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08-16 投稿


alfa 发音

英:[??lf?]  美:[??lf?]

英:  美:

alfa 中文意思翻译




alfa 常用词组

alfa romeo ─── 阿尔法.罗密欧(汽车品牌)

alfa 短语词组

1、alfa-romeo n. ─── 阿尔法-罗密欧牌汽车

2、alfa romeo ─── 阿尔法.罗密欧(汽车品牌)

3、alfa romeoq ─── 阿尔法罗密欧

4、alfa-romeos (alfa-romeo ─── 的复数) n. 阿尔法-罗密欧牌汽车

5、alfa romeo giulia ─── 阿尔法·罗曼尼奥·朱莉娅

6、duetto alfa ─── 二重唱阿尔法

7、alfa romeo stelvio ─── 阿尔法罗密欧

alfa 相似词语短语

1、ala ─── n.翼,翅

2、alfs ─── 阿尔夫斯

3、alba ─── n.脑白质;晨曲(法国南部Provence地区的一种传统抒情诗,多描述情人清晨临别情景);n.(Alba)人名;(西)阿尔瓦;(塞、法、西、葡、罗、瑞典、阿尔巴)阿尔芭(女名),阿尔巴;(匈)奥尔鲍

4、alga ─── n.藻类,海藻;n.(Alga)(美、意、巴、英)阿尔加(人名)

5、Alfa ─── n.利坚草;芦苇草;细茎针茅;字母A,a的代称;n.(Alfa)人名;(阿拉伯)阿勒法;(西、俄、尼日利)阿尔法

6、alf ─── n.阿尔夫(男子名)(Alfred的昵称)

7、alia ─── n.艾莉雅(人名)

8、alpha ─── n.希腊字母的第一个字母;开端;最初

9、halfa ─── 哈尔法

alfa 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Peter Aven, head of Alfa-Bank, one of Russia's largest, said labour shortages were "a real problem" . ─── 俄罗斯最大的银行之一阿尔法银行(AlfaBank)负责人彼得-阿文(PeterAven)表示,劳动力短缺是“一个真正的问题”。

2、The Alfa Laval Group was originally founded in Sweden in 1883 by Gustaf De Laval, Now Alta Laval has become a leading global provider of specialized products and engineered solutions. ─── 成立于1883年的瑞典阿伐法拉公司在全球范围内提供专业产品及工程解决方案,致力于开发设备、系统和服务,不断优化客户的运作和生产,达到最佳表现。

3、Alfa's 8C was conceived and actualized to be both a Grand Prix racer and a true Grand Tourer. ─── 从构思到实现,阿尔法8C展现国际大赛车参赛车辆及巡回展览车辆的风范。

4、In December he ordered a review of Alfa's operations, which according to Max Warburton of Bernstein Research were losing up to $575m a year. ─── 十二月他下令对阿尔法的运作进行回顾;根据Bernstein研究所的MaxWarburton的数据,阿尔法当年亏损5.75亿美元。

5、Anti - influenza Virus Test of Human Leukocyte Interferon Alfa Used by Buccal via in Mouse ─── 小鼠口腔局部使用干扰素的抗流感病毒实验研究

6、“Dodge is the American muscle car, while Alfa Romeo is the European muscle car. How we dovetail these two brands is very important,” Marchionne told Autocar. ─── "道奇是美国肌肉车,而阿尔法罗密欧是欧洲肌肉车。我们如何配合这两个品牌是非常重要的,“马说,汽车.

7、In 1940 Enzo Ferrari left Alfa Romeo and started a new company Auto-Avio Costruzioni Ferrari. ─── 1940年法拉利离开意大利罗密欧公司并开创了一家新的法拉利汽车公司。

8、If such a move were to take place, Fiat would likely spin its self off to create a new company which would include Fiat, Lancia, Alfa Romeo, Chrysler, Saab, Opel and Vauxhall. ─── 仅仅几天后,同意采取百分之二十的股份,克莱斯勒,菲亚特汽车公司预计将宣布计划购买通用汽车欧洲公司的核心品牌欧宝,沃克斯豪尔和萨博。

9、The link between him and the company goes way back as he explains: "In my family since my ancestors there have always been Alfa Romeos. " ─── 他与这家公司之间的联系就像他所说的那样是老交情了:“在我家族里,从我祖先那辈起就有阿尔法罗密欧的车了。”

