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08-16 投稿


ruffianly 发音

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ruffianly 中文意思翻译



ruffianly 短语词组

1、ruffianly definition ─── 恶棍的定义

2、ruffianly dog ─── 恶狗

3、ruffianly meaning ─── 恶毒的意思

ruffianly 相似词语短语

1、ruffian ─── n.恶棍;流氓;无赖;adj.残暴的;凶恶的;无法无天的

2、puffily ─── 浮肿的

3、gruffily ─── 粗暴地

4、ruffianish ─── 恶棍

5、ruffianism ─── n.流氓习气;暴徒行为

6、huffishly ─── 怒气冲冲地。

7、huffily ─── adv.发怒地;暴躁的

8、ruffians ─── n.恶棍;流氓;无赖;adj.残暴的;凶恶的;无法无天的

9、puffingly ─── 气喘吁吁的

ruffianly 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、I am sure life ring is a young ruffian ! ─── 救生圈介个银吧,是个愤青来的,哈哈.

2、The ruffian dealt his victim a savage blow on the head, that did for him ─── 那个恶棍向受害者的头上狠狠一击,把他打死了。

3、With woman steps she followed: the ruffian and his strolling mort ─── 她迈着女性的步子跟在后边,恶棍和共闯江湖的姘头。

4、He hung one on the ruffian and knocked him down ─── 他狠狠地给那个恶棍一拳,将他打倒在地。

5、so his master dived down to him, leaving me VIS-A-VIS the ruffianly bitch and a pair of grim shaggy sheep-dogs, who shared with her a jealous guardianship over all my movements. ─── 于是他的主人就自己下去了,留下我和那凶猛的母狗四目相对,还有一对令人害怕的杂毛狗睡在旁边,它们和它一起警惕的监视着我的一举一动。

6、Every time chummery a few ruffian go out ramble foolishly, he stares at beautiful girl technically to look. ─── 每次同宿舍几个光棍去外面瞎逛,他就专门盯漂亮女孩看。

7、He was about to call out when that ruffian dashed at him and gripped his throat. ─── 他正要叫喊,那歹徒猛扑过来,卡住他的脖子。

8、He knocked the door,and heard Balzac was having a heated argument with someone:“You ruffian, I'll teach you a lesson!” ─── 他敲了敲门,听见巴尔扎克好像正在和什么人激烈地争吵:“你这个恶棍,我要给你点颜色瞧瞧!”

9、Although this considers celiac full evidence, but as full as ruffian cause of disease is same. ─── 此虽论腹满证,但与痞满之病因相同。

10、She saw the risk she was in from a ruffian, who not only was such by profession , but had that evening been stupefying, by means of strong liquors. ─── 她看出这流氓给他带来的危险。他不仅流氓成性,而且那天晚上又喝了烧酒。

11、In the place where she heard Heathcliff termed a 'vulgar young ruffian,' and 'worse than a brute,' she took care not to act like him; ─── 在有人说希斯克利夫是“粗俗的小流氓”,和“不如畜生”的地方,她尽量表现得不像他。

12、Swithin did not look round, on no account would he have pulled up to help the ruffian . ─── 斯威辛并没有回头,要他停下车来帮这个恶棍,他决计做不来。

13、Ruffian &Hero, is a story about brightness and the darkness. ─── 痞子英雄,就是一个关于光明与黑暗的故事。

14、If that ruffian does not mend his ways, he will come to the gallows some day. ─── 如果那个恶棍不改邪归正的话,他总有一天会上绞刑架的。

15、Chat through development, the big boy that discovers ruffian gram is case of one individual character is careless, very... ─── 在图王拿起杯子要给他倒水后,这位21岁的站长一手抢过杯子,老实的坐了下来。

16、A few ruffian begin chummery make a target, only poor clever boy or long-standing. ─── 同宿舍几个光棍开始搞对象了,唯有瘦猴还是老大难。

