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08-16 投稿


caloric 发音

英:[k?'l?r?k; 'k?l?r?k]  美:[k?'l?r?k]

英:  美:

caloric 中文意思翻译



caloric 词性/词形变化,caloric变形

副词: calorically |

caloric 短语词组

1、caloric theory of heat ─── [化] 热质说

2、low caloric diet ─── [医] 低热量饮食

3、high caloric diet ─── [医] 高热量饮食

4、caloric effect ─── [医]热效应

5、caloric balance ─── 热量平衡

6、caloric requirement ─── [医] 热需要量

7、high caloric power ─── [化] 高卡值; 高热值

8、caloric power of gas ─── [机] 煤气的热值

9、caloric quotient ─── [医] 热量商数

10、caloric intake ─── [医] 热量摄取

11、caloric power ─── [机] 热值, 发热本领

12、caloric nystagmus ─── [医] 温热性眼球震颤

13、high caloric value ─── [化] 高卡值; 高热值

14、caloric disease ─── [医] 高温病

15、caloric butter ─── [医] 冷热水试验(检耳迷路障碍)

16、caloric rays ─── [医] 致热射线

17、caloric value ─── [化] 热值; 卡值

18、caloric equation ─── 热量方程

19、caloric unit ─── [机] 热(量)

caloric 相似词语短语

1、calories ─── n.[物]卡路里(热量单位,calorie的复数)

2、-calorie ─── n.卡路里(热量单位)

3、calorize ─── vt.以铝处理表面

4、chloric ─── adj.氯的;含氯的

5、calorie ─── n.卡路里(热量单位)

6、calorist ─── n.热质论者

7、calcic ─── adj.钙的;含钙的

8、calorific ─── adj.发热的,生热的

9、calorise ─── vt.表面渗铝

caloric 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Can add day caloric dressing, be like lemon juice or the vinegar salt that increases moderate amount or peppery. ─── 可以加天热量的调味品,如柠檬汁或醋等加中等量的盐或胡椒。

2、Since fat reduction was not as a great of a concern the last week, the total caloric intake was increased slightly in attempt to allow adequate calories for recovery and increased glycogen stores. ─── 因为减肥不是作为一个伟大的一个关注的最后一个星期,总热量摄入是略有增加,在尝试,以便有足够的热量,为恢复和增加肝糖原的商店。

3、Studies of caloric restriction are showing the way. ─── 热量限制的研究为我们指明了方向。

4、About patient of ascites of cirrhosis of the liver total caloric is calculated. ─── 关于肝硬变腹水患者总热量的计算。

5、infantile caloric under-nutrition ─── 婴儿能量不足的营养不良

6、I won't admit how much time I have wasted tracking the circumference of my thighs on a spreadsheet, or my caloric intake on the LoseIt app. ─── 我不想承认我花了多少时间去记录我的腿围,或者在LoseIt应用程序上记录我的卡路里摄取量。

7、The two groups that had not restricted their caloric intake during the test period did not show more cortisol production. ─── 而在实验期间没有被控制能量摄入的两组被试者没有表现出更高的皮质醇产生率。

8、They found that a cascade of reactions triggered by lower caloric intake raises the levels of these enzymes, leading to an increase in the strength and efficiency of the cellular batteries. ─── 他们发现由这些酶摄取低卡路里能量引发的一系列反应导致细胞电池强度和能量的增长.

9、In 2003 Dr.Sinclair, by then in his own laboratory, devised a way to test a large number of chemicals for their ability to mimic caloric restriction in people by activating SIRT-1. ─── 2003年辛克莱博士在自己的实验室里测试了很多种类的化合物,看它们是否能够在人体内激活SIRT-1基因,从而模仿抑制热量的功能。

10、ENG of 3 cases revealed a loss of vestibular function and 1 case showed opposite direction nystagmus in the caloric test. ─── 4例进行眼震电图检查的患者,3例前庭功能均丧失,1例热水试验出现反向眼震。

11、vestibular function caloric test ─── 前庭机能变温试验

12、The litter gross caloric values of leaf, branch and cone were 20.51~21.68 kJ/g, 19.63~20.21 kJ/g and 18.27~20.63 kJ/g, and the ash free caloric values of them were 21.48~22.69 kJ/g, 21.48~22.69 kJ/g and 18.91~21.49 kJ/g, respectively. ─── 凋落物干重热值为小枝20.51~21.68kJ/g,枝条19.63~20.21kJ/g,球果18.27~20.63kJ/g; 凋落物去灰分热值为小枝21.48~22.69kJ/g,枝条21.48~22.69kJ/g,球果18.91~21.49kJ/g.