10、thyrotropin alfa ─── 促甲状腺素α

11、Application Value of HCV RNA Contant and ALT Level in Serum of Patients with Hepatitis C During alfa Interferon Treatment ─── 检测丙型肝炎患者治疗前后血清HCV RNA含量和ALT水平的应用价值

12、After becoming one with the pavement, my eyes beheld a dark blue Alfa Romeo pull up in front of me. ─── 之后在一条公路上,我的眼睛被一辆停靠在我身前的黑蓝色的阿尔法罗密欧吸引了。

13、The closed International Prestige award went to a 1949 Alfa Romeo 6C 2500 SS Coupe Touring while the open winner was a 1958 Ferrari 250 GT Cabriolet. ─── 封闭的国际威望奖,1949年阿尔法罗密欧6C条2500党卫军跑车旅游而公开赛冠军是1958年法拉利车队250敞篷车.

14、Check back for more details and live images after the Alfa MiTo GTA makes its debut at next month's Geneva Motor Show. ─── 回来检查需要更详细的资料和现场照片后,阿尔法美图使得多伦多亮相在下个月的日内瓦车展。

15、Warrior started his career with Fiat and Alfa Romeo before taking a position as SAP's Communication Manager. A memorial service is planned for Warrior on June 8th. ─── 战士的职业生涯开始与菲亚特和阿尔法罗密欧之前,担任SAP公司的公关经理。追悼会计划武士6月8日。

16、cable of alfa fibre ─── 埃斯帕托叶纤维缆

17、Alfa et Omega - Law office of Zdravko Vasilev. Includes personal profile and contact information. ─── 易易工作室-各种在线工具,站长网志,以及多个应用项目。

18、The MG6 is a crisply styled four door fastback with just a hint of Alfa 156 -- minus the iconic shield grille -- around the front end. ─── 该MG6是清晰风格的四门快背只暗示阿尔法156-减去标志盾牌格栅-在前端。

19、So why does VW want Alfa Romeo? ─── 那么为什么大众想要收购阿尔法罗密欧呢?

20、The new six-speed unit will launch on the Alfa Romeo MiTo, but is expected to spread throughout Fiat's lineup. ─── 新的六速单位将推出的阿尔法罗密欧户,但预计将遍布菲亚特的阵容。

21、The wedding feast went on until midnight but bride and groom would leave before that in the Alfa Romeo. ─── 婚礼宴会将要进行到半夜,但新郎新娘在半夜之前就要坐“小罗密欧”离开宴会。

22、By Sunday, Michael had an Alfa Romeo, battered but serviceable. He had also made a bus trip to Palermo to buy presents for the girl and her family. ─── 快到星期天的时候,迈克尔搞到了一辆“小罗密欧”牌汽车,虽然碰伤了一点,但用起来还过得去。

23、Moreover, any Dodge vehicles that make the trek to Europe will likely be badged as Alfa Romeos. ─── 此外,任何道奇汽车的长途跋涉,使欧洲将可能标记为阿尔法罗密欧.

24、The itinery for the event was rich, it includes polling of the best MV, gifts giving, games, cutting the cake and the funny VCR clips by Alfa's artistes. ─── 庆生会节目丰富,不但有票选MV比赛、送礼物、玩游戏、切蛋糕等单元,还有跟周董同门的艺人搞笑祝福VCR。

25、According to the authors there were 230 progression events in the bevacizumab plus interferon alfa group and 275 in the control group. ─── 据作者有230级数活动在贝伐单抗加干扰素阿尔法集团和275在对照组。

26、Alfa Romeo ─── n. 阿尔法-罗米欧汽车公司

27、Here we get our first unobstructed look at the upcoming Alfa Romeo Milano, the model set to replace the outgoing 147 in the Italian brand's model lineup. ─── 在这里,我们得到我们的第一个通畅期待在即将举行的阿尔法罗密欧米兰,所规定的模式,以取代即将离任的147中的意大利品牌的模式阵容.

28、Interferon alfa ─── 干扰素α

29、alfa interferon-n3 ─── 干扰素n3

30、This week there's news of cars going the other way across the Atlantic, this time Dodges to be re-branded as Alfa Romeos for Europe. ─── 本周有消息车去其他方式横渡大西洋,这个时候回避重新命名为阿尔法罗密欧欧洲.

31、lutropin alfa ─── 促黄体素α


33、But who will help if Alfa finds itself under a stroke? ─── 但谁如果阿尔法将有助于发现自己根据中风?

