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08-16 投稿


spelling 发音

英:['spel??]  美:['sp?l??]

英:  美:

spelling 中文意思翻译




spelling 网络释义

n. 拼写;拼字;拼法v. 拼写;意味着(spell的ing形式);迷住n. (Spelling)人名;(英)斯佩林

spelling 短语词组

1、spelling fault ─── [计] 拼写误差

2、mis-spelling n. ─── [语] 拼错 v. ─── [语] 拼错(misspell的过去式和过去分词)

3、spelling error ─── [计] 拼法错误

4、finger spelling ─── 聋哑(用)字母表

5、reformed spelling ( ─── 英语的)革新拼法(如将 through 简化成 thru,though 简化成 tho,slow简化成slo等)

6、spelling graph ─── [计] 拼写图

7、spelling variation ─── [计] 拼法变化

8、spelling-bee ─── 拼字比赛会

9、spelling bees ─── 拼写比赛

10、spelling bee ─── 拼字比赛会

11、spelling program ─── [计] 拼写程序

12、spelling pronunciation ─── 照拼法发音

13、spelling book ─── 单词拼写课本

14、spelling correction ─── [计] 拼写校正

15、adjust spelling options ─── 调整拼写选项 [计] ─── 调整拼写选项

16、spelling checker ─── [计] 拼写检查程序

17、spelling error detection ─── [计] 拼法错误检查

18、spelling-bees (spelling-bee ─── 的复数) 拼字比赛会

19、spelling contest ─── [网络] 拼词比赛;拼字比赛

spelling 词性/词形变化,spelling变形

现在分词:spelling 原型:spell 名词复数形式:spellings

spelling 相似词语短语

1、smelling ─── n.嗅诊;嗅气味;v.闻;发觉;发出气味(smell的ing形式)

2、-pelling ─── n.(Pelling)人名;(瑞典)佩林

3、selling ─── n.销售;出售;v.出售(sell的现在分词形式);n.(Selling)人名;(英、德、瑞典)塞林

4、spelding ─── 海水浸渍晒干

5、shelling ─── n.炮击,炮轰;v.炮击;剥壳,脱壳,脱粒(shell的现在分词)

6、swelling ─── n.肿胀,肿块;膨胀;v.肿胀,膨胀;(使)凸出,鼓出;增大,增多,增强;(情绪)高涨,充满(swell的现在分词)

7、-spelling ─── n.拼写;拼字;拼法;v.拼写;意味着(spell的ing形式);迷住;n.(Spelling)人名;(英)斯佩林

8、spellings ─── n.(Spellings)人名;(英)斯佩林斯

9、pelling ─── n.(Pelling)人名;(瑞典)佩林

spelling 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、He is certainly improving in his spelling. ─── 他的拼写大有改进。

2、You will be penalized for poor spelling. ─── 你拼写不好将会受到处罚。

3、There are many spelling mistakes in your compositions. ─── 你的作文有许多拼写错误。

4、Your composition is full of spelling mistakes / errors. ─── 你的作文里满是拼写错误。

5、Miss Smith gave us a test in spelling. ─── 史密斯小姐对我们进行了一次拼写测验。

6、Your essay is good except for the spelling. ─── 你的文章很好,只是字母拼写有误。

7、Don't make a mistake in your spelling. ─── 不要在拼法上出错。

8、After a short spell in hospital she was soon back at work. ─── 她在医院住了一段时间后,很快又回来上班了。

9、He often made slips in spelling. ─── 他常犯拼写上的错误。

10、Enchanting as if with a magic spell; fascinating. ─── 令人心醉的使如同有魔咒般迷住的; 迷人的

11、Could you give a little more attention to spelling? ─── 你能多注意点拼写吗?