13、El calor y la pasion. ─── 你的温暖和激情。

14、"Spreading out caloric intake, rather than having a few large meals, leads to a better metabolic profile," Willett says. ─── “将热量的摄取分散开来,而不是集中在一两顿饱饭上,这对新陈代谢也有好处,”维列特说。

15、Light-calibration needs no specific design, but the remainder caloric of lamps and the caloric loss must be measured before calibration. ─── 光标法工程实现难度要低得多,但必须事先对灯组余热及热损失进行测算。

16、One part of the NLS asked subjects to interpret food labels, such as determining carbohydrate or caloric content of an amount of food consumed. ─── NLS的一部分内容是要求受试者解释食物标签,比如计算一定量食物中所含碳水化合物或卡路里的数量。

17、Excess caloric energy in the diet is stored in white fat calls that pile up in the body, particularly in the thighs and abdomen. ─── 膳食中过量的卡路里储存于白色脂肪细胞中,囤积于身体,特别是大腿和腹部。

18、Per capita daily caloric intake; ─── 个人平均每日摄取热量;

19、alternate binaural bithermal caloric test ─── 双耳交替冷热试验

20、The key points are caloric value of coal, the fusing characteristics of coal ash and the temperature at furnace center. ─── 其要点是煤的热值,煤灰的熔融特性以及炉膛的中心温度。

21、Caloric restriction has consistently produced health benefits for animals. ─── 只要限制热量,就会对动物的健康产生益处。

22、He believes that by eating less and restricting his caloric intake, he will trigger a genetic switch that slows the aging process. ─── 他相信凭着少吃和限制卡路里的摄入,他会把身体里一个缓慢人体衰老基因的开关给打开。

23、The sugar-free low caloric moon cake made mainly from lotus-seed, flour a nd functional sweet-eners has low sweetness, no bitter an d astringent taste, low fat and multifunction. ─── 以莲子、粉、能性甜味剂等为原料,研制出的无糖低能量月饼具有低甜度、苦涩味、低脂化、功能性等特点。

24、Bartke's observations were reinforced by Washington University School of Medicine caloric restriction pioneer Luigi Fontana. ─── 华盛顿大学医学院的热量限制先驱LuigiFontana也支持Bartke的观点。

25、Low caloric polydextrose, also called indigestible dextrin, was a kind of water-solulable dietary fiber product. ─── 低热量葡聚糖是水溶性食物纤维的一种。

26、Over time, everyone might be getting the same rations, but the firstborn still enjoys a caloric head start that might never be overcome. ─── 一段时间后,每个孩子也许获得的就是等量的供给,不过那样,第一个出生的孩子在最初“热量”上的领先从而永远都不可能被超过。

27、Once upon a time, because weather is colder, add physical labor more, the French regards bishop as compensatory body caloric is daily drink. ─── 从前,因为天气比较冷,加上体力劳动比较多,法国人把葡萄酒当成补充身体热量的日常饮品。

28、By limiting food intake, caloric restriction minimizes the amount of glucose entering cells and decreases ATP generation. ─── 通过限制食物的摄入,热量限制使进入细胞的葡萄糖量降到最少,并减少 ATP 的产生。

29、NPDMC is a three dimensional Monte Calor code for multigroup neutron and photon coupled transPOrt duct calculation. ─── NPDMC是一个我国研制的多群中子和光子耦合输运的三维孔道计算蒙特卡罗程序。

30、CALOR : HI !Hallen. HI! Jim . ─── 卡罗尔:你好,海伦。你好,吉姆。

31、Adjustments for total caloric intake, blood sugar levels, cholesterol levels and dietary habits were found to have no effects on the study conclusion. ─── 卡路里的摄入量、血糖水平、脂肪量和饮食习惯对该研究结果亦无影响。

