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08-16 投稿


emblazon 发音

英:[?m?ble?zn]  美:[?m?ble?zn]

英:  美:

emblazon 中文意思翻译



emblazon 词性/词形变化,emblazon变形


emblazon 短语词组

1、emblazon games ─── 纹章游戏

2、emblazon r ─── 纹章r

3、emblazon syn ─── 纹章syn

4、emblazon bull ─── 徽章公牛

5、emblazon of knife ─── 刀纹章

6、emblazon 999 ─── 纹章999

7、emblazon procedure ─── 纹章程序

8、emblazon group ─── 纹章组

9、emblazon def ─── 装饰图案定义

emblazon 相似词语短语

1、emblaze ─── v.使发亮,照亮;颂扬

2、emblazed ─── v.使发亮,照亮;颂扬

3、emblazing ─── v.使发亮,照亮;颂扬

4、emblazer ─── 运动夹克

5、emblazons ─── vt.颂扬;用纹章装饰

6、emblazoner ─── 纹章工

7、emblazonry ─── n.纹章描画法;纹饰;炫耀的展示

8、blazon ─── v.生动展示;(耸人听闻地)报道,宣布;(用正确的纹章术语)描述(纹章);装饰;n.对纹章(图案等)所作的确切描述;纹章

9、emblazoned ─── adj.装饰的;饰以纹章的;v.饰以纹章(emblazon的过去式)

emblazon 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、You can't miss it;it's that pink horror in the corner emblazon ed with Hello Kitty stickers. ─── 别弄错,是角落那个粘有HELLPKITTY贴的粉红色笼子。

2、Plastic surgery, the implantation of biochips, piercings -- all emblazon the belief that our bodies are our unique property. ─── 整容手术也好,身体穿刺装饰也好,在人体内植入生物芯片也好,都强化了这个信念:身体是我们独一无二的财产.

3、Emblazon a doorway with a coat of arms. ─── 用一件军装装饰门口

4、I can see you clearly. vividly emblazon in my mind. ─── 你是那么的清晰。如此生动的刻印在我的脑海里。

5、Such one is everybody emblazon originally, the thing of benefit society touched grumous commercial breath however now, those who change is extremely low, among them a few problems of place contain are worth us really thoughtful. ─── 这样一件本来是人人颂扬,造福社会的事现在却沾上了浓厚的商业气息,变的庸俗不堪,其中所蕴藏的一些问题的确值得我们深思。

6、emblazon a cross on a banner. ─── 在旗帜上饰上醒目的十字。

7、Millions of the padlocks that couples emblazon with their initials and attach to the Pont des Arts were removed last year for safety reasons. ─── 几百万把刻着恋人首字母的同心锁去年因安全原因被从巴黎的艺术桥桥头拆下。

8、emblazon a cross on a banner. ─── 在旗帜上饰上醒目的十字

9、United are seeking a new name to emblazon across their chests because their four-year, $100 million deal with AIG expires at the end of next season and will not be renewed. ─── 曼联正在寻找自己的球衣赞助商,因为他们与AIG价值1亿美元的4年赞助合同将在下赛季末到期,而且不会再续约。

10、Nowadays, "Management city " this one formulation and make a way (it is an issue that makes a way only not simply actually) be a lot of person place praise highly, place emblazon of zealous, place. ─── 时下,“经营城市”这一提法和叫法(其实不单只是个叫法的问题)正为许多人所推崇、所热衷、所颂扬。

11、An assemblyman that attends to be chosen unexpectedly knows Hemingway has reputation very much, want to ask Hemingway to write an emblazon article for him, help him draw a few vote more; ─── 有一个参加竟选的议员知道海明威很有声望,想请海明威替他写一篇颂扬文章,帮他多拉一些选票;

12、Mike: Oh, please!Stop exaggerating and get me the pet carrier from the cellar.You can't miss it;it's that pink horror in the corner emblazon ed with Hello Kitty stickers. ─── 摆脱,不要虚张声势,帮我到地下室拿下宠物篮子.你应该找得到,在角落里,有HK胶带装饰的粉色篮子.

13、His tactics are knowledge and fear. His strategy: to propel ancient Russia into the modern world and emblazon his name, Peter the Great. ─── 他运用知识和恐怖两种手段,计划将陈旧的俄国推入现代世界,让他的名号——彼得大帝得到众人的称颂。

14、Outlets could emblazon a fresh look and shape as the plan unfolds, which, coupled with new models are, no doubt, giving a big boost to Dongfeng Citroen's growth in 2009. ─── 新品牌形象的到来和新车型的加速导入预示着东风雪铁龙将在09年迎来品牌提升的高潮。

15、All the big newspaper happen to coincide to emblazon the government's positive advices. ─── 各大报纸不约而同地颂扬政府积极性的建议。

16、Or tilting Furniture, emblazon'd Shields,; ─── 用纹章装饰;blazon装饰;

17、However, every solution contains idiomatic patterns, which are not formal enough to emblazon in a book but are pervasive nonetheless. ─── 但是,每个解决方案还包含惯用模式,这些模式不够正式,但是得到了普遍应用。

18、Most west scholar is used " integrated " one word gives affirmation and emblazon. ─── 大多数西方学者都采用“综合”一词予以肯定和颂扬。

19、Come with appreciative mood when people emblazon when this hero, he is quiet however ground demit world and go. ─── 当人们以感激的心情来颂扬这位功臣时,他却平静地辞世而去。

20、That's the crux, and someday I hope to emblazon that across Times Square in New York and a lot of other places. ─── 那才是关键,而我希望有一天把那刻饰在整个纽约的时代广场和很多其他的地方上。

21、I can see you clearly. vividly emblazon in my mind. ─── 你是那么的清晰.如此生动的刻印在我的脑海里.

22、emblazon a doorway with a coat of arms. ─── 用一件军装装饰门口

23、you clearly. vividly emblazon in my mind. ─── 你是那么的清晰。如此生动的刻印在我的脑海里。

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