34、On Sunday, to the tolling of church bells that covered all of Sicily, hoe drove the Alfa Romeo to the village and parked it just outside the cafe. ─── 星期天,布满整个西西里的教堂的钟声一响,他就开着“小罗密欧”牌汽车直奔那个村子,车就停在咖啡馆门外。

35、DOUBLE SYSTEM MODULE This module consists of several alfa laval separators with different form which are on one mount. ─── 双系统模块数个阿法拉伐分离组可共同在基础台架上以不同形式组合形成分离系统模块。

36、Telenor says it believes the Farimex case is connected to its dispute with Alfa Group. ─── Telenor表示,它相信Farimex案件与它和Alfa集团的争端有关。


38、Effect of interferon alfa therapy on malignant melanoma of oral mucosa ─── 干扰素对上颌黏膜恶性黑色素瘤生存率的影响

39、eptacog alfa ─── 依他凝血素α

40、Now we have nearly 40 Offices in China and agents in more than 40countries. Producing more than 7000 robots each year, ALFA has been the leading company in this field. ─── 我们在国内拥有近40家办事处,在全球40余个国家有代理商,为客户提供及时良好的服务。年产机械手7000余台,已成为行业内之龙头。

41、Increasingly innovative Alfa Laval oil separators ─── 不断创新的阿法拉伐分离器

42、Jay Chou's seven-year contract with Alfa Music will be ending this month. ─── 周杰伦与阿尔发唱片公司长达七年的合约将于本月到期。

43、The powerful Alfa Romeo 159 sedan is offered in the TI sporting version, featuring lowered geometry, bigger tires, 19 inch alloy rims, miniskirts and large aluminum brakes with red calipers. ─── 强大的阿尔法罗密欧159轿车是在德州仪器运动版提供的,具有降低几何,更大的轮胎,19英寸合金轮圈,迷你裙和红色制动卡钳大型铝。

44、All of them will participate in a Fiat Group Automobiles programme providing hands-on experience, thanks to a study grant covering five months in the Fiat, Lancia and Alfa Romeo Style Centres . ─── 他们都将参加在菲亚特集团汽车方案提供第一手经验,经过研究补助,涵盖5个月,在菲亚特,蓝旗亚和阿尔法罗密欧风格中心。

45、Mutations in nonstructural 5A gene of hepatitis C virus and its response to interferon alfa ─── 丙型肝炎病毒NS5A基因变异与干扰素疗效的关系

46、Late last year at the Bologna Motor Show, Alfa Romeo CEO Luca de Meo confirmed that the car was in the works, and that it would arrive in the fourth quarter of 2009. ─── 去年年末在博洛尼亚车展上,阿尔法罗密欧总裁苗卢卡日证实,在汽车工程,而且它会到达第四季度的2009年。

47、In the first week of their marriage they went on picnics and small trips in the Alfa Romeo. ─── 他们在结婚的第一周,经常开着“小罗密欧“出外野餐,作短途族行。

48、He watched Fabrizzio hurry into the stone but that served as a garage for the Alfa Romeo. ─── 他注视着法布里吉奥急急忙忙走进了用作“小罗密欧”停车的小屋。

49、Our customers mostly are: RICOH Thermal Technology, Japan Dongyang Precise Machinery, Korean Modern Construction, Amsterdam-Holland Textile, Switzerland ALFA Valve, Wuxi Megapower Technology, Korea Hynix and TSD. ─── 公司的服务客户主要有日本理光感热技术、日本东阳精密机器、韩国现代建设、荷兰施托克纺织品、瑞士阿法拉阀、梅格科技、韩国海力士、梯斯迪。

50、But there is strength in numbers: working together, the ALFA consortium is granted as much as one third of all the observation time at Arecibo. ─── 但是成员们的共同努力使alfa协会获得了阿雷西博差不多三分之一的观测时间。

51、Alfa Auto. Machinery Co., LTD was established in 1988, specialized in producing robots for injection molding machines ranging from 15t to 4000t. ─── 天行自动化1988年成立于台湾,专业制造注塑机专用机械手,可搭配15吨到4000吨的各种射出成型机。

52、Dipping into the Alfa Romeo stable would also give VW access to a wealth of new front-engine, front-wheel-drive chassis options as well. ─── 将阿尔法罗密欧融入大众使大众可以获得大量的新的前置引擎,前轮驱动底盘等。

53、Io son l’Alfa e l’Omega, il primo e l’ultimo, il principio e la fine. ─── 我是创始的,也是成终的。”

