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08-16 投稿


rumor 发音

英:[ 'r?m?]  美:[?ru?m?r]

英:  美:

rumor 中文意思翻译




rumor 网络释义

n. 谣言;传闻vt. 谣传;传说n. (Rumor)人名;(意、葡)鲁莫尔

rumor 短语词组

1、rumor mill ─── 流言簿

2、job market rumor ─── 就业市场谣言

3、produce rumor ─── 制造谣言

4、the source of rumor ─── 谣言的来源

5、unfounded rumor ─── [法] 无稽的谣言

6、rumor-intensity formula ─── 谣言强度公式

7、refute the rumor ─── 驳斥谣言

8、i need a rumor ─── 我需要一个谣言

9、latrine rumor ─── 厕所谣言

10、memory is a kind of inner rumor ─── 记忆是一种内心的谣言

11、rumor-monger ─── [法] 传布谣言者, 造谣者

12、stop the rumor with wisdom ─── 用智慧阻止谣言

13、rumor mongering ─── [法] 造谣, 散布谣言

14、rumor game ─── 谣言游戏

15、i heard a rumor ─── 我听到一个谣言

rumor 词性/词形变化,rumor变形

动词过去分词: rumored |动词过去式: rumored |动词现在分词: rumoring |动词第三人称单数: rumors |

rumor 相似词语短语

1、rumbos ─── 伦博

2、rumors ─── n.谣传,流言(rumor的复数);v.谣传(rumor的第三人称单数)

3、rumored ─── adj.传闻的;谣传的;v.谣传(rumor的过去式和过去分词形式)

4、tumor ─── n.肿瘤;肿块;赘生物

5、cremor ─── 克雷莫

6、rumorer ─── 造谣者

7、rumour ─── n.谣言;vt.传闻

8、humor ─── n.幽默,诙谐;心情;vt.迎合,迁就;顺应

9、rumours ─── n.谣言;vt.传闻

rumor 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Lisa? No way. I've heard a rumor that she and the boss were having an affair. You know rumors can't come out from nowhere. ─── 丽莎?不可能。我听到谣言说她和老板正在搞婚外情,你知道的这种事不可能空穴来风。

2、Rumor has it that he is rather difficult teacher. ─── 你们都说他是一个非常难处的老师。

3、I don't want to see the rumor do any damage to your reputation. ─── 我不想看到这个谣传有害你的名誉。

4、Hence the adage, “Buy the rumor, sell the fact. ─── 所以格言说:“在流言出现时买入,在公布真相时卖出。”

5、He tried to dispel the rumor of his resignation. ─── 他努力驱除有关他辞职的谣言。

6、Believe there is nothing among mankind swifter than rumor. ─── 我认为世间没有比谎言速度更快的东西了。

7、Rumor has it that the Prime Minister is going to resign. ─── 传闻首相将要辞职。

8、But he also did not directly deny the truth of the rumor. ─── 中英文对照:但他也并没有直接否定该传言的真实性。

9、I do not accredit the rumor. ─── 我不相信谣言

10、About Banshan Ting, people to have an interesting rumor. ─── 关于半山亭,民间有一段有趣的传闻。

11、Rumor machine, stand by for a bulletin, Tanya thought. ─── 坦妮亚心里在想,谣言机器就要发通告了。

12、Your 27th understand but suggest better not engaging him as shady rumor have. ─── 你方27日来电知悉。此人名声不好,建议不必邀他。

13、The rumor that he was arrested was unfounded. ─── 关于他被捕的传闻是没有根据的。

14、The rumor that they would get married spread at once. ─── 他们要结婚的谣言马上传了开来。

15、Rumor has it that you have grandson. ─── 听说你有孙子了。

16、He was blamed for starting a rumor to create trouble. ─── 他因造谣生事而受到谴责。

17、Are you acting a part, or are you really ignorant of the rumor? ─── 你是装糊涂还是真的不知道那个谣言呢?

18、Despite persistent denials, the rumor continued to spread. ─── 尽管一再否认,谣言还是不胫而走。

19、We dismissed the story as mere rumor. ─── 我们认为这传闻纯属谣言而不予以理会。

20、Fnatic is just a rumor or not? ─── 只是一个谣言吗?

