gymnasium project was scrapped, but the real issue was Vietnam, and the war dragged on for seven more horrible years. ─── 体育馆的工程是被停掉了,但真正的问题是越南战争,那场战争又持续了更加可怕的七年。

36、Can I get to the gymnasium on this bus, conductor ? ─── 售票员同志,我坐这车可以去体育馆吗?

37、Guti and Van Nistelrooy focused their recovery efforts in the gymnasium rather than stepping onto the Valdebebas grass. ─── 古蒂和范尼则在健身房进行恢复训练而没有出现在巴尔德维巴斯的草坪。

38、"For years she was a huge support. She protected me from the conflicts at home as I prepared for the Gymnasium, " says Thai Le. ─── “多年来,她提供了大量支持。在我准备文理综合学校考试时,她保护我免受家庭冲突的干扰,”太乐说。

39、Cunard introduced the first gymnasium and health center aboard a ship (Franconia , 1911). ─── 冠达邮轮最先将健身房和医疗中心设置于客轮之上( Franconia ,1911)。

40、In addition, the museum also has a billiards room, gymnasium, table tennis room, massage room, beauty salon and other entertainment services. ─── 另外,馆内还设有台球室、健身房、乒乓球室、按摩室、美容美发厅等娱乐服务设施。

41、The attendant personnel of this gymnasium for women are all female, who offer you novel service. ─── 女子健身房,服务人员全部女性,为您提供全新服务。

42、The main Olympics Stadiums include Guangcai Gymnasium, Muxiyuan Natatorium, and Muxiyuan Training Hall. ─── 区域主要奥运场馆有光彩体育馆、木樨园游泳馆、木樨园综合训练馆。

43、Abstract:The Tieling Gymnasium is a steel single-layer shell structure with a large overhang platform. ─── [摘要]铁岭体育馆工程是局部带有大悬挑平台的单层网壳结构工程。

44、He saw sliding out of the gymnasium a few students of Class A. ─── 他看到A班的几个学生溜出了健身房。

45、After several sessions at the gymnasium, I feel a lot fitter. ─── 在体育馆里锻炼了几次以后,我感觉身体结实多了。

46、They are still six miles away from the gymnasium. ─── 他们距离体操房仍然是六英里。

47、That is the gymnasium on the third floor of Walker. ─── 那是在 Walker 三楼的体育馆。

48、The roof of the gymnasium looks like a soaring eagle. Its main structure is a triangular steelframe. ─── 体育馆的屋顶看上去象一只展翅的雄鹰。它的主体结构是一个三角形的钢屋架。

49、Well, I go jogging every morning, eat a healthful diet and work out in a gymnasium twice a week. ─── 噢,我每天早晨慢跑,饮食正常,一周上两次健身房。

50、If you know that it is not allowed to do exercises in gymnasium according to your schedule, you should try your best to do more exercises in the day. ─── 如果你知道你的行程安排不允许你到健身室做运动,那想办法让你自己在一天里多动。

51、Can I get to the gymnasium on this bus,conductor? ─── 售票员同志,我坐这车可以去体育馆吗?

52、He go to the gymnasium every afternoon to sweat off some weight. ─── 他每天下午去健身房以减轻一点体重。

53、I have found a new gymnasium. ─── 我找到了一个新的健身房。

54、Groups of gymnast are having their physical training in the gymnasium. ─── 几组体操运动员正在体育馆里进行体育锻链。

55、Free use of the Indoor Swimming Pool, Gymnasium, Sauna, Shuffleboard in Health Center(please make an appointment in advanced and first come first served). ─── 免费使用健康中心的游泳、健身、桑拿和沙弧球等设施(请提早预约,先到先得)

56、Other facilities include indoor and outdoor swim-ming pools, squash courts, an indoor gymnasium and spacious landscaped gardens. ─── 其他设施还包括室内和室外游泳池、网球场,室内体育馆和宽敞的造景花园。

57、The gymnasium and track complex is primarily new construction while the remainder of the work is carved out of the existing building. ─── 健身房和跑道复合体基本上是新建工程,而该作品的其余部分则是从现有建筑拓建而成的。

58、The gymnasium content is not abundant enough, so that students study the interest low. ─── 体操课内容不够丰富,以至学生学习兴趣低。

59、Do you know that China Cup International Gymnastics Tournament opened yesterday in Beijing Capital Gymnasium. ─── 你知道中国杯国际体操邀请赛昨天在北京首都体育馆开赛吗?

60、When was the Gymnasium completed? ─── 体育馆何时落成?