32、Under the different indoor environment, choose the best plant in the function of nitrogen fixation and oxygen release,transpired water release, absorbed caloric, bacteriostatic action . ─── 在不同的室内环境条件下,选择在固碳释氧、蒸腾释水、蒸腾吸热、自然挥发物抑菌作用等改善环境效益方面突出的功能植物,对于室内植物设计具有重要的意义。

33、What is equally interesting is that both the TOR pathway and the one controlled by sirtuins are also affected by caloric restriction. ─── 实验室老鼠,除了这些穿白大褂的家伙之外没有天敌,最长大约能活一千天出头。

34、alternate hot and cold caloric test ─── 交替冷热试验, 冷热交替变温试验

35、When submitted to the FDA, it was supposed to be labeled as a sweetener, because there was not a caloric penalty involved. ─── 在提交给FDA后,它本应列为一种甜味剂,因为没有热量消耗。

36、Next, still should notice to raise caloric to use up in autumn, designedly increases an activity, make the best of time to choose certain physical training appropriately in the morning. ─── 其次,在秋季还应注意提高热量的消耗,有计划地增加活动,早晨抓紧时间适当选择一定的体育锻炼。

37、A caloric reduction may be necessary as well to lose baby weight gain. ─── 一卡路里的减少可能是和失去婴儿体重增加一样是必要的。

38、Caloric vestibular test with recording ─── 冷热水前庭试验伴记录

39、Critics, however, are not yet ready to accept that the rhesus study proves caloric restriction works in primates. ─── 但是,批评家们并不准备接受猕猴研究证明了低卡饮食适用于灵长类生物这一说法。

40、The main issue is calories, so if you load starchy foods with fat -- sour cream and butter on a baked potato, for instance -- or eat them in large quantities, the caloric load can add up. ─── 主要的问题是热量,因此,如果您吃大量多脂肪的淀粉食物脂-酸奶和黄油的烤土豆,比如-或大量的吃他们,热负荷就会增加。

41、How to eat tall caloric food to always have a headache to do? ─── 吃完高热量的食品总头痛怎么办啊?

42、Caloric under the green tea of 100, , cocoa of the heat that do not have candy, defatted take iron or Kabujinuo coffee. ─── 卡路里低于100的绿茶、、无糖热可可、脱脂拿铁或卡布其诺咖啡等。

43、But there is two obvious shortcoming in this distance: 1. the distance is calculated by Montor Calor method and the result is random. ─── 但该距离存在两个明显缺点:一是采用蒙特卡洛方法来计算,其结果具有不确定性;

44、Once you start keeping a food diary, measuring servings, and tracking your caloric intake, you may be surprised at the number of calories you consume in the form of beverages. ─── 如果你可以减少饮料的热量摄入,你可能都不需要进行节食了哦!

45、Low caloric polydextrose, is a kind of water-soluable dietary fiber products.It is low caloric becluse containing indigestilbe part. ─── 低热量葡聚糖是水溶性食物纤维的一种.由于其中含有难消化成分,因而热量低。

46、Most person ought to eat less adipose (the 30%) that does not exceed caloric intake, eat protein less (10%-15%) , eat compound carbohydrate more (45%-60%) . ─── 大多数人应当少吃脂肪(不超过卡路里摄入量的30%),少吃蛋白质(10%-15%),多吃复合碳水化合物(45%-60%)。

47、His appetite became ravenous and his caloric intake doubled, yet he lost 10 kg. ─── 他的胃口变得很大,食物热量增加2倍,但体重却减轻了10公斤。

48、To the same trophic organ and the same diameter-class of seeding's caloric value is greater than that of coppice, and the difference decreases with increasing diameter-classes. ─── 实生与萌生样木相同径级相同器官的热值也有所不同。实生样木各径级各器官的热值均大于萌生样木,且随着径级的增大差异减少。

49、Most desserts have high sugar and caloric contents, so it is preferable to eat only small portions. Fresh fruit is a healthier dessert choice. ─── 一般的甜品含较多糖份和热量,只宜浅尝,可多选吃新鲜水果作为甜品。

