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08-16 投稿


chimpanzee 发音

英:[?t??mp?n?zi?]  美:[?t??mp?n?zi?]

英:  美:

chimpanzee 中文意思翻译



chimpanzee 词性/词形变化,chimpanzee变形


chimpanzee 短语词组

1、chimpanzee ambassador ─── 黑猩猩大使

2、chimpanzee murder ─── 黑猩猩谋杀案

3、the study of chimpanzee culture ─── 黑猩猩文化研究

4、chimpanzee monkey ─── 黑猩猩猴

5、eastern chimpanzee ─── [网络] 东部黑猩猩

6、chimpanzee coryza agent ─── 黑猩猩感冒病毒

7、chimpanzee astronaut ─── 黑猩猩宇航员

8、pygmy chimpanzee ─── 矮小黑猩猩

9、chimpanzee facts ─── 黑猩猩的事实

10、chimpanzee behaviours ─── 黑猩猩的行为

11、western chimpanzee ─── 西非黑猩猩

12、chimpanzee health ─── 黑猩猩健康

13、central chimpanzee ─── [网络] 猩猩

14、chimpanzee noise ─── 黑猩猩噪音

15、chimpanzee costume ─── 黑猩猩服装

chimpanzee 相似词语短语

1、chicaned ─── n.诡计;vt.诈骗;vi.诈骗

2、chiminea ─── 化学

3、chicane ─── n.诡计;vt.诈骗;vi.诈骗

4、impanate ─── 刺穿

5、impanel ─── v.选任(陪审员),把(某人)选入陪审团

6、pygmy chimpanzee ─── 矮小黑猩猩

7、chicanes ─── n.诡计;vt.诈骗;vi.诈骗

8、chimpanzees ─── n.[脊椎]黑猩猩(chimpanzee的复数)

9、chimney ─── n.烟囱

chimpanzee 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Scanning the rack, I ran across a card with a chimpanzee on the front holding a phone receiver in his hand. ─── 浏览卡片架时,我看到一张卡片,封面是一只手拿著电话听筒的黑猩猩。

2、This gets bigger with each advance in complexity.And it is noticeably different in a human from that in the brain of a chimpanzee. ─── 它比在这一复杂领域的任何进展都要重要,同时,和非洲小猩猩大脑相比,人类大脑中的这一系统较之没有任何相似之处。

3、an anthropoid ape,such as a gorilla or chimpanzee ─── 一种类似人的猿,如大猩猩或黑猩猩

4、chimpanzee coryza agent(respiratory syncytial virus) ─── (黑)猩猩鼻炎因子(呼吸道合胞病毒)

5、Chimpanzee Sequencing and Analysis Consortium ─── 年,美国黑猩猩测序与分析合作组织

6、Brightly colored paintings by Congo the chimpanzee are going on sale at a prestigious London auction house alongside works by Andy Warhol and Renoir. ─── 伦敦一家著名的拍卖行将出售黑猩猩刚果的绘画作品。这些色彩明艳的绘画将同画家安廸·霍尔和雷诺阿的作品一起被拍卖。

7、They therefore decided to try teaching a chimpanzee to sign in the way that deaf people do ─── 因此他们决定教导一只黑猩猩学习形体姿态,如同耳聋人的姿态方法

8、I went to Tanzania in East Africa and worked in the Gombe Stream Chimpanzee Reserve. ─── 我去了东非坦桑尼亚的“冈比小溪黑猩猩保护区”工作,

9、In hybrids the two chimpanzee chromosomes can be expected to undergo independent segregation ─── 在杂种细胞中,黑猩猩的两个染色体可以发生自由分离,这是可预料的。

10、And nobody helps anybody,’ says Bob, the chimpanzee. ─── 他们在旅馆里遇到各式各样的动物。

11、Capuchins are among the smartest of monkeys and have been referred to as "the New World Chimpanzee. " ─── 卷尾猴是最聪明的猴类之一,人们已经把它们当做了“新时代的黑猩猩”来看待。

