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08-16 投稿


prospers 发音

英:[?pr?sp?z]  美:[?prɑ?sp?rz]

英:  美:

prospers 中文意思翻译




prospers 词性/词形变化,prospers变形

动词过去式: prospered |动词现在分词: prospering |动词第三人称单数: prospers |动词过去分词: prospered |

prospers 反义词


prospers 同义词

fly high | succeed | make money | fare | grow |thrive | burgeon | do well | flourish | flower | show a profit | get on

prospers 相似词语短语

1、prospects ─── n.前景;预期;潜在顾客;远景展望

2、Prospero ─── n.普洛斯彼罗(莎士比亚的戏剧《暴风雨》中的人物)

3、prosper ─── vi.繁荣,昌盛;成功;vt.使……成功;使……昌盛;使……繁荣;n.(Prosper)人名;(英、德、罗、法)普罗斯珀

4、prosumers ─── n.产消者;专业消费者

5、crispers ─── n.(冰箱的)保鲜储藏格

6、gropers ─── n.科鱼,白斑鱼;古氏黄唇鱼;隆头鱼科;苏眉鱼;抚摸他人身体的人;n.(Groper)(美、罗、加)格罗珀尔(人名)

7、prosers ─── n.散文家;唠叨的人;写平凡琐事的人

8、prospered ─── vi.繁荣,昌盛;成功;vt.使……成功;使……昌盛;使……繁荣;n.(Prosper)人名;(英、德、罗、法)普罗斯珀

9、prosperous ─── adj.繁荣的;兴旺的

prospers 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、He will never prosper in his inheritance otherwise. ─── 否则他继承下来的东西对他绝不会有好处。

2、World Boom Ahead: Why Business and Consumers Will Prosper? ─── 前方繁荣的世界:为什么公司和消费者会成功?

3、Ill-gotten gains never prosper. ─── 不义之财不发。

4、Because when a women prospers, she reinvests those earnings in her family and the positive ripple effects cross an entire community. ─── 因为,当一名妇女事业繁荣,她就能把收入再度投资在她的家庭,整个社区也跟着出现积极的涟漪效应。

5、"May you be blessed, have strength and prosper!" said the children gratefully. ─── “祝福您健康和幸福

6、Ill - gotten gains never prosper. ─── [谚]不义之财发不了家。

7、Pray to the Lord for it, because if it prospers, you too will prosper. ─── 因为那城得平安,你们也随着得平安。

8、Even prospers Europe has sufferd and large areas from the Britain to Germany have all been down the water. ─── 即使是繁荣的欧洲也饱受洪水之灾。法国、英国和德国的大部分地区都被洪水淹过。

9、An era in which the nations of the world, east and west, north and south, can prosper and live in harmony. ─── 在这个新时代,全世界各国,不分东西南北,都能够和谐地繁荣共存。

10、The premise here is that the market will go up in value over the long term as the underlying economy prospers. ─── 但是这需要的前提条件就是长期市场价值必须增长,同时基础经济繁荣。

11、more Americans who prosper, the more America prospers. ─── 有更多的美国人富起来,美国也才能更加繁荣。

12、He looks down at the earth: the clans of rats and sparrows thrive and prosper with each passing day. ─── 俯瞰这世界,倒似乎是老鼠和麻雀的家族日益繁荣昌盛。

13、If Japan prospers, that's great. ─── “如果日本成功了,这样也很好。”

14、Often the good suffer, and often the wicked prosper. ─── 好人总是受气遭殃,坏人往往青云直上。

15、She can't prosper on the course she's going now. ─── 她现在所走的路是没有前途的。

16、With the combination of these elements, I am sure that Asia will continue to prosper. ─── 凝聚了这些要素,我深信亚洲会在下一世纪继续繁荣。

17、Not only a school can prosper education, but also molder education. ─── 一个重要理念:管理也是教育。

18、In order that the family may prosper, the individual members are often sacrificed to it. ─── 为了使家庭繁荣,家庭中的个别成员往往为家庭而牺牲。