54、edodekin alfa ─── 埃度白介素, 白介素12α

55、If before SETI was merely a passenger, going along for the ride, by joining forces with the ALFA consortium SETI has moved much closer to the driver's seat of observations. ─── 如果说以前的SETI只是一个随车旅行的乘客,那么同ALFA结合在一起后SETI离司机的位置更近了。

56、There are limited data suggesting that initiation of epoetin alfa at extended dosing interals of eery 2, 3, or 4 wk may be efficacious for treating anemia in patients who hae chronic kidney disease and are not on dialysis (CKD-NOD). ─── 有限的资料显示:扩大初始的给药间隔时间到2,3,或者4周,对应用重组人红细胞生成素治疗慢性肾脏病未透析患者(CKD-NOD)的贫血是有效的。

57、The big front headlights and typical Alfa grille are evident as are the round rear lights. ─── 大前大灯和格栅是典型的阿尔法明显是一轮尾灯.

58、We expect the production 149 to debut in September at the Frankfurt Motor Show, though it looks like Alfa Romeo might actually introduce the car to the public will before the show date. ─── 我们预计生产149亮相9月在法兰克福汽车展,虽然它看起来像阿尔法罗密欧实际上可能引进汽车向公众将在展前的日期。

59、Epoetin ALFA ─── Recombinant Human Erythropietin

60、urokinase alfa ─── 尿激酶α

61、The awards covered the Best Italian Design for the Fiat, Lancia and Alfa Romeo brands; Best Innovative Material Use; Best Future Vision; Best Overall Communication. ─── 奖项包括最佳意大利设计,为菲亚特,蓝旗亚和阿尔法罗密欧品牌;最佳创意材料使用;最好的远景;最佳整体沟通。

62、He was conscious just long enough to see that nothing remained of the Alfa Romeo but its four wheels and the steel shafts which held them together. ─── 他在昏过去之前,刚好看到“小罗密欧”只剩下了四个轮子和连接轮子的钢轴大梁,别的全都无影无踪了。

63、follitropin alfa ─── 促卵泡素α

64、Peter Aven, the head of Alfa Bank, estimates that between 10-20% of all loans could be in default by the end of the year. ─── Alfa银行的PeterAven估计到今年年底,所有贷款的10-20%将被拖欠。

65、There were 114 deaths in the bevacizumab plus interferon alfa group and 137 in the control group. ─── 有114人死亡,在贝伐单抗加干扰素阿尔法集团和137在对照组。

66、CQ CQ CQ,this is BG4AAA,BG4AAA,BRAVO GOLF FOUR ALFAALFAALFA ,calling CQ and standing-by. ─── 如果你听到的呼号是BG4AAA在叫你,请写出回答程序?

67、For the study, 522 adult patients with MRI-confirmed ischemic stroke were randomized to receive either placebo or 40,000 units of epoetin alfa administered intravenously for 3 days. ─── 在这个研究中,522名MRI确诊的缺血性脑中风的成人病人被随机的给于安慰剂或者静脉输注40000单位的促红细胞生成素a三天。

68、December of last year, Alfa was preparing for Jays party, welcoming all members and noticed them that it will take place on the 17th of Jan, making fans all looking forward to it. ─── 去年十二月中,阿尔发积极筹备周杰伦的庆生会,欢迎所有会员报名,并通知这场庆生会将于一月十七日举行,让歌迷满心期待。


70、Meanwhile, Alfa Laval fuel-feeding &separating system is assembled here. ─── 产品被国内各大船厂采用,深受用户赞誉。

71、Peginterferon alfa -2b was prescribed as subcutaneous injection at a dose of 1. 5 mcg/kg/week for patients with body weight less than 65kg or100mcg/week for patients with body weight more than 65kg for 32 weeks. ─── 对于体重小于65 kg患者,按每周每公斤体重1.5 mcg哌若欣皮下注射; 体重大于65 kg患者,按每周100mcg给药,均用药32周。

72、Among the well known faces were double World Rally Champion Miki Biasion and his former Lancia team mate Markku Alen, plus former Brabham Alfa driver Hans Stuck. ─── 在这些人们所熟悉的面孔当中有两次世界拉力赛冠军米奇-比亚逊和他的前兰西亚车队队友马库-阿伦,还有前布拉罕姆-阿尔法的车手汉斯-斯塔克。