12、Russian spelling is phonetic. ─── 俄语的拼法是音形一致的。

13、In spelling Mary could run circles around Ann any day. ─── 在拼写方面,玛丽任何时候都可以远远赛过安。

14、One of two or more words that have the same spelling but differ in origin, meaning, and sometimes pronunciation. ─── 同形异义词两个或以上单词拼法相同,但在起源、意义和有时读音上不同

15、She's always pulling me up for my bad spelling. ─── 因我拼写差,她常批评我。

16、Generally, boys are behind girls in spelling. ─── 一般来说男孩子的拼写不如女孩子。

17、His spelling is better than his brother's. ─── 他的拼写比他弟弟好。

18、Don't worry about your spelling; it's the contents that count. ─── 不必担心你的拼字,重要的是内容。

19、So forgive me about grammer and spelling mistakes. ─── 因为美国的门都是自动关的,而且很重,帮人开门是最正常不过的事了;

20、His spelling denotes an approaching storm. ─── 他的拼法足示其愚昧

21、The finals of a state spelling bee. ─── 全国拼字大赛决赛

22、The magic spell changed the frogs and rats back into men. ─── 咒语将青蛙和老鼠又变回成了人。

23、"Rhyme" is a variant spelling of "rime". ─── “rhyme”是“rime”的另一种拼法。

24、She used to make mistakes in spelling when young. ─── 他年轻时常常犯拼写错误。

25、I need to brush up on my spelling before becoming a writer. ─── 在变成作家之前,我需要复习一下我的拼写能力。

26、A spell of tough luck discouraged us. ─── 一阵坏运气令我们大为沮丧。

27、But other farms are less favourably sited, and flooding can sometimes spell disaster for their owners. ─── 但其他农场的位置不那么有利,有时洪水会给农场主带来灾难。

28、Why don't you write down the correct spelling? ─── 你为什么不写下正确的拼写?

29、Later I tried all out to look up the word, but failed because I did not know its spelling. ─── 后来一直想查出来,但由于不知道那个词是怎么拼的,所以也没查出。

30、Her spelling isn't too hot. ─── 她的拼写不太好。

31、Do you use English or American spelling(s)? ─── 你使用英国拼法还是美国拼法?

32、He overlooked a spelling error on the first page . ─── 他没有看出第一页中有个拼写错误.

33、Do look out for spelling mistakes when you check your work. ─── 你检查作业时要当心拼写错误。

34、He is poor at spelling. ─── 他不善于拼写。

35、His spelling's poor but he's very quick at figures. ─── 他拼写差,但算术好。

36、The spelling of the band name is often inconsistent. ─── 该乐队的名字拼写往往是不一致的。

37、Put a cross opposite each spelling mistake. ─── 在误拼的字前面打一个叉。

38、But sometimes I make mistakes in spelling. ─── 不过在拼写方面我有时会出错。

39、My spelling is terrible. ─── 我的拼写很糟糕。

40、The dry spell choked off the supply of water in that area. ─── 乾旱使那地区断了水。

41、The teacher will test the class on spelling today . ─── 今天,老师要对这个班进行一次拼写测验。

42、He has made a mistake in his spelling. ─── 他在拼写上犯了个错误。

43、You are certainly improving in your spelling. ─── 你一定要改进你的拼写能力。

44、She was penalized for a spelling mistake or a misplaced accent. ─── 她因错误的拼写或标错的重音而被扣分。

45、Any spelling or grammatical errors? ─── 任何的拼字或文法的错误?

46、He tends to make spelling mistakes. ─── 他动不动就犯拼写错误。

47、Don't be concerned with spelling and grammar. ─── 不用关注拼写和语法。

48、His composition teems with spelling mistakes. ─── 他的作文有大量的拼写错误。

49、He announced the winners of the spelling bee. ─── 他通报了拼字比赛冠军的名单。

50、Give more care to your spelling. ─── 多注意你的拼写。

51、You should have an eye to spelling in these test papers. ─── 你必须注意试卷上的拼写。

52、Do look out for spelling mistakes in your work. ─── 一定要当心你作业中的拼写错误。

53、He was first in the spelling bee. ─── 他在拼字比赛中获得冠军。

54、As Mr Diamond arrived at the slopes, back in London Mervyn King was spelling out some dismal economic truths. ─── 当戴蒙德抵达达沃斯的时候,英国央行(BoE)行长默文?金(MervynKing)正在伦敦阐述一些黯淡的经济现实。

55、They pay little attention to their spelling. ─── 他们几乎不注意拼写问题。

56、She looked up the spelling in the dictionary. ─── 她在字典中查了那个单词的拼写。

57、Too many grammar and spelling mistakes. ─── 太多的语法和拼写错误.

