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08-16 投稿


cognomen 发音


英:  美:

cognomen 中文意思翻译



cognomen 词性/词形变化,cognomen变形

名词复数: cognomens |形容词: cognominal |

cognomen 短语词组

1、cognomen means ─── 认知意味着

2、cognomen names ─── 同源名

3、cognomen cicero ─── 西塞罗姓

4、cognomen tags ─── 同源标记

5、cognomen latin ─── 拉丁语

6、cognomen definition ─── 认知定义

7、unmusical cognomen ─── 非音乐认知

cognomen 相似词语短语

1、cognoscenti ─── 行家

2、cognomens ─── n.姓氏;绰号

3、cognominate ─── 姓名

4、agnomen ─── n.绰号;附加名

5、cognominal ─── adj.同名的;同姓的

6、cognosces ─── 认知

7、cognosced ─── 认知的

8、cognomina ─── n.姓氏;绰号(cognomen的变形)

9、cognoscente ─── n.(美术品)鉴别家;行家

cognomen 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、An additional cognomen given to a Roman citizen, often in honor of military victories. ─── 附加名为表彰夺取军事胜利而授予罗马人的附加名

2、my cognomen is ”understand you”, appellation is ”feel badly about you”, epithet is “think of you” , book name is “dream of you”, nickname is “chase you”.You can call me I kiss you. ─── 我的第三名字叫“理解你”,称呼是“你觉得不好”,我的称号是“想你”,书的名字叫“梦见你”,我的昵称叫“追你”,你可以叫我我想吻你。

3、Legio IV Scythica was a Roman legion levied by Mark Antony around 42 BC, for his campaign against the Parthian Empire, hence her other cognomen, Parthica. ─── 第四"西徐卡"军团,是由马克-安东尼组建于公元前42年,前去参加他进攻帕提亚帝国的战役。因此该军团也获得了"帕提卡"的称号。

4、An additional cognomen given to a Roman citizen,often in honor of military victories. ─── 附加名为表彰夺取军事胜利而授予罗马人的附加名。

5、Abbiamo lo stesso nome e lo stesso cognomen. ─── 我们同名同姓。

6、a king renowned under the cognomen "the Just." ─── 国王以“公正者”的名字著称。

7、a king renowned under the cognomen ─── 国王以公正者的名字著称

8、My recognised cognomen was the Lisping Poet. ─── 我那时公认的绰号是咬舌诗人。

9、Rufus is an unusual cognomen. ─── 鲁弗斯不是一个平常的姓。

10、An additional cognomen given to a Roman citizen, often in honor of military victories. ─── 附加名为表彰夺取军事胜利而授予罗马人的附加名

11、my cognomen is "understand you", appellation is "feel badly about you",epithet is "think of you" , book name is "dream of you", nickname is "chase you". ─── 本人姓我!名爱你!字想你!大名叫懂你!芳名叫疼你!乳名叫念你!书名叫梦你!外号叫追你!

12、a king renowned under the cognomen the Just.See also Synonyms atappoint&b{celebrity ─── 国王以公正者的名字著称参见同义词,

13、an additional cognomen ─── 附加名

14、Rufus, an unusual cognomen ─── 鲁弗斯是不常的姓

15、Rufus, an unusual cognomen; ─── 鲁弗斯是不常的姓;

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