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08-16 投稿


awaking 发音

英:[??we?k??]  美:[??we?k??]

英:  美:

awaking 中文意思翻译



awaking 短语词组

1、awaking arsino ─── 唤醒阿尔西诺

2、awaking moment ─── 觉醒时刻

3、awaking the centuries ─── 唤醒世纪

awaking 反义词


awaking 词性/词形变化,awaking变形

动词第三人称单数: awakes |动词现在分词: awaking |动词过去式: awoke/awaked |动词过去分词: awaked/awoken |

awaking 同义词

astir | circumspect | attentive | wakeful | wake | alive | wide-eyed | wake up | aware | vigilant | awaken | active | watchful | arouse | waken | stirring | wide-awake | up | conscious | arise | sharp | rouse | up and about | observant |alert | come alive

awaking 常用词组

stay awake ─── 保持清醒;保持醒着的

wide awake ─── 清醒的;机警的

awake from ─── 从…中醒来,察觉

awaking 相似词语短语

1、lawmaking ─── n.立法

2、awarning ─── 唤醒

3、awarding ─── n.颁奖(award的现在时,动名词形式);获奖情况

4、waking ─── adj.醒着的;n.醒;觉醒;v.醒来,唤醒;唤起(记忆)(wake的现在分词)

5、awaiting ─── v.(事件等)等待(处理);等候;期待;即将降临到…身上(await的ing形式)

6、aslaking ─── 起初的

7、awakening ─── n.觉醒;唤醒;认识;adj.觉醒中的;正在产生的;v.唤醒;唤起(awaken的ing形式)

8、reawaking ─── 重新唤醒

9、awanting ─── adj.缺乏的

awaking 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Thoughts upon Awaking at Noon ─── 晌午醒来之感

2、Calculator ialah alat permainan awak. ─── 哈哈,想起来自己都要笑。

3、On awaking, he had still seen the golden nails; but soon he discovered that they were nothing but flowers. ─── 醒来时,他仍然看到金色的圆钉;过了一会儿,他发现那只不过是些花。

4、Then awaking from his sleep, he got up quickly, pulling up cloth and machine together. ─── 参孙从睡中醒来,将机上的橛子和纬线一齐都拔出来了。

5、BETA - 13-30 cycles per second - awaking awareness, extroversion, concentration, logical thinking - active conversation. ─── 每秒13-30周波-唤醒知觉,外向,专注,逻辑思维-活跃的谈话。

6、In modern times, it rill bring us helpful enlightenment to understand the relation between sport and awaking of body consciousness. ─── 在当代,理解体育与身体意识觉醒的关系,将给我们有益的启示。

7、He didn't like the look in the creature's eyes at all.Nor did he like the way its belly was distending, as though its aroused appetite was awaking a change in its anatomy. ─── 它的目光让医生感到非常恐惧,更让他不安的是怪物那渐渐隆起的腹部,就好象是它正胃口大开准备好好吃上一顿的样子。

8、Application of Propoxate and Fentanyl in Awaking of General Anesthesia ─── 丙泊酚芬太尼在全麻术后苏醒期的应用

9、In what could be considered a rude awaking , they sat up to see an American destroyer sailing along side. ─── 在被吵醒后,他们坐在甲板上惊讶的看见一艘美国驱逐舰正在与他们平行航行。

10、He stayed an hour, kissed the boy, without awaking him, and left Southampton by the mail that starts at a quarter past two. ─── 他待了一小时,亲吻小男孩,可没有叫醒他,然后乘二点一刻开的邮车离开南安普敦了。”

11、Dislussion on 9 cases of awaking up from persistent vegetated situation mainly by massage ─── 按摩为主促醒持续性植物状态病人9例疗效探讨

12、If I am not once injured by you, I cannot like this understand The deepest pain lets like awaking For me is final is bad. ─── 如果我不曾被你伤害,我就不会如此的明白。最深的痛让爱醒过来。对我来说是最后的坏。

13、Although they might cry, laugh or get drunk, after awaking from drunkeness they would become much soberer and awearer of cherishment and enlightment than before. ─── 或许会哭、或许会笑、或许会醉,但醉过之后的女人会更加清醒,醉过之后的女人会更加懂得珍惜,醉过 之后的女人会真正明白什么叫大彻大悟。

14、Methods Video EEG monitoring under the state of awaking and sleeping and with evoked tests and congnitive tests, was performed continuously for 6 hours in 203 children with episodic symptoms. ─── 方法对203例具有发作性症状的患儿进行连续6小时的包括清醒、睡眠、诱发试验及必要的认知测验的Video-EEG监测。

15、"Asia is awaking from her long sleep, " he wrote. ─── 他写道:"亚洲正在从长眠中觉醒。"

