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08-16 投稿


attackable 发音

英:[??t?k?bl]  美:[??t?k?bl]

英:  美:

attackable 中文意思翻译



attackable 短语词组

1、attackable players ─── 可攻击的玩家

attackable 相似词语短语

1、attainable ─── adj.可得到的;可达到的;可到达的

2、attestable ─── 可证明的

3、packable ─── adj.可捆扎的;可打包的;可压紧的

4、detachable ─── adj.可拆卸的,可分开的

5、hackable ─── 可破解的

6、trackable ─── adj.可追踪的;可跟踪的

7、attachable ─── adj.可附上的;可连接的;可逮捕的;可没收的

8、stackable ─── adj.易叠起堆放的;可叠起堆放的

9、attractable ─── adj.可被吸引的

attackable 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The soldiers husband their strength and their food, waiting for the enemy to attack. ─── 士兵们养精畜锐,节约粮草,以期反击敌人的进攻。

2、All admire his boldness in sailing into an enemy harbor to attack their ships. ─── 他驾船驶进敌人港口攻击敌舰,大家对他的勇敢都很钦佩。

3、They are virtually impregnable to attack from any other party. ─── 其他党派简直无法攻倒他们。

4、Their troops recoiled before the attack of the enemy. ─── 他们的部队迫於敌人的进攻而後撤。

5、The doctor alerted me to the danger of a heart attack. ─── 医生提醒我注意心脏病发作的危险。

6、In data security, an attack on the security of a computer system, undertaken to test the effectiveness of the security and to highlight any areas of weakness. ─── 在数据保密学中,对一个计算机系统的安全性的攻击,用以测试安全的有效性及暴露弱点。

7、The commander chalked out his plan of attack. ─── 司令官对进攻计划作了粗略的介绍。

8、They had once again driven off the enemy's attack. ─── 他们又一次击退了敌人的进攻。

9、They armored themselves against the possible attack. ─── 他们作好了应付可能进攻的防御准备。

10、They defended the fort against enemy's heavy attack. ─── 他们守著堡垒抗拒敌人的猛攻。

11、He died of heart attack. ─── 他死于心脏病。

12、One squadron peeled off to attack enemy bombers. ─── 一中队战机脱离编队攻击敌轰炸机群。

13、The act of lying in wait to attack by surprise. ─── 埋伏埋伏着,等待进行出其不意的袭击的行为

14、The Opposition mounted another attack on the government. ─── 反对党又对政府发起进攻。

15、His attack on traditional family life was so intemperate that everything they most valued seemed trampled on. ─── 他对传统家庭生活的攻击是如此激烈,以至于他们所珍视的一切似乎都遭到了践踏。

16、He poised himself to ward off the attack. ─── 他摆出要挡开攻击的姿势。

17、Today's newspapers made a savage attack on the unions for their refusal to negotiate. ─── 今天的报纸就工会拒绝谈判一事对工会进行了猛烈的抨击。

18、A sudden attack made from a concealed position. ─── 伏击从隐蔽地点进行的突然袭击

19、He's still convalescing from a heart attack. ─── 他仍在心脏病突发後的疗养中。

20、He has had another attack of malaria. ─── 他又发了一阵疟疾。

21、They turned the enemy's attack. ─── 他们击退了敌人的进攻。

22、A family must defend its home against attack. ─── 一个家庭必须保护其不受袭击。

23、The sentry defended the gate against sudden attack. ─── 哨兵守卫大门以防突然袭击。

24、In the heat of the moment I suppose I might attack an armed burglar, but never in cold blood. ─── 在我发火的时候,我想我可能去和一个带有武器的盗贼厮打,但冷静的时候绝不会这么做。

25、The soldiers launched into a violent attack. ─── 士兵们展开猛烈的攻击。

26、He made an undisguised attack. ─── 他公然予以攻击。

27、He gave away the plan of attack to the Germans. ─── 他把进攻计划泄漏给了德国人。

28、The attack on Pearl Harbor was a crushing calamity. ─── 偷袭珍珠港(对美军来说)是一场毁灭性的灾难。

29、The bandits reeled back under police attack. ─── 匪徒在警察的进攻下向後溃退。

30、The soldiers were ordered to thrust the attack home with all their remaining force. ─── 士兵们接到命令,投入他们剩下的全部兵力发动有力的攻击。

31、The army made a completely successful attack on the enemy capital. ─── 军队攻击敌人首都的行动非常成功。

32、They cannot withstand any attack. ─── 他们抵御不了任何进攻。

33、A countering attack or blow, especially one delivered by a boxer. ─── 回拳一种反击或回击,尤指拳击手所发出的

34、The army redoubled its attack. ─── 军队进一步加强了攻势。

35、They rebuffed the enemy attack from the air. ─── 他们挫败了敌人的空袭。

36、Their sudden attack made us more aware of the danger around us. ─── 他们突然的攻击使我们更加注意我们周围的危险。

37、They could not withstand the fierceness of attack of those soldiers. ─── 他们抵挡不住那些士兵猛烈的进攻。

38、The rumours of an attack were later confirmed. ─── 发动攻击的谣传後来得到了证实。

39、His opening gambit at the debate was a direct attack on Government policy. ─── 他在辩论中的策略是先直接抨击政府的政策。