21、Sharing the latest rumor can make a person feel important because he or she knows something that others don't. ─── 分享最新的谣言会让一个人觉得自己很重要,因为他或她知道别人不知道的事情。

22、Check out Rumor Has It this winter. ─── 今年冬天请观赏《当真爱碰上八卦》。

23、Everybody does not believe the rumor. ─── 并不是每个人都听信这个谣言的。

24、But, hey, it's just one more rumor. ─── 嘿,这不过更多一个谣言而已。

25、The rumor that is disinclined to dispute be bought inside school. ─── 懒得辩驳校内被收购的谣言。

26、There was a rumor abroad that she was kidnpped. ─── 四处在传她遭绑架的谣言。

27、He was disturbed about the rumor. ─── 他为谣言所困扰。

28、I wonder if the rumor is true. ─── 我不知道这个传说是否属实。

29、I heard a rumor that the headmaster is leaving. ─── 我听到传闻说校长要走了。

30、The rumor is false, so far as I can discover. ─── 就我所看到的实情来说,那谣言是不真实的。

31、I heard a rumor that they keep "it" in a jar. ─── 我听见有谣言说。他们把"它"保存在罐子里。

32、His curiosity was piqued by the rumor. ─── 他的好奇心被那谣言激起。

33、There should be a "Captain" in there somewhere. I heard a rumor, Jack Sparrow is in London. ─── 其实应该得加上“船长”两个字。我听到一个传言说,JackSparrow在伦敦。

34、He Buzzed off the rumor on purpose. ─── 他故意散布谣言。

35、That ugly rumor about Peggy being pregnant is a lot of baloney. ─── 关于佩姬怀孕的丑恶谣言全是胡说。

36、Rumor has it that Andy is a nice guy. ─── 人们都说Andy是个棒小伙。

37、So the Melo to Detroit rumor mill began. ─── 所以甜瓜去活塞的传言就开始流传了。

38、He gave a stark denial to the rumor. ─── 他对谣言加以完全的否认。

39、In the Wuchang Revolt of 1911,rumor played a very important role. ─── 在1911年的武昌起义中,谣言发挥了十分重要的作用。

40、In fact the rumor is without foundation. ─── 事实上,这个谣传没有根据。

41、She retails any kind of rumor. ─── 她任何一种谣言都传播。

42、A nasty rumor about him is floating around town. ─── 一个对他非常不利的谣言正在城中流传着。

43、We are going to check into the rumor. ─── 我们将对此谣言进行调查。

44、Where did you dream up that fantastic rumor? ─── 你哪里想出如此怪诞的谣传?

45、We speak conformably to the rumor which we have heard. ─── 我们依照我们听到过的传说来说明它。

46、Rumor has it that he is a rather difficult sound engineer. ─── 人们都说那个录音师很难相处。

47、Don't believe the rumor, no matter how often you hear it. ─── 不管你听到多少次,决不能相信谣言。

48、Q. There was a rumor about you and KHN. What was your reaction? ─── 你和金荷娜前不久传出了绯闻,对此你有什么反应?

49、I have to put up with the rumor. ─── 我只好容忍谣言。

50、The President refused to either confirm or deny this rumor. ─── 总统拒绝证实或否认这种传闻。

51、There has been a rumor mill on him for years. ─── 几年来, 一直有谣言产生,对他进行中伤。

52、Do not believe the rumor, no matter who repeats it. ─── 不管谁散播谣言,都不要相信。

53、Amid all the rumor, speculation and nonsense, only you know for certain what you think and feel. ─── 在各种流言、猜测和无稽之谈中,只有你了解自己的真实想法和感受。

54、I haven't tracked down the source of this rumor. ─── 我还没有追查到这个谣言的根源。

55、La Paz has tipped me off about a rather promising rumor. ─── 向我透露了一个相当有参考价值的传闻。

56、The rumor that he's gone broke spread very quickly. ─── 他已经破产了的谣言很快就流传开来。

57、Rumor has it you are dating with Cecilia Cheung? ─── 传闻你跟张柏芝正在柏芝男友

58、The fastest spreading six-letter word is "Rumor". Ignore it. ─── 传播最快的六个字母单词是:"谣言"。别理它。

59、This rumor is apparently false. ─── 很显然,这个传闻并不属实。

60、I heard a rumor that he had gone bankrupt. ─── 我听说他已破产了。

61、Although the sale of Buick is strictly a rumor at this time, it opens the door to a great deal of speculation. ─── 虽然出售别克严格谣言在这个时候,它开启了大门,以大量的投机活动。

62、I don't know rwho started that rumor! It's totally wrong! ─── 我不知道是谁放的谣言!这简直是荒唐!

63、I am quite sure of the rumor that my boss will fire me. ─── 我对老板要解雇我的谣言深信不疑。

64、Beatrice:Don't say that, it's just a rumor. ─── 别那样说啦,只是谣传啊。

65、A malignity make-up rumor injury his reputation. ─── 一个恶意捏造的谣言损害了他的名声.

66、He dismissed the story as mere rumor. ─── 他认为那种传闻纯属谣言而拒绝考虑。

67、And what do you think of the rumor about Harry's paternity? ─── 您怎么看的传闻亨利的父亲?