16、In particular, the dynamics of interaction of the atoms (such as N, 0, C) and small molecules ( take 02, CO, NO for example) with the transition metal surfaces is awaking more and more interest in the community of chemists and physicists. ─── 尤其是原子(N,O,C)及小分子(O_2,CO,NO)等与过渡金属表面相互作用的动力学正引起越来越多的化学家和物理学家的共同兴趣。

17、Only clear, accurate and true messages can stimulate the awaking of the placid, conformist souls. ─── 唯一清楚,准确和真实的信息可以刺激苏醒的平静,顺从的灵魂。

18、awaking in me, sublimely unconscious, interest and energy for tackling these tasks. ─── 我心中解决这些任务的兴趣和力量完全不知不觉的觉醒了。

19、"Ah, yes, " he said, as if awaking from a dream. ─── “啊,是的,”他说,象是从一场梦里醒来似的。

20、Results Comared with the control group,patient s awaking time and symptoms disappearance time were apparently shorter in treatment group(P

21、And he himself was in the back of the boat, sleeping on the cushion: and they, awaking him, said, Master, is it nothing to you that we are in danger of destruction? ─── 耶稣在船尾上、枕著枕头睡觉.门徒叫醒了他、说、夫子、我们丧命、你不顾麽。

22、He started to his feet with the intention of awaking the sleepers, for there was no time to lose. ─── 他倏的一下站起来,打算把睡觉的人都叫醒,因为时间十分紧迫,必须马上赶路。

23、The commonnest symptom is lumbago, aching edge rachis diffuses outwards, nightly when awaking with early morning apparent, daytime is reduced. ─── 最常见的症状是腰痛,疼痛沿脊柱向外扩散,夜间和清晨醒来时明显,日间减轻。

24、The carefree rain's rhythm, the time samsara, is awaking or sleepwalks, is real or the fairyland. ─── 畅快雨的节奏,时光的轮回,是醒着还是梦游,是真实还是幻境。

25、After awaking from dreams, people begin to touch subjective condition and such natures as self-nature instruct flesh-body to carry out diverse actions; ─── 由梦中苏醒后,人开始与外界的客观条件接触,肉身接受意识及自性等的指挥,展开各式各样的行动;

26、Lightly discuss on the method of awaking brooding Chongren Ma chickens ─── 浅谈崇仁麻鸡醒抱的方法

27、awaking test ─── 唤醒试验

28、When they are heated, I will make a feast for them, and overcome them with wine, so that they may become unconscious, sleeping an eternal sleep without awaking, says the Lord. ─── 他们火热的时候,我必为他们设摆酒席,使他们沉醉,好叫他们快乐,睡了长觉,永不醒起。这是耶和华说的。

29、Conclusion The high incidence of ICH often occurs in the cold months and on awaking in the morning. ─── 结论 脑出血常发生于寒冷的季节及晨清醒状态。

30、This showed that they were awaking to an appreciation of life and its joys once more. ─── 这表明他们正再次醒悟,开始欣赏生活及其乐趣。

31、I can also do little contribution to awaking the awareness of culture and literature in our society since its importance has been neglected by us. ─── 我也可以为了我们的社会来提升人们对文化及文学上的意识,因为这方面的重要性已经渐渐被遗忘了。

32、The results showed that injection of L-NNA suppressed both slow wave sleep(SWS) and rapid eye movement sleep (REMS) and prolonged awaking time. ─── 结果表明:L-NNA显著抑制慢波睡眠和快眼动睡眠,与对照相比较,觉醒时间延长。

33、Success through each stage did not depend on the strength of any single individual or group, but rather came as a result of the awaking of the whole society and the resolve of the entire people. ─── 每一个阶段的超越,凭藉的绝不只是个人、或者少数人的力量,而是靠社会的觉醒和广大人民的意志。

34、Awaking the Demos ─── 唤醒民众

35、awaking in me,sublimely unconscious,interest and energy for tackling these tasks ─── 我心中解决这些任务的兴趣和力量完全不知不觉的觉醒了

36、Objective Effect of awaking up persistent coma patients mainly by massage was observed. ─── 目的以按摩为主对植物人促醒观察疗效。

37、Keywords Preschool children;Sacral block;Awaking time;Influence; ─── 学龄前儿童;骶管阻滞;苏醒时间;影响;

38、My waist aches, sleep especially when awaking special ache, bow when shampoo also very ache. ─── 我腰疼,尤其睡觉醒来时特别疼,弯腰洗头时也很疼。

39、Whereupon they stole off unperceived, and it was three weeks before I knew the cause of my awaking so suddenly. ─── 此后他们偷偷地溜了,并没有被人看见,过了三星期,我才弄明白为什么那时突然醒来。

40、If only tomorrow on awaking, I could again call all to mind so vividly! ─── 要是明天一醒来,我还能如此生动地回忆起一切该多好!