73、Jay Chou, Vincent Fang, Landy Wen and other Alfa artisties ringed up and gave their regards to Jacky Wu, upon knowing their teacher was seriously injured in a violent fight that happened few days ago. ─── 恩师吴宗宪日前发生被殴事件,周杰伦、方文山、温岚等阿尔发艺人,都有打电话慰问吴宗宪。

74、The Milano's design clearly echoes its little sibling, the Alfa Romeo MiTo, with the oval headlights and sharp bonnet. ─── 在米兰的设计清楚地反映了小兄弟,在阿尔法罗密欧户,与椭圆形的大灯和夏普的帽子。

75、Disc centrifuge gathered the technology task projects which took advantage of German Westfalia, Swedish Alfa Laval, by Chinese Domestic Trade Ministry. ─── 光盘离心机收集技术工作项目,其中利用德国伐利亚,瑞典阿尔法拉瓦尔,由中国国内贸易部。

76、Intravesical Instillation of BCG and Interferon Alfa for the Prevention of Postoperative Recurrence of Bladder Tumor ─── 卡介苗和干扰素灌注预防膀胱癌术后复发

77、Keywords Epoetin alfa;Anemia;Hemoglobin;Tumor;Quality of life; ─── 促红细胞生成素;贫血;血红蛋白;肿瘤;生存质量;

78、Under his leadership,Fiat added to its car empire by buying luxury carmakers Lancia,Maserati,Alfa Romeo and Ferrari. ─── 在他的领导下,菲亚特把众多高级汽车制造商都收归自己的汽车王国,包括兰西亚、玛莎拉蒂、阿尔法·罗米欧及法拉利。

79、And then Don Tommasino had told Michael that the two shepherds, Fabrizzio and Calo, would go with him as bodyguards in the Alfa Romeo. ─── 接着,托马辛诺老头子告诉迈克尔说,法布里吉奥和加洛打算同他一道坐“小罗密欧”,去给他当保镖。

80、When combined with the fact that all ALFA members are interesting in conducting a systematic sky survey, the result is far faster and more even coverage of the heavens. ─── 同时由于全体ALFA成员都旨在实施一次系统的全天勘查,结果就是更快、更均匀的覆盖天空。

81、My call sign is not BG0 AAA, the last leter is I, like India. Bravo Golf Zero AlfaAlfa India, Do you roger? ─── 对不起。因为其它电台干扰,没有抄上你的呼号,请慢慢地重复。

82、Technical Retrofit of ALFA Ball Valve in Ethylene Plant ─── 乙烯装置ALFA开关球阀的技术改造

83、Will the MiTo Be Alfa Romeo's Return Ticket to the USA? ─── 将水户成为阿尔法罗密欧的来回票的美国?

84、Previous projects the American designer has worked on include Maserati's stunning MC12, the Alfa Romeo MiTo, and the Ferrari F430. ─── 前项目的美国设计师已经对包括玛莎拉蒂的惊人MC12,水户的阿尔法罗密欧和法拉利F430。

85、HLA-DQ proteins are heterodimers of Alfa and beta chains, and beta chains are encoded by the HLA-DQB1 gene which is high polymorphic mainly in the second exon. ─── HLA- DQB1基因是编码人的HLA II类抗原DQ分子 p链的基因,具有高度的多态性。

86、1.But Michael sometimes let Apollonia guide the Alfa Romeo around the inside of the villa walls, always beside her however because she sometimes stepped on the gas when she meant to step on the brake. ─── 但是,迈克尔有时就让阿波罗妮姬驾驶“小罗密欧”,绕着别墅围墙里侧转圈子,不过每次他都坐在她身旁,因为她有时候踏刹车,心里一急就踩到油门上了。

87、The enterprise of Alfa Laval Polska Sp. z o.o. offers you Mechanical engineering, Adult education and wholesaler as well as the further Metal goods and Trade and commerce. ─── 作为一家灵活的、有经验的产品供应商为您提供高质量的成人教育,金属制成品,机械。

88、European Stocks Fluctuate as Alfa Laval Declines, Ericsson, Valeo advance. ─── 欧股波动,阿法拉伐股价下跌,爱立信、法雷奥股价上扬。

89、But all members of ALFA are united by a shared goal: to use the largest and most sensitive radio telescope in the world to conduct systematic surveys of the entire sky. ─── 不过所有的ALFA成员是因共同的目标结合在一起的:用世界上最大、最灵敏的射电望远镜对整个天空实施系统的调查。

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