68、A "hot tip" is usually delivered in a sentence or less and is often based on a rumor of an upcoming event. ─── 而一档「热门股」,经常一句话就可以带过,有时甚至用不到一句话,而且往往都是建立在未来事件的谣言上头。

69、You should deny?the?scurrile?rumor. ─── 你应该否认诽谤的谣言。

70、Despite persistentdenials, the rumor continued to spread. ─── 尽管一再否认,谣言还是不胫而走。

71、He scathes his opponent's honor with rumor. ─── 他用谣言破坏对手的名誉。

72、Ernest had never doubted the rumor. ─── 恩尼斯特从不曾怀疑这个传言。

73、There has been various rumor the moment he arrived in the diocese. ─── 他一进入主教辖区就有各种各样的谣言传出。

74、Rumor probably true watch further advice development. ─── 传言可能是真的,请进一步注意并电告其进展情况。

75、The mayor's enemies spread a rumor that he was in cahoots with gangsters. ─── 市长的仇人散布谣言说,市长与歹徒暗自勾结。

76、Rumor has it that he's found a new job. ─── 传说他又找到了一份新工作。

77、A rumor has got a broad that he is going to resign his appointment. ─── 他打算辞职的谣言已经传出去了。

78、Rumor has it that they are wooing the notorious panty shunners--. ─── 传言说她们正想取得向臭名昭著的。女裤反对者的好感--

79、Nice 20-year-old daughter, Kaja Carlot said, do not know how come this rumor is, her mother was very afraid of such rumors. ─── 卡洛特尼斯卡娅20岁女儿称,不知道这种传闻是怎么来的,她母亲对这种传闻感到很害怕。

80、To our great relief,the rumor did not go around. ─── 使我们极感宽心的是谣言没有流传。

81、Are you acting a part,or are you really ignorant of the rumor? ─── 你是装糊涂,还是真的不知道那个谣言呢?

82、Have you heard the rumor? Someone said the Smiths got divorced. ─── 你知道吗?听说史密斯夫妇离婚了。

83、To our great relief, the rumor did not go around. ─── 令我们欣慰的是,谣言没有流传开来。

84、He refused to make any comment on the rumor that he had bribed the officials. ─── 他拒绝对他贿赂官员的传言发表任何评论。

85、They do not give a damn about the rumor. ─── 他们对谣言毫不在乎。

86、To our great relief, the rumor do not go around. ─── 使人们极感宽心的是谣言没有流传。

87、Rumor has it that he had liposuction. ─── 传闻说他抽脂了。

88、What? How could you believe such a rumor? ─── 什么?你竟然会相信这种谣言?

89、There is a rumor that he is going to resign. ─── 传闻他即将辞职。




常见的系动词用法1、可以省略to be的系动词,比如:seem, appear, turn out The examination turned out( to be)easy.结果是考试很容易。The baby appears(to be) hungry 宝宝似乎是饿了。She doesn't want to go on studying. It seems a pity 她不想学下去了,这似乎很可惜。2、作系动词的感官动词,比如:look,feel, sound, taste, smell Tom felt sleepy so he decided to take a nap 汤姆感到困了,所以决定小睡一会儿。You sound unhappy. what's the matter? 你说话听起来不高兴。怎么回事?3、表示变化的系动词,比如:go,get,fall,turn,grow, become等。如:fall ill生病, fall asleep睡熟, turn writer= become a writer成为作家, go bad/mad/ blind/ grey/pale变坏/变疯/变瞎/头发变白/脸变苍白, go unnoticed未被注意到, get hurt受伤, get angry生气The rain is getting heavier and heavier. 雨变得越来越大。


系动词亦称联系动词(Link Verb),作为系动词,它本身有词义,但不能单独用作谓语,后边必须跟表语(亦称补语),构成系表结构说明主语的状况、性质、特征等情况。



He fell ill yesterday。


He fell off the ladder。




He is a teacher。



用来表示主语继续或保持一种状况或态度,主要有keep, rest, remain, stay, lie, stand, 例如:

He always kept silent at meeting。


This matter rests a mystery。 此事仍是一个谜。


用来表示"看起来像"这一概念,主要有seem, appear, look, 例如:

He looks tired。


He seems (to be) very sad。 他看起来很伤心。


感官系动词主要有feel, smell, sound, taste, 例如:

This kind of cloth feels very soft。


This flower smells very sweet。



这些系动词表示主语变成什么样,变化系动词主要有become, grow, turn, fall, get, go, come, run。


He became mad after that。 自那之后,他疯了。

She grew rich within a short time。 她没多长时间就富了。


表示主语已终止动作,主要有prove, trun out, 表达"证实","变成"之意,例如:

The rumor proved false。


The search proved difficult。 搜查证实很难。

His plan turned out a success。 他的计划终于成功了。(turn out表终止性结果)。

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