19、"Prenom Carmen" is Godard's modern variation of Prosper Merimee's literature mastepiece "Carmen". ─── 作品的声音和画面融为一体,被影评人誉为“音响革命富有诗意的宣言”。

20、By Land, Air and Sea We Prosper. ─── 凭陆、空、海我们得以繁荣。

21、In Laos, Zhou hoped that the peace negotiations between the Royal Laotian Government and the Pathet Lao would prosper. ─── 在老挝问题上,周恩来希望老挝王国政府与巴特寮的谈判取得成功。

22、And if the country prospers and the people's material and cultural life continually improves,what's wrong with that? ─── 国家富强了,人民的物质、文化生活水平提高了,而且不断提高,这有什么坏处?

23、When they can, they wish to live and prosper at the expense of others. ─── 如果他们可以,他们希望自己不做出牺牲而生存和繁荣下来。

24、Then the king caused Shadrach, Meshach and Abed-nego to prosper in the province of Babylon. ─── 但3:30那时王在巴比伦省、高升了沙得拉、米煞、亚伯尼歌。

25、His wise management makes his company quickly prosper. ─── 他的明智管理使公司快速发展.

26、The schemes of the wicked often prosper . ─── 坏人的阴谋常常得逞。

27、If you want to survive and prosper, there is a price to pay. ─── 如果你要活下去,如果你要发迹,就要付出代价。

28、A generous man will prosper; he who refreshes others will himself be refreshed. ─── 好施舍的,必得丰裕。滋润人的,必得滋润。

29、You will also have to locate the nearest rainforest as the understory of this environment is where the glass wing prospers. ─── 也许你也有必要定位在距离最近的雨林作为玻璃翅的繁殖环境。

30、Therefore,China can't develop in isolation of the world,neither can the world prosper in the absence of China. ─── 因此,中国的发展离不开世界,世界的繁荣也需要中国。

31、When the Proper Dharma prospers, the Shurangama prospers. ─── 因为“正法兴,楞严兴;

32、As Indonesia prospers, its birth rate is falling; South Asia's remains very high. ─── 随着印度尼西亚走向繁荣,该国的出生率正在下降,而南亚的出生率则依旧保持在很高的水平上。

33、The farmers who bought or homesteaded their land near the beginning of an upswing were likely to prosper. ─── 在农产品价格上升时期购买土地或按“宅地法”获得土地的农民很可能致富。

34、If you want to survive and prosper, there is a price to play. ─── 如果你要活下去,如果你要发迹,就要付出代价。

35、It is only fair that people who work hard should prosper. ─── 勤劳致富是正当的。

36、Wel Bioer locates internationalization metropolis Shanghai City that industry and business industry prosper. ─── 公司位于工商业发达的国际化大都市上海市。

37、Rest in the LORD and wait patiently for Him; Do not fret because of him who prospers in his way, Because of the man who carries out wicked schemes. ─── 你当默然倚靠耶和华、耐性等候他.不要因那道路通达的、和那恶谋成就的、心怀不平。

38、Therefore, China can't develop in isolation of the world, neither can the world prosper in the absence of China. ─── 中国的发展离不开世界,世界的繁荣也需要中国。

39、Foreign makers of telecom equipment are also expected to prosper from WTO. ─── 外国电信设备制造商预计也将得益于世贸组织。

40、One of the best ways to succeed in a small company is to get in on the ground floor and prosper as the company expands. ─── 在小公司取得成功的最佳方法之一,就是以与发起人同样优先的资格入股,随着公司的发展一起繁荣。

41、Cheats never prosper. ─── [谚]靠欺骗,难发财。

42、Indeed,as China prospers,Hong Kong will benefit as well. ─── 事实上,随着中国日趋繁荣,香港亦会受惠。

43、After Liu Bei's death, Zhuge Liang helped Liu Chan run the country wisely and made Shu prosper once more. ─── 刘备死后,诸葛亮十分认真地帮助刘禅治理国家,使蜀国重新发展起来。

44、The more he prayed to prosper, the more he went down the wind. ─── 他越祈祷发达,越是陷入困境。

45、It is not all in all sufficient to be wicked in order to prosper. ─── 一味狠毒,不能发达。

