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wattle 发音

英:['w?t(?)l]  美:['wɑtl]

英:  美:

wattle 中文意思翻译




wattle 网络释义

n. 板条,编条;[林] 金合欢树;枝条编成的篱笆adj. 板条的;由编条做成的vt. 用编条做成

wattle 词性/词形变化,wattle变形

动词过去分词: wattled |动词过去式: wattled |动词第三人称单数: wattles |动词现在分词: wattling |形容词: wattled |

wattle 短语词组

1、wattle gum ─── [医] 澳洲胶

2、Wattle Snout Moth ─── 蛇蛾

3、stinking wattle ─── [网络] 臭ing

4、Wattle-Eye ─── 沃特-艾耶

5、golden wattle ─── 金荆树,密花相思树,密花 ─── 金合欢

6、wattle stitch crochet ─── 小钩子

7、wattle fencing ─── 篱笆围栏

8、wattle extract ─── 荆树(皮)栲胶

9、silver wattle ─── 银荆树, ─── 银合欢

10、scented wattle ─── [网络] 有气味的wat

11、black wattle ─── 黑荆树,澳洲柔毛金合欢

12、wattle turkey ─── 沃特火鸡

13、Blissett's Wattle-Eye ─── 布莱塞特的沃特-艾耶

14、wattle anu login %1 ─── 瓦/年

15、wattle fence ─── 瓦特尔篱笆

16、wattle and daub n. ─── 抹灰篱笆墙

17、Jameson's Wattle-eye ─── 詹姆逊的沃特-眼

18、wattle-and-daub ─── [建] 抹灰篱笆墙

19、sweet wattle ─── [网络] 甜wat

wattle 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Compare pensive Exploitation and Utilization of "Mulberry Wattle" ─── “桑枝条”综合开发利用项目

2、a fence or wattle built across a stream to catch or retain fish. ─── 用小木桩或小枝编成的篱置于河中捕鱼的鱼梁。

3、To make new adsorbents for processing heavy metals wastewater, black wattle bark with high content of tannin was reacted with formaldehyde to fix the tannin in the bark. ─── 为充分利用我国丰富的黑荆树皮资源,满足现代重金属废水对吸附剂的更高要求,本文对黑荆树皮进行改性,并研究其对重金属离子的吸附性能。

4、The physico chemical properties and rheology of gum black wattle was studied. ─── 研究了黑荆胶的物理、化学性质及流变性质。

5、Keywords Modified black wattle tannin extract;Penetrating speed;Degree of tannage; ─── 改性黑荆树栲胶;渗透速度;鞣制系数;

6、wall might have been made of branches covered with mud. this is called "wattle and daub". ─── 墙壁可能是由树条编成,再裹上稀泥,因此称作“木骨泥墙”。

7、A flaplike structure, such as the wattle of a bird or the lobe of the ear. ─── 下垂物下垂状的结构,例如鸟的肉垂或耳朵的耳垂

8、It was jet-black with a crimson wattle, and it seemed unaware that it was in New York City. ─── 它是乌黑色的,带一块深红色的垂肉,似乎没有意识到自己在纽约市。

9、To weave into wattle. ─── 编成枝条构架

10、Any of several Asian pheasants of the genus Tragopan, the male of which has a brightly colored wattle and two blue hornlike appendages on the head. ─── 角雉亚洲产角雉属雉鸡,雄雉头部有色彩艳丽的内垂以及两蓝色的角状附属物

11、Keywords vegetable tannins;black wattle bark tannins;fractionation;hydrolases;inhibition; ─── 植物单宁;黑荆树皮单宁;分级;水解酶;抑制作用;

12、A portable framework made of intertwined branches or wattle and used for temporary fencing. ─── 疏篱树枝或柳条编成的可移动的纺织物,可以暂时作篱笆使用

13、wattle and dab ─── 荆笆墙

14、Keywords wattle tannin;bark;polyurethane;biodegradation; ─── 单宁;树皮;聚氨酯;生物降解;

15、walls made of wattle and daub ─── 用枝条和灰泥做成的墙

16、wattle turkey ─── 肉垂火鸡

17、1. There is a house with wattle fence in the picture. ─── 图画里有一间带篱笆的小房子。

18、Mere things like your wattle and daub hut, several oxen and a shiny necklace are no longer impressive. ─── 仅仅是抹灰的篱笆小屋,几头公牛,闪闪发光的项链早已没有吸引力了。

19、The results showed that the wolfberry germplasms could be classified into three types on the hardness of its branches hard, moderate hard and soft wattle. ─── 结果表明,调查的枸杞种质材料可以分为软条型、半软条型和硬条型。

20、Use transparent small tissue or attrib wattle shutter, flashy metallic stuff is added on furniture or setoff. ─── 使用透明薄织物或板条百叶窗,在家具或衬托物上增添闪光的金属材料。

21、Fig.1、2 The ultrastructure of leaf cells of black wattle at20℃. ─── 图1、220℃黑荆树种叶片细胞超微结构情况。

22、Malaysia Wattle Bulbul ─── n. 马来肉垂鹎

23、A pendulous part similar to this, such as the wattle of a bird. ─── 下垂的肉类似悬垂的部分,如鸟类的垂肉