17、Ruffian falls in the heart, its disease is aeriform. ─── 痞在心下,其病无形。

18、scoundrel; ruffian; evildoer ─── 歹徒

19、Ruffian also has a mind to hit the beautiful girl. ─── 痞子也有心中美丽的女孩子。

20、My constant says with them, if I this all one's life ruffian, one smaller part wants to blame your bad strong pattern, do my nerve is extremely greatly. ─── 我常跟他们说,如果我这一辈子光棍,有一小半要怪你们的坏棒样,搞得我神经大得不得了。

21、A rowdy, destructive youth;a hooligan or ruffian. ─── 粗鲁的年轻人,小流氓粗暴的、搞破坏的年轻人;流氓或无赖

22、Young Men are not Helpless or Ruffian ─── 年轻不能无奈,更不是无赖

23、Ruffian has many reasons not to pay attention to the Chen Lin's sentiment, ─── 痞子有许多理由不理会陈琳的感情,

24、Literary website is in " ruffian Cai " people drive mean travel enthusiasticly to rise, to the end of 2007 till, china has website of more than 1000 literature unexpectedly. ─── 文学网站就在“痞子蔡”们的热情推动下流行起来,到2007年底为止,中国竟有超过1000家文学网站。

25、Search afternoon, much concentrate on work at selected units " cerebrum carapace " , unplug their head and abdomen next go down, wear the bosom with young ruffian rise with collect the lighter that come to bake. ─── 找一个下午,多抓点“大脑壳”,然后把它们的头和腹都拔下去,把胸用小棍穿起来用捡来的打火机烤。

26、The doctor struck out suddenly and stretched the ruffian on the ground. ─── 医生突然伸手打他,把这个坏蛋打倒在地下。

27、Later, old ruffian ugly travel upgrades, conversely, let A also absorb his, a is tasted from which get a kind of abnormal sex is cheerful. ─── 后来,老光棍丑行升级,反过来,让A也吸吮他的,A从中尝受到一种变态的性愉悦。

28、Look at this dashing guy results in the look, cool!it is a little local ruffian local ruffian's feeling, but is very clean, sunshine,would you like him? ─── 看这个帅哥得眼神啊,帅吧,有点痞痞的感觉,但是很干净,很阳光,有那么点点小可爱哦,喜欢吗,喜欢就顶帖子哦。

29、3. Your God is a ruffian at a cockfight, drinking in the bloodiness, laughing because the wretched birds, in their faintness, stagger ridiculously. ─── 你的上帝是个斗鸡场的恶棍,嗜血成性,喜欢欣赏那些不幸的鸟类斗得疲弱不堪,跌跌撞撞的可笑模样,并为此而开怀大笑。

30、Now I promise you You have show'd a tender fatherly regard To wish me wed to one half lunatic, A mad-cap ruffian and a swearing Jack, That thinks with oaths to face the matter out. ─── 你真是一个好父亲,要我嫁给一个疯疯癫癫的汉子,一个轻薄的恶少,一个胡说八道的家伙,他以为凭着几句疯话,就可以把事情硬干成功。

31、A rowdy,destructive youth;a hooligan or ruffian. ─── 粗鲁的年轻人,小流氓粗暴的、搞破坏的年轻人;流氓或无赖

32、But for disease of compasses model for painting, 1989 the whole nation the 5thTasteIll learning conference makes clear gastritis of will atrophic sex to bring into " gastric ruffian " ill limits. ─── 但为规范本病,1989年全国第五届脾胃病学术会议明确将萎缩性胃炎纳入“胃痞” 病范围。

33、All the people fought together and subdued the ruffian, who had a sharp knife in his hand. ─── 大家齐心协力制服了这个手持利刃的匪徒。

34、so his master dived down to him, leaving me VIS-A-VIS the ruffianly bitcha pair of grim shaggy sheep-dogs, who shared with her a jealous guardianship over all my movements. ─── 于是他的主人就自己下去了,留下我和那凶猛的母狗四目,还有一对令人害怕的杂毛狗睡在旁边,和它一起警惕的监视着我的一举一动。

