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08-16 投稿


crocodilian 发音

英:[[?kr?k?'d?l??n]]  美:[[?kr?k?'d?l?rn]]

英:  美:

crocodilian 中文意思翻译



crocodilian 短语词组

1、crocodilian egg ─── 鳄鱼卵

2、crocodilian blog ─── 鳄鱼博客

3、crocodilian 5e ─── 鳄鱼5e

4、crocodilian map ─── 鳄鱼图

5、crocodilian sizes ─── 鳄鱼尺寸

6、crocodilian diet ─── 鳄鱼饮食

7、crocodilian dd ─── 鳄鱼

8、crocodilian reptile ─── [网络] 鳄鱼爬行动物

crocodilian 词性/词形变化,crocodilian变形

异体字: Crocodile River |

crocodilian 相似词语短语

1、Bogomilian ─── 博戈米利安

2、crocodile bird ─── n.鳄鸟

3、crocodiloid ─── 鳄鱼

4、crocodile ─── n.鳄鱼

5、crocodilians ─── adj.鳄鱼的;鳄鱼一样的;伪善的;n.鳄目动物

6、crocoisite ─── 藏红花岩

7、crocodiles ─── n.鳄类,鳄鱼(crocodile的复数形式)

8、caecilian ─── n.蚓螈(无足目约150种两栖动物的统称)

9、crocidolite ─── n.[矿物]青石棉

crocodilian 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、What cancer can crocodilian blood treat? ─── 鳄鱼的血可以治疗什么癌症?

2、large fish-eating Indian crocodilian with a long slender snout. ─── 大型食鱼的印度鳄鱼,口鼻长而细。

3、There is very arrogant antibody in crocodilian blood, can treat AIDS! Say a reason! ─── 鳄鱼血液中有很牛的抗体,能治疗爱滋病!说说原因!

4、Singapore plans to build regional crocodile to breed central Singapore to plan to become regionally crocodilian breed aquatics to reach a research center in the development when 2000. ─── 新加坡拟建区域性鳄鱼养殖中心新加坡计划在2000年时发展成为区域性的鳄鱼养殖及研究中心。

5、Ecology of Chinese Crocodilian Lizard in Burrow ─── 瑶山鳄蜥洞穴的生态学初步研究

6、Observation on Habit of Chinese Crocodilian Lizard ─── 鳄蜥生活习性的观察

7、Red Qing Yan surmounts crocodilian compensate this month fame and gain the 4th. ─── 红蜻蜒超越鳄鱼恤本月名利第四位。

8、It was a colossal crocodilian. ─── 它是一种巨大的鳄鱼。

9、Some of the features we see in the skull that we've never seen in a crocodilian are two horns coming out the back of the skull. ─── 保罗?西雷诺(说):一些我们在此头骨上看到而从未在鳄鱼(头骨)上看到的特征是头骨后面伸出来的两个触角。

10、Cut out unwanted material of becomes with the crocodilian skin joining together of different color late outfit bag is distinctive, reveal a costly glamour. ─── 以不同颜色的鳄鱼皮拼接而成的晚装包剪裁独特,彰显出奢华魅力。

11、France pulls Kesite crocodilian company pursues bully of of Chinese market " we are having the reason that indissoluble with tennis sports all the time. ─── 法国拉科斯特鳄鱼公司图霸中国市场 “我们一直与网球运动有着不解之缘。

12、Holding a crocodilian upside down like this usually causes muscle relaxation. ─── 持有鳄鱼倒想这通常会导致肌肉松弛。

13、Among the very largest crocs that ever lived, Sarcosuchus sprouted from a side branch of the crocodilian family tree separate from that leading to modern crocodiles. ─── Sarcosuchus属于已经灭绝的最大的鳄鱼之一,它属于与现代鳄鱼不一样的一支鳄鱼家族的旁支。

14、As to the shoe of a little crocodilian grain, ostrich grain, likely crocodilian skin, ostrich skin is not done. ─── 至于有些鳄鱼纹、鸵鸟纹的鞋子,多半不是鳄鱼皮、鸵鸟皮做的。

15、It was a colossal crocodilian. ─── 而是一种巨大的鳄鱼。

16、Some of the features we see in the skull that we've never seen in a crocodilian are two horns coming out the back of the skull. ─── 这个头骨表现出一些现代鳄鱼没有的特点:这个头骨后部有两个角长出来。

17、After crocodilian close therewith, rise this month reach the 4th. ─── 鳄鱼紧随其后,本月升至第四名。

18、Bird of riches and honour and crocodilian compensate this month positional crossing-over, discharge respectively the 6th is mixed in the 5th. ─── 富贵鸟和鳄鱼恤本月位置互换,分别排在第五名和第六名。

19、A crocodilian reptile, such as an alligator, a caiman, or a gavial. ─── 鳄类动物鳄类爬行动物,如短吻鳄、凯门鳄或长吻鳄

20、large fish-eating Indian crocodilian with a long slender snout ─── 大型食鱼的印度鳄鱼,口鼻长而细

21、Few other people would be experienced or qualified enough to take an aggressive crocodilian off you. ─── 很少有其他人会经历或资格,足以把你的鳄鱼采取侵略性。

