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08-16 投稿


amalgamative 中文意思翻译



amalgamative 词性/词形变化,amalgamative变形

动词过去式: amalgamated |动词过去分词: amalgamated |名词: amalgamator |动词第三人称单数: amalgamates |形容词: amalgamative |动词现在分词: amalgamating |

amalgamative 相似词语短语

1、amalgamate ─── vi.合并;汞齐化;调制汞合金;vt.合并;使(金属)汞齐化;混合

2、amalgamator ─── n.合并者;混汞器

3、amalgamating ─── n.合并;汞齐化作用;v.合并(amalgamate的ing形式);混合

4、amalgamation ─── n.融合,混合;合并,联合;[冶]混汞法,汞齐化法

5、amalgamates ─── vi.合并;汞齐化;调制汞合金;vt.合并;使(金属)汞齐化;混合

6、amalgamations ─── n.融合,混合;合并,联合;[冶]混汞法,汞齐化法

7、amalgamable ─── adj.可合汞的

8、amalgamators ─── n.合并者;混汞器

9、amalgamated ─── 合并;混合;(使)汞齐化(amalgamate的过去式和过去分词)

amalgamative 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Composite resins are the preferred alternative to amalgam in many cases. They have a long history of biocompatibility and safety. ─── 很多时候,复合树脂是银汞合金的替代品,长期的应用历史证明了它的生物相容性和安全性;

2、BecauseDiabeticprognostic decision at amalgamative disease, for precautionDiabeticamalgamative disease, answer to build the life that has the law above all. ─── 因为糖尿病的预后决定于合并症,为预防糖尿病的合并症,应首先建立起有规律的生活。

3、Because this is tall ooze condition duration is longer mortality is taller, and all sorts of amalgamative disease are affected especially, it is the main reason of terminal death. ─── 因此高渗状态持续时间越长死亡率越高,而各种合并症特别是感染,是晚期死亡的主要原因。

4、Visible, of airline amalgamative, will make its machine Wu maintains the change with systematic major happening. ─── 可见,航空公司的合并,将使其机务维修系统发生重大的改变。

5、In experiment, we test correct segmentation rate, correct detection of amalgam rate, and correct detection of missing teeth rate. ─── 实验的部分,我们测试切割的正确率、侦测是否填补银粉的正确率、是否缺牙的正确率。

6、Of all quarters in the queer adventurous amalgam called London, Soho is perhaps least suited to the Forsyte spirit. ─── 在伦敦这样一个五方杂处,令人莫测的怪地方,苏荷区恐怕是最最不适合福尔赛精神的了。

7、To counter this myth, we explained that we're really an amalgam of little guys. ─── 为了打破这个神话,我们解释说,我们确实是由一群小小的老百姓所组成的混合体。

8、Say additionally according to the message, the amalgamative negotiation between AOL of branch of the Internet below Yahoo and banner of times China accept has neared end. ─── 另据消息称,雅虎与时代华纳旗下互联网部门AOL之间的合并谈判已经接近尾声。

9、Message personage week is shown, yahoo is undertaking negotiating with respect to as amalgamative as AOL coetaneous Wanner. ─── 消息人士周露,雅虎正在就与AOL合并同时代华纳进行谈判。

10、Some earlier this year after moment government decides amalgamative IVO and Neste, fortum company begins the share of redemptive Nesce company, now is sole partner. ─── 今年早些时候政府决定合并 IVO和 Neste之后 ,Fortum公司开始买回 Nesce公司的股份 ,现在是唯一的股东。

11、Fulfilling amalgamative goal is to enlarge the market portion is mixed reduce manufacturing cost. ─── 实行合并的目的是为了扩大市场份额和降低生产成本。

12、SEM showed that the bonding resin can adhere tightly to the cavity wall and amalgam. ─── 对照组合金与洞壁间可见明显间隙。

13、An amalgam of strength, reputation, and commitment to ethical principles. ─── 力量、名誉和坚信民族信念的结合体

14、What is amalgamative target? ─── 合并的目标是什么?