41、Accidentally, left out overnight, the boy lapses into a coma, awaking the scarecow. ─── 意外地,这个整晚都没人理会的男孩,不幸陷入昏迷的时候,弄醒了稻草人。

42、Abstract: The female image in Chili's novel is abundantly colorful.The process that the female ego realization in Chili's novel continuously awaking can be read from them. ─── 文章摘要: 分析池莉小说丰富多彩的女性形象,从她们身上可以看出小说中女性自我意识不断觉醒的过程。

43、Six unique landscapes corresponding to the six nations. Outstanding graphics and feeling of a fantasy magic world awaking the players'imagination. ─── 六类独特的地形响应于六个种族。出色的图像和奇幻魔法世界的感受唤醒了玩家的想象力。

44、The spread abroad printing book, can awak the people's ardour of art. ─── 印刷书籍的传播,重新唤起人们对艺术表达的激情。

45、Is china the sleeping dragon awaking? They were never sleeping, just resting their eyes and now they rise more refreshed than ever. ─── 中国是醒来的巨龙吗?他们从来没有睡,只有合上眼休息了一下,现在更有活力了。

46、And the keeper of the prison awaking out of his sleep, and seeing the prison doors open, he drew out his sword, and would have killed himself, supposing that the prisoners had been fled. ─── 禁卒一醒,看见监门全开,以为囚犯已经逃走,就拔刀要自杀。

47、Several meters have fallen asleep, the verse is also awaking, meets the bookworm who in before dawn does not rest. ─── 爱情河流过蜿蜒了生活,才看见情人的渔人码头。笔下灵感如风,幻想着天天醒着梦游。

48、Female patients are instructed to take their temperature upon awaking each morning before any physical activity. ─── 女性病人应在每天早晨醒后不做任何体力活动就测体温。

49、Hongzhou Chan School's theory of "awaking to nature through its functions" ─── 洪州禅的"作用见性"论

50、Come for years, the old person returns nurturance the habit that loves a bed, after awaking everyday, want to lie for a long time to just rise on the bed, be as long as even sometimes a hour. ─── 多年来,老人还养成了恋床的习惯,每天醒来后,都要在床上躺很长时间才起来,有时甚至长达一个小时。

51、But awaking to the two worlds brought face to face is tantamount to getting on the trail of their secret relationships. ─── 然而,觉悟到这两个世界对峙的存在就相当于走上了揭开他们秘密关系的道路。

52、There was little fear of Sir Michael's awaking for some time, as he was a heavy sleeper in the early part of the night, and had slept more heavily than usual since his illness. ─── 也不用担心迈克尔爵士有时会醒来,因为他在前半夜是个酣睡者,而自从生病以来,比平常更加酣然大睡了。

53、The Intelligent Awaking System for Cow Reproduction Based on MVC Design Mode ─── 基于MVC设计模式的奶牛繁殖智能提醒系统

54、Results Both groups had good effect and group A had more rapid starting and awaking time than that in group B. ─── 结果两组麻醉效果满意,异丙酚组作用起效时间和清醒时间比硫贲妥钠组快。

55、Is china the sleeping dragon awaking? They were never sleeping, just resting their eyes and now they rise more refreshed than ever. ─── 中国是醒来的巨龙吗?他们从来没有睡,只有合上眼休息了一下,现在更有活力了。

56、If I am not once injured by you, I cannot like this understand The deepest pain lets like awaking For me is final is bad. ─── 如果我不曾被你伤害,我就不会如此的明白。最深的痛让爱醒过来。对我来说是最后的坏。

57、After awaking from alcohol,you will be blush for what you have done. ─── 你酒醒之后,会为你的所作所为而感到羞愧。

58、In what could be considered a rude awaking, they sat up to see an American destroyer sailing along side. ─── 在被吵醒后,他们坐在甲板上惊讶的看见一艘美国驱逐舰正在与他们平行航行。

59、"Your dead will come back; their dead bodies will come to life again. Those in the dust, awaking from their sleep, will send out a song; for your dew is a dew of light, and the earth will give birth to the shades." ─── 死人(原文作你的死人)要复活。尸首(原文作我的尸首)要兴起。睡在尘埃的阿,要醒起歌唱。因你的甘露好像菜蔬上的甘露,地也要交出死人来。

60、Let me choose five images that will give an idea of what the awaking of this new life means. ─── 我选择5幅映像来描述这一新生活之复苏意味着什么。

61、Give out your sounds, O corded instruments: the dawn will be awaking with my song. ─── 2琴瑟阿、你们当醒起,我自己要极早醒起。

62、It would have been difficult to explain why he was on board without awaking Passepartout's suspicions, who thought him still at Bombay. ─── 实际上他也很难向路路通解释清楚他为什么也在这条船上而不会引起对方的怀疑,因为,路路通还以为他现在是在孟买呢。