35、The ruffian flicked the knife open. ─── 歹徒用手腕轻轻一振亮出刀刃。

36、In his novels, prose and essays, he conveys a radical ruffian spirit, which, in essence, is the disengaged cultural spirit of the irreconcilability of truth and falsehood. ─── 他通过小说文本及散文随笔传达出一种激进的“痞子”精神,这种“痞子”精神的实质是“真实与虚假势不两立”的自由文化精神。

37、Swithin did not look round, on no account would he have pulled up to help the ruffian. ─── 斯威辛并没有回头,要他停下车来做这个恶棍,他决计不来。

38、That ruffian bullied innocent people right in the street, which triggered public anger. ─── 那个歹徒当街施暴无辜百姓,引起了公愤。

39、Ruffian is not my inbeing, but is my individuality! ─── 坏不是我的本性,却是我的个性!

40、Viewing Lanterns, Visiting the Temple, Picking Tea, The Courtesan Files a Suit, The Nun Dreams of the Secular Life, The Ruffian Mourns for His Wife and The Widow Visits the Grave of Her Husband ─── 《观灯》、《赶庙》、《采茶》、《妓女告状》、《尼姑思凡》、《光棍哭妻》、《寡妇上坟》等曲目。

41、He knocked the door, and heard Balzac was having a heated argument with someone:“ You ruffian, I'll teach you a lesson! ─── 他敲了敲门,听见巴尔扎克好像正在和什么人激烈地争吵:“你这个恶棍,我要给你点颜色瞧瞧!

42、Japan is dye-in-the-wood of ruffian and cur! ─── 日本人是彻头彻尾的流氓恶棍!

43、'If you marry this ruffian, I wash my hands of you forever!' ─── ‘如果你和这个凶恶的家伙结婚,我就永远拒绝接受你!'

44、The ruffian escaped from the back door. ─── 歹徒从后门逃脱了。

45、A gangster or ruffian. ─── 歹徒,无赖

46、After first meeting when she put Ruffian to the ground, he captured her heart, ─── 初次见面就被她摔在地上的痞子,从此掳获她的芳心。

47、Kneeling beside their relatives, they would cry out: "You are not a ruffian;you did nothing;why were you killed? ─── 她们跪在被害亲人的身边号哭着:“你不是坏人,又没有干坏事,为什么要杀害你呀?”

48、Americans know, will become the ruffian too, because does not know when life has the difficulty oneself oneself! ─── 美国人知道,自己也会成为歹徒的,因为自己不知道什么时候生活有困难!

49、Use at amenorrhoea, postpartum Yu block, wen Du sends spot, blue ruffian is frowsty, horrified and crazy. ─── 用于经闭,产后瘀阻,温毒发斑,忧郁痞闷,惊悸发狂。

50、If that little ruffian belonged to me, I should give him a touch of the rope's end. ─── 那小流氓要是我的孩子,我就要用鞭子揍他一顿。

51、The greatest ruffian, the most hardened violator of the laws of society, is not altogether without it. ─── 即使一个无赖罪大恶极,无视一切社会规范,他也不会完全丧失同情心。

52、In addition, if see gastral cavity ruffian is full, deglutition difficulty, pectoral coerce bright is painful person much fact; ─── 此外,如见胃脘痞满,吞咽困难,胸胁灼痛者多实;

53、young ruffian ─── 恶少

54、Of course, I or memory network are illuminative period, who telling each other is is hazy, above that moment a batch of literary youth, antrum of a ruffian is literary perhaps antrum. ─── 当然,我还是回忆网络启蒙期,不知对方是谁的朦胧,那时候上面一拨文艺青年,一口痞子腔或者文艺腔。