15、Without the digestibility ulcer of amalgamative disease, great majority medications can obtain more satisfactory result. ─── 无合并症的消化性溃疡,大多数药物治疗能取得较满意效果。

16、Not pay off debt perhaps is not offerred assure, the company does not get amalgamative, schism. ─── 不清偿债务或者不提供担保的,公司不得合并、分立。

17、In the hepatitis after blood transfusion two plant or virus of hepatitis of two kinds of above can overlap, amalgamative infection. ─── 输血后肝炎中两种或两种以上肝炎病毒可重叠、合并感染。

18、Pop chart says, his largest a faulty stroke in calligraphy or painting is concoctive AOL and group of American times Wanner is amalgamative. ─── 排行榜称,他最大的败笔是策划aol与美国时代华纳集团的合并。

19、Mode of annex of 3 kinds of enterprises is to pass compulsive annex and undertake for carrier with joint-stock company two flowing and amalgamative method come true. ─── 三种企业兼并模式是通过强制的吞并和以股份公司为载体进行平滑合并的两条路径实现的。

20、Home reports 63, control for 20 years old more, amalgamative thymus tumour person 5. ─── 国内报道63 例,多为20岁左右,合并胸腺瘤者5例。

21、Two mine can achieve an advantage after amalgamative production complementary, resource, asset is reasonable configuration. ─── 两个矿井合并生产后可以实现优势互补 ,资源、资产合理配置。

22、Her character is an amalgam of many different traits. ─── 她的个性是许多不同特性的融合。

23、After amalgamative end, industry of chain of Chinese home appliance just enters a country times of competition of double oligarch of beautiful, Su Ning. ─── 在合并结束后,中国家电连锁行业才进入国美、苏宁双寡头竞争时代。

24、That day, numerous medium of sina and cent announces both sides comes to an agreement, numerous banner of will amalgamative cent issues sina business of outdoors number ad. ─── 当天,新浪和分众传媒宣布双方达成协议,新浪将合并分众旗下户外数字广告业务。

25、Actual Shang, most Xi looks at Biao of Mu of De of Tong Guo amalgamative implementation, neng have the aid of adds up to implementation of Shi of Fang of Zun Huo allied De. ─── 实际上,多数希望通过合并实现的目标,都能借助合作或联盟的方式实现。

26、Amalgamative will undertake in each level. ─── 合并将在各个级别进行。

27、"If happen without that,we chat together, (Cent is numerous with sina amalgamative) the likelihood won't happen. ─── “如果没有那次恰巧我们在一起聊一聊,(分众与新浪的合并)可能就不会发生。”

28、But because often be on the foundation with virus pneumonic sex,in little baby amalgamative bacterium is affected, so, can prevent and cure with penicillin this kind of afterwards sends infection. ─── 但在小婴儿因常在病毒性肺炎的基础上合并细菌感染,所以,可以用青霉素来防治这种继发感染。

29、In the meantime, baoermo still elaborated two companies' amalgamative feasibility to the person such as Yang Zhiyuan. ─── 同时,鲍尔默还向杨致远等人阐述了两家公司合并的可行性。

30、"We're not contraindicating dental amalgam in any patient group [other than those who have allergies]," Runner noted during the news conference. ─── "我们没有禁止任何病人使用牙齿汞合金填料(除了过敏者以外)"兰纳尔在记者招待会解释。

31、Bilateral does tailing edge of joint of bones of amalgamative and left hip rip hip joint dislocation what does the need after sexual fracture art notice? ─── 双侧髋关节脱位合并左侧髋臼后缘撕脱性骨折术后需要注意什么?

32、She has a duskier complexion than her seven predecessors, with features representing an amalgam of white, Hispanic, Indian, African and Asian ancestry. ─── 与前7任贝蒂相比,最新版的贝蒂肤色更加黝黑,面部特征则是白人、拉美裔、印第安人、非洲裔和亚裔后代的混和。

33、NGN is uniform management platform of future network,which provides integrated broadband services such as voice,video and data. It is the amalgamative production of various technology and network. ─── NGN是未来网络的统一管理平台,提供包括音频、视频、数据在内的综合宽带业务,是各种技术融合与网络融合的产物。

34、Use behavior treatment additionally, or with Qin of Mi of small dose third amalgamative psychotherapy also has certain curative effect. ─── 另外采用行为疗法,或用小剂量丙咪嗪合并心理疗法也有一定疗效。