46、An uncle or a cousin or any blood relative in his clan may redeem him. Or if he prospers, he may redeem himself. ─── 49或伯叔,伯叔的儿子,本家的近支,都可以赎他。他自己若渐渐富足,也可以自赎。

47、Emma rather than Jane was the recipient of his gallantries, however, and Emma could see that Mr. and Mrs. Weston were hoping that the romance would prosper. ─── 但他对之大献殷勤的姑娘却不是简而是爱玛。爱玛明白韦斯顿夫妇希望这颗情种能够开花结果。

48、No one in an advisory position can prosper without staff help or the ability to follow up. ─── 一个人处在顾问地位、既没有手下人的帮助,又不能跟踪事态的发展,就很难会有什么作为。

49、You will also have to locate the nearest rainforest as the understory of this environment is where the glasswing prospers. ─── 也许你也有必要定位在距离最近的雨林作为玻璃翅的繁殖环境。

50、The nation cannot prosper unless the peasants are relatively well off. ─── 只有农民的生活水平提高了,整个国家才会富裕起来。

51、"A prudent mind can see room for misgiving, lest he who prospers should one day suffer reverse" (Sophocles). ─── “谨慎的心灵能用忧虑怀疑看待机会,以免一时成功的人某天会遭受不幸” (索弗克斯)

52、Yet, in reality, evil often prospers and never pays the price. ─── 然而现实中,坏人却常常成功,而且不用付出代价。

53、Ill - getting gain never prosper. ─── 不义之财难发家。

54、Some people in rural areas and cities should be allowed to get rich before others. It is only fair that people who work hard should prosper. ─── 农村、城市都要允许一部分人先富裕起来,勤劳致富是正当的。

55、Whatever prospers my business is welcome. ─── 凡使我生意兴隆者皆竭诚欢迎。

56、The factors or conditions that helped an industry to prosper in the past will change over time. ─── 促使某项行业在过去蓬勃发展的因素或情况,将会随着时间而改变。

57、You're a lucky man. The business is bound to expand and prosper, and you're in on the ground floor! ─── 你真幸运,这个公司一定会发达昌盛的,而你参加了这个公司的创业工作。

58、Whatever prospers my business is good . ─── 任何使我生意兴隆的都是好的。

59、Oggok will grow and prosper under my hand. ─── 奥格克将会在我手上发展繁荣。”

60、He is like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither. Whatever he does prospers. ─── 他要像一棵树栽在溪水旁,按时候结果子,叶子也不枯乾。凡他所作的尽都顺利。

61、Indeed, as Spock would say, may they both live long and prosper. ─── 事实上,正如史巴克会说,可能他们都住长期和繁荣。

62、Only commercial development can make the economy prosper. ─── 只有发展商业,才能繁荣经济。

63、He has read and appreciated Jack London, William Faulkner, Turgenev, Prosper Merimee, etc. ─── 他喜欢并认真阅读了杰克 - 伦敦、福克纳、屠格涅夫、梅里美等强而有力的作家的作品。

64、For if it prosper, none dare call it treason. ─── 因為如果兴盛没有人敢称之為盘你。

65、Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in all things and be in health, just as your soul prospers. ─── 亲爱的兄弟阿,我愿你凡事兴盛,身体健壮,正如你的灵魂兴盛一样。

66、If you would prosper in your work for Jesus, let it be heart work, and let it be done withall your heart. ─── 你若期望在为耶稣作工上得以亨通,就要从心中去作,也要尽你的全心去作。

67、Nothing will prosper in his hands. ─── 在他手中,一事无成。

68、In order to prosper and richen our country,we need different levels of knowlegde talents. ─── 为了国家的繁荣富强,我们需要不同层次的知识人才。

69、Beloved, concerning all things I wish that you may prosper and be in health, even as your soul prospers. ─── 亲爱的,我愿你凡事兴盛,身体健康,正如你的魂兴盛一样。

70、When both mothers and children survive and thrive, the societies in which they live prosper. ─── 只有保障母亲和儿童的生存和健康福祉,他们所生活的社会才能欣欣向荣。

71、Be careful that she is a craft girl and do not be deculed and make her prosper. ─── 她是个狡猾的女孩子,你一定要当心,别被她的花言巧语蒙蔽,让她得逞。

72、Everything he does prospers with him. ─── 他做事样样顺当。

73、A bribe is like a precious stone in the eyes of its possessor: Wherever he turns, he prospers. ─── 8贿赂在馈送的人眼中看如宝石,无论他转往何处,都得顺利。

74、And whatsoever he doeth shall prosper. ─── 他所做的事样样顺利!

