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08-16 投稿


omasum 发音

英:[o??me?s?m]  美:[???me?s?m]

英:  美:

omasum 中文意思翻译

常见释义: 重瓣胃


omasum 短语词组

1、omasum cow ─── 乳牛

2、omasum define ─── 乳房定义

3、omasum nickname Ownsum ─── 昵称

4、omasum definition ─── 乳房定义

5、omasum meaning omasum ─── 意义

omasum 词性/词形变化,omasum变形


omasum 相似词语短语

1、grassum ─── 润滑油

2、abomasum ─── n.皱胃(反刍动物胃的第四部分)

3、outsum ─── 外滩

4、masus ─── 群众

5、bonasus ─── 奖金

6、omasa ─── n.重瓣胃(反刍动物的第三胃)(omasum的变形)

7、abomasus ─── 皱胃

8、dim sum ─── (汉)点心

9、omasal ─── 重瓣胃的

omasum 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Studied the effect of citric acid,lactic acid and acetic acid on the black memtrane elimination of fresh beef omasum. ─── 研究了柠檬酸、乳酸和醋酸对鲜牛百叶的脱黑膜作用。

2、obstruction of omasum ─── 百叶干

3、Keywords lactic acid;beef omasum;eliminating balck memtrane;orthogonal rotation combination; ─── 乳酸;牛百叶;脱黑膜;正交旋转组合设计;

4、omasum obstruction ─── 第三胃梗塞

5、The stomach included rumen, reticulum, omasum and abomasum. ─── 胃包括瘤胃、网胃、瓣胃、皱胃。

6、The effect of lactic acid on eliminating black membrane of beef omasum is studied in this paper. ─── 本项试验对乳酸在牛百叶脱黑膜工艺中的作用效果进行了研究。

7、Diagnosis and Treatment of Omasum Impaction in Dairy Cows ─── 奶牛瓣胃阻塞的诊疗

8、Keywords beef omasum;black memtrane elimination;organic acid; ─── 牛百叶;脱黑膜;有机酸;

9、Keywords Lactic acid;Beef omasum;Eliminating black membrane; ─── 乳酸;牛百叶;脱黑膜;

10、the characteristics of innervation were that the ventral vagal trunk innervated more on reticulum, omasum and abomasum,espacially on the conjunctions of above three compartments. ─── (3)分布特点是腹干多分布于网、瓣、皱胃;

11、Study on the Application of Lactic Acid on the Technics of Eliminating Black Membrane of Beef omasum ─── 乳酸在牛百叶脱黑膜工艺中的应用研究

12、Curing of Omasum Impaction By Operating in Right Iliaca of Cows ─── 右髂部切口治疗奶牛瓣胃堵塞

13、Goats use rumen, reticulum and omasum to digest silage. ─── 羊也是利用瘤胃、蜂巢胃、重瓣胃来消化草料(刍料)。

14、Goats use rumen, reticulum and omasum to digest silage. ─── 羊利用瘤胃、蜂巢胃、重瓣胃来消化草料。

15、Study on the Application of Lactic Acid on the Technics of Eliminating Black Membrane of Beef omasum ─── 乳酸在牛百叶脱黑膜工艺中的应用研究

16、The Treatment Experience on Farm Cattle's Impaction Omasum ─── 耕牛瓣胃阻塞治疗体会

17、neck of omasum ─── 瓣胃颈

18、The Treatment Experience on Farm Cattle's Impaction Omasum ─── 耕牛瓣胃阻塞治疗体会

19、Keywords absorptiophotometry;omasum;hydrogen peroxide;ammonium metaranadate; ─── 吸光光度法;牛百叶;过氧化氢;偏钒酸铵;

20、beef omasum ─── 牛百叶

21、Studied the effect of citric acid, lactic acid and acetic acid on the black membrane elimination of fresh beef omasum. ─── 研究了柠檬酸、乳酸和醋酸对鲜牛百叶的脱黑膜作用。

22、impaction of omasum ─── 瓣胃阻塞

23、could migrate in another direction to involve the omasum, abomasums, or liver. 5. ─── 可按另一个方向移动,累及瓣胃皱胃或肝脏。

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