50、low caloric value refuse combustion ─── 低热值垃圾焚烧

51、There was significant relationship between ENG induced by caloric testing and the course (P0.05) in patients with AN. ─── AN患者ENG的半规管功能是否正常与病程有相关性(P0.05)。

52、Analysis on caloric value of Chinese cities'municipal solid waste. ─── 中国部分城市生活垃圾热值的分析。

53、If you cannot be borne really tasteless, choose without caloric agent of new-style sweet taste. ─── 如果你实在不能忍受淡而无味,选用无热量的新型甜味剂。

54、Caloric wastage (horary) : 413(flat) ; ─── 卡路里消耗量(每小时):413(平地);

55、Therefore, carbohydrates may be caloric, partially caloric, or essentially noncaloric. ─── 因此,碳水化合物可以是产热、部分产热或非热量。

56、Practice proves already, in system of ground radiate heat addition, caloric is delivered, basically be radiation, it is convection next, finally is to conduct. ─── 实践早已证实,地面辐射供热系统中,热量的传递,主要是辐射,其次是对流,最后是传导。

57、CALOR : Beer ? Not a bit . You may drink some Lemon Water . ─── 卡罗尔:啤酒?一点都不剩了。你可以喝点柠檬水。

58、The man also said the company offered free lunches to employees, adding to his caloric intake while on the job. ─── 他还表示,麦当劳为员工提供免费午餐,使他在工作期间热量摄入大增。

59、Deduces regress equation between ash and caloric power in coal of Zhangcun coal mine from making use of assaying datum.Provides the credibitity bases of theory for assaying datum to examine. ─── 利用日常化验数据推导出漳村矿煤中灰分与发热量之间的回归方程,为化验数据的审核提供可靠的理论依据。

60、In fact, chew the chewing gum that do not have candy to prevent you effectively to put tall caloric food into the mouth. ─── 事实上,嚼无糖口香糖可以有效地阻止你将高热量的食物放入嘴中。

61、Scientists first posed this question in the mid-1990s, after researchers came upon a chemical agent that in rodents seemed to reproduce many of caloric restriction's benefits. ─── 科学家首次提出这个问题是在20世纪90年代中期。当时,研究人员偶然发现一种化学药剂,这种药剂在啮齿动物身上似乎可以发挥和热量限制相同的正面效果。

62、Due to its low caloric value and high content of water, the MSW is very difficult to burn stably in CFB boilers. ─── 单纯的原生生活垃圾因其热值较低,含水率较高,很难在流化床锅炉中稳定燃烧。

63、Prior to the supplementation, dietary findings showed that caloric, protein as well as vitamin intakes were conspicuously low in these subjects. ─── 增补前的膳食调查指出兰屿学童的热量、蛋白质及维生素摄取量都偏低,临床检查亦发现口角炎、舌炎等罹患率颇高。

64、After all, it takes a lot of caloric energy to hunt and forage all day. ─── 在食用脂肪后,我们的祖先就有了更多的体力来打猎和采摘果实。

65、The truth is, there's room in your diet for any kind of food, especially the ones you love most -- as long as you control your total caloric intake (and grams of carbohydrate, if you tally them). ─── 事实上在饮食选择上你有一定的余地的,特别是那些你所最喜爱的-只要你控制好热量摄入(和碳水化合物,如果你很喜欢)。

66、But, see the caloric number below, perhaps you can resemble me same, change to preserve the gain of thin body drink low card cocktail. ─── 可是,看看下面的卡路里数,也许你会像我一样,为保住多日瘦身的成果而改喝低卡鸡尾酒。

67、The typical vegetarian gets adequate protein as long as caloric intake is adequate and a variety of foods is eaten.Vegetarian diets are usually relatively low in protein, which may be beneficial. ─── 一位典型的素食者可以通过丰富并且合理的饮食来补充人体所需的蛋白质和热量。

68、Among the dynamic imbalances, a trend of higher recoery rate was found in head thrust sign, HSN, and IN than in caloric asymmetry. ─── 在动态不平衡中,推头试验、HSN、IN比热度不对称有较高恢复率的倾向。