22、" listen much person is being talked about in succession below, listen " clang " , the boy jumped, crocodilian Tan Li clang clang a boy swam thither. ─── 就听有多人在下面纷纷谈论著,就听“哗”的一声,小伙子跳了下去,鳄鱼潭里哗哗一片小伙子游到了对岸。

23、The Preliminary Study on Behaivours and the Radp Analysis of Genetic Diversity of Chinese Crocodilian Lizard (Shiniuisaurus Crocodiliurus Ahl) ─── 鳄蜥(Shinisaurus crocodilurus Ahl)行为初步观察和遗传多样性的RADP分析

24、On examining these marks more closely, they found a crocodilian tooth stuck in one of them. ─── 在对这些痕迹进一步检查后,他们发现一颗鳄鱼目动物牙齿嵌在其中一块骨头上。

25、Crocodile and crocodilian compensate issue defeat respectively, branch line mixes the 5th the 4th times this month. 10 thousand lis of horses are small rise, advancement goes to the 6th this month. ─── 鳄鱼和鳄鱼恤分别下挫一名,本月分列第四位和第五位。万里马小幅上升,本月前进到第六名。

26、a crocodilian reptile,such as an alligator,a caiman,or a gavial ─── 鳄类爬行动物,如短吻鳄、凯门鳄或长吻鳄

27、Crocodilian animals have been around since the time of the dinosaurs. ─── 鳄类动物远从恐龙时代就已存在。

28、Crocodilian animals have been around since the time of the dinosaurs. ─── 鳄类动物远从恐龙时代就已存在。

29、Yet the animal that had once wielded these jaws was not a dinosaur. It was a colossal crocodilian. ─── 然而,曾经拥有这种下颚的动物不是恐龙,而是一种巨大的鳄鱼。

30、See only a lot of people run toward a place, he is curious also ran, pass through a crowd, he saw have a crocodilian pool, there is about a hundred crocodile inside. ─── 只见有许多人朝一个地方跑去,他好奇的也跑了去,透过人群,他看到了有一个鳄鱼潭,里面有上百条鳄鱼。

31、Raise a bowlegged, see a piece of crocodilian mouth. ─── 抬起一条罗圈腿,看到一张鳄鱼嘴。

32、"I am sorry, lady, this is crocodilian. ─── “对不起,女士,这是鳄鱼。”

33、Can crocodilian blood treat AIDS? ─── 鳄鱼的血可以治疗艾滋病吗?

34、The results indicated that Chinese crocodilian lizards distributed in streams of mountain, and mainly lived in four types of vegetation: broadleaf forest, conifer and broadleaf mix-forest, shrubbery and bamboo forest. ─── 鳄蜥主要栖息于阔叶林、针阔混交林、灌木林荫、竹林4种植被类型的山冲溪沟之中。

35、Red dragonfly, crocodilian compensate all advances this month with dream spy charming, rank the 4th respectively, the 5th mixes the 6th. ─── 红蜻蜓、鳄鱼恤和梦特娇本月均前进一位,分别排名第四名、第五名和第六名。

36、The expression of crocodilian compensate also very grab an eye, change raises this month reach the 6th. ─── 鳄鱼恤的表现也十分抢眼,本月窜升至第六名。

37、In the golf hotel of former zoology, the wild animal such as hippo, crocodilian, warthog loafs about outside house; ─── 在原生态的高尔夫酒店里,河马、鳄鱼、疣猪等野生动物就在屋外游荡;

38、Braised Crocodilian Turtle with Brown Sauce ─── 红烧鳄鱼龟

39、On examining these marks more closely, they found a crocodilian tooth stuck in one of the bones. ─── 在对这些痕迹进一步检查后,他们发现一颗鳄目动物牙齿嵌在其中一块骨头上。

40、An Alligator is a species of crocodilian that falls under the family Alligatoridae. ─── 短吻鳄是鳄鱼的一种,属短吻鳄科。

41、In addition, big and special also spirit picks the shopping bag with functional rich sex, material includes precious crocodilian skin, chamois, wool character, .. ─── 此外,大且功能性丰富的提包也非常精采,材质包括珍贵的鳄鱼皮、麂皮、毛呢、.

42、Perhaps the best bet is to contact other private crocodilian enthusiasts or herpetological societies who would give it a good home. ─── 也许最好的办法是联系其他私人鳄鱼爱好者或爬虫类社会者,他们会给他一个好的家。

43、Chinese crocodilian lizard ─── 鳄蜥

44、Right now, kingly above talk: "Young boys, you who has courage to be able to cross crocodilian pool, who is my son-in-law. ─── 此时,国王在上面说话:“年轻的小伙子们,你们谁有胆量能穿过鳄鱼潭,谁就是我的女婿了。”

45、Habit of the Chinese crocodilian lizard (Shinisaurus crocodilurus) was observed in the field and laboratory from 2004 to 2005. ─── 摘要2004~2005年,通过野外调查和半自然条件下饲养的方法研究了鳄蜥的生活习性。

46、In money of this kind of shoe, color is general it is first selection with the dark look such as black, brown, ash, now and then also try to turn over flix and crocodilian skin. ─── 在此类鞋款中,颜色一般以黑、褐、灰等暗色为首选,偶然也尝试翻毛皮与鳄鱼皮。

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