35、It's an amalgam slightly disarmed by pastel-colored earmuffs, but Sean is still clearly not to be messed with. ─── 卸下淡彩色御寒耳罩,不过肖恩显然仍没有受到干扰。

36、The surface area of filling mercury amalgam did not relate to Hg concentration.The larger volume of polishing old mercury amalgam was, the higher concentration of Hg was. ─── 同时表明,银汞充填的表面积和汞浓度之间无相关性,但磨除陈旧性银汞合金的体积越大,汞浓度就越高。

37、But because manna is mellow the metabolization child inside body, but translate into dextrose, so, toDiabeticThe patient with amalgamative head ill blood-vessel, answer to be used cautiously. ─── 但由于甘露醇在体内的代谢产物,可转化为葡萄糖,所以,对于糖尿病合并脑血管病的患者,应慎重使用。

38、Main amalgamative disease sends infection for development obstacle and afterwards, the patient's condition that there is 1/3 little patient about after the course is treated gets ameliorative. ─── 主要的合并症为发育障碍和继发感染,经过治疗后约有1/3患儿的病情得到改善。

39、Study of the Adhesion Intensity of Amalgam Restoration with Super-Bond Adhesive. ─── Super-Bond粘结剂对银汞合金粘接强度的影响

40、Avert, the space is OK and amalgamative, also can be mutual appreciation only. ─── 转 开,空间可以合并,也可以只是互相欣赏。

41、It may be only an amalgam;it is better if it be a chemical combination. ─── 它可能只是一种混合物,若是一种化学化合物就更好了。

42、Or rather (this being Los Angeles) a fantasy amalgam of several town centres. ─── 因其坐落于洛杉矶,更恰当一点说,它更像是几个城镇中心的混血儿。

43、A18 year old male patient,Mesial lesion in relation to 26.Mesial and distal amalgam restorations with marginal deterioration.Discoloured Palatal groove. ─── 18岁男性患者,26号牙齿的牙冠中面出现缺损,中面及远中面的汞合金修复出现边缘恶化现象。上颚沟变色。

44、There are various possibilities in collaboration, this is amalgamative, I feel we can win, because itself of the sina before this passes for many times with respect to conformity. ─── 合作中有各种各样的可能性,这次合并,我觉得我们能赢,因为此前新浪本身就整合过多次。”

45、Adding few palladium in amalgam can impove the amalgam s mercury vapor release rate, mechanical properties, corrosion resistance and creep resistance. ─── 在汞齐合金中添加微量的钯,可改善汞齐合金的汞释出率、机械性质、抗腐蚀性与抗潜变性。

46、Outstanding symptom is: Inchoate can have disgusting, vomit, the patient of amalgamative gall-stone can appear dyspeptic. ─── 突出症状是:早期可有恶心,呕吐,合并胆结石的病人可出现消化不良。

47、When the two crews recover, they find that the two ships have fused together in a freakish amalgam. ─── 两方的船员惊魂未定,突然发现两艘船以一种不可思议的方式"融合"在了一起。

48、It also can be used in the manufacture of sodium hydroxide , vitamins, spices, dyes, sodium amalgam, tetraethyl lead, titanium and oil refining and so on. ─── 可用于制造氰化钠、维生素、香料、染料、钠汞齐、四乙基铅、金属钛等,还可用于石油精制等方面。

49、Expression breaks down for the facial nerve that appears repeatedly and facial strut, amalgamative knit tongue folding in a garment. ─── 表现为反复出现的面神经瘫痪和面部肿胀,合并皱襞舌。

50、Turn the door on, 3 spaces do each each, each other is jam-free; Avert, the space is OK and amalgamative, also can be mutual appreciation only. ─── 将门转上,三个空间各干各的,互无干扰;转开,空间可以合并,也可以只是互相欣赏。

51、National classics trade appoint change with body appoint execute to industrial business amalgamative or annex drafts a new regulation. ─── 国家经贸委和体改委对工业企业实行合并或兼并制定出新的规定。

52、Female worker works every classes the two lactation time inside time, OK and amalgamative use. ─── 女职工每班劳动时间内的两次哺乳时间,可以合并使用。

53、Enclosing another problem that the company faces is the other part of area of electronic product industry is amalgamative, this may make their client fewer. ─── 封装公司面临的另一个问题是电子产物工业区域的其他部门的合并,这可能使他们的客户更少。