61、At Olympia a statue of him stood at the entrance to the stadium and his statues where in every gymnasium throughout Greece. ─── 在希腊奥林匹亚上,他的雕像屹立在露天大型运动场的入口,他的雕像又在希腊的每个体育馆出现。

62、B: Three of them are nearby the gymnasium and the others are downtown. ─── 体育馆附近有3个,其他3个在市中心。

63、Introduce the massive concrete construction technique and experience in annular beam of Nantong gymnasium meeting and exhibiting center. ─── 介绍了南通市体育会展中心体育场环梁大体积混凝土的施工技术和经验。

64、Innovation of Financial Products and Financing of Sports Gymnasium in the U.S. ─── 从金融产品创新看美国体育场馆融资。

65、Free use of hotel gymnasium and indoor swimmingpool. ─── 免费使用健身房及室内游泳池。

66、Business recreation club, healthycare and footherapy center, bathing department, recreation, gymnasium for free, and room of chess and card. ─── 商务娱乐会所,康体保健足疗中心,洗涤部,休闲吧,免费健身房,棋牌室。

67、The astronaut, an astronomy fan, is astonished at the gymnafter effect 大纲astics show in the gymnasium. ─── 宇航员(一位天文学迷)对体育馆里的体操表演感到惊骇.

68、basketball nets hung down from the ceiling at either end of the gymnasium. ─── 篮球网垂悬于体育馆天花板的两头。

69、China aided Nouakchott Olympic Gymnasium was completed in June 1983. ─── 中国援建的努瓦克肖特奥林匹克体育场于1983年6月建成。

70、Itsproducts are widely used in industrial workshop, supermarket, exhibition hall, gymnasium, modern residence, office building, tall building, etc. ─── 产品广泛应用于大型工业厂房、市、览馆、育馆、代化住宅、公楼等单层及多层建筑群体。

71、Free use of gymnasium and swimming bath on Floor 20. ─── 住客可以免费使用20楼健身中心的健身房、室内游泳池。

72、At the gate of the community, a passer-by is asking the way to the Worker's Gymnasium. ─── 在社区门口,一位路人正在打听去工人体育馆的路。

73、Something like this let thy behaviour be in all the other parts of life;let us overlook many things in those who are like antagonists in the gymnasium. ─── 你在你生活的所有别的方面也这样做吧,让我们不要对那些好比是体育场上的对手一样的人们多心吧。

74、DING JM,HE ZJ. Analysis and Design of the Roof Structure of Beijing University Gymnasium[R]. IABSE Reports,vol.92:420-421,2007. ─── 丁洁民,杨辉柱.安徽大学体育馆弦支穹顶钢屋盖结构设计[J].工业建筑,2005增刊.

75、The school gymnasium provides a place for parties, meetings, and concerts, as well as ball matches. ─── 学校的体育馆为舞会、集会和音乐会以及球类比赛提供了场所。

76、He exercises in the gymnasium three times a week. ─── 他每周三次去体育馆运动。

77、LG/F gymnasium room, changing room and beachfront yard. ─── 地庫健身室、更衣室及临海平台。

78、Green belts including pagoda trees and maidenhair trees are being planted alongside the gymnasium. ─── 在该场馆的周围种植的宝塔树和铁线蕨构成了一条条绿化带。

79、It presents the structural design of the latticed shells and the arches in the gymnasium of Datong Univercity. ─── 介绍了体育馆网壳与拱架结构设计中涉及的问题及解决方法。

80、Eight miles away from my home village in Austria there was a gymnasium, and I rode to that gymnasium with a bicycle. ─── 当时我骑着自行车前往一家健身房,那儿离我家所在的奥地利小村庄有八英里。

81、The school commissioned the architect to design a new gymnasium. ─── 学校委任这建筑师设计一座新的体育馆。

82、A:Excuse me. Can you tell me the way to the College Gymnasium? ─── 劳驾,您能告诉我去大学体育馆的路吗?

83、Free use of Gymnasium and swimming pool(B1/F). ─── 免费使用负1楼健身房及恒温游泳池。

84、The son of Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi announced the project inside a 2,200-year-old Greek gymnasium. ─── 利比亚首相的儿子在2200年历史的体育馆,宣布了这个消息。

85、He had developed his unusual toughness by working out daily at a gymnasium . ─── 他每天在体操房里顽强地苦练,终于练得非常强健坚韧。

86、How about to the swimming pool at the central Gymnasium? ─── 到中心体育馆的游泳池去怎么样?

87、The Rome Gymnasium built for the Olympics Games in 1961 could be changed for other uses conveniently. ─── 1961年为奥运会修建的罗马体育馆,比赛场地就可以很方便地改变用途。

88、The supporting system of glass curtain wall in Wukesong Gymnasium is steel structure,whose high-section steel column is welded by thin steel sheet. ─── 五棵松体育馆幕墙钢支撑体系的钢柱截面高,由薄钢板焊接制作而成。

89、As if the ball had a mind of its own, it took two more trips across the gymnasium before Jane was back at my side. ─── 可是好像这个篮球自己会思考一样,简又在体育馆来回拾球了两次才回到我身边。

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