58、Font: American spelling of fount. ─── 一副字:英文是美氏写法。

59、I looked up the word in a dictionary to verify its spelling. ─── 为了查证这个词的拼写方法,我从词典中查了一下这个词。

60、You should be careful with your spelling. ─── 你在拼写方面应当仔细一些。

61、The dry spell blighted the crops. ─── 乾旱期使农作物枯萎了。

62、You did a great job on your spelling test. ─── 你的拼读考试做得很好。

63、His spelling is very bad. ─── 他的拼写能力很差。

64、Don't be so careless about/with spelling. ─── 别那么粗心大意地犯拼写错误。

65、Gee, I'm not sure about the spelling of this word. ─── 咦,我不太确定这个词的拼法。

66、Homograph: when two word are identical in spelling. ─── 同形异义:两个词拼写相同。

67、Same word, same spelling, but a different meaning. ─── 同一个字,同样的拼法,但不同的意思。

68、She leads the class in spelling. ─── 在拼字方面她是班上的第一名。

69、You should pay attention to your spelling. ─── 你要注意拼字。

70、"I did, " he said proudly. "Came up with the spelling myself. The universe blessed me. " He gave a big, unironic laugh. ─── “我想的,”强尼自豪地说,“我自己拼出来的,上天很眷顾我。”他爽朗地笑起来。

71、He overlooked a spelling error on the first page. ─── 他没有看出第一页中有个拼写错误。

72、Clinton also attacked Bush for backing an across-the-board tax cut without spelling out how to pay for it. ─── 克林顿并且攻击布什支持普遍减税而未明确解释如何筹措财源。

73、It is not referred to that whether or not somebody wrote down the word that might have spelling mistake or something like that. ─── 是否某个人写下经文,可能会出现拼字错误,或是类似的情形发生。

74、Only one spelling error: it is "gao", not "goa". ─── 只有高的拼写有问题,其他都很不错!

75、Your essay is littered with spelling mistakes. ─── 你的文章里到处是拼写错误。

76、The printer queried the spelling of several words. ─── 印刷工人对几个词的拼写提出疑问。

77、It's not fair to hold me up to ridicule because I can't spell. ─── 因为我不会拼写而嘲笑我是不公平的。

78、You still have some trouble with your spelling. ─── 你的拼写还有些困难。

79、A charm, fetish, spell, or curse holding magic power for adherents of voodoo. ─── 伏都崇拜物一种为伏都教徒保持魔力的符咒、物神、魔法或咒语

80、Your paper is full of spelling mistakes. ─── 你的论文拼写错误很多。

81、He is too careful not to notice spelling mistakes. ─── 他很仔细,不会不注意到拼写错误。

82、There're many pitfalls in English spelling for foreign students. ─── 在英语拼法上有许多外国学生易犯的错误。

83、The teacher will test the class on spelling today. ─── 今天, 老师要对这个班进行一次拼写测验。

84、George Bernard demonstrated how ridiculous some spelling rules are. ─── 乔治·伯那德曾举例说明某些拼写规则是多么荒谬可笑。

85、An attempt to rationalize English spelling. ─── 使英语拼法更趋合理的做法。

86、H: Do grammar and spelling errors affect scores? ─── 亨利:文法和拼字错误会影响分数吗?

87、In future, be more careful with your spelling. ─── 今后你要更加注意你的拼写。

88、There were several spelling mistakes in your written work. ─── 你的书写作业中有一些拼写错误。

89、For each field, click Yes to turn on the spelling checker for that field or click No to turn off the spelling checker for that field. ─── 对于每个域,单击“是”以便对该域启用拼写检查器,或单击“否”对该域禁用拼写检查器。

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