40、His attack on the government was pure vitriol. ─── 他纯粹出于恶意抨击政府。

41、The officer in charge secured the camp against attack. ─── 主管的军官保护营地,免受攻击。

42、The people of town armed themselves a gainst all possible attack. ─── 他们全镇的人都武装起来,准备抵抗敌人可能发动的任何袭击。

43、An attack of fever carried Gary off. ─── 加里突然患了一种热病,不幸死亡。

44、They have worked out the stratagem to attack the enemy. ─── 他们已经想出了攻击敌人的策略。

45、The king hight them to attack the castle. ─── 国王命令他们向城堡发起进攻。

46、This helps reduce the attackable surface area of a system. ─── 这有助于减少系统可遭受攻击的外围应用。

47、Today's attack has seriously impaired attempts to achieve peace in the area. ─── 今日发动的攻击严重损害了在该地区谋求和平的努力。

48、He heads the troops in the attack on the enemy. ─── 他率领军队进攻敌人。

49、They launched a stout attack. ─── 他们发起猛攻。

50、Don't lay yourself open to attack. ─── 不要让自己轻易受人攻击。

51、He is convalescing from and attack of pneumonia. ─── 他患了肺炎,正在康复。

52、In computer security, any weakness or flaw existing in a system, the susceptibility of a system to a specific threat attack or harmful event, or the opportunity available to a threat agent to mount that attack. ─── 在计算机安全学中,存在于一个系统内的弱点或缺陷,系统对一个特定的威胁攻击或危险事件的敏感性,或进行攻击的威胁作用的可能性。

53、The platoon is sent to reconnoitre the village before the attack. ─── 在发动进攻前,这个排奉命侦察该村。

54、They considered themselves inviolate from attack. ─── 他们认为自己是不可侵犯的。

55、He tried to attack the problem from different angles. ─── 他试著从各个角度来著手解决这个问题。

56、After days of inactivity, the enemy finally showed its teeth by a frontal attack on our position. ─── 几天没动静之后,敌人终于龇牙咧嘴地向我们的阵地发动了正面的进攻。

57、She whipped round just as he was about to attack her from behind. ─── 他正要从她後面袭击她,她一下子转过身来。

58、He was seized with a slight attack of fever. ─── 他有一点发烧。

59、They decided to attack at night. ─── 他们决定夜晚进攻。

60、A strategic attack aimed at the enemy's jugular. ─── 以敌人要害为目标的一次战略性进攻

61、Armor, HP, detection status, and units attackable are all the same. ─── 护甲、生命值、探测状态和可攻击性都不变。

62、They were bluffed into believing we were not ready for the attack. ─── 他们上了当,以为我们还没有作好进攻准备。

63、To lie in wait for and attack from ambush. ─── 伏击伏下等待,从隐蔽中攻击

64、Immune to attack; impregnable. ─── 固若金汤攻不破的; 固若金汤的

65、They stood prepared to repel any attack. ─── 他们准备好打退一切进攻。

66、He cares nothing about the malicious attack on his reputation. ─── 他对别人对他名声的恶毒攻击置之不理。

67、This configuration enhances the security of your server by reducing its attackable surface area. ─── 此配置通过减少服务器的可攻击外围应用来增强其安全性。

68、They knew when to attack and when to retreat. ─── 他们知道什么时候进攻,什么时候退却。

69、Private members attack the government for not spend enough money on the police. ─── 下院议员批评政府没有在警察身上花足够的钱。

70、Made an optimistic attack on the pile of paperwork. ─── 乐观地着手一大堆的案头工作

71、We renewed the attack after stopping for two hours. ─── 停了两小时后,我们重新发起进攻。

72、The invader wanted to attack our country. ─── 侵略者妄图攻打我们国家。

73、He goaded his opponent on to attack him. ─── 他刺激他的对手向他进攻。

74、In the Alamo battle, less than two hundred defenders repulse the attack by thousands of Mexican in twelve days. ─── 在阿拉摩战役中,不满二百人的守军在十二天内击退了几千墨西哥人一次又一次的进攻。

75、They were exposed to enemy attack on all sides. ─── 他们四面受敌。

76、They went in fear of attack by marauding bands. ─── 他们提心吊胆生怕遭到劫匪的袭击。

77、A spearhead of tanks led the infantry attack. ─── 坦克先遣队引导步兵进攻。

78、He was carried away by a heart attack. ─── 他因心脏病发作而死去。

79、A sudden attack, recurrence, or intensification of a disease. ─── 发作突然的发作、复发或疾病的加剧

80、Make a feint to the east but attack in the west. ─── 声东击西。

81、This leads to a lot of high and very attackable returns from your opponent. ─── 对手送回来的球多为可以受你攻击的中高球。

82、How dare he attack beliefs and ideas which had been held for centuries? ─── 他竟敢攻击多少世纪来人们所持有的信仰和观念。

83、They scuppered enemy's attack once again. ─── 他们又打退了敌人的进攻。

84、We reopened an attack against our enemy last week. ─── 上周我们向敌人重新发动了一次进攻。

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