75、Hardship prospers a country! ─── 多难兴邦啊!

76、China cannot prosper without the world, nor can the world develop without China. ─── 中国的繁荣离不开世界,世界的发展也离不开中国。

77、Most smokers in America eventually manage to quit, and local laws banning smoking in public have become common, but the industry prospers. ─── 大多数美国烟民最终都设法戒了烟,各地也都颁布了严禁在公共场所吸烟的法令,但烟草业还是久盛不衰。

78、Gardner does not suggest he has summarised here the only qualities any of us need to prosper. ─── 加德纳并未说明,他在这里总结的,是我们获得成功的必需品质。

79、No race can prosper till it learns that there is as much dignity in tilling a field as in writing a poem. ─── 写诗与耕田有着同样的尊严,一个民族只有认识到这一点才会真正地繁荣。

80、And prosper in Ephrathah, and gain a name in Bethlehem. ─── 又愿你在以法他得财富,在伯利恒得名声。

81、Beloved, I pray that in all respects you may prosper and be in good health, just as your soul prospers. ─── 亲爱的兄弟阿,我愿你凡事兴盛,身体健壮,如你的灵魂兴盛一样。

82、Prospers with the row 13th Dalian sea with the minute, compared to 14th Team Shenzhen many 3 points. ─── 与列第13位的大连海昌同分,比第14位的深圳队多3分。

83、But for human selfishness, all might prosper. ─── 如果不是人类的自私,一切就都会繁荣了。

84、Even Hurstwood was doing well enough, and she was anxious that his small real estate adventures should prosper. ─── 其实赫斯渥本人干得也不赖。 她盼望他的那桩房地产小投机生意能成功。

85、Expect success and you will prosper. ─── 冀望成功,你就会成功;

86、How its people adapt to these changes will determine whether the Refuge prospers or becomes, like the panda, an endangered species. ─── 当地人如何适应这些变化将决定避风港地区是将走向繁荣还是会像大熊猫一样变成濒临灭绝的物种。

87、No one who conceals transgressions will prosper, but one who confesses and forsakes them will obtain mercy. ─── 13掩饰自己罪过的,不能有幸福的人生;承认过失而悔改的,上帝要向他施仁慈。

88、In the Arctic, above the ice and below, wildlife prospers in what might seem to be an inhospitable environment. ─── 在北极圈,在冰层上下,野生动植物在一个看起来无法居住的环境中繁荣昌盛。

89、Either you submit to it and prosper or you resist it at your own peril. There are no two ways about it. ─── “顺之者昌,逆之者亡”,没有选择的余地。







The 21st century an increasingly obvious fact is that the global economic competition focused mainly on knowledge and innovation in two ways. Innovation is to promote long-term economic growth an important factor for enterprises, but also the continued prosperity and growth of the key, and the impetus for innovation in enterprises from the R & D (research and development), enhancing the innovative capability for the Chinese enterprises meet the globalization of competition is of great significance. As of 2003, China's industrial and commercial enterprises registered over 99% for SMEs. China's GDP and 50% of sales, the industrial output value of the additional 70% of the above, more than 40% of revenue and 60% of total exports above, are created by small. SMEs provide jobs has reached more than 75%. Visibility, for SME technological innovation and the development of SMEs, to increase employment and prosperity in the market, Economic development is of great significance. China's SMEs, the traditional exist backward technology, obsolete equipment, lack of competitiveness, and other products. research and development capacity of its own scale, capital and human resources, the environment and many other institutional conditions and the impact of showing particularity hence SMEs in China R & D capacity-building needs more in-depth study.


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