69、Sugar's connection with AGE formation may be one reason caloric restriction might delay aging. ─── ”从糖与高聚糖最终产物之间的紧密关系可以推出:减少热量(卡洛里)的摄人可能推迟老化过程是不无道理的。

70、We quantitative explain the burning-speed and the difference of caloric absorbed by the fuel, when the oil-pool-fire be put in enclosed space and in open space. ─── 初步总结了受限空间油池火燃烧的特性及其规律,给出了在实验条件下油池火在受限空间和开放空间燃烧速率以及燃料吸收热量的差异。

71、Health claims on the labels of junk foods distract consumers from their caloric content. ─── 在垃圾食物上标示健康宣称,就会让消费者分心,而忽略了热量多寡。

72、Caloric values of various trophic organ are different with various diameter-classes of the population. ─── 各径级样木各器官的热值随径级不同而出现差异。

73、On the other hand, some foods provide a high caloric intake with only a small contribution toward nutrient requirements. ─── 另一方面,有些食物,能量高而营养素的量少。

74、Not just filling, heart-healthy snacks, nuts are great sources of fiber (but highly caloric, so nosh carefully). ─── 它们不仅是可以填报肚子,有利于心脏的小吃,还是纤维的重要来源(但是高含卡路里,得小心食用)。

75、The method that concentrated food reduces weight this, concept and caloric numeration are endless and identical, but both and same get effective. ─── 密集食物这个减肥的方法,概念与卡路里计算法不尽相同,但两者同样见效。

76、it's thought that pirple is a noble calor. ─── 人们认为紫色是高贵的颜色。

77、In animals this agent appears to protect brain cells from assaults by toxic substances, just as 2DG and caloric restriction do. ─── 在实验动物身上,碘醋酸盐的作用有如2DG或者限食,似乎会保护脑细胞免受有毒物质的伤害。

78、It's long been known that people claim to eat far less than they really do. Some studies suggest people underreport their caloric intake by 30 percent or more. ─── 众所周知,人们实际上宣称的食物消耗量要远远少于自己真正消耗的份量。某些研究也表明:人们实际上吸收的卡路里比他们认为的要多出30%或者更多。

79、In essence, 2DG tricks the cell into a metabolic state similar to that seen during caloric restriction, even though the body is taking in normal amounts of food. ─── 原则上,2DG让细胞陷入一种类似限食时的代谢状态,即使进食量并没有改变。

80、Preious successes in extending lifespan hae inoled withdrawing food to the point of near staration, a process called caloric restriction. ─── 以前延长寿命的成功方法涉及限制食物以接近饥饿状态,这个过程叫做热量限制。

81、Hace calor. ─── 天气热。

82、People on caloric restriction can eat three meals a day. ─── 实行热量限制的人们可以吃一日三餐。

83、simultaneous binaural bithermal caloric test ─── 双耳同时冷热试验

84、China colthing products should catche up with the internet current calor. ─── 中国服装业的产品应跟上国际流行色调。

85、There was a significant positive correlation between the gross caloric value and the C/N ratio in the underground part of C. lanceolata. ─── 大披针苔草地下部分干质量热值与C/N呈显著正相关关系。

86、Replacing caloric beverages with water can help you drop up to 20 pounds in a year. ─── 用水代替高热量饮料能够帮你减少的体重每年可高达20镑。

87、The caloric content of leaf and stolon increased while that of inflorescence decreased with the rising of QAP. ─── 叶片和匍匐茎的能量与土壤速效磷浓度呈正比。花序的能量则随著有效磷浓度的增加而减少。

88、Milk powder law reducing weight points to use low caloric milk powder to replace diet, basically be one day eats powdered milk. ─── 奶粉减肥法指利用低热量的奶粉来代替日常饮食,基本上是一天吃一顿奶粉。

89、According to the research and simulation the measured caloric curve has been discussed and some suggestions for further investigation of nuclear temperature were pointed out. ─── 同时还根据理论模拟的结果讨论了当前得到的核物质量热曲线中可能存在的问题,提出了进一步开展核物质量热曲线研究中温度测量的一些措施。

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