54、Then carries on the production experiment of processing recycling of the amalgam,the total processed amalgam is 441. ─── 在恒电位模式下,利用电解槽,采用阳极溶出法,以汞为阳极,对汞膏的处理回收进行了生产试验,共处理汞膏441。

55、Be likeMenstruationToo little, classics goes not free, classics comes agglomerate, dysmenorrhoea and travel of a lot of classics are amalgamative disease. ─── 如月经过少、经行不畅、经来成块、痛经及诸多经行合并症等。

56、Business praise be " buy a way " child, it is the balance that points to amalgamative cost and value of evenhanded of net assets of company be incorporatinged. ─── 商誉是“购买法”的产物,它是指合并成本与被合并企业净资产公允价值的差额。

57、We are mixed to NROM science and technology in of core resource amalgamative new standard will be established to bestrew confidence in semiconductor industry. ─── 咱们对 NROM 科技和中芯资本的合并将在半导体业树立新的尺度充满抉择信念。”

58、Because of the basis " company method " regulation, company when amalgamative, schism, ought to inform beforehand lawfully and announcement creditor, creditor has authority to ask pay off debt perhaps is offerred assure. ─── 因为根据《公司法》规定,公司合并、分立时,应当依法事先通知和公告债权人,债权人有权要求清偿债务或者提供担保。

59、He says, this amalgamative Rangdaier centers market strength to a brand. ─── 他说,这次合并让戴尔将市场力量集中到一个品牌上。

60、Of course the rate that this wants to treat infection, if be pure sex urethritis, without amalgamative disease, pass seasonable cure again, it is to won't cause infecund barren. ─── 当然这要看感染的程度,如为单纯性尿道炎,无合并症,又经过及时的治疗,是不会引起不孕不育的。

61、Because of all sorts of this pair of amalgamative disease from must take seriously very at the beginning, affect especially should give large dose effective antibiotic treatment at the beginning. ─── 因此对各种合并症从一开始就必须十分重视,特别是感染一开始就应给予大剂量有效的抗菌素治疗。

62、It is an amalgam of small buildings and newer, giant shed-like structures, redolent of fish and diesel oil. ─── 它是小建筑和更新、更大的棚式建筑,鱼腥味和柴油味的混合物。

63、The best filling material is silver amalgam. ─── 充填料以银汞合金为好。

64、Often be single shot, also can send more, the cerebral blood-vessel of amalgamative even and other type is unbalanced. ─── 常为单发,也可以多发,甚至合并其他类型的脑血管畸形。

65、Paralysis of face of gravid and amalgamative Bell is the commonnest at gravid later period 3 months or childbed initial stage. ─── 妊娠合并贝尔氏面瘫最常见于妊娠后期3个月或产褥初期。

66、Lacteal cheeper is congenital facial nerve is paralytic in all 16 (14.3 % ) , among them at the same time amalgamative and other organ misshapes 7. ─── 乳幼儿先天性面神经麻痹共16例(14.3%),其中7例同时合并其他器官畸形。

67、If have a sister,2 people have facial nerve at the same time paralytic, the bleb of amalgamative tongue ministry. ─── 如有姐妹二人同时患面神经麻痹,合并舌部的疱疹。

68、The memory market this year is one of content that IT bound has a hotspot most probably, all sorts of collaboration or amalgamative message are changing the structure of memory market ceaselessly. ─── 今年的存储市场大概是IT界最有看点的内容之一,各种合作或合并的消息不断改变着存储市场的格局。

69、Address of mailing of same domain name is arranged together, throw into confusion location of cede territory of address, amalgamative address, cent and worry unnecessarily repeat letterhead function. ─── 同一域名邮件地址整理在一起、打乱地址、合并地址、分割地址与过虑重复地址等功能。

70、Although lost a few chances, but final with hubble-bubble net amalgamative also make him very satisfactory. ─── 虽然失去了一些机会,但最终与泡泡网的合并也让他很满足。

71、Its suggesed that the schools and departments should be run in a cooperative or amalgamative way so as to give a full play to the educational materials and equipments and increase their benefits. ─── 几所体育专科院、系办学效益较低.建议走合作办学或合并办学的道路,使教育资源充分发挥作用,提高办学效益.