55、fire stood a ruffianly child strong in limb and dirty in garb with a look of Catherine in his eyes and about his mouth. ─── 一个恶狠狠的孩子站在炉火旁边,身体健壮,衣服肮脏,眼睛和嘴角都带着凯瑟琳的神气。

56、" full to ruffian the differentiate evidence of one disease is very clear. ─── ”对痞满一病的辨证颇为明晰。

57、After the mediation, shade Lou Geizhang some free washes has ruffian the picture again. ─── 经调解,影楼给张某重新免费洗一张带有“痞子”的照片。

58、He whomped the ruffian on the skull. ─── 他猛击歹徒的脑壳。

59、A young ruffian;a hoodlum. ─── 小流氓;无赖

60、Action of a young ruffian or of a hoodlum ─── 流氓,流氓行为

61、Ruffian and Hero are like two gods of plague, ─── 痞子和英雄像两个瘟神般,

62、That ruffian is capable of any crime. ─── 那个恶棍什么勾当都做得出来。

63、Fever ruffian electromagnetic wave ! ─── 烧烧的痞子电磁波啊!

64、The doctor struck out suddenly and stretched the ruffian on the ground. Potter dropped his knife, and exclaimed: ─── 医生突然猛击一拳,将这个恶棍打翻在地,波特扔掉刀,大声喊道:

65、At one time the tenants of an estate became unruly.The landlord had to send Golak Choudhury, who was a ruffian. ─── 曾几何时,财产的承租人变得不守规矩,房东不得不派遣一些恶棍来。

66、A person once was a ruffian. ─── 一个人曾经是痞子。

67、"Any other family wouldn't have been so bad; but this young Xue, otherwise known as the Stupid Tyrant, is the most vicious ruffian alive, who throws money about like dirt. " ─── "若卖与第二个人还好,这薛公子的混名人称"呆霸王",最是天下第一个弄性尚气的人,而且使钱如土"

68、local ruffian ─── 地痞

69、ruffian; scoundrel; bully ─── 恶棍

70、The local people thought it must be a ruffian wolf which had great power and was foxy enough to escape the hunting. ─── 老百姓传言是一头残暴的狼,说它拥有强大的力量,狡猾至极,足以逃脱猎人的追捕。

71、exclaimed Mr Fogg, darting a contemptuous look at the ruffian. ─── 福克先生以鄙视的目光望着他的敌人说。

72、The ruffian laid about in desperation. ─── 歹徒在绝望中向四周乱打一气。

73、The mere thought of the ruffian made her shudder. ─── 她一想到那个恶棍就不寒而栗。

74、She disrupts the rhythm completely which how Ruffian &Hero handles a case. ─── 完全打乱痞子英雄办案的节奏。

75、He himself was a bad commander, a boaster and ruffian ─── 他本人是个弊脚的指挥官,会吹牛皮,又粗鲁残暴。

76、Indiscriminate praise and encouragement plus excessive doting and indulgence may produce an ignorant, insensible loiterer, or an arrogant, unscrupulous ruffian. ─── 父亲不慈爱,不负责,所以孩子不出色、不优秀,也不孝敬、依恋父亲。

77、The game is introduced: The ruffian sinister in appearance, come to crush their face quickly. ─── 游戏介绍:面目狰狞的恶棍,快来粉碎它们的脸。

78、Ruffian and Hero, in a police bandit pursues in tangled warfare, had their absurd first meeting. ─── 痞子与英雄在一场警匪追逐的混战中,荒谬初会。

79、"I believe you're the first person that old ruffian has loved since his wife--er--since his wife. ─── "我相信你是这老恶棍第一个喜欢的人,自从他老婆----噢----自从他老婆死了以后。

80、Ruffian attacks from here, this is destroy do not finish working kitchen door quilt temporary use little size House door temporary lives ─── 歹徒从这里进攻,这是破坏了的未完工伙房门被临时用小尺寸房门临时堵住

81、He struggled with the ruffian. ─── 他同歹徒进行了搏斗。

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