12、any of various large,tailless Old World primates of the family Pongidae,including the chimpanzee,gorilla,gibbon,and orangutan ─── 无尾猿,类人猿,一种猩猩科大而无尾的东半球灵长目动物,包括黑猩猩、大猩猩、长臂猿和猩猩

13、Asuka, three-year-old female chimpanzee, reacts to other chimpanzee's call as she paints at a studio at Izu Shaboten Park in Ito, southwest of Tokyo September 19, 2004. ─── 9月19日,在日本东京西南的伊东市,一只名叫“飞鸟”的三岁雌性黑猩猩在一间工作室画画的过程中,回应其他黑猩猩的呼叫。

14、pygmy chimpanzee ─── 小型类人猿

15、Now I am one of the least lurid mortals, and I don't at all mind being likened to a chimpanzee. ─── 我只是一个毫不可怕的普通人,我也不在意别人是否把我当作大猩猩。

16、Ralph, Jr. and his friends walk past the chimpanzee's cage. The chimpanzee looks at Ralph, Jr., grimaces and covers its eyes. ─── 小拉尔夫和朋友们走过黑猩猩的笼子。黑猩猩看着小拉尔夫,露出一脸苦相,还遮起了双眼。

17、Keepers say Charlie the chimpanzee picked up the habit from visitors at the Bloemfontein Zoo who sometimes toss him cigarettes. ─── 园方说,布隆方丹动物园的黑猩猩查理从入园的游客那里学会抽菸,他们有时会丢香菸给??

18、Swinging from branch to branch, a young chimpanzee moves quickly through the trees. Chimps usually walk on all fours but are also able to walk upright on two legs. ─── 从一根树枝摇到另一根树枝,这只年轻的猩猩在树林里迅速穿梭。猩猩通常四脚行走,但是也可以两脚直立行走。

19、Using mouse embryos, Noonan and his collaborators examined how HACNS1 and its related sequences in chimpanzee and rhesus monkey regulated gene expression during development. ─── 利用小鼠胚胎,努南和他的合作者研究如何hacns1及其相关序列的黑猩猩和恒河猴的基因表达的规管期间的发展。

20、However, more air pressure is needed to make the false cords vibrate, and so doubletons are heard only after the chimpanzee's vocalization has assumed a certain degree of intensity. ─── 然而,让人造声带振动需要更多的空气压力,而且双声调也只有在黑猩猩的发声取得某种程度的强度之后才能听到。

21、She will be greatly missed. Her memorial will be held November 12 at The Chimpanzee and Human Communications Institute on the Ellensburg campus of Central Washington University in Washington State. ─── 她将被深切怀念。她的葬礼将于12月12日在华盛顿州的中心华盛顿大学埃伦斯堡校区的人类和黑猩猩交流学院举行。

22、Indeed, at the time that the chimpanzee and bonobo lineages separated, our own African ancestors were all Australopithecines. ─── 实际上,当黑猩猩和矮黑猩猩分裂的时候,我们自己的非洲祖先都是南猿。

23、Presenting about 30 different neotenies in comparison to the chimpanzee ─── 30种不同的性早熟

24、A South African zoo wants a chimpanzee to quit smoking cold turkey. ─── 南非一家动物园要一只黑猩猩立即戒菸。

25、Or "suppose that a chimpanzee arrived at a huge fig tree. ─── 又或是假设一个黑猩猩来到一棵很大的无花果树下。

26、I must admit that at this point I began to fall in love (in an un-chimpanzee like way) with this feisty older lady. ─── 我必须承认,在这一点上我开始喜欢上这个精力充沛的老太太了(不是黑猩猩那样的喜欢)。

27、A chimpanzee in a northwest China zoo has quit smoking after 16 years with the help of her keepers, official media reported. ─── 中国西北部一座动物园一头黑猩猩,在她的饲养员协助下,已戒掉持续16年的抽菸习惯,国营媒体报导。

28、A chimpanzee named Washoe and born in Africa died of natural causes late last month at the age of 42 at a research center in the American state of Washington. ─── 名叫瓦休的一只黑猩猩出生于非洲,在上个月42岁时因自然原因死于一个华盛顿的美国政府研究中心。

29、Parents of small children may not feel like they have it easy, but compared to chimpanzee parents, they do. ─── 家有小孩子的母亲也许会觉得带大孩子不是一件轻松的事情,但和猩猩父母相比,他们还是轻松的。

30、The U.S. spacecraft Mercury-Atlas 5 is launched with Enos, a chimpanzee, aboard (the spacecraft orbited the Earth twice and splashed-down off the coast of Puerto Rico). ─── 1961年,美国宇宙飞船水星-宇宙神5号载着一只叫以挪士的黑猩猩发射升空(飞船绕地球轨道飞行了2周后落入波多黎各海岸的水中)。

31、Another famous talking ape is Sarah the chimpanzee. ─── 另一只著名的会说话的猩猩叫Sarah黑猩猩,

32、Examples of emulation learning are well-documented among primates. Notable examples include Japanese macaque potato washing, Chimpanzee tool use, and Chimpanzee gestural communication. ─── 在灵长目动物中,竞争学习的例子得到了充分的证实。其中,一些突出的例子包括以下几种情况:日本猕猴洗土豆,黑猩猩使用工具,以及黑猩猩用手势进行交流。

33、Pygmy Chimpanzee May Be Near Extinction ─── 刚果侏儒黑猩猩面临灭绝危险

34、In Tanzania, primatologists studying chimpanzee behavior record the death of Flo, a troop's 50-year-old matriarch. ─── 在坦桑尼亚,原始生物学家对黑猩猩的行为进行了研究。 他们记录了一只叫福娄的黑猩猩的死亡过程。 福娄是一个黑猩猩群落中年近50岁的女族长。

35、He shared his meals with a chimpanzee and his bed with young boys, “the most loving thing to do”. ─── 他与黑猩猩一同进餐,与小男孩共枕而眠,他说“这是最美好的事情。”

36、Gorilla is bigger than chimpanzee. ─── 大猩猩比黑猩猩大。

37、An international team gathered chimpanzee waste from the forest floor in areas of southern Cameroon. ─── 一个国际性的研究团队从喀麦隆的南部地区的森林地面上采集来猩猩的粪便。

38、Brightly colored paintings by Congo the chimpanzee are going on sale at a prestigious London auction house. ─── 伦敦一家著名的拍卖行将出售黑猩猩刚果的色彩名艳的绘画作品。

39、Swinging from branch to branch, a young chimpanzee moves quickly through the trees. ─── 一只小黑猩猩在树枝间荡来荡去,在树林间快速穿行着。

40、The family of a Connecticut woman attacked by a chimpanzee has filed a 50-million-dollar lawsuit against the primate's owner. The victim is badly disfigure d and possibly brain-damaged. ─── 康涅狄格一名妇女受到一只大猩猩的攻击,被严重毁容而且脑部可能受到损伤。该妇女家人将猩猩主人告上法庭,要求赔偿五千万美元。

41、It lives in a matriarchal society - there are blokes, but the birds are in charge - and it is more peaceful than the chimpanzee world. ─── 它们生活在母系社会中,当然在倭黑猩猩的世界也有雄性,但负责做主的却是雌性,可想而知,它们的世界比黑猩猩平静多了。

42、In 1950s, US Air Force Team Daedalus was supposed to be the first team to be sent to space.However, when NASA was formed, NASA decided to send a chimpanzee to space instead. ─── 五十年代在美国,一队被称为神匠的美国空军本应会成为第一批被派上太空的人。

43、So biologists have long been puzzled over the fact that the human head louse is a sister species to the chimpanzee louse, but the pubic louse is closely related to the gorilla louse. ─── 所以生物学家长期为此困惑:为什么人类的头虱是黑猩猩虱子的近亲。而阴虱却是大猩猩虱子的近亲。

44、Any of various large, tailless Old World primates of the family Pongidae, including the chimpanzee, gorilla, gibbon, and orangutan. ─── 无尾猿,类人猿一种猩猩科大而无尾的东半球灵长目动物,包括黑猩猩、大猩猩、长臂猿和猩猩

45、Some folks seem to have descended from the chimpanzee ─── 有些人看来像是从黑猩猩变来的。

46、But what Dr Turner has done is logically equivalent to the step taken by, for example, one particular chimpanzee retrovirus when it leapt to humans and evolved into what is now known as HIV. ─── 人类感染了非洲黑猩猩身上的一种特殊的反转录病毒,这种病毒就会发展成现在人所共知的HIV病毒。

47、Her memorial will be held November 12 at The Chimpanzee and Human Communications Institute on the Ellensburg campus of Central Washington University in Washington State. ─── 她的葬礼将于12月12日在华盛顿州的中心华盛顿大学埃伦斯堡校区的人类和黑猩猩交流学院举行。

48、In 1957, animal behaviorist Desmond Morris organized an exhibition of chimpanzee art, including works by Congo, at London's Institute of Contemporary Arts. ─── 1957年,动物行为学家戴思蒙-莫里斯曾经在伦敦当代艺术馆组织过一次黑猩猩艺术作品展览,展品中包括刚果的画作。

49、small chimpanzee of swamp forests in Zaire; a threatened species. ─── 扎伊尔的潮湿森林中小黑猩猩;一个受到威胁的物种。

50、A baby chimpanzee, rescued from pet dealers and brought from Southern Sudan to Kenya, is shown in its quarantine facility in Nairobi on March 13. ─── 图中的黑猩猩幼崽从一个宠物商人手里救出后,从苏丹南部送到了肯尼亚,图为3月13日它在内罗毕的检疫隔离室里。

51、After all, who could look at a chimpanzee on a unicycle and comprehend its real situation? ─── 毕竟,谁能看着骑在独轮车上的黑猩猩,理解它的真实处境呢?

52、Don't believe it? Watch how she snaps the sapling, then struts her stuff in a way that would make any dominant male chimpanzee proud. ─── 不相信吗?看看她如何呵斥小猩猩,然后以一种所有占统治地位的雄性黑猩猩的骄傲的方式昂首阔步地离开。

53、Since then, the chimpanzee An Guna start playing the role of the nurse to help care for this breeder Qinuo two 21-day-old baby tiger. ─── 它此前刚刚协助照料了4只小豹子,它们已经变得亲密无间。“它现在是白虎幼仔的"养母"。它给它们奶瓶,并和它们躺在一起。它是一个非常出色的助手,”安特尔说。

54、Habitat structure of chimpanzee communities in Nigeria: a com-parison of sites ─── 尼日利亚不同区域黑猩猩社群的栖息地比较

55、"ape: any of various large, tailless Old World primates of the family Pongidae, including the chimpanzee, gorilla, gibbon, and orangutan." ─── 无尾猿,类人猿: 一种猩猩科大而无尾的东半球灵长目动物,包括黑猩猩、大猩猩、长臂猿和猩猩。

56、Scanning the rack, I ran across a card with a chimpanzee on the front holding a phone receiver in his hand. ─── 浏览卡片架时,我看到一张卡片,封面是一只手拿著电话听筒的黑猩猩。

57、Initially disturbed that his method of pacifying a chimpanzee had been applied to humans, Fulton later became a cautious proponent of psychosurgery. ─── 傅尔顿一开始觉得很不安,因为他用来安抚黑猩猩的做法,却给用在人身上;

58、In 1957, animal behaviorist Desmond Morris organized an exhibition of chimpanzee art, including works by Congo, at London"s Institute of Contemporary Arts. ─── 1957年,动物行为学家戴思蒙·莫里斯曾经在伦敦当代艺术馆组织过一次黑猩猩艺术作品展览,展品中包括刚果的画作。

59、I.V.An international team gathered chimpanzee waste from the forest floor in areas of southern Cameroon. ─── 一个国际小队从喀麦隆南部地区的森林植被中,搜集到了黑猩猩粪便。

60、In terms of scientific significance, Delgado believes his experiment on a female chimpanzee named Paddy deserved more attention. ─── 以科学的重要性而言,戴尔嘎多认为他在派蒂这只雌黑猩猩身上所做的实验,更值得重视。

61、small chimpanzee of swamp forests in Zaire; a threatened species ─── 扎伊尔的潮湿森林中小黑猩猩;一个受到威胁的物种

62、This second chimpanzee is not a relative of the first chimpanzee, and they've never seen each other before. ─── 第二只黑猩猩不是第一只黑猩猩的亲戚,它们以前也从来没见过面。

63、The arytenoids cartilages were relatively small and most of the cartilaginous material throughout the larynx was more calcified than in man and chimpanzee. ─── 杓状软骨是相对地小而且大部份的遍布喉头的软骨的材料较人类及黑猩猩的都钙化地多。

64、So next time you laugh, some other Chimpanzee somewhere out there is laughing more hysterically than you. ─── 所以下次你笑时,可能有黑猩猩在别处比你笑得更厉害呢!

65、Under pressure from humans, the chimpanzee has suffered population decline, habitat fragmentation, and in some places local extinction. ─── 在人类的压力下,黑猩猩们面临了人口下降,栖息地破坏,还有某些地方的灭绝。

66、Chimpanzee communities seem to suffer in a similar way: playdates drive the dissemination of respiratory infections among the primates, according to a new study. ─── 一项新的研究指出,黑猩猩幼儿的聚会确实会助长灵长类动物间散播呼吸道感染疾病。

67、An anthropoid ape of the family Pongidae,which includes the chimpanzee,gorilla,and orangutan. ─── 一九九六年初,一些加彭共和国的村民因吃了感染伊波拉病毒的大猩猩而死亡。

68、A chimpanzee will wear a special "play face" when it wants to let you know it's friendly. ─── 而黑猩猩在表示友好的时候,它脸上会显现出一副特殊的“滑稽”表情。

69、Oliver was a bald-headed, Spock-eared chimpanzee that, besides playing bartender, also walked on two legs, used a toilet, and loved watching TV. ─── 奥利佛是一只秃头且耳上有疤的非洲黑猩猩,除了可以充作酒吧调酒师外,它还会两腿直立行走,使用马桶,喜欢看电视。

70、In Tanzania,primatologists studying chimpanzee behavior record the death of Flo,a troop's 50-year-old matriarch. ─── 在坦桑尼亚,原始生物学家对黑猩猩的行为进行了研究。他们记录了一只叫福娄的黑猩猩的死亡过程。福娄是一个黑猩猩群落中年近50岁的女族长。

71、Status survey of chimpanzee Pan troglodytes in the forest zone of southwestern Nigeria ─── 尼日利亚西南部森林区域中大猩猩的状况调查

72、Hungry refugees displaced by the two-year civil war in neighboring Congo and forced to eat small apes threaten to wipe out the chimpanzee population in western Uganda, a conservationist said Thursday. ─── 一名保育人士周四表示,乌干达西部的人民因邻国刚果长达两年的内战而流离失所,饥民被迫以小型黑猩猩果腹,此举已威胁到黑猩猩族群的生存。

73、A Chimpanzee and a Norwegian ─── 挪威人与黑猩猩

74、Some folks seem to have descend from the chimpanzee much later than others. ─── 有些人,看来像是比其他人晚了好久才从黑猩猩分支而传下来的后裔。

75、They aligned sections of the human and chimpanzee genomes and identified how much they diverged. ─── 他们对人类和黑猩猩的基因组上各部分进行核对,并识别出基因组间分化的程度。

76、Eddie: Na! I don't need 'em.I could marry a chimpanzee and no-one would care; that's the beauty of Vegas. ─── 埃迪:没有必要,我即使娶个猩猩也没人管我,这就是维加斯的好处。

77、SCULLY: It's mammalian. My guess is it's a chimpanzee or something from the ape family, possibly an orangutan. ─── 它是哺乳动物。我猜它是一只黑猩猩或者猿类家族的一员,可能是一种猩猩。

78、Grounded in her pioneering study of chimpanzee behavior, the institute is dedicated to the well-being of all living things. ─── 基于她对黑猩猩行为的先驱研究,这所研究所关注所有生命的福祉。

79、It has been recorded that a Chimpanzee once laughed hysterically when he gave a rock to his caretaker to eat. ─── 有资料记录一只黑猩猩曾经在给它的照顾者一块石头吃时歇斯底里地大笑。

80、the mother chimpanzee caring for her young ─── 照料着幼崽的母猩猩

81、chimpanzee infectious dose ─── CID

82、"I would sincerely doubt that chimpanzee art has ever been auctioned before," said Bonhams' director of modern and contemporary art, Howard Rutkowski. ─── 伯罕斯拍卖行现当代艺术总监,霍华德-卢特考斯基说:“我相信以前从来没有人拍卖过黑猩猩的作品。

83、Most notable was Washoe, a chimpanzee who became world-famous for her apparent mastery of American Sign Language. ─── 最引人注意的是沃什欧,这是一个因能明显地熟练掌握美国手势语而闻名世界的黑猩猩。

84、"Under pressure from humans, the [chimpanzee] has suffered population decline, habitat fragmentation, and in some places local extinction. ─── 在人类的压迫下,黑猩猩遭受着数量下降,栖息地分割,区域性灭绝的威胁。

85、In Tanzania, primatologists studying chimpanzee behavior record the death of Flo, a troop's 50-year-old matriarch . ─── 在坦桑尼亚,原始生物学家对黑猩猩的行为进行了研究,记录了一只叫福娄的黑猩猩的死亡过程。

86、The human genome was officially completed in 2003 (ScienceNOW, 14 April 2003), and since then scientists have sequenced everything from the mouse to the chimpanzee to, most recently, the honeybee and sea urchin (ScienceNOW, 25 October). ─── 人类基因组计划于2003年完成(2003年4月14日现代科学杂志),自从科学家们将小鼠到猩猩的序列测定出来以后,最近,将测定蜜蜂和海胆的序列(10月25日现代科学杂志)。

87、"To compare the nation's first African-American commander in chief to a dead chimpanzee is nothing short of racist drivel. ─── 将美国首位非洲裔总统比作一只死去的黑猩猩带有明显的种族主义色彩。”

88、Contrary to the expectations of many, the researchers also found that two high-profile species, the gorilla and the pygmy chimpanzee, or bonobo, should be downgraded to a lower level of threat. ─── 与很多人的预料相反,研究人员还发现,两个备受关注的物种,大猩猩和侏儒黑猩猩(又名倭黑猩猩)应该降低其受威胁的级别。

89、sleeves, after all, carry the whiff of the simian: isn't it the chimpanzee that generally performs in something less than a long sleeve? ─── 短袖,归根结底,带有一种猿猴的意味:通常不是黑猩猩穿着短袖类的东西在表演吗?




基本解释:n. 大猩猩;<口>暴徒,打手

变化形式:复数 gorillas

易混淆的单词 Gorilla

例句:Gorilla dung could conceivably be the salvation of the planet .


Because there 's no doctor out there who doesn 't see medicare as the $ 800 gorilla .




1、gorilla 大猩猩 (生活于中非),英式读音:[g?'r?l?] ,美式读音:[g?'r?l?]

2、chimpanzee (口语:chimp) 黑猩猩 (生活与非洲)

3、orangutan (= orang-outang) 红毛猩猩 (生活于印尼等)

ape 泛指所有猿类,包括以上三种。

用法:用作名词 (n.)

Thegorillahad a massive forehead.


Gorillais bigger than chimpanzee.


The mountaingorillais on the verge of extinction.


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