63、Pisces: Sleeps all day and wonders upon awaking why the whole family is in the house and what's with all the food? ─── 双鱼:昏昏大睡了一整天,醒来还奇怪家里怎么会有这么多人和这么多美味的食物。

64、It all starts with seeds, Demanding very special needs, In the nursery they spark quietly, Like"little soldiers"awaking gently. ─── 一切开始于种子,要求特别的照顾,苗圃中它们在寂静中生机焕发,像“小士兵”悄悄地醒来。

65、Say none exaggeratively, proper colour collocation can make the person falls asleep peacefully, be in hundredfold of the spirit when awaking. ─── 毫不夸张地说,恰到好处的色彩搭配能使人安然入睡,并在醒来时精神百倍。

66、After awaking the following day, wife and daughter also did not come back again. ─── 第二天醒来后,妻子和女儿就再也没有回来。

67、Self was awaking twenty in six today but tread self up clock six. ─── 自我觉醒是二十六个,但今天胎面自我了时钟六人。

68、China was awaking from her long sleep. ─── 中国正从长睡中觉醒。

69、Those in the dust, awaking from their sleep, will send out a song;for your dew is a dew of light, and the earth will give birth to the shades. ─── 睡在尘埃的阿、要醒起歌唱,因你的甘露好像菜蔬上的甘露、地也要交出死人来。

70、Then a hand gave me a touch, awaking me, and putting me on my knees and my hands. ─── 但10:10忽然有一手按在我身上、使我用膝和手掌、支持微起。

71、And,with the very lighting speed,he touched the side,and climbed on without even awaking the corcodile! ─── 他用闪电一般的速度触及到对岸的池壁,并迅速的爬上岸边居然都没有惊醒池中的鳄鱼!

72、After approximately two hours, the animal will reverse this process, resting the active side of the brain and awaking the rested half. ─── 大约两个小时后,海豚将颠倒这个过程,让活动的这边大脑休息,使已休息的大脑清醒。

73、Sukses menempati orbit yang diinginkan, para awak kini tengah mempersiapkan spacewalk atau berjalan-jalan di luar angkasa yang akan dilakukan salah satu awaknya. ─── 成功进入预定轨道后,航天员们现在正准备实施让他们其中一员在太空中漫步即太空行走。

74、Conclusion Anesthesia with propofol and ketamin has better sedation and stable hemodynamics.It also has advantages of rapid awaking and less side-effect after operation. ─── 结论异丙酚、氯胺酮麻醉,具有较好的镇静作用,麻醉期间血流动力学稳定,清醒时间短及麻醉后不良反应发生率低等优点。

75、Asia is awaking from her long sleeping . ─── 亚洲正从长期沉睡中觉醒。

76、Awaking from my trance after who knows how long, I found myself still a worldly being. ─── 真的不知坐了有多久。

77、Establishment and Evaluation of a New Aproach for Chronic Enhanced External Counterpulsation in Awaking Dogs ─── 清醒犬慢性体外反搏实验方法的建立和评价

78、Awaking anaesthesia EEG ─── 致痫灶

79、monte cristo raised his head once more , and this time he was calm as a child awaking from its sleep. ─── 基督山再一次抬头来,这一次,他的脸平静得象刚睡醒的小孩子一样。

80、And the angel who was talking to me came again, awaking me as a man out of his sleep. ─── 1那与我说话的天使又来叫醒我、好像人睡觉被唤醒一样。

81、"Asia is awaking from her long sleep," he wrote. ─── 他写道:“亚洲正在从长眠中觉醒。”

82、Ancient Greek sport and awaking of body consciousness ─── 古希腊体育与身体意识的觉醒

83、Awaking anaesthesia ─── 清醒手术

84、The King commanded that they should not disturb her, but let her sleep quietly till her hour of awaking was come. ─── 国王下令不准打扰公主,就让她安静地睡着,一直等到她苏醒的那一刻到来。

85、"Then she said, The Philistines are on you, Samson. and awaking from his sleep, he said, I will go out as at other times, shaking myself free. But he was not conscious that the Lord had gone from him." ─── 大利拉说,参孙哪。非利士人拿你来了。参孙从睡中醒来,心里说,我要像前几次出去活动身体。他却不知道耶和华已经离开他了。

86、Liked the painful brokenhearted dream awaking should finish. ─── 爱过了痛过了心碎了梦醒了该结束了。

87、Effects of Different Dosage of Doxapram on Respiration and Circulation of Awaking Patients After General Anesthesia ─── 不同剂量的佳苏仑在全麻后催醒时对患者呼吸循环的影响

88、intelligent awaking system for cow reproduction ─── 奶牛繁殖智能提配系统

89、Asia is awaking from her long sleep. ─── 亚洲正从长睡中觉醒。





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