72、In Lin Tinghan's eye, amalgamative place brings, the value that is 1 12. ─── 在林廷翰的眼里,合并所带来的,将是1 12的价值。

73、It was possible that secondary caries of gallium alloy's restorative may be higher than those of amalgam. ─── 体外实验的结果显示,银汞合金的耐磨性和耐腐蚀性均优于镓合金,并有显著性差异。

74、A Presidential decision is always an amalgam of judgement, confidence in his associates, and concern about their morale. ─── 总统所作的决定,经常是他的判断,他对僚属的信任以及对他们的情绪的关怀的混合体。

75、The patient of amalgamative to having oedema, should basis " salty injury kidney " , " weak ooze is wet " principle, dietary appropriate is weak should not be salty. ─── 对有合并水肿的病人,应根据“咸伤肾”、“淡渗湿”的原则,饮食宜淡不宜咸。

76、Compared to control group, no difference were found for mood status (POMS) among amalgam subgroups with various amalgam faces and duration. ─── 不论充填数多少和充填时间长短,均未发现情感状态的改变。

77、His work is a strange amalgam of several musical styles. ─── 他的作品是数种音乐风格的奇特融合。

78、Conclusion: To reduce the microleakage, it might be recommended to restore the endodontically treated posterior tooth using a bonded amalgam coronal-radicular technique. ─── 对后牙进行粘结银汞桩核的修复可以有效的保护经过牙髓治疗的牙齿。

79、The pregnant woman of paralysis of face of amalgamative Bell, its preeclampsia occurence rate is 6 times of pregnant woman more general. ─── 合并贝尔氏面瘫的孕妇,其先兆子痫发生率是一般孕妇的6倍。

80、If the patient is not amalgamative,have malign pathological change, use large dose hormone to be able to be controlled. ─── 如果患者未合并有恶性病变,则使用大剂量激素可以控制。

81、Of 40 %HypertensiveThe patient is amalgamative have block sexMorpheusBreath pauses, the block sex of 45 %MorpheusBreath suspends patient companion havingHypertensive. ─── 40%的高血压患者合并有阻塞性睡眠呼吸暂停,45%的阻塞性睡眠呼吸暂停患者伴有高血压。

82、To the patient of amalgamative infection, should avoid takes the matter of the hair that aid heat such as acrimony fish shrimp, old hen. ─── 对合并感染的病人,应忌服辛辣鱼虾、老母鸡等助热发物。

83、Clinical prodrome is flu appearance symptom, calorific, vomit, albuminuria, partial patient is amalgamative the film inside puerperium palace phlogistic or uric road infection. ─── 临床前驱症状为流感样症状,发热,呕吐,蛋白尿,部分病人合并产褥期宫内膜炎或尿路感染。

84、Cloth forest emphasizes, gu Ge insists to think of Microsoft and Yahoo amalgamative violated antitrust law, and will harm the interest of Internet user. ─── 布林强调,谷歌坚持认为微软与雅虎的合并违反了反垄断法律,并且将损害互联网用户的利益。

85、Schism, amalgamative (annex) the unemployed insurance right that the unit after is enjoyed and assumes former unit and obligation. ─── 分立、合并(兼并)后的单位享有和承担原单位的失业保险权利和义务。

86、But, should notice its are amalgamative disease, basically be conduit relevant and amalgamative disease and metabolization are disorder. ─── 但是,应注意其合并症,主要为导管相关合并症及代谢紊乱。

87、Amalgam was mixed with mercury by the silver, copper and the tin powder.It s properties can be improved by adding few metals like zinc, indium and palladium . ─── 中文摘要汞齐合金主要是以银、铜与锡之合金粉末与汞混合而成的合金,有时也会添加少量金属(如锌、铟、钯等)以改善其性质。

88、In endodontics, various materials have been used for root repair: amalgam, zinc oxide eugenol, calcium hydroxide, composites and glass-ionomers. ─── 在牙体牙髓科的临床操作中,已有很多材料被用于根管的修复,如:银汞、氧化锌、氢氧化钙、复合树脂和玻璃离子。

89、Company component, amalgamative, disband etc great and decision-making must approve via worker shareholder plenary meeting. ─── 企业分立、合并、解散等重大决策必须经职工股东大会批准。

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