24、Determination of Carboxyl Groups in the Oxidizing Degraded Products of Black Wattle Extract by Conductometric Titration ─── 电导滴定法测定黑荆树皮栲胶降解产物中羧基含量

25、Study on The Ultrastructure in Leaf Cells of Several Varieties of Black Wattle after Freezing ─── 几个不同种源的黑荆树在冰冻后叶片细胞超微结构的研究

26、orange wattle ─── n. 橘色合欢树

27、wattle fence ─── 篱笆围墙

28、It was jet-black with a crimson wattle, and it seemed unaware that it was in New York City.In classic barnyard fashion, it was scratching, pecking and clucking. ─── 这个小东西又扒又啄,还咯咯地叫着,一副典型的老式场院觅食的作派,俨然不知自己已身在纽约。

29、with a crimson wattle, and it seemed unaware that it was in New York City. ─── 它是乌黑色的,带一块深红色的垂肉,似乎没有意识到自己是在纽约市。

30、wattle unload ─── 卸

31、wattle fencing ─── 篱笆围栏

32、a fence or wattle built across a stream to catch or retain fish ─── 用小木桩或小枝编成的篱置于河中捕鱼的鱼梁

33、wattle work ─── 枝条编制品河岸防冲拦淤栅

34、Quick test method for determination of tannin in wattle bark extracts ─── GB/T17666-1999黑荆树栲胶单宁快速测定方法

35、Compare pensive Exploitation and Utilization of "Mulberry Wattle" ─── “桑枝条”综合开发利用项目

36、The evaluating standard of the wattle firmness of wolfberry was established based on the classification. ─── 本文依据归类结果制订枸杞枝条硬度的量化评价标准。

37、Behind the huts at the end of the village fifteen soldiers were trying with merry shouts to pull down the high wattle wall of a barn from which they had already removed the roof. ─── 大约有十五名士兵在村庄边上的一间房屋后面,快活地喊叫着摇晃一间棚屋的高大的篱笆墙,这间棚屋的屋顶已经被掀掉了。

38、Keywords collagen fiber;black wattle tannins;immobilization;scandium;adsorption; ─── 胶原纤维;黑荆树单宁;固化;钪;吸附;


40、Still can use " gauze shade " wait for small qualitative tissue, or it is a basis of oneself decorate a style to choose attrib wattle shutter appropriately. ─── 还可以使用“纱帘”等薄质织物,或是根据自家的装修风格适当选用板条百叶窗。

41、Nello didn't dream of plowing the little land, living under the wattle roof, and being called "sir" by neighbors who were a little poorer or a little richer than Nello. ─── 尼洛没有想过要耕作那一小块土地,生活在茅草屋顶下,并被稍微比自己贫穷或富有的邻居们称做“先生”。

42、a pendulous part similar to this,such as the wattle of a bird ─── 类似悬垂的部分,如鸟类的垂肉

43、Mere things like your wattle and daub hut, several oxen and a shiny necklace are no longer impressive; ─── 仅仅是抹灰的篱笆小屋,几头公牛,闪闪发光的项链早已没有吸引力了;

44、a fleshy part similar to a jowl,such as the dewlap of a cow or the wattle of a fowl ─── 类似下颌垂肉的多肉部位,如母牛的颈垂肉或禽鸟的嗉囊

45、The color of the black wattle extract became lighter through using the fresh bark.Furthermore the decolored extract meeting abroad standards can be given out by a decoloring treatment. ─── 利用新鲜树皮能够改善黑荆树栲胶的颜色,树皮越新鲜,生产出来的栲胶颜色越浅。通过脱色处理,能达到国外脱色栲胶颜色的要求

46、Keywords dynamic light scattering;electrophoresis;electrochemical behavior;valonia extract;wattle extract; ─── 动态光散射;电泳;电化学行为;橡椀栲胶;荆树皮栲胶;

47、electric wattle ─── 电烘饼炉

48、wattle firmness ─── 枝条硬度

49、The color of the black wattle extract became lighter through using the fresh bark. ─── 利用新鲜树皮能够改善黑荆树栲胶的颜色,树皮越新鲜,生产出来的栲胶颜色越浅。

50、Keywords plastic spiral pipe;high density polyethylene;wattle; ─── 塑料螺旋管;高密度聚乙烯;板带;

51、East African Wattle Manufacturers Association ─── 东非手杖制造商协会

52、Use transparent small tissue or attrib wattle shutter, flashy metallic stuff is added on furniture or setoff. ─── 使用透明薄织物或板条百叶窗,在家具或衬托物上增添闪光的金属材料。

53、Keywords conductometric titration;oxidizing modified product of Wattle extract;content of carboxyl group; ─── 羧基含量;黑荆树皮栲胶降解产物;电导滴定;

54、black tropical American bird having a large overhanging crest and long feathered wattle ─── 美洲热带的黑色鸟,长有大的悬垂羽冠和长的有羽毛的肉垂

55、wattle bark extract ─── 荆树皮浸膏

56、native huts of mud and wattle ─── 用泥土和枝条搭成的当地的茅屋

57、wattle principle of people ─── 人本原理

58、Fish stirs up trouble in and out of the office when he asks Ally to flirt with a new client and Whipper (guest star Dyan Cannon) catches him fondling “Janet Reno's” wattle. ─── 李察在办公室内外惹来不少麻烦,他要求艾莉跟新客户调情,而且他又被韦伯看见他摸司法部长连珍纳的脖子。

59、Wattle – the floral emblem of Australia – has proved a huge problem for South Africa. ─── 金合欢树(澳大利亚的植物象征)给南非带来了严重问题。

60、Wattle is the name generally used for the Australian. Golden Wattles stand for Australian people fond of green shade and gold-like colors. ─── 金合欢是澳大利亚的代名词。金色的金合欢代表着澳大利亚人喜爱的绿荫及金子般的色彩。

61、To construct from wattle. ─── 编筑用枝条编筑

62、most of them consisted of posts stuck in the ground, interwoven with twigs of wattle trees, and then daubed over with mud. ─── 房子很快建了起来,大多数的房子是把柱子插入土地,用金合欢树的树枝编连,外面再涂满泥。

63、Keywords Wattle tannin;Adhesive;Plywood; ─── 单宁;胶粘剂;胶合板;

64、immobilized black wattle tannins ─── 固化黑荆树单宁

65、The extraction conditions of proanthocyanidins from bark of black wattle (Acacia mearnsii De Wilde) and their biological activities were investigated in this study. ─── 对黑荆树树皮中原花色素的提取及生物活性进行了研究。

66、Keywords vegetable tannins;black wattle bark tannins;purification;fractionation;antimicrobial effects; ─── 植物单宁;黑荆树皮单宁;纯化;分级;抑菌性;

67、Next, the wall is attrib wattle outside, or brick (that is advanced) , stick on this wood basket. ─── 然后,外墙是板条的,或者砖(那是高级的),贴在这个木头笼子上。

68、A thatch-roofed hut made of wattle and daub found in Mexico and the southwest United States. ─── 泥满墙茅屋,小茅屋墨西哥和美国西南部由篱笆和涂抹物构成的茅草屋顶的小屋

69、wattle gum ─── 澳洲胶

70、Wattle Snout Moth ─── 澳大利亚小枯叶蛾(枯叶蛾科)

71、Any of several Asian pheasants of the genus Tragopan,the male of which has a brightly colored wattle and two blue hornlike appendages on the head. ─── 角雉亚洲产角雉属雉鸡,雄雉头部有色彩艳丽的内垂以及两蓝色的角状附属物。

72、Next, the wall is attrib wattle outside, or brick (that is advanced) , stick on this wood basket. ─── 然后,外墙是板条的,或者砖(那是高级的),贴在这个木头笼子上。

73、Amidst Melons by a Wattle Wall ─── 瓜前篱下

74、The arched and attrib wattle bed that what contemporary healthy berth uses is adjustable hardness stretchs tight, replaced traditional board. ─── 现代的健康睡床采用的是可调节硬度的弓形板条床绷,代替了传统的木板。

75、black tropical American bird having a large overhanging crest and long feathered wattle. ─── 美洲热带的黑色鸟,长有大的悬垂羽冠和长的有羽毛的肉垂。

76、1. It was jet-black with a crimson wattle, and it seemed unaware that it was in New York City. ─── 它是乌黑色的,带一块深红色的垂肉,似乎没有意识到自己在纽约市。

77、a fence or wattle placed in a stream to catch or retain fish ─── 在河流中用来捕获或拦截鱼的栅栏或枝条篱

78、black wattle extract ─── 柔毛金合欢栲胶

79、large genus of shrubs and trees and some woody vines of Central and South America,Africa,Australia and Polynesia: wattle; mimosa ─── 中南美地区,非洲,澳大利亚和玻利尼西亚的一些木本藤和乔木和灌木的大属;金合欢树;含羞草

80、wattle and daub ─── n. 抹灰篱笆墙

81、large genus of shrubs and trees and some woody vines of Central and South America, Africa, Australia and Polynesia: wattle; mimosa. ─── 中南美地区,非洲,澳大利亚和玻利尼西亚的一些木本藤和乔木和灌木的大属;金合欢树;含羞草。

82、Little Wattle Bird ─── n. 小垂蜜鸟

83、wattle extract ─── 荆树栲胶

84、The wattle wall was set up in a semicircle to give shelter from the north, propped up by stakes, and before it was built a camp-fire. ─── 八连拖来的篱笆墙朝北面竖立成半圆形,用枪支撑住,墙前生起了火堆。

85、Cinnamon-breasted Wattle Bird ─── n. 棕胸大蜜鸟

86、Based on purification by alcohol precipiation,the purity of black wattle bark tannins was increased by 10%. ─── 通过对黑荆树皮单宁进行醇沉纯化,可以使单宁质量分数提高10%。

87、broom wattle ─── 藤叶相思树

88、in-situ immobilized black wattle bark ─── 原位固化黑荆树皮

89、willow-leaved wattle ─